Constructicon-Multi: A Multi-Language Constructicon

This online repository houses a pilot version of Constructicons for 15 languages. In each language, 20 to 70 constructions were chosen to give a sample of generalized lexical patterns which are characterized by the non-compositionality of their components, conventionalization of meaning, and selectional preferences which are not inherited from more general patterns.

Czech Constructicon

Team: Maria Ponomareva, Mikhail Sadov, Veronika Danilova

AdjP, až hanbaVždyt' jsi tlustý, až hanba! • 'Iťs shameful how fat you are!'

This construction emphasizes the embarrassment or unpleasantness of some situation.
Language: ces • Structure: [[Adj Conj Adj] [až hanba]] • LU: hanba
Types: attitude | parataxis
      cat="Adj" name="Property" role="Property"
      cat="Part" name="až"
      cat="N" name="hanba"
Examples: Vždyt' jsi Adj_až_hanba[ Property[ tlustý ], cee[ až hanba ] ] ! (It's shameful how fat you are!) • První a druhá je elegantně komfortní, le třetí třída jsou Adj_Conj_Adj_až_hanba[ Property[ stísněné a bídné ] cee[ až hanba ] ]. (First and second class cabins are elegant and comfortable, but in third class it gets crowded and embarassingly shabby.) • Jistě, Schwarzenberga v podnapilém stavu jsme ještě neviděli, ale kolikrát jsme ho už viděli Adj_až_hanba[ Property[ spícího ] cee[ až hanba ] ] ? (Of course we've never seen Schwarzenberg drunk but how many times we've cought him scandalously sneaking a nap?) • Ty boty jsou opravdu pohodlné, ale Adj_až_hanba[ Property[ předražené ] jsou cee[ až hanba ] ]. (Those boots are really comfortable but they are scandalously expensive.)

mít za sebou NP-AccZkoušky mám za sebou • 'I have passed my exams'

This construction means having done or experienced NP-Acc[ an Action ].
Language: ces • Structure: [mít [za sebou] NP-Acc] • LU: mít
Types: resultative | verb argument construction | cue:have
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="Verb" name="mít" role="Action"
      cat="Prep" name="za"
      cat="Pron" name="sebou"
Examples: mít za sebou NP-Acc[ Action[ Zkoušky ] mít[ mám ] za[ za ] sebou[ sebou ] ] (I have passed my exams) • Vybrali jsme si Jakuba, který mít za sebou NP-Acc[ mít[ má ] za[ za ] sebou[ sebou ] Action[ tři sezóny v KHL ] ]. (We've chosen Jakub who has 3 seasons playing in KHL under his belt) • Sama jsem se před pár lety léčila s depresí a mít za sebou NP-Acc[ mít[ mám ] za[ za ] sebou[ sebou ] Action[ rok a půl terapie ] ]. (I myself was treated for depression a couple years ago and have been in therapy for year and a half)mít za sebou NP-Acc[ mít[ Máte ] za[ za ] sebou[ sebou ] i Action[ několik výstav ], které se pyšní kladnými recenzemi ]. (You've got several exibitions under your belt as well as several positive reviews.)

NP-Nom moct za toJá za to nemůžu • 'It's not my fault'

This construction is used when there is a question of Causer's blame.
Language: ces • Structure: [NP-Nom [moct [za to.SPRO-Acc]]] • LU: moct
Types: cause | verb argument construction | cue:can
      cat="NP" name="Causer" role="Causer"
      cat="Verb" name="moct"
      cat="Prep" name="za"
      cat="Pron" name="to" role="Consequence"
Examples: NP-Nom moct za to[ Causer[ Já ] za to moct[ nemůžu ]. (It's not my fault)NP-Nom moct za to[ Causer[ Kdo ] za to moct[ může ] ? (Who's fault is that?)

NP-Nom z NP-Gen nic nedělatJá si z Tvého nařčení vubec nic nedělám • 'That loss doesn't bother me at all'

The construction means that an Agent doesn't worry about something and does nothing to change it.
Language: ces • Structure: [[(NP1-Nom)] [z NP2-Gen] níc nedélat] • LU: níc|dělat
Types: verb argument construction | cue:do
      cat="NP-Nom" msd="Nom" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="Prep" name="z"
      cat="NP-Gen" msd="Gen" name="Causer" role="Causer"
      cat="Adv" name="nic"
      cat="Verb" name="nedělat"
Examples: NP-Nom z NP-Gen nic nedělat[ Z Causer[ té prohry ] nic[ nic ] nedělat[ nedělám ] ]. (That loss doesn't bother me at all)NP-Nom z NP-Gen nic nedělat[ Agent[ Já ] si z Causer[ tvého nařčení ] vubec nic[ nic ] nedělat[ nedělám ] ]. (Your accusations don't matter to me)NP-Nom z NP-Gen nic nedělat[ Agent[ Schwarzenberg ] si totiž z Causer[ ničeho ] nic[ nic ] nedělat[ nedělá ] ]. (Schwarzenberg doesn't give a damn) • A NP-Nom z NP-Gen nic nedělat[ z Causer[ pana Kellera ] si nic[ nic ] nedělat[ nedělejte ] ], já mu taky nerozumím. (Don't warry about Pan Keller, I don't understand him either)NP-Nom z NP-Gen nic nedělat[ Agent[ Dívka ] si z Causer[ nevraživosti domorodců ] nic[ nic ] nedělat[ nedělá ] ], protože má mnohem větší trápení. (The girl doesn't care about the locals unfriedly attitude, she's got much more serious worries)

Ať V1 Conj V1Ať přijde kam přijde níkde ho nemájí rádí • 'He's not wellcome anywhere he goes'

This construction descibes a continious activity that hasn't brought desired results. The construction is used to show that Agent can't do Action no matter how hard they try or tried.
Language: ces • Structure: [Ať V1 [Conj V1]] • LU:
Types: intensification | contrast | reduplication
      cat="Particle" name="Ať;"
      cat="V" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="Conj" name="Conj"
      cat="V" name="Reduplication" role="Reduplication"
Examples: Ať_V1_Conj_V1[ Ať Action[ dělám ] Conj[ co ] Reduplication[ dělám ] prostě se neumím nalíčit (No matter how hard I try I can't learn how to do my makeup)Ať_V1_Conj_V1[ Ať Action[ si lehnu ] Conj[ jak ] Reduplication[ si lehnu ], stejně mě pořad bolí záda (No matter which position I sleep in, my back always hurts. )Ať_V1_Conj_V1[ Ať Action[ přijde ] Conj[ kam ] Reduplication[ přijde ] níkde ho nemájí rádí (He's not wellcome anywhere he goes. )Ať_V1_Conj_V1[ Ať Action[ se snaží ] Conj[ jak ] Reduplication[ se snaží ], stejně mu příklad nevychází. (He is't happy with the translation no matter how hard he tries)Ať_V1_Conj_V1[ Ať Action[ se dívá ] jak Reduplication[ se dívá ], stejně ji v davu nemůže najít. (He can't find her in the crowd no matter how hard he tries)

Ať VP-Pres [NP] Pro-Adj chceAt' si staví dům jaký chce stejně tam bydlet nebudu. • 'No matter what house he builds I'm not gonna live there.'

The construction is used to demonstrate to an interlocutor that something will be done differently regardless of somebody's desire.
Language: ces • Structure: [[Ať [VP-pres (NP)]] [Pro-adj chce]] • LU: chce
Types: contrast | relative clause | cue:want
      cat="Part" name="ať"
      cat="VP" msd="pres" name="Action" role="Action"
      aux="facultative" cat="NP" name="Object"
      cat="Pro-adj" name="Pro-Adj"
      cat="Verb" name="chce"
Examples: Ať VP-Pres [NP] Pro-Adj chce[ [ At' ] si Action[ staví ] Object[ dům ] Pro-Adj[ jaký ] chce[ chce ] ] stejně tam bydlet nebudu. (No matter what house he builds I'm not gonna live there)Ať VP-Pres [NP] Pro-Adj chce[ Action[ Uvař ] si Object[ polévku ] Pro-Adj[ jakou ] chce[ chceš ] ] já si stejně dám pizzu. (Cook yourself whatever soup you want, I'm gonna have pizza anyway)Ať VP-Pres [NP] Pro-Adj chce[ [ Ať ] Action[ chce ] Object[ telefon ] Pro-Adj[ jaký ] chce[ chce ] ] dostane Nokiu. (Whatever he wants he shall get a Nokia)

Být NP-Acc NumBylo nás pět• '(There) were five of us'

Quantitative construction, the order of NP and the verb is flexible.
Language: ces • Structure: [NP-Acc být Num] • LU: být
Types: quantification
      cat="V" name="bylo"
      cat="NP" msd="Acc" name="Theme"
      cat="Num" name="Quantity" role="Quantity"
Examples: Být_NP-Acc_Num[ Bylo Theme[ nás ] Quantity[ pět ] (There were five of us)Být_NP-Acc_Num[ Theme[ Holek ] je Quantity[ třináct ] (There are thirteen girls)

Být NP-Dat NumJe mi třiadvacet • 'I'm twenty three'

The construction expresses the age of a person.
Language: ces • Structure: [Být [NP-Dat Num]] • LU: být
Types: quantification | age
      cat="V" name="být"
      cat="NP" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="Num" name="Property" role="Property"
Examples: Když jsem odcházel z armády, Být_NP-Dat_Num[ bylo Experiencer[ mi ] Property[ padesát ] ] (When I left the army, I was fifty)Být_NP-Dat_Num[ Je Experiencer[ mi ] Property[ třiadvacet ] ] (I'm twenty three)

Být s to VP-InfJsem s to udělat • 'I'm capable of doing that'

This construction is used to express somebody's capability of doing something valiant.
Language: ces • Structure: [být s to VP-Inf] • LU: být
      cat="Verb" name="být"
      cat="Prep" name="s"
      cat="Pron" name="to"
      cat="VP" msd="Inf" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: být_s_to_VP-Inf[ být[ Jsem ] s to to Action[ udělat ] ]. (I'm capable of doing that)být_s_to_VP-Inf[ být[ Nejsem ] s to Action[ přečíst tu knihu ] ]. (I won't handle reading this book)

Co Adj-Sup/Adv-Sup [NP/VP]Se snaží jevit v co nejlepším světle • 'He tries to show his best side'

A superlative construction.
Language: ces • Structure: [[co Adj-Sup] NP] / [VP [co Adv-Sup]] • LU: co
      cat="Conj" name="co"
      cat="Adj/Adv" name="Property" role="Property"
      cat="NP/VP" name="Modifiee" role="Modifiee"
Examples: Se snaží jevit v Co_Adj-Sup_N[ co[ co ] Property[ nejlepším ] Modifiee[ světle ] ] (He tries to show his best side) • Tyto věci se musí Co_Adv-Sup[ Modifiee[ řešit ] co[ co ] Property[ nejdříve ] ] (The decision shoud be taken as soon as possible)

Co to být za NP-Acc!Co to bylo za knižku! • 'What kind of book is that'

The construction is used to express speaker's rage about the Theme (somebody or something), the Theme has a negative connotation in this context.
Language: ces • Structure: [Co to [být za [NP-Acc]]!] • LU:
      cat="Q-Pron" name="co_to"
      cat="Verb" name="být" role="Action"
      cat="Prep" name="za"
      cat="NP" msd="Acc" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: Co to být za NP-Acc![ co[ Co ] to[ to ] být[ bylo ] za[ za ] Theme[ knižku ]! (What kind of book is that?)Co to být za NP-Acc![ co[ Сo ] to[ to ] být[ je ] za[ za ] Theme[ kluka ]! (Who the hell is that?)Co to být za NP-Acc![ co[ Сo ] to[ to ] být[ je ] za[ za ] Theme[ débila ]! (Who's that idiot?)Co to být za NP-Acc![ co[ Co ] být[ je ] to[ to ] za[ za ] Theme[ člověka ]! (What an unpleasant person! )Co to být za NP-Acc![ co[ Co ] to[ to ] být[ bylo ] za[ za ] Theme[ ideoty ]! (Who were those idiots?)

CP, jaký [to] VP NPNemohl spát, jaká to byla bolest • 'The pain was so bad he could't sleep'

The constrution is used to say that VP_NP is the cause for CP.
Language: ces • Structure: [[CP], [jaký (to) VP [NP]]] • LU: jaký
Types: cause | relative clause
      cat="CP" name="Consequence" role="Consequence"
      cat="Conj" name="jaký"
      aux="Facultative" cat="Part" name="to"
      cat="VP NP" name="Reason" role="Reason"
Examples: CP, jaký_to_VP_NP[ Consequence[ Nemohl spát ], jaká to Reason[ byla bolest ] ]. (The pain was so bad he could't sleep)CP, jaký_VP_NP[ Consequence[ Nemohl stát ], jak Reason[ bolely nohy ] ]. (His legs hurt so bad he couldn't sleep)

Dělat jako že VPDelá, jako že spi • '(She) pretends to be sleeping'

The construction means that agent pretends to experience what is described in the subordinate clause.
Language: ces • Structure: [Dělat [jako [že VP]]] • LU:
Types: verb
      cat="Verb" name=" dělat" role="Action"
      cat="Adv" name="jako"
      cat="Conj" name="že"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Dělat_jako_že_VP[ dělat[ Delá ], jako že Action[ spi ] ]. ((She) pretends to be sleeping)Dělat_jako_že_VP[ dělat[ Dělal ], cee[ jako ] cee[ že ] si místo palce Action[ zlomil páteř ]. (He pretended as if he broke the spine, not finger) • Že je to „fízl“ bylo jasné z toho, jak se snažil natáčet a Dělat_jako_že_VP[ dělat[ dělat ] jako že Action[ nenatáčí ] (You could tell he was a cop because he was filming and trying to make it look like he wasn't )

dělat NP1-Acc NP2-Ins • Co dělá elektronickou cigaretu cigaretou. • 'What makes an electronic sigarette a sigarette.'

With this construction the Feature[ prototypical features ] of Theme[ an object or an action ] are being emphasized.
Language: ces • Structure: NP1-Nom_děla_NP2-Acc_NP2-Inst • LU: None
Types: reduplication | verb argument construction | cue:do
      cat="NP" name="Feature" role="Feature"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      cat="V" name="dělat"
      cat="NP" name="Reduplication" role="Reduplication"
Examples: dělat NP1-Acc NP2-Ins[ Feature[ Co ] dělat[ dělá ] Theme[ elektronickou cigaretu ] Reduplication[ cigaretou ] ] a zajišťuje jejímu uživateli její finanční dostupnost, jsou Feature[ náplně do elektronické cigarety ] (Flavouring is what makes an electronic sigarette a sigarette and guarantees its'affordability for the consumers) • iPhone má samozřejmě i dělat NP1-Acc NP2-Ins[ Feature[ funkce ], které dělat[ dělají ] Theme[ telefon ] Reduplication[ telefonem ] ] (IPhone has some functions that make a telephone) • Ale dělat NP1-Acc NP2-Ins[ Feature[ kola ] dělat[ dělají ] Theme[ auto ] Reduplication[ autem ] ] (But it's the wheels that make a car )dělat NP1-Acc NP2-Ins[ Feature[ Co ] dělat[ dělá ] Theme[ buchty ] Reduplication[ buchtama ]? Feature[ Droždí ]! (What makes the buns? It's yeast! ) • I v této pohádce, stejně jako v téměř všech ostatních, se vyskytují dělat NP1-Acc NP2-Ins[ Feature[ nadpřirozené postavy ], které dělat[ dělají ] Theme[ pohádku ] Reduplication[ pohádkou ] ] (This fairy tale like many others is full of fictional characters that make a fairy tale )

Dělat ze sebe Adj-Gen|NP-GenNedělej ze sebe důležitého • 'Get off your high horse'

The construction is used when a speaker wants to point out that his interlocutor is pretending.
Language: ces • Structure: [Dělat [ze sebe [Adj-Gen|NP-Gen]]] • LU: dělat
Types: attitude
      cat="Verb" name="dělat" role="Action"
      cat="Prep" name="ze"
      cat="Pron" name="sebe"
      cat="Adj-Gen_NP" name="Property" role="Property"
Examples: Dělat_ze_sebe_Adj-Gen[ dělat[ Nedělej ] ze sebe Property[ důležitého ] ]. (Get off your high horse) • Na toho soudce perfektně sehrál, když Dělat_ze_sebe_Adj-NP-Gen[ ze sebe dělat[ dělal ] Property[ chudáka ] ]. (He has successfully hoodwinked the judge by pretending to be poor)Dělat_ze_sebe_NP-Gen[ dělat[ Nedělej ] ze sebe Property[ puritána ] ]. (Don't be a prude)Dělat_ze_sebe_NP-Gen[ dělat[ Dělají ] ze sebe Property[ bílé, ničím neposkvrněné ovce ] ]. (They pretend to be unsullied white sheep) • A nebo to chápou, ale Dělat_ze_sebe_Adj-Gen[ dělat[ dělají ] ze sebe Property[ nechápavé ] úmyslně. (They understand everything but they pretend to be clueless)

Dobře N-Dat takChtělo se mi říct, dobře jim tak, ale nebudu jízlivý • 'I'd like to say "they had it coming" but don't want to be snippy'

The construction is used to say that someone got what he or she deserved.
Language: ces • Structure: [Dobře N-Dat tak] • LU: tak
Types: Dative | attitude
      cat="Adj" name="dobře"
      cat="N" msd="Dat" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="Adv" name="tak"
Examples: Je zase chyba těch samých novinářů - nemají zájem se organizovat. Chtělo se mi říct, Dobře_N-Dat_tak[ dobře Experiencer[ jim ] tak ], ale nebudu jízlivý. (This is again the journalists' own falt, they don't want to self-organize, I'd like to say "they had it coming" but don't want to be snippy) • Jestli tedy o elektřině nic nevíte, vrazíte pracky kam nemáte a dostanete ránu, Dobře_N-Dat_tak![ dobře Experiencer[ Vám ] tak ]. (If You don't know anything about electicity and stick your hands where they don't belong, it serves You right to be electrocuted.)

Jaký [být] [to] NP!Jaká to bída! • 'What a disaster!'

.The construction is used to emphasize the speaker's highly emotional reaction to an event or information; "jaký" here means "superlative".
Language: ces • Structure: [Jaký (být) (to) [NP]] • LU: jaký
Types: attitude
      cat="Adj-pro" name="jaký"
      aux="facultative" cat="V" name="být"
      aux="facultative" cat="Part" name="to"
      cat="Noun" name="Property" role="Property"
Examples: - Představ si, že naší sousedce zemřel manžel. - Jaký_[být]_[to]_N![ jaký[ Jaké ] Property[ neštěstí ] ]! Teď zůstala na všechno sama. (-Just imagine, our neighbour's husband has died. - What horror! She's now the sole breadwinner.)Jaký_[být]_[to]_N![ jaký[ Jaká ] Property[ krása ]! (What a beauty!)Jaký_[být]_[to]_N![ jaký[ Jaký ] být[ je ] to[ to ] Property[ člověk ]! (What a man!)Jaký_[být]_[to]_N![ jaký[ jaké ] Property[ neštěstí ]! (How unfortunate!)

Jakýpak N!Jaképak řeči! • 'There is nothing to talk about'

The construction is used to express the speaker's ironic attitude towards the object of the discussion.
Language: ces • Structure: [Jakýpak N] • LU: jakýpak
Types: attitude
      cat="Pro" name="jakýpak"
      cat="Noun" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: - Moje sousedka žije v bídě, nemá dost peněz na nové kalhoty. - Jakýpak_N![ jakýpak[ Jakápak ] Theme[ bída ] ]! Vždyť byla letos dvakrát u moře. (- My neighbour is so very poor she doesn't even have money for a new pair of pants. - What a pity! She's already been to the sea side twice this year)jakypak_N![ jakýpak[ Jaképak ] Theme[ řeči ] ]! (There is nothing to talk about)jakypak_N![ jakýpak[ jaképak ] Theme[ strachy ] ]! (There's nothing to fear)jakýpak[ jakýpak[ jakápak ] Theme[ bída ] ]! (Where is the harm in that?)

Jakýs takýs NNašel si jakous takous záminku • 'He's found a so-called excuse'

The construction is used to describe N as "mediocre": not bad, but not good enough.
Language: ces • Structure: [Jakýs takýs NP] • LU: takýs|jakýs
Types: attributive | indefiniteness
      cat="Adj-pro" name="jakýs"
      cat="Adj-pro" name="takýs"
      cat="Noun" name="Theme"
Examples: Našel si Jakýs_takýs_N[ jakous takous Theme[ záminku ] ]. (He's found a so-called excuse.)

Jde to AdvPJde to skvěle • 'Everything's going well'

The construction is used to describe Specification[ the way ] to[ the situation ] unfolds.
Language: ces • Structure: [Jde to AdvP] • LU: jde
      cat="Verb" name="jde"
      cat="Part" name="to"
      cat="Adv_P" name="Specification" role="Specification"
Examples: Jde_to_Adv_P[ Jde to Specification[ báječně ] ] i sluníčko vykukuje a vrhá dlouhé stíny. (Everything is dreamy and the son is peaking out and leaving long shadows.)Jde_to_Adv_P[ Jde to Specification[ podstatně hůř ] ]. (Now everything is getting much worse.)Jde_to_Adv_P[ Jde to Specification[ skvěle ] ]. (Everything's going well)

Jít o NP-AccJde o toho človeka • 'We are speaking about that man'

This construction is used to introduce a topic of the discussion. The order of components can be changed.
Language: ces • Structure: [jít o [NP-Acc]] • LU: jít
Types: topicalization
      cat="Verb" name="jít"
      cat="Prep" name="o"
      cat="NP" msd="Acc" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: jít_o_NP-Acc[ A o Theme[ to ] jde ].(That what this is about)jít_o_NP-Acc[ Jde o Theme[ toho človeka ] ]. (We are speaking about that man)

Kdo to kdy V-Pst, [aby] CPKdo to kdy viděl, chodit v zimě bez kabátu ([Kdo to kdy [viděl]V-Pst|, [chodit v zimě bez kabátu]Theme| ]Kdo_to_kdy_V-Pst,_CP • 'Who ever heard of not wearing a coat in the winter'

This construction means that situation, described in CP, is very unrealistic or unacceptable for the speaker. It can be only "viděl" or "slyšel" for the V-Pst.
Language: ces • Structure: [Kdo to kdy V-Pst], [aby CP] • LU: aby
Types: attitude | indignation
      cat="Pron" name="kdo"
      cat="Pron" name="to"
      cat="Pron" name="kdy"
      cat="V" name="V-Pst"
      cat="Conj" name="aby"
      cat="CP" name="Theme"
Examples: Kdo_to_kdy_V-Pst, CP[ Kdo to kdy V-Pst[ viděl ], Theme[ chodit v zimě bez kabátu ] ] (Who ever heard of not wearing a coat in the winter)Kdo_to_kdy_V-Pst, [aby]_CP![ Kdo to kdy V-Pst[ slyšel ], Theme[ aby se někdo jmenoval Pampeliška ] ] (Who ever heard of the person named Pampeliška!)Kdo_to_kdy_V-Pst, [aby]_CP[ Kdo to kdy V-Pst[ slyšel ], Theme[ péct si doma sám chleba ] ] (Who ever heard of baking bread at home)Kdo_to_kdy_V-Pst, [aby]_CP[ Kdo to kdy V-Pst[ slyšel ], aby Theme[ v písních bylo tolik sprostých slov ] ] (Who ever heard of there being so many swear words in songs! )Kdo_to_kdy_V-Pst, [aby]_CP?[ Kdo to kdy V-Pst[ slyšel ], aby Theme[ byl Artuš Říman ] ] (Who ever heard of King Arthur being Roman)

Místo PP1 VP PP2/V-INFMísto do smíchu se dala do pláče • 'Instead of laughing she burst into tears'

This construction is used to say that something was done instead of what was planned or expected.
Language: ces • Structure: [místo [PP1] [VP PP2/V-INF]] • LU: misto
Types: contrast
      cat="Prep" name="misto"
      cat="PP1" name="Comparee" role="Comparee"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="PP2|V" lu="Inf for Verb" name="Standard" role="Standard"
Examples: Místo_PP1_VP_PP2[ Místo Comparee[ do smíchu ] se Action[ dala ] Standard[ do pláče ] ]. (Instead of laughing she burst into tears.)místo_PP1_VP_PP2[ Místo Comparee[ v devět ] Action[ přišel ] Standard[ v osm ] ]. (He came at eight instead of nine.)místo_PP1_VP_PP2[ Misto Comparee[ holčičky ] Action[ se narodil ] Standard[ chlapeček ] ]. (Instead of having a girl they had a boy.)místo_PP1_VP_V-Inf[ Místo na Comparee[ hodinu ] Action[ šla ] Standard[ plavat ] ]. (Instead of going to her lessons she went for a swim.) • A nebo si delejte co chcete, ale pak se nedivte, ze Místo_PP1_VP_PP2[ misto Comparee[ v plusu ] jste Standard[ v minusu ] ]. (You can do it Your way but don't be surprised if instead of being in the black You end up in the red.)

Mít [to] VP-Prtcp.PastZvládli jste to? Máte vybráno? • 'Have you decided? What whould you like to order?'

The construction when used with transitive verb (zavřit (to close smth) or vybrát(to choose smth)) emphasizes the result of described action, the nominative participant is an Actor in this case. When used with ditransitive verb it works like actant derivation when the indirect object of the original gets the nominative marker while the original Agent is omitted (připravit(to prepare smth for smb)).
Language: ces • Structure: [Mít [to] V-Pst.Part] • LU: mít
Types: resultativ | passiv
      cat="Verb" name="mít"
      cat="Verb" lu="Pst.Part" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="NP" name="Actor" role="Actor"
      cat="NP" name="Undergoer" role="Undergoer"
Examples: Zvládli jste to? Mít_[to]_V-Pst.Part[ mít[ Máte ] Action[ vybráno ] ] ? (Have you decided? What whould you like to order?) • Pokud to Mít_[to]_V-Pst.Part[ mít[ máte ] Action[ povoleno ] ], zjistíte, že jen některé tagy fungují. (You can check functionality of these tags if you have permission) • Bohužel Mít_[to]_V-Pst.Part.[ mít[ měli ] Action[ zavřeno ] (Their place was closed)Mít_[to]_V-Pst.Part[ mít[ Máte ] Action[ vyhráno ] ] ! (You are the winner!)Mít_[to]_V-Pst.Part[ Undergoer[ Větší soubory ] mít[ máte ] Action[ připraveny ] ke ztažení v okně navigace. (You can find more materials (they are prepared for you to download) in the navigation window)

Mít co V-inf/PPNemám co číst • 'I've got nothing to read'

This construction means lack of possession or ocupation in relation to a person.
Language: ces • Structure: [Mít [co V-inf/PP]] • LU: mít
      cat="V" name="mít"
      cat="Conj" name="co"
      cat="V/PP" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Mít_co_V-inf[ mít[ Nemám ] co Action[ číst ] (I've got nothing to read)Mít_co_V-inf[ mít[ Máš ] co Action[ dělat ] ] ? (Are you busy right now?)Mít_co_PP[ mít[ Nemám ] co Action[ na práci ] (I've got nothing to work on.)Mít_co_PP[ mít[ Nemám ] co Action[ na sebe ] (I've got nothing to wear.)

Mít NP-Gen plnou hlavuMěl Adély plnou hlavu • 'She was head over hills in love with Adela'

If NP is animate, the construction is used to say that someone loves NP; if NP is inanimate, the construction is used to say that someone is really preoccupied by NP; NP might be moved to the right periphery of the construction.
Language: ces • Structure: [Mít [NP-Gen] plnou hlavu] • LU: hlava
Types: attitude
      cat="Verb" name="Mít" role="Action"
      cat="NP" msd="Gen" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      cat="Adj" name="plnou"
      cat="Noun" name="hlavu"
Examples: Mít_NP-Gen_plnou_hlavu[ Mít plnou hlavu Theme[ někoho jiného ] ]. (She was head over hills in love with somebody else.)Mít_NP-Gen_plnou_hlavu[ Měl Theme[ Adély ] plnou hlavu ]. (She was head over hills in love with Adela.)Mít_NP-Gen_plnou_hlavu[ Mít plnou hlavu Theme[ starostí ] ]. (She had a ton of worries.)

Mít za to, že CPMám za to, že to udělala ona • 'I think she's the one who did it'

The construction is a way to express one's point of view (personal or common) on the situation.
Language: ces • Structure: [[Mít za to], [že CP]] • LU: mít
Types: evaluation
      cat="Verb" name="mít" role="Action"
      cat="Prep" name="za"
      cat="Pron" name="to"
      cat="Conj" name="že"
      cat="CP" name="Information" role="Information"
Examples: Mít_za_to, že_CP[ mít[ Mám ] za to, že Information[ to udělala ona ] (I think she's the one who did it) • Dlouho mít[ se mělo ] za to, že Information[ tzv kvalitními bílkovinami jsou pouze živočišné potraviny jako maso, vejce a mléko ] (For a long time only animal source foods such as meet, milk and aggs have been considered high quality proteins)Mít_za_to, že_CP[ Analytici ale mít[ mají ] za to, že Information[ je to jen začátek dalších plateb ] ]. (But the anlalysts consider this to be only the begining of payments)Mít_za_to, že_CP[ A mít[ mám ] za to, že Information[ se eurozona rozpadne ] ] (I expect the Eurozone to fall)

N-PRO NP-Voc Adj-FTy kluku pítoma! • 'What a fool You are!'

The constrction is used to offend somebody and express speaker's negative feelings about that person.
Language: ces • Structure: [N-PRO [NP-Voc Adj-F]] • LU:
Types: attitude
      cat="N-PRO" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="NP Adj" lu="Voc for NP, F for Adj" name="Property" role="Property"
Examples: Asi skleroza nebo co. Ach, N-PRO_NP-Voc_Adj-F![ Agent[ vy ] Property[ hlavo děravá ] (Must be sclerosis or something. You're so forgetful!)N-PRO_NP-Voc_Adj-F[ Agent[ Ty ] Property[ kluku pítoma ] ! (What a fool You are!)N-PRO_NP-Voc_Adj-F[ Agent[ Ty ] Property[ chlape neštastná ] ! (Oh You, poor fool!)N-PRO_NP-Voc_Adj-F[ Agent[ Vy ] Property[ lháři zasraný ] ! (You damn liars!)

nechat NP1-Nom NP1-Ins [and VP]Nechal knihu knihou [a šel spát] • 'left the book as-a-book (=stopped reading the book) [and went to bed]'

This construction means to stop interacting with theme[ an object ] pertaining to it's most common quality.
Language: ces • Structure: [nechát [N1-Nom] [N1-Inst]] ([and VP]) • LU: leave N1-Nom N1-Inst (and VP)
Types: reduplication
      cat="Theme" name="Theme" role="NP"
      cat="V" name="nechát"
      cat="Theme" name="Reduplication" role="NP"
Examples: nechat_NP-Nom_NP-Inst[ nechát[ nechal ] Theme[ oběd ] Reduplication[ obědem ] a utěkl (He ran away without finnishing his dinner)nechat_NP-Nom_NP-Inst[ nechát[ Nechal ] Theme[ knihu ] Reduplication[ knihou ] a šel do praci (He'd stopped reading (= left the book) and left.) • Krokodýl to nakonec po krátkém souboji vzdal, nechat_NP-Nom_NP-Inst[ nechát[ nechal ] Theme[ dítě ] Reduplication[ dítětem ] a zmizel v jezeru (After a shot struggle the crocodile had finally released the child and disappeared into the lake) • Pokročilé technologii umožňuje uživatelům stolních počítačů ] nechat_NP-Nom_NP-Inst[ nechát[ nechat ] Theme[ stůl ] Reduplication[ stolem ] a sdílet zábavu s rodinou a přáteli kdykoli a kdekoli (Advanced technology allows PC users to leave their desks and spend time with their friends and family anytime anywhere) • Prosím vás nechat_NP-Nom_NP-Inst[ nechát[ nechte ] Theme[ volby ] Reduplication[ volbama ] už je po nich a co se stalo stalo se (Please leave the election alone, it's over, and what's done it's done)

Něco Adj-GenSnažím se dělat každý den něco nového • 'I try everyday to do something new-Dat'

The construction is used to mark something as undefined but with a certain quality expressed in Adj.
Language: ces • Structure: [Něco Adj-Gen] • LU: něco
      cat="Pron" name="Něco"
      cat="Adj" msd="Gen" name="Specification" role="Specification"
Examples: Prostě každému se líbí Něco_Adj-Gen[ něco Specification[ jiného ] (It's just that everyone has their own thing) • Snažím se dělat každý den Něco_Adj-Gen[ něco Specification[ nového ] a dělat to poctivě. (I try everyday to do something new and to do it well)

Něco k N-DatNěco k pití? • 'Would You like something to drink?'

The construction is used to describe any item which can be usefull for an action. The most common usage is in situation of ordering.
Language: ces • Structure: [něco k N-Dat] • LU: k
      cat="Pron" name="něco"
      cat="Prep" name="k"
      cat="N" lu="Dat" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: Něco_k_N-Dat[ Něco k Theme[ pití ] ? (Would You like something to drink?)Něco_k_N-Dat[ Něco k Theme[ jidlu ] ] ? (Would You like something to eat?)Něco_k_N-Dat[ Něco k Theme[ zakousnutí ] ]. (Would you like to have any snacks?) • Mužu poprosit Něco_k_N-Dat[ něco ke Theme[ čtění ] ] ? (can I ask You to bring me something to read?) • Měli jsme Něco_k_N-Dat[ něco ke Theme[ shlédnutí ] ]. (We had some films to watch.)

Nějaký ten NNějakou tu korunu jsme už našetřili • 'We've already have some money saved'

It is a quantitave construction that describes a fairly large amount of something.
Language: ces • Structure: [nějaký ten [N]] • LU: ten
Types: numeral
      cat="Adj-pro" name="nějaký"
      cat="Adj-pro" name="ten"
      cat="N" name="Object" role="Object"
Examples: nějaký_ten_N[ Nějakou tu Object[ korunu ] jsme už našetřili (We've already have some money saved) • Bude to trvat ještě nějaký_ten_N[ nějaký ten Object[ pátek ] (It's gonna last a while longer)nějaký_ten_N[ Nějakou tu Object[ knižku ] už jsem přeložila (I've already translated my fair share of books)

Neсhávat VPNechal si ostříhat vlasy • 'He had his hair cut'

This construction means "to get some service, for money or for free".
Language: ces • Structure: [Neсhávat [VP]] • LU: neсhávat
Types: aspekt | actant derivation
      cat="Verb" name="neсhávat" role="Action"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Neсhávat_VP[ neсhávat[ Nechal ] si Action[ ostříhat vlasy ] ]. (He had his hair cut)Neсhávat_VP[ neсhávat[ Nechal ] si Action[ přinést oběd ] ]. (He had his lunch delivered)Neсhávat_VP[ neсhávat[ Nech ] si Action[ zkrátit kalhoty ] ]. (Get your trousers hemmed)Neсhávat_VP[ Ale neсhávat[ nechat ] si Action[ vyšetřit zrak ] by měl jednou za čas a zjistit tak, jak na tom s očima opravdu je. (Everyone should get their eyeside checked to figure out what the condition of their eyes actually is)

No to je N-Nom/Adj-Nom!No to je legrace! • 'Well, what a hoot!'

The construction is used to express a feeling (using N or Adj) of being surprised (usually positively).
Language: ces • Structure: [No to je [N-Nom/Adj-Nom]]! • LU: to
Types: attitude
      cat="Adv" name="no"
      cat="Pron" name="to"
      cat="Verb" name="je"
      cat="N/Adj" lu="Nom" name="Specification" role="Specification"
Examples: No_to_je_N-Nom![ No to je Specification![ legrace ] (Well, what a hoot!)No_to_je_N-Nom![ No to je Specification[ něco ] (That's something! (unexpectedly good))No_to_je_Adj-Nom![ No to je Specification[ hustý ] (That's dope!)No_to_je_N-Nom![ No to je Specification[ sranda ] (That's funny!)

NP [CP] a být ten tamJákub otočil se a byl ten tam • 'Jakub turned around and dissapeared'

This construction means "to disappear suddenly".
Language: ces • Structure: [[NP] (CP) být ten tam] • LU: být
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="Verb" name="být_ten" role="Action"
      cat="Adv" name="tam"
Examples: NP_[CP]_být_ten_tam.[ Agent[ Jákub ] otočil se a být_ten[ byl ten tam (Jakub turned around and dissapeared)NP_[CP]_být_ten_tam.[ Než se vzpamatoval, Agent[ Adela ] být_ten[ byla ta tam (Before he could gather his wits, Adela dissapeared)NP_[CP]_být_ten_tam.[ Agent[ Zlaté časy Telefoniky ] být_ten[ jsou ty tam ] (Telefonika's Golden Age has passed)NP_[CP]_být_ten_tam.[ Agent[ Jeho výborné výkony z úvodu tohoto ročníku ] být_ten[ jsou ty tam ]. (His excelent performances at the start of the year are in the past.)

NP o Num-Loc N-LocDům o deseti poschodích • 'Ten-storey building'

This construction descibes objects that consist of multiple parts.
Language: ces • Structure: [NP [o [Num-Loc N-Loc]] • LU: o
Types: numeral
      cat="NP" name="Possessor" role="Possessor"
      cat="Prep" name="o"
      cat="Num" name="Quantity" role="Quantity"
      cat="N" name="Possessee" role="Possessee"
Examples: NP_o_Num-Loc_N-Loc[ Possessor[ Dům ] o Quantity[ deseti ] Possessee[ poschodích ] (Ten-storey building)NP_o_Num-Loc_N-Loc[ Possessor[ Představení ] o Quantity[ dvou ] Possessee[ dějstvích ] (Two-act play)NP_o_Num-Loc_N-Loc[ Possessor[ Jídlo ] o Quantity[ třech ] Possessee[ chodech ] (Three-course meal)

NP-Nom mluví sám za sebeJeho čin mluví sám za sebe • 'His action speaks for itself'

The construction is used to say that an object has a self-evident quality and presupposes certain preceeding circumstances (which are clear for Interlocutor)
Language: ces • Structure: [[NP-Nom] mluví [sám za sebe]] • LU: sebe
Types: evidentiality
      cat="NP" msd="Nom" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="Verb" name="mluví" role="Action"
      cat="Pron" name="sám"
      cat="Prep" name="za"
      cat="Pron" name="sebe"
Examples: NP-Nom_mluví_sám_za_sebe[ Agent[ Jeho čin ] mluví sám za sebe ]. (His action speaks for itself)NP-Nom_mluví_sám_za_sebe[ Agent[ Jeho výraz ] mluvil sám za sebe (His facial expression spoke for itself)NP-Nom_mluví_sám_za_sebe[ Agent[ Výsledek ] mluví sam za sebe. (The results speak for themselves)

NP-Nom rád VP-FinNapište nám a my Vám rádi poradíme • 'Write us a letter and it would be our pleasure to give you some advice'

This construction is used to express that the agent[ Agent ] enjoys action[ taking some action ]
Language: ces • Structure: [NP-Nom [rád VP-fin]] • LU: rád
      cat="adjective" name="rád"
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: NP-Nom_rád_VP-fin[ Agent[ Dítě ] rád[ rádo ] verb[ učí ] a se bohužel ocitlo ve skupině dětí, jež o školu vůbec nestojí. (The child enjoys learning but unfortunately he wound up in a class with children who are not interested in studying at all) • Napište nám a NP-Nom_rád_VP-fin[ Agent[ my ] Vám rád[ rádi ] Action[ poradíme ] (Write us a letter and it would be our pleasure to give you some advice)Agent[ Ta právnička ] si prostě odjakživa rád[ ráda ] Action[ kreslila ] (This lawyer has enjoyed painting since she was little)

NP,... NP a takPan učitel pořádně a se zájmem podíval a zkontroloval deníky, domácí úkoly, ilustrace a tak • 'The teacher was reviewing our report cards, tasks, illustrations and so on'

"Et cetera", usually used after enumerating two or more items.
Language: ces • Structure: [[NP],[...] [NP] a tak] • LU:
Types: enumeration
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      cat="Conj" name="a"
      cat="Adv-pro" name="tak"
Examples: Pouziva se to pro urychlení sond ktere míří treba k (NP, +_NP_a_tak[ Theme[ jupiteru ], Theme[ saturnu ] a tak ] (This is used to exhilarate the probe set out for Jupiter, Saturn etc.) • Pan učitel pořádně a se zájmem podíval a zkontroloval (NP, +_NP_a_tak[ Theme[ deníky ], Theme[ domácí úkoly ], Theme[ ilustrace ] a tak ] (The teacher was reviewing our report cards, tasks, illustrations and so on) • Já jsem po obchodech sháněla takové ty chlapské dárky, což znamená (NP, +_NP_a_tak[ Theme[ vstupenky na hokej ], Theme[ hodinky ] a tak ] (I was looking for so-called "gifts for him", meaning hockey tickets, watches and so on) • Láká mě i Rusko, (NP, +_NP_a_tak[ Theme[ Bajkal ], Theme[ Kamčatka ], Theme[ Altaj ], Theme[ Kavkaz ] a tak ] (I'm also intrigued by Russia, lake Baikal, Kamchatka, Altai, the Caucasus, and so on) • Jako milou oddechovku bych doporučila seriál "Once Upon a Time" (Theme[ pohádky ], Theme[ vášně ], Theme[ nenávist a tak ] ) (To unwind I'd recommend watching Once Upon a Time (tales, love, hate etc.))

NP, ten VPFotbal, ten on nevynechá nikdy • 'A football match is what he'd never miss.'

This construction is used to emphasize participant of an action, described by VP. The emphasized element is opposed to other possible participants of the situation.
Language: ces • Structure: [NP, ten VP] • LU:
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      cat="Pron" name="ten"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: NP, ten_VP[ Theme[ Fotbal ], ten on Action[ nevynechá ] nikdy ]. (A football match is what he'd never miss.)NP, ten_VP[ Theme[ K Pavlovi ], k tomu se vždycky Action[ těšime ] ]. (Pavel is the one we're always happy to see.)NP, ten_VP[ Theme[ Praha ], ta Action[ je především památky ] ]. (Prague is first of all a memory.)NP, ten_VP[ Theme[ Buddhista ], ten Boha jako cíl Action[ nemá ] ]. (For a buddhist God is not a goal in itself.)

Patři NP-Dat to [pro N-Acc]Prostě si to zavinil sám a patří mu to! • 'It's his fault, it serves him right!'

The construction is used to spitefully say that Experiencer[ somebody ] got what they patři[ deserved ] and to point out Reason[ the reason why ] (facultative pro N-Acc).
Language: ces • Structure: [patři [N-Dat to] [pro N-Acc]] • LU: patři
Types: attitude
      cat="Verb" name="patři"
      cat="N" msd="Dat" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="Part" name="to"
      cat="Prep" name="pro"
      cat="N" msd="Acc" name="Reason" role="Reason"
Examples: Prostě si to zavinil sám a patři_N-Dat_to_(pro_N-Acc)[ patří Experiencer[ mu to ]! (It's his fault, it serves him right!)patři_N-Dat_to_(pro_N-Acc)[ Patřilo Experiencer[ mu ] to pro Reason[ hamižnost ] ], ke které ho nabádala jeho drahá polovička. (that's what he got for his greed that was encouraged by his beloved one)patři_N-Dat_to_(pro_N-Acc)[ Patří ] Experiencer[ mi to ], když jsem nepořádná a vodou nedala rododendronům jak jsem jim slibovala! (It serves me right for being inattentive and not whatering rhododendron on time as I promised it)

Taková=NP...Takovou vedl celý den • 'He was talking about it all day long'

The adjective is used as a substitute for nouns with meaning of speech, idea, approach, thought, it is allways in form of feminine singular regardless of what it stays for.
Language: ces • Structure: [[taková]...] • LU: taková
Types: anaphora
      cat="Adj-Pro" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: Taková=NP[ Theme[ Takovou ] vedl celý den. (He was talking about it all day long)Taková=NP[ S Theme[ takovou ] ] odešel. (He said it and left)Taková=NP[ S Theme[ takovou ] ] se nedomluvíme. (That way we won't reach an agreement)Taková=NP[ S Theme[ takovou ] ] na mě nechod. (Don't bother me with this)Taková=NP[ S Theme[ takovou ] ] bude mít doktorat už k třidceti. (With that attitude he'll get his doctorat by the time he's thirty)

VP o [NumP-Acc/NP-Acc] NP-AccPřerůst o hlavu • 'He's outgrown me and now he's a head taller than me'

This construction describes a degree of change in any measurement (distance, size, weight, time).
Language: ces • Structure: [V [o [(Num-Acc/N-Acc) N-Acc]]] • LU: o
Types: comparison | prepositional
      cat="V" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="Prep" name="o"
      cat="Num/N" name="Quantity" role="Quantity"
      cat="N" name="Specification" role="Specification"
Examples: V_o_N-Acc[ Action[ Přerůst ] o Specification[ hlavu ] (He's outgrown me and now he's a head taller than me)V_o_N-Acc_N-Acc[ Action[ Přišel ] o Quantity[ krok ] Specification[ blíž ] (He's come a step closer)V_o_[Num-Acc/N-Acc]_N-Acc[ Action[ Přišel ] o Quantity[ den ] Specification[ dřive ] (He's arrived a day earlier.)V_o_Num-Acc_N-Acc[ Action[ Ztloustl ] o Quantity[ deset ] Specification[ kilo ] ]. (He's gained ten kilo.)

Co NP, to NPCo Čech, to muzikant • 'Every Czech is a musician'

This construction is mainly used to describe stereotypes about nationalities. It can also be used with some everyday items.
Language: ces • Structure: [Сo [NP]], [to [NP]] • LU: to
Types: evaluation
      cat="Conj" name="co"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      cat="Pron" name="to"
      cat="NP" name="Specification" role="Specification"
Examples: Co_NP, to_NP[ Co Theme[ Čech ], to Specification[ muzikant ] (Every Czech is a musician)Co_NP, to_NP[ Co Theme[ Rus ], to Specification[ drahé boty ] (Every Russian has an expensive pair of boots. )Co_NP, to_NP[ Co Theme[ dům ], to Specification[ zahrada ] (Every house comes with a garden.)

Mehweb Dargwa Constructicon

Team: Ilya Chechuro, Polina Kasyanova

aχir Saχir usaunna • '[he] finally fell asleep'

This use of the word aχir 'end' means 'finally'.
Language: darm • Structure: [aχir [S]] • LU: aχir 'end'
      cat="ADV" name="aχir"
      cat="S" name="S" role="S"
Examples: u-i-ra ka-jʔ-i-le aχir[ aχir ] S[ usa-un-na ] ( down-sit.down.PFV-PST-CVB end M.sleep.PFV-AOR-1/2) 'He's been sitting (for a long time) and finally fell asleep'

bikes S|NPsija bikiba • 'What happened?'

It happened that S / NP happened.
Language: darm • Structure: [bikes [S]] • LU: bikes 'fall'
Types: fall
      cat="VP" name="bikes"
      cat="S" name="S"
      cat="NP" name="NP"
Examples: bikes[ ʡaˤχ-le b-ik-ib ] S[ ʡaj adaj uʔ-i-le ša-w ] (good-CVB N-fall.IPFV-PST perhaps father village-M(ESS)) 'It is good that father was in the village'NP[ hel=ʔʷan ] bikes[ b-ik-i-le ] le-b ʡaj č’ik’alaw-la ( N-fall.IPFV-PST-CVB COP-N perhaps Chikalaw-GEN) 'This happened to Chikalaw' • ʡaraʁa NP[ derʁ ] bikes[ d-ik-i-le ]... (then war NPL-fall.IPFV-PST-CVB) 'Then the war started...'NP[ si-ja ] bikes[ b-ik-ib-a ] (what-INTRG HPL-fall.IPFV-PST-INTRG) 'What happened?' • taˤliħ bikes[ b-ik-ib ] S[ ur ħa-wr-uwe d-uʔ-ri ] (? N-fall.IPFV-PST ? NEG-rain-CVB NPL-be-NMLZ) 'It is good that it was not raining'

bues buhes Skaʁar bues buhes arbikile uq’lahaleħedi ʡaˤrbaˤq’uwe • 'maybe the paper flew away through the window'

maybe S.
Language: darm • Structure: [bues buhes [S]] • LU: b-uh-es 'become'
Types: copulative | epistemic
      cat="S" name="S" role="S"
Examples: usa-uwe le-w-le-l ar-b-u-aq-i-ra kaʁar bues_buhes[ b-u-es b-uh-es S[ ar-b-ik-i-le ] uq’laha-le-ħe-di ʡaˤr-b-aˤq’-uwe (M.sleep.PFV-CVB COP-M-CVB-EMPH away-N-be-CAUS-1/2 paper N-be-INF N-become.PFV-INF away-N-fall.OPFV-PST-CVB window-OBL-IN-TRANS PVB-HPL-go.PFV-CVB) 'I guess, while I was sleeping, the paper flew away through the window'bues_buhes[ b-u-es b-uh-es S[ ʡaj ] ħaˁži ca ʁida ħul-be=ra zab-il ħed-il ʁiz-la (N-be-INF N-become.PFV-INF perhaps Hadzhi one few eye-PL blue-ATR blonde-ATR hair-GEN) 'Hadzhi was of blue eyes and blonde hair'

ca S1 cajli S2ca gaza baˁqile ħaˁbal bik'ul buile leb cajli gaza baˁqile šuwal bik'ul buile leb • 'By one hit he took out three, by another hit he took out five'

First S1, then S2.
Language: darm • Structure: [[ca S] [cajli S]] • LU: ca
Types: enumeration | numeral
      cat="Num" name="ca"
      cat="S" name="S"
      aux="ca-ERG" cat="Num" name="cajli"
Examples: ca[ ca ] S[ gaza b-aˁq-i-le ħaˁb-al b-ik'-ul b-u-i-le le-b ] cajli[ ca.j-li ] S[ gaza ] b-aˁq-i-le šuw-al b-ik'-ul b-u-i-le le-b (one pick N-hit.PFV-AOR-CVB three-CARD N-come.IPFV-PTCP.IPFV N-be.PFV-AOR-CVB one.OBL-ERG pick N-hit.PFV-AOR-CVB five-CARD N-come.IPFV-PTCP.IPFV N-be.PFV-AOR-CVB) 'By one hit he took out three, by another hit he took out five'

ca-CASE ca-NOMcaliče ca qaˁs buk'uwe gʷa k'ʷan • 'They were shouting at each other'

A reciprocal construction.
Language: darm • Structure: LU:
      cat="Numeral" name="ca-CASE"
      cat="Numeral" name="ca-NOM"
Examples: ca-CASE[ ] ca-NOM[ ca ] χiral hub xunul le-b ʡaj pat'imat-wa=ra muħammad (one.OBL-DAT one loving family be-N perhaps Patimat-?-ADD Muhammad) 'Their family was an each other loving family'ca-CASE[ču ] ca-NOM[ ca ] mešu-l b-u-ub-i (one-OBL-COMIT one alike-ATR HPL-be-AOR-ATR) 'They resembled each other'ca-CASE[če ] ca-NOM[ ca ] qaˁs b-uk'-uwe gʷa k'ʷan (one.OBL-SUPER(LAT) one shout HPL-say.PFV-CVB see.IMP RPRT) '(They) were shouting at each other'

N baq'asbeʁ baq’as • '[They] had a wedding'

To do N.
Language: darm • Structure: [[N] baq'as] • LU: None
Types: light_verb | do
      cat="N" name="N"
      cat="V" name="baq'as"
Examples: N_baq'as[ N[ beʁ ] baq'as[ b-aq’-ib ] (wedding N-do.PFV-PST) 'They had a wedding'N_baq'as[ N[ pikri ] baq'as[ b-aq’-as ] (thought N-do.PFV-INF) 'To think'N_baq'as[ N[ žawab ] baq'as[ ħa-b-aq’-ib ] (answer NEG-N-do.PFV-PST) '(he) didn't answer' • it ħažatχana N_baq'as[ N[ χal ] baq'as[ b-iq’-uwe ] biblijatika-le w-erχ-ur (that toilet seek N-do.IPFV-CVB library-ADVB 'He was looking for the toilet and entered a library'.N_baq'as[ N[ t'ama ] baq'as[ baq'as ] (voice N-do-INF) 'To sound'

N m-Nšašlək-mašlək • 'barbeque and stuff'

N and some other things associated with N
Language: darm • Structure: [WX mX] (W: onset of the first syllable of the noun N, X: rest of the word) • LU:
Types: reduplication
      cat="N" name="N"
Examples: N[ šašlək ] - ] N[ mašlək ] (barbeque-REDUP) 'barbeque and stuff'

N-AD Srasujšub • 'at Rasul's house'

At N's house.
Language: darm • Structure: [N-AD [S]] • LU:
Types: location
      cat="NP" name="Place" role="Place"
Examples: nu Place[ rasu.j-šu-w le-w ] (I Rasul.OBL-AD-M(ESS) be-M) 'I am at Rasul's house'

N-GEN N [Relative]abakarla pat'imat • 'Patimat, a sister/daughter of Abakar'

N2 is a relative of N1, usually an inferior.
Language: darm • Structure: [[N-GEN] N] • LU:
Types: kinship | genitive
      cat="NP" name="Inferior_Relative" role="Inferior_Relative"
      cat="NP-GEN" name="Superior_Relative" role="Superior_Relative"
ħaˤramir-t-i-la tuχum-la gʷa k'ʷan het Superior_Relative[ abubakar-la ] Inferior_Relative[ muħammad ] =ra iti.ja it ruzi Superior_Relative[ abubakar-la ] Inferior_Relative[ pat'imat ] =ra (Kharamir-PL-OBL-GEN clan-GEN see.IMP that Abubakar-GEN Muhammad=ADD that.GEN sister Abubakar-GEN Patimat=ADD) 'To the Kharamirt tukhum belong Abubakar's Muhammad and Abubakar's sister Patimat'

N-GEN χabarʡalila χabar • 'war-GEN story'

In this construction, the N-GEN is the Topic of the Story (χabar).
Language: darm • Structure: [[NP-GEN] χabar] • LU:
Types: genitive | nominal arguments
      cat="NP" name="Topic" role="Topic"
      cat="χabar" name="Story" role="Story"
Examples: dada.j-ni b-urh-ib nuša-ze Topic[ derʁ-la ] Story[ χabar ] (Grandfather-OBL-ERG N-tell.PFV-AOR we-INTER(LAT) war-GEN story) 'Our grandpa told us a story about war'Topic[ zalmu-la ] Story[ χabar ] (Zalmu-GEN story) 'a story about Zalmu'Topic[ beʁ-la ] Story[ χabar ] (wedding-GEN story) 'a story about a wedding' • ħuša-la adaj-la Topic[ ruzi-la ] Story[ χabar ] (you-GEN father-GEN sister-GEN story) 'a story about our father's sister' • di-la abaj-la Topic[ abaj-la ] Story[ χabar ] (you.OBL-GEN mother-GEN mother-GEN story) 'a story about your mother's mother'

N-INTER-EL VPrasujzela mašina boˁroˁb • 'Rasul has broken the car unintentionally'

An Agent has done an Action involuntarily.
Language: darm • Structure: [[N-INTER-EL] [VP]] • LU:
Types: involuntary_action
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Agent[ rasu.j-ze-la ] Action[ mašina b-oˁr-oˁb ] (Rasul.OBL-INTER-EL car N-break.PFV-AOR) 'Rasul has broken the car unintentionally'

N-INTER-ESS NP buʔesrasujzeb dila dis leb • 'Rasul has my knife'

1. Used in existential locative contexts correspondint to English 'there is/are' 2. Used to describe a posessive relationsip (locative possession).
Language: darm • Structure: [[N-INTER-ESS] [NP] [buʔes]] • LU: buʔes
Types: possession
      cat="NP" name="Possessor" role="Possessor"
      cat="NP" name="Possessee" role="Possesse"
      cat="COP" name="buʔes"
      cat="NP" name="Place" role="Place"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: Possessor[ rasu.j-ze-b ] Possessee[ di-la dis ] buʔes[ le-b ] (Rasul.OBL-INTER-N(ESS) I.OBL-GEN knife be-N) 'Rasul has my knife'Place[ k’ala-li-ze-b ] buʔes[ le-b-re ] Theme[ doˤħi ] (Kala-OBL-N(ESS) COP-HPL-PST snow) 'There was snow in Kala'

N-jalla aga VPdursijalla aga ile bak’ib • '„Let the girl come in!“ he said'

To let N do the Action (VP).
Language: darm • Structure: [[N-jalla] aga [VP]] • LU: aga
Types: permissive
      cat="N" name="N"
      cat="VP" name="aga"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: N[ dursi=jalla ] aga[ aga ] Action[ i-le b-ak’-ib ] (girl=EMPH say.PFV.AOR-CVB N-come.PFV-PST) '„Let the girl come in!“ he said'

N-SUPER-EL Ssaʡat ʡaˁħličela • 'from 8 o'clock'

The construction is used to denote a moment in time when something starts.
Language: darm • Structure: NP-SUPER-EL • LU:
Types: time_modifier
      cat="NP" name="Beginning_Time" role="Time"
Examples: rasul uz-uwe le-w saʡat Beginning_Time[ ʡaˁħ.li-če-la ] (Rasul (M)work.IPFV-CVB be-M hour eight.OBL-SUPER-EL) 'Rasul works from 8 o'clock'Beginning_Time[če-la ] ibahad ildi-la ʡurmu ʡaχle ar-b-aqˁ-uˁn (that-OBL-SUPER-EL (N)ago that-PL-GEN life good-ADV AWAY-N-go.PFV-AOR) 'Since then, their life went good'.

N-SUPER-ESS Nbarħičew barħi • 'day to day'

Describes the development of something in time (cf. Day to day)
Language: darm • Structure: N-SUPER-ESS N • LU:
Types: temporal
      cat="NP" name="NP-SUPER-ESS"
      cat="NP" name="NP-NOM"
Examples: Day_to_day[ NP-SUPER-ESS[ barħi-če-w ] NP-NOM[ barħi ] il pulan urh-uwe le-w k'ʷan (sun-SUPER-M(ESS) sun that thin (M)become.PFV-CVB be-N RPRT) 'Day to day he was losing weight'.

N.Loanword baq'aszakaz baq'as • 'to order'

To do N, where N is a Loanword.
Language: darm • Structure: [[NP] baq'as] • LU: baq'as
Types: light_verb | do | loanword
      cat="N" name="Loanword" role="Loanword"
      cat="V" name="baq'as"
Examples: N(loanword)_baq'as[ Loanword[ zak’az ] baq'as[ b-aq’-ib -i ] it kʷahni aga (order N-do.PFV-PST-ATR that cradle 'Give me the pre-ordered cradle!'N(loanword)_baq'as[ Loanword[ bismillah ] baq'as[ b-aq’-ib ] ukes (bismillah N-do.PFV-PST eat.IPFV-INF) 'After making a bismillah, we'll eat'

N1 N2-GEN bic'aqesrasujni pušk'a šija bic'aqib • 'Rasul filles the barrel with water'

To fill a Container (N1) with Substance (N2-GEN).
Language: darm • Structure: [[NP] [N2-GEN] bic'aqes] • LU: bic'aqes
Types: fill
      cat="NP" name="Container" role="Container"
      cat="N" name="Substance" role="Substance"
      cat="VP" name="bic'aqes"
Examples: rasu.j-ni Container[ pušk'a ] Substance[ ši.ja ] bic'aqes[ b-ic'-aq-ib ] (Rasul.OBL-ERG barrel water.GEN N-become.full-CAUS-AOR) 'Rasul filles the barrel with water'Substance[ ši.ja ] bic'aqes[ b-ic’-es ] ʡaˤr-q’-oˤwe d-u-i-le leer iš q’ulla-le-ħe (water.GEN N-fill.PFV-INF PVB-go.IPFV-CVB NPL-be-PST-CVB ? that fountain-CVB-IN(LAT)) 'She went to the draw-well to get some water'.Container[ ca kanister ] il-i-ni nu usa-uwe-l bic'aqes[ b-ic’-i-le ] le-b-re (one jarrycan this-OBL-ERG I(NOM) M.sleep.PFV-CVB-EMPH N-fill.PFV-PST-CVB COP-HPL-PST) 'He filled one jerrycan while I was asleep'

N1 N2-INTER-EL-EMPHq'uq'ubizelal • 'up to the knees'

N1 is up to N2 in a substance.
Language: darm • Structure: [N N-INTER-EL-EMPH] • LU:
Types: location
Examples: Up_to[ q'uq'u-bi-ze-la-l ] paˁp.i-ze gʷeruh-ub (knee-PL-INTER-EL-EMPH dirt-INTER(LAT) get.into.PFV-AOR) 'He fell into mud up to his knees'Up_to[ baq.i-ze-la-l ] gʷeruh-ub ši.j-ze (waist.OBL-INTER-EL-EMPH fall.PFV-AOR water.OBL-INTER(LAT)) 'He fell into water up to his waist'

N1-INTER-LAT|COMIT huneče bikes N2iter itize huneče dikib šaharličeri dursi • 'There he met a girl from a city'

N1 meets or finds N2 (lit. N2 falls on N1's way)
Language: darm • Structure: [[[N-INTER-LAT][huneče][bikes]][NP]] • LU: huni
Types: light_verb | fall
      cat="N" name="N1"
      cat="VP" name="bikes"
      cat="NP" name="huni"
      cat="NP" name="N2"
Examples: iter N1[ it.i-ze ] huni[ hune-če ] bikes[ d-ik-ib ] N2[ šahar-li-če-r-i ] dursi (there that.OBL-INTER(LAT) road-SUP F2-fall.PFV-AOR city-OBL-SUPER-F(ESS)-ADJ girl) 'There he met a girl from a city' • čab b-urс-aq-ib N1[ gaičnik-une-ču ] huni[ hune-če ] bikes[ ħa-jk-allis ] (HPL-fly.IPFV-CAUS-PST road.policeman-PL-COMIT road-SUP(LAT) NEG-M.fall.IPFV-?) 'He makes him go out in order not to meet the road police officers'

N1-SUPER-EL bikes N2urč’ebličela urežal bikib • 'a six became a nine'

N1 becomes N2
Language: darm • Structure: [N1-SUPER-EL N2 bikes] • LU: bikes
Types: light_verb | fall | change_of_state
      cat="NP" name="N1"
      cat="NP" name="N2"
      cat="V" name="bikes"
Examples: beč’ ketaje N1-SUPER-EL_bikes_N2[ N1[ urč’eb-li-če-la ] N2[ urež-al ] bikes[ b-ik-ib ] (head upside.down nine-OBL-SUP-EL six-CARD N-fall.IPFV-PST) 'Upside down a six became a nine'

NP N-SUPER-ESS-CVB bahesrasujze muħammad t'amaličewle wahur • 'Rasul recognized Muhammad because of his voice'

To recognize a Patient by a charachteristic feature (Specification) designated by a converb
Language: darm • Structure: [[NP] [VP] [bahes]] • LU: bahes
      cat="NP" name="Patient" role="Patient"
      cat="VP" name="Specification" role="Specification"
      cat="VP" name="bahes"
Examples: rasu.j-ze Patient[ muħammad ] Specification[ t'če-w-le ] bahes[ w-ah-ur ] (Rasul.OBL-INTER(LAT) Muhammad voice.OBL-SUPER-M(ESS)-CVB M-know.PRF-AOR) 'Rasul recognized Muhammad because of his voice'

NP V-COND V-AORderʔk’a derʔub amma deħ kalʔun • '[The money] became dry, but the smell remained'

An Agent has done an Action, but... or an Experiencer has experienced an Action, but...
Language: darm • Structure: [[NP] [[VP] VP]] • LU:
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="V" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="V" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Action[ d-erʔ-k’a ] Action[ d-erʔ-ub ] amma deħ kalʔ-un (NPL-become.dry.PFV-COND NPL-become.dry.PFV-AOR but smell remain.PFV-AOR) '(The money) became dry, but the smell remained'

NP VP bikesħaˤjʔnal arc ges bikib • 'I had to pay three times'

It happened so that an Agent has to perform an Action
Language: darm • Structure: [[NP] [[VP] bikes]] • LU: bikes
Types: fall | light_verb
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="V" name="bikes"
Examples: Action[ ħaˤjʔn-al arc g-es ] bikes[ b-ik-ib ] (three-CARD money give.PFV-INF N-fall.IPFV-PST) 'And I had to pay three times'.Action[ ħaˤb-al bagažnik-e w-at-es ] bikes[ b-ik-ib ] dus-be-s merʔ b-u-allis (three-CARD trunk-In(LAT) M-?-INF N-fall.IPFV-PST girl-PL-DAT place N-be-?) 'We had to put three people into the trunk so that there was some space for the girls'

NP-ABS AdjP COP NP-SUPER-ESSrasul derqʷil lew muħammadičew • 'Rasul is stronger than Muhammad'

A comparative construction where a Comparee is what is being compared and a Standard is what a Comparee is compared with, a Specification denotes a property exhibited more by a Comparee than by a Standard.
Language: darm • Structure: [NP-ABS AdjP COP NP-SUPER-ESS] • LU:
Types: comparative | adjective
      cat="NP" name="Comparee" role="Comparee"
      cat="NP" name="Standard" role="Standard"
      cat="AdjP" name="Specification" role="Specification"
      cat="VP" name="COP"
Examples: Comparee[ rasul ] Specification[ derqʷil ] COP[ le-w ] Standard[ muħammad.i-če-w ] (Rasul strong be-M Muhammad.OBL-SUPER-M(ESS)) 'Rasul is stronger than Muhammad' • ʜanč Comparee[ il gamʔa ] Specification[ ʡaχːl r-uʔ-i-le ] COP[ le-r ] Base[ ibaʜaˁd.i-če-r ] (work.OBL-DAT=AND this widow good F-be.PFV-AOR-CVB be-F other.OBL-SUPER-F(ESS)) 'This widow turned out to be better at work than the others'

Num-CARD Num-CARDk'ʷijal ħaˁbal barħi • 'for two or three days'

A rough estimation of quantity, when the actual number of N's is between Num1 and Num2.
Language: darm • Structure: [[NP] [Num1-CARD] [Num2-CARD]] • LU:
Types: quantification | numeral | approximal_quantity
      cat="Numeral" name="Num1" role="Number"
      cat="Numeral" name="Num2" role="Number"
      cat="NP" name="Noun" role="Noun"
Examples: Noun[ marʔul ] b-uʔu-b-i ʡaj Num1[ ʁa-l ] Num2[ ħaˁbc'ali-jal ] (men HPL-be-AOR-ADJ perhaps twenty-CARD thirty-CARD) 'There were from twenty to thirty men' • hete ħule d-iz-ur-i-jaʁle k'ʷan Num1[ k'ʷi-jal ] Num2[ ħaˁb-al ] Noun[ šala ] le-b k'ʷan ite-b (there look F-stand.up.PFV-AOR-ATR-CVB.ANT RPRT two-CARD three-CARD light be-N RPRT there-N(ESS) 'There I saw a couple of lights, flickering there' • nuša-la b-iq'-an ʡaj dus b-a-i-le Num1[ k'ʷi-jal ] Noun[ dus ] b-a-i-le Num2[ ħaˁb-al ] Noun[ dus ] b-a-i-le b-iq'-an ʡaj (we-GEN HPL-do.IPFV-INF perhaps year HPL-arrive.PFV-PST-CVB two-CARD year HPL-arrive.PFV-PST-CVB three-CARD year HPL-arrive.PFV-PST-CVB HPL-do.IPFV-INF perhaps) 'We do it (circumcision) two or three years after birth'Num1[ k'ʷi-jal ] Num1[ ħaˁb-al ] Noun[ barħi ] pat'imat nuša-šu-r d-u-b-i (two-CARD three-CARD day Patimat we-AD-F(ESS) F-be.PFV-AOR-ATR) 'For two or three days Patimat lived with us'

Num1 N-INTER-EL Num2 Nšuwal uzilizela k'ʷijal uzi • 'Out of five brothers, two stayed in the village'

The construction is used to express a situation when a subset of Num1 elements is chosen from a set of the Num2 size.
Language: darm • Structure: [Num1-CARD N-INTER-EL Num2-CARD N] • LU:
Types: selective | numeral
      cat="NumP" name="Num1" role="Whole_Quantity"
      cat="NumP" name="Num2" role="Part_Quantity"
      cat="N" name="N" role="N"
      cat="N" name="N-INTER-EL" role="N"
Examples: Two_out_of_five[ Num1[ šuw-al ] N-INTER-EL[ uzi-li-ze-la ] Num2[ k'ʷi-jal ] N[ uzi ] ša.b kalʔ-un (five-CARD brother-OBL-INTER-EL two-CARD brother village.HPL(ESS) remain.PFV-AOR) 'Out of five brothers, two stayed in the village'

Onomatopoeia buk'esʡuraʁa ca weʡ uk’es • 'Then one started to vomit'

To make a sound denoted by an Onomatopoeia (e.g. to moo) or to perform an action associated with this sound (e.g. to vomit).
Language: darm • Structure: [NP-Nom [Sound buk'es]] • LU: buk'es 'say'
Types: speech_production | light_verb
      cat="Onomatopoeia" name="Sound" role="Sound"
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" name="buk'es"
Examples: ʡuraʁa Agent[ ca ] Sound[ weʡ ] buk'es[ uk’-es ] (then one VOMIT.SOUND 1.say.IPFV-INF) 'Then one started to vomit'Sound[ umma ] buk'es[ b-uk’-u-we ] (SOUND HPL-say.IPFV-PTCP-CVB) '(they) shout)Agent[ il ] Sound[ laˤχu ] buk'es[ uk’-es ] w-a-ib (this YELL 1.say.IPFV-INF M-begin.PFV-PST) 'And then he has started shouting' • tir=ra w-iz-ul-le nuʁe-ču Sound[ xʷaʡ ] buk'es[ uk'-es ] w-a-ib (?-AND M-stand.up.IPFV-PTCP.IPFV-CVB) hand-COMIT SOUND (M)say.IPFV-INF M-arrive.PFV-PST) '(he) turned around and started waving his hands'Sound[ t’aˤħ ] buk'es[ uk'-uwe ] (SOUND (M)say.IPFV-CVB) '(he) was jumping'

S gʷahanna ħawaħažijaj gʷa ʡaj birgadir • 'Now Hawakhazhiyay has become a chief, see?'

gʷa is an discourse focus marker.
Language: darm • Structure: [S [gʷa]] • LU: gʷa 'see.IMP'
Types: Focus | Discource_particle
      cat="S" name="S" role="S"
      cat="Particle" name="gʷa"
Examples: S[ ħad hete ħunt’-al qulle-šu uˤq’-es ] gʷa[ gʷa ] i-le nuʁe-jni gʷaχ-aq’-ir (you.SG.DAT there red-CARD house.PL-AD(LAT) M.go-INF PTCL say.PFV.AOR-CVB ?-ERG show-do.PFV-?) 'You should go to those red houses, you see?'S[ hanna ħawaħažijaj ] gʷa[ gʷa ] ʡaj birgadir (now Hawahazhijaj PTCL perhaps master) 'Now Hawakhazhiyay has become a chief, see?)'S[ uc-i-le ] gʷa[ gʷa nu taksi ħisab-le anž ], ca-beħ ʡuluqan urš-be le-b-re (catch.PFV-AOR-CVB see.IMP I taxi count-ADV Makhachkala.OBL-M(ESS), one-? youth boy-PL be-N-PST) 'So (they) caught me as a taxi in Makhachkala, see, a couple of young boys'.S[ ca-deħ ʡogg-il deħ ] gʷa[ gʷa ] k'ʷan sune-s har-har (one-? unpleasant-ATR smell see.IMP RPRT self.OBL-DAT every-every) 'Afterwards, she felt an unpleasant smell right in front of her, you see'S[ ʡaraʁ-al zamana ] S[ gʷa ] k'ʷan hanna il-di (midnight-CARD time see.IMP RPRT now this-PL) 'The time was almost midnight, see'.

S ilemizanatwara nu baˤq’unna hel merʔ buces ile • 'So, Mizanat and I went to reserve the seat'

Discourse marker used to introduce information or thought. Usually conveys reportative meaning, i.e. when a speaker retells the information that s/he got from another person or cites the speech of that person.
Language: darm • Structure: [[S] ile] • LU: es 'say'
Types: speech_production | discource_particle
      cat="S" name="S"
      cat="VP" name="ile"
Examples: S[ nu w-ebk’-i-le w-arg-ab k’ʷan ] ile[ i-le ] (I(NOM) M-die.PFV-PST-CVB M-find.PFV-OPT RPRT say.PFV.AOR-CVB) 'A murrain on me and stuff' (lit. He said he wished that I was found dead)S[ het šahumilaw-la muħmma ] ile[ i-le ] ʡarʁa ʡabdukarim ile[ i-le ] carara b-u-ub-i ʡabdula-la muħammad ile[ i-le ] b-u-ub-i hanna qʷaˤdur-e-la šuw-al urši (that.far.away Shahumiv-GEN Muhammad say.PFV.AOR-CVB long Abdukarim say.PFV.AOR-CVB HPL-be-AOR-ATR Abdula-GEN Muhammad say.PFV.AOR-CVB HPL-be-AOR-ATR npw Obokh-?-GEN five-CARD boy) 'Shahumilav Muhamma was there and Abdulkarim and others and Abdula Muhammad was there too, well, five Obokh boys'S[ mizanat=wara nu b-aˤq’-un-na hel merʔ b-uc-es ] ile[ i-le ] (Mizanat=whether I(NOM) HPL-go.PFV-AOR-1/2 place N-catch.PFV-INF say.PFV.AOR-CVB) 'So, Mizanat and I went to reserve the seat'S[ haj abdal nu ] ile[ il-e ] le-b S[ seli-s-a waraw ni-ni iš-di dur-aq’-u-ra ] ile[ i-le ] le-b (oh fool ? say.PFV.AOR-CVB COP-N what.OBL-DAT-INTRG whether I-ERG that-PL outside-pour.PFV-AOR-1/2 say.PFV.AOR-CVB COP-N) '„What a fool I am!“ - he thought - 'what for have I done this?' - he thought'

S N-čibleseličible ħu tusnaq' waq'ibi • 'Why have you been arrested?'

To designate the cause of an event S a suffix -čible is added to a noun N.
Language: darm • Structure: [S [N-čible]] • LU:
Types: causal
      cat="N" name="Cause" role="Cause"
      cat="S" name="S"
Examples: S N-čible[ Cause[čible ] ħu tusnaq' w-aq'-ib-i ]? (Q-OBL-CAUSAL you prisoner M-do.PFV-AOR-ATTR) 'Why have you been arrested?'

uile lew ħawʔile lewuile lew ħawʔile lew ħawʔile lew uile lew • 'once upon a time; lit. was-wasn't-wasn't-was'

A fairytale entry similar to "Once upon a time..."
Types: copulative
      cat="Fairytale intro" name="Once_upon_a_time" role="Fairytale intro"
      cat="NP" name="NP" role="NP"
Examples: Once_upon_a_time[ u-i-le le-w ħa-wʔ-i-le le-w ħa-wʔ-i-le le-w u-i-le le-w ] NP[ ca adami čikalaw i-le ] ((M)be.PFV-AOR-CVB be-M NEG-(M)be.PFV-AOR-CVB be-M NEG-(M)be.PFV-AOR-CVB be-M (M)be.PFV-AOR-CVB be-M one man Chikalaw say.PFV.AOR-CVB) 'Once upon a time, lived a man called Chikalav (lit. Was-wasn't-wasn't-was a man called Chikalav)'.

určeb bues NPurčeb lebre qʷada • 'I only remember the street'

To remember the Stimulus (NP).
Language: darm • Structure: [[[určeb] COP] NP] • LU: bues
Types: heart
      cat="LOC" name="určeb" role="Place"
      cat="COP" name="bues"
      cat="NP" name="Stimulus" role="Stimulus"
Examples: určeb_COP_NP[ určeb[ urče-b ] bues[ le-b-re ] Stimulus[ qʷada ] ] qali qumart-ur (heart.LOC-N(ESS) COP-HPL-PST ? house forget.PFV-AOR) 'I only remember the street, but I forgot the house' • kuda-di di-ze určeb_COP_NP[ určeb[ urče-b ] bues[ b-u-es-i ] Stimulus[ račel ] (where-TRANS I.OBL-INTER(LAT) heart.LOC-N(ESS) N-be-INF-ATR ?) 'Where from should I remembed the floor?!'

V-CVB V-CVBbuzuwe buzuwe • 'they were working'

A durative construction, conveing the meaning of Action being in progress.
Language: darm • Structure: [CVB CVB] • LU:
Types: durative | converb
      cat="CVB" name="CVB" role="CVB"
Examples: CVB[ b-uz-uwe ] CVB[ b-uz-uwe ] ʡaj ʡaˤr-q’-uwe uʔ-i-le le-w ʡaj qʷaˤdur-an (HPL-become.dry.PFV-COND HPL-become.dry.PFV-AOR but smell remain.PFV-AOR) 'They were working when an Obokh man passed by'

V.Loanword baq'asašrapuwat waq'ib • 'He was fined'

To perform an action denoted by a Loanword (V in infinitive form).
Language: darm • Structure: [[VP] baq'as] • LU: baq'as
Types: light_verb | do | loanword
      aux="Infinitive" cat="V" name="Loanword"
      cat="VP" name="baq'as"
Examples: Loanword[ ašrapuwat ] baq'as[ w-aq'-ib ] (fine M-do.PFV-PST) 'He was fined'

wallah Swallah nušajni baq'ile ʡaˁχ urcuwa ʡarada • 'Let's make a good wooden cannon!'

In this construction, the word wallah 'Allah' conveys a hortative meaning similar to 'let's' in English.
Language: darm • Structure: [wallah [S]] • LU: wallah
Types: hortative
      cat="NP" name="wallah"
      cat="S" name="S"
Examples: wallah[ wallah ] S[ nuša.j-ni b-aq'-i-le ʡaˁχ urcu-wa ʡarada ] (Allah we.OBL-ERG N-do.PFV-PST-CVB good wood-GEN cannon) 'Let's make a good wooden cannon!'wallah[ wallah ] S[ nu-ni heš ʔʷan b-aq’-i-ln ʡaˤχ i-le ] (by.god I-ERG this similar HPL-do.PFV-PST-? good say.PFV.AOR-CVB) '„Well, let's do the same“ - he said'.

X bizesħule bizes • 'to look at something'

The meaning of the construction crucially depends on the X element. The X elements and the verb bizes are never used outside this construction and do not have POS properties. ħule bizes — to watch. himi abizes — to become angry.
Language: darm • Structure: [[X] bizes] • LU: abizes
Types: light_verb
      cat="X" name="X" role="X"
      cat="V" name="bizes"
Examples: il X_bizes[ X[ ħule ] bizes[ w-iz-ur ] (that EYE M-izes.PFV-AOR) 'he looked (at something)'X_bizes[ X[ himi ] bizes[ abizes ] 'become angry'

German Constructicon

Team: Ekaterina Gridneva, Vasilisa Zhigulskaya, Darya Lapenkova, Alexey Shelepov

NP-Nom Gesicht-Acc aufsetzenDu musst ein fröhliches Gesicht aufsetzen. • 'You must have a cheerful face.'

A verbal phrase which means that NP_Nom[ smb ] aufsetzen[ pretend or put ] on Gesicht-Acc[ face ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-NOM] [Gesicht-ACC] aufsetzen] • LU: None
Types: Subject variable (with restrictions)
Examples: Viel wichtiger ist, daß Sie beim Tanken aussteigen und ein kritisches Gesicht aufsetzen. (Much more important is that you get off your gasoline and have a critical face.) • Schon ist das das Zeichen für mich, ein gelangweiltes Gesicht aufzusetzen und die Hände lässig in die Tasche zu stecken. (This is the sign for me already to put on a bored face and put the hands casually in the pocket.) • Vielleicht war es wirkliche Freundschaft, die ihn jetzt veranlaßte, sein freundlichstes Gesicht aufzusetzen. (Perhaps it was real friendship, which now prompted him to put on his friendly face.) • Sie hatte ein ernstes Gesicht aufgesetzt. (She had put on a straight face.)

DiscourseUnit - Spitze!- Mein Mann hat mir die Sack von Channel geschenkt. // -Spitze! • '- My husband gave me the purse from Channel as a gift. - Super!'

Adverbial expression which mean spitze[ a strong positive reaction ]
Language: deu • Structure: [spesific context [spitze] reaction] • LU: spitze
      cat="adv" name="spitze"
Examples: context[ Ich laufe jeden Morgen in den Park ]. - Das ist spitze[ spitze ]!(- I am jogging every morning in the park. - It’s cool!) • - Ich habe die Prüfung mit der Note 1.0 bestanden. -Ich finde das spitze[ spitze ]! (- Yesterday I passed the exam with an A. - I think it’s superb!) • Candy Crush ist ein spitze[ spitze ] Spiel! (Candy Crush is a superb game!) • Sie hat es wieder mal spitze[ spitze ] gemacht. (She's done it perfectly again!)

[für NP-Acc] schwarz sehenSie sieht immer für ihr Leben schwarz. • 'She is always pessimistic about her life.'

This phrase means schwarz_sehen[ to be pessimistic ] NP-Acc[ (about smth) ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[(für NP-ACC)] schwarz sehen] • LU: schwarz
Types: Indirect Object-variable
Examples: Er sieht schwarz fur die Zukunft. (He is pessemistic about the future.) • Sie sahen schwarz fur ihre Beziehungen. (They looked pessemistic about their relationships.) • Im vergangenen Jahr sah er immer schwarz fur seine Ziele. (Last year he was pessemistic about his aims.

bald X1 bald X2Bald regnet es, bald scheint die Sonne. • 'Sometimes it rains, sometimes the sun shines.'

Conjunction construction which cooordinates two equally important clauses and means: bald[ sometimes ] X1[ X1 ] is true, bald[ sometimes ] X2[ X2 ] is true.
Language: deu • Structure: [bald [X1] bald [X2]] • LU: bald
      cat="conj" name="bald"
      cat="XP" name="X1"
      cat="conj" name="bald"
      cat="XP" name="X2"
Examples: conj[ Bald ist ] X1[ der Pandabär aggressiv ] conj[ bald ist ] X2[ er unglaublich süß ]. (Sometimes the panda bear is aggressive, sometimes it's unbelievably sweet) • Ich hörte in dem Rauschen des Waldes conj[ bald ] X1[ tröstende ] conj[ bald ] X2[ warnende Stimmen ]. (I heard voices in the rustling of the trees, sometimes of warning, sometimes of consolation.)conj[ Bald ] ist sie X1[ hellblond ], conj[ bald ] X2[ rothaarig ] (Sometimes she is light-blond, sometimes she is red-haired)conj[ Bald ] X1[ weinte ] das Baby, conj[ bald ] X2[ lachte ] es.(Sometimes the baby cried, sometimes the baby laughed.)

bei weitem nicht AdjP-NPDie Kunden sind bei weitem nicht zufrieden. • 'The customers are far from being satisfied.'

An adverbial expression which means that something bei_weitem_nicht[ is far from ] XP[ having certain characteristic ].
Language: deu • Structure: [bei weitem nicht [AdjP|NP]] • LU: weit
Types: XP-variable
      cat="XP" name="XP"
      cat="AdvP" name="bei_weitem_nicht"
Examples: bei_weitem_nicht_AdjP-NP[ Deswegen ist er auch der Abgott der Jugend, bei_weitem_nicht[ bei weitem nicht ] XP[ ihre glücklichste Wahl ]. • bei_weitem_nicht_AdjP-NP[ Die Bedingungen seines Praktikums seien bei_weitem_nicht[ bei weitem nicht ] XP[ so gut gewesen ], wie in der Annonce beschrieben. • bei_weitem_nicht_AdjP-NP[ Und bei_weitem_nicht[ bei weitem nicht ] XP[ alle Umweltkonflikte ] können harmonisch aufgelöst werden. • bei_weitem_nicht_AdjP-NP[ Die angekündigten 100 Millionen Euro seien dabei bei_weitem_nicht[ bei weitem nicht ] XP[ genug ]. • Obgleich die Summe der Hilfen seit Jahren steigt, bei_weitem_nicht_AdjP-NP[ XP[ entsprechen ] die Spenden bei_weitem_nicht[ bei weitem nicht dem Bedarf ].

dann und wann VPDas war ihm auch dann und wann gelungen. • 'He succeeded it time by time.'

VP[ To do smth ] dann_und_wann[ time by time ].
Language: deu • Structure: [dann und wann [VP]] • LU: wann
Types: Adverbial
      cat="Pron" name="dann"
      cat="Conj" name="und"
      cat="Pron" name="wann"
      cat="VP" name="Event" role="Event"
Examples: Genau genommen war es Johann am liebsten, wenn Adolf glaubte, er, Adolf, sei Johann in gar allem überlegen und Johann dann_und_wann_VP[ Event[ könne ] nur dann_und_wann[ dann und wann ] VP[ auch einmal siegen ] ], sozusagen per Zufall. (Actually Johan was the best, so, Adolf believed that he, Adolf, always surpassed him, and Johan could win only time by time.) • Das war dann_und_wann_VP[ Event[ ihm auch ] dann_und_wann[ dann und wann ] Event[ gelungen ] ]. (He succeeded it time by time) • Rückblickend weiß ich eigentlich nicht, was ich während des Dreivierteljahrs gemacht habe, außer daß ich einen neuen Staubsauger kaufte und mich dann_und_wann_VP[ dann_und_wann[ dann und wann ] Event[ mit Utchen traf ] ]. (Actually, I can't remind what I was doing last nine months, besides the fact that I bought a new cleaner and was going out with Utchen time by time • Über der Zigarre, man spürt es, dann_und_wann_VP[ Event[ zuckt ] dann_und_wann[ dann und wann ] Event[ zufrieden der kleine dunkle Schnäuzer ] ]. (Time by time the little dark schnauzer shuderred of cigare) • Das Internationale Komitee vom Roten Kreuz, mit dessen Vertreter ich engen Kontakt hielt, konnte auch nicht mehr erreichen, als dann_und_wann_VP[ dann_und_wann[ dann und wann ] Event[ einige Kranke und Alte herauszubringen ] ]. (The international Red Cross commetee, with which it have recently contacted, couldn't reach any agreement, the olds and ills time by time were carried away.)

Eine Weile+VPEr arbeitet am Projekt eine Weile • 'He worked on the project for a while'

This construction means that VP[ some action ] eine_weile[ is happening for some time ].
Language: deu • Structure: [Eine Weile [VP]] • LU: Weile
Types: Adverbial
      cat="article" name="eine"
      cat="noun" name="Weile"
      cat="verb phrase" name="VP"
Examples: Sie eine_Weile+VP[ VP[ starrten mich ] eine_Weile[ eine Weile ] ] schweigend, fast ergriffen an. • eine_Weile+VP[ VP[ Gewöhnlich saß ] SUBJECT[ ich ] VP[ anschließend ] eine_Weile[ eine Weile ] VP[ kauend ] ] auf einer Lichtung und sah den Kolibris zu, wie sie gewagte Loopings für mich drehten. • Nachtigaller tauchte unter den Pulten ab und eine_Weile+VP[ VP[ war ] eine_Weile[ eine Weile ] VP[ tatsächlich verschwunden ] ], bevor er plötzlich wieder auftauchte und wild mit den Augen rollte, was Qwert beinahe zu Tode erschreckte. • Es eine_Weile+VP[ VP[ dauerte ] eine_Weile[ eine Weile ] ], bis ich mich wieder halbwegs aufrichten konnte, und tatsächlich war ich erstaunt darüber, daß ich dabei nicht zerkrümelte wie ein morscher Keks. • eine_Weile+VP[ eine_Weile[ Eine Weile ] VP[ ärgerte ] ich mich über meine Verschlafenheit, dann beschloß ich in meiner grenzenlosen Niedertracht, daß dies eine vortreffliche Gelegenheit war, in den Privatbereich des Mädchens einzudringen

es bleibt NP-Dat nur noch zu VP-InfEs bleibt mir nur noch Sie zu bedanken. • 'It remains for me to thank you.'

Verbal expression which means that es_bleibt[ it remains ] NP-Dat[ for someone ] VP-Inf[ to do something ].
Language: deu • Structure: [es bleibt [NP-Dat] nur noch zu [VP-Inf]] • LU: bleiben
Types: VP-variable
      cat="VP" name="VP-Inf"
      cat="NP (Agent)" name="NP-Dat"
      cat="Particle" name="nur_noch"
      cat="VP-finite" name="es_bleibt"
Examples: es_bleibt_NP-Dat_nur_noch_zu_VP-Inf[ es_bleibt[ Es bleibt ] nur_noch[ nur noch ] VP-Inf[ zu klären ] ], welcher Zucker primär bei der alkalischen Oxydation des Glyzerins entstanden war. • es_bleibt_NP-Dat_nur_noch_zu_VP-Inf[ es_bleibt[ Es bleibt ] NP-Dat[ uns ] nur_noch[ nur noch ] VP-Inf[ zu sagen übrig ], daß sich der Fetischismus auf die merkwürdigsten, absurdesten, ja sogar widerlichsten Dinge erstrecken kann. • es_bleibt_NP-Dat_nur_noch_zu_VP-Inf[ es_bleibt[ Es bliebe ] gegenüber früheren Vortragsabenden nur_noch[ nur noch ] VP-Inf[ zu sagen ] ], daß Frau Triesch in der Rezitation der Psalmen eine künstlerische Höhe erreicht hat, die sie selbst nicht mehr überflügeln kann. • es_bleibt_NP-Dat_nur_noch_zu_VP-Inf[ es_bleibt[ Es bleibt ] also nur_noch[ nur noch ] VP-Inf[ zu hoffen ] ], dass die Adressaten die Botschaften auch finden und entziffern, und dass sie schlauer sind als Menschen. • es_bleibt_NP-Dat_nur_noch_zu_VP-Inf[ es_bleibt[ Es blieb ] NP-Dat[ ihm ] nur_noch[ nur noch ] VP-Inf[ zu erklären ], dass er gelogen hatte.

Es geht in NP-DAT um NP-ACCEs geht in diesem Buch um die Menschen • 'This book is about people)'

Construction which means that es_geht[ there are some information ] um_NP-ACC[ about something ] in_NP-DAT[ in a certain source ].
Language: deu • Structure: [Es_geht_in [NP-DAT] um [NP-ACC]] • LU: gehen
      cat="pronoun" name="es"
      cat="verb" name="gehen"
      cat="preposition" name="in"
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-DAT" role="Source"
      cat="preposition" name="um"
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-ACC" role="Thema"
Examples: Es_geht_in_NP-DAT_um_NP-ACC[ Es geht in source[ der Theologie ] um thema[ die Predigt ] ] (Theology is about preaching.)Es_geht_in_NP-DAT_um_NP-ACC[ Es ging in source[ diesen Tagen ] um thema[ Krieg und Frieden ], aber wir wußten es nicht (These days were about war and peace, but we did not know it)Es_geht_in_NP-DAT_um_NP-ACC[ Es geht in sourse[ diesem Krieg ] um thema[ höhere Ideale ] ] (This war is about higher ideals) • Es geht in Es_geht_in_NP-DAT_um_NP-ACC[ sourse[ diesem Buch ] um thema[ die Politik ].

es geht um NP-ACCEs geht um die Menschen • 'It is about people'

Constraction which means that es[ there is an information ] geht_um[ is about ] NP-ACC[ smth ].
Language: deu • Structure: [es_geht_um [NP-Acc]] • LU: None
      cat="pronoun" name="es"
      cat="verb" name="gehen"
      cat="preposition" name="um"
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-ACC" role="Theme"
Examples: Es ist besser, die Mutter ist nicht zugegen, sie fürchtet sich meinethalb, die treue Mutter, und nicht ganz grundlos, aber hier gilt es, keine Furcht zu haben, denn es_geht_um_NP-ACC[ es geht um NP-ACC[ zwei Menschenleben ] ]. (It is better that the mother isn't here, she's afraid of me, my faithful mother, but here we have have no fear, because it's about two human lives)es_geht_um_NP-ACC[ „Es geht um NP-ACC[ alles ] “, fuhr Caspar fort. ("It's about everything, Caspar said.) • Die Kämpfer kommen aus meinem eigenen Ich, und wer auch siegt, es_geht_um_NP-ACC[ es geht um NP-ACC[ mich ] ] - ich bin verloren! (The fighters come from my own ego, and whoever also wins, it is about me - I am lost!) • "Jetzt aber, mein Herr, muß ich ernst und scharf mit Ihnen reden; denn [es geht um [die Ehre einer unbescholtenen Frau]NP-ACC] ]es_geht_um_NP-ACC. ("But now, sir, I have to talk with you seriously and strong, because it's about the honor of a respectable woman.) • 'Ich bin stark, es_geht_um_NP-ACC[ es geht um NP-NOM[ sein Leben ] ]', sagte sie. ("I'm strong, it's about his life, she said)

Es NP-Dat seinEs war ihr als hörte sie etwas • 'It seemed to her that she heard something'

es_sein[ Something is seemed to be ] to Cognizer[ smb ]
Language: deu • Structure: [Es [NP-Dat] sein] • LU: sein
Types: IO-variable | Dative | impersonal | predicative copula
      cat="Pron" name="Es"
      cat="NP" name="Cognizer" role="Cognizer"
      cat="Verb" name="sein"       cat="CLAUSE/AdjP" name="Content" role="Content"

Examples: Es_NP-Dat_sein[ es_sein[ Es ist ] Cognizer[ Ihnen ] Content[ offensichtlich nicht ganz klar gewesen ] ], daß wir nicht in einem Land leben, das groß ist, das ein Land ist, sondern wir leben in einem geteilten Land in der Mitte Europas, und daß Biermann nicht ausgebürgert wurde aus Deutschland, sondern von Deutschland nach Deutschland • Ich bin sicher, Es+NP-Dat+sein[ es_sein[ es ist ] Cognizer[ ihnen ] Content[ nicht leichtgefallen ] ]. (I'm sure, it won't be easy)Es+NP-Dat+sein[ es_sein[ Es ist ] Cognizer[ ihnen ] Content[ völlig eingängig ] ], daß ein Unternehmen, das totale Verfügbarkeit erwartet, auch das Recht auf totale Information hat. (It seems to be completely available to them, the company has the total access to all the information)Es+NP-Dat+sein[ es_sein[ Es war ] Cognizer[ ihr ] Content[ so herausgerutscht ]. (It seemed to them inevitable.)Es+NP-Dat+sein[ es_sein[ Es war ] Cognizer[ ihr ] Content[ vielleicht peinlich ], daß ich mitgekriegt hatte, daß sie scharf auf die Antwort ist. (She seemed to be uncomfortable, so I've got a very rude answer from her.)

fixe Idee von NP-DATDas ist so eine fixe Idee von ihnen. • 'They are so obsessed.'

A noun phrase which means Fixe_Idee[ to be obsessed about ] NP-DA[ smth ].
Language: deu • Structure: [fixe Idee von [NP-DA]] • LU: von
Types: Indirect Object-variable
Examples: Erst seit Rosnovski zehn Prozent der Interstate Airways kaufte, weiß ich, daß es eine fixe Idee von ihm ist. I was only finally convinced of his obsession when Rosnovski purchased ten per cent of Interstate Airways! • Ich hatte nichts Geringeres im Sinn, als Serapions fixe Idee an der Wurzel anzugreifen! (I had no less an undertaking in my mind than that of attacking Serapion's obsession at its very roots.) • Ich kam darauf, daß die Vertauschung des eignen Ichs mit irgendeiner geschichtlichen Person gar häufig als fixe Idee sich im Innern gestalte. (I came to the fact that to confound oneself with some historical character was a frequent form of obsession.)

ganz und gar VP/AdjP/AdvPEr ist ganz und gar unschuldig. • 'He is completely innocent.'

An adverbial phrase with the meaning ganz_und_gar[ completely ].
Language: deu • Structure: [ganz und gar [VP|AdjP|AdvP]] • LU: gar
Types: Adverbial construction
      cat="AdvP" name="ganz_und_gar"
      cat="VP" name="VP"
      cat="AdjP" name="AdjP"
      cat="AdvP" name="AdvP"
Examples: ganz_und_gar_VP-AdjP-AdvP[ Blau, ganz_und_gar[ ganz und gar ] AdjP[ blau ] war der Himmel. • ganz_und_gar_VP-AdjP-AdvP[ Aber das ist ja ganz_und_gar[ ganz und gar ] AdjP[ lächerlich ]. • ganz_und_gar_VP-AdjP-AdvP[ 40 Prozent VP-AdjP-AdvP[ würden eine solche Vorschrift hingegen "eher" oder " ] ganz_und_gar[ ganz und gar ] " VP[ ablehnen ] ]. • Dass Petry in der AfD gelandet sei, ganz_und_gar_VP-AdjP-AdvP[ VP[ könne ] er sich ganz_und_gar[ ganz und gar ] nicht VP[ erklären ] ] • Dreimal blaffte er kurzangebunden »Wer da?«, ganz_und_gar_VP-AdjP-AdvP[ doch der Angler schien ganz_und_gar[ ganz und gar ] mit dem zappelnden Fisch vor seinen nackten Füßen AdjP[ beschäftigt zu sein ] ], nach dem er sich umständlich bückte, ihn packte und in großem Bogen auf einen kantigen Stein schlug.

immer Adv-CmpImmer ofter denke ich an dich • 'I'm thinking of you more and more often'

This construction means that a Adv-Cmp[ characteristic of an action ] immer[ permanently increases ].
Language: deu • Structure: [immer [Adv-Cmp]] • LU:
Types: Adverbial
      cat="adverb" name="immer"
      cat="adverb" name="Adv-Cmp" role="Characteristic"
Examples: Vergleiche kommen im Verlauf der Darstellung immer+Adv-Cmp[ immer[ immer ] Adv-Cmp[ wieder ] ] vor, sind manchmal unumgänglich, aber sie leiten den Gedankengang nicht. • Die Risse zwischen den Teilwelten des sozialen Kosmos traten mit den Jahren immer+Adv-Cmp[ immer[ immer ] Adv-Cmp[ deutlicher ] ] hervor. • In den siebziger und verstärkt in den achtziger Jahren sah ich auf Grund meiner Erfahrungen, wie das System sich immer+Adv-Cmp[ immer[ immer ] Adv-Cmp[ stärker ] ] gegenseitig verriegelt. • Der Druck entlud sich immer+Adv-Cmp[ immer[ immer ] Adv-Cmp[ öfter ] ] destruktiv. • Die funktionelle Güte der Dinge befriedigte immer+Adv-Cmp[ immer[ immer ] Adv-Cmp[ weniger ] ], ihr Erscheinungsbild wirkte wie festgefroren; moralisch waren sie bereits verschlissen, ehe sie überhaupt einen Käufer gefunden hatten.

interessieren NP-Dat für NP-AccIch interessiere mich für die Kunst. • 'I am interested in art'

Construction which means that NP-Dat[ Cognizer ] is interested in NP-Acc[ Theme (smth or smb) ].
Language: deu • Structure: LU: interessieren
Types: verb argument construction | Dative construction
      cat="Verb" name="interessieren"
      cat="NP" name="NP-Dat" role="Cognizer"
      cat="Prep" name="für"
      cat="NP" name="NP-Acc" role="Object"
Examples: Ja, ich interessieren_NP-Dat_für_NP-Acc[ interessiere NP_Dat[ mich ] für die Zertifizierung gemäß FSC-COC-Regularien ] (Yes, I am interested in certification according to FSC-COC rules.) • Ich interessieren_NP-Dat_für_NP-Acc[ interessiere NP-Dat[ mich ] für Ihre Produkte und Serviceleistungen ]. (I am interested in your products and services) • Bauern interessieren_NP-Dat_für_NP-Acc[ interessieren NP_Dat[ sich ] für Pflanzen mit höherem Ertrag ] (Farmers are interested in crops with a higher yield) • Philosophen interessieren_NP-Dat_für_NP-Acc[ interessieren NP-Dat[ sich ] für das Sein aller Dinge ]. (Philosophers are interested in the essence of all things.) • Ich interessieren_NP-Dat_für_NP-Acc[ interessiere NP-Dat[ mich ] für dieses Thema ]. (I am interested in this topic)

mit NP-Dat rückwärts gehenEs geht mit eurer Wirtschaft rückwärts • 'Your household deteriorates'

This construction means that it gehen[ becomes ] rückwärts[ worse ] with NP-Dat[ something ].
Language: deu • Structure: [mit [NP-Dat] rückwärts gehen] • LU: rückwärts
Types: IO-variable
      cat="pronoun" name="es"
      cat="verb" name="gehen"
      cat="preposition" name="mit"
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-Dat" role="Patient"
      cat="adverb" name="rückwärts"
Examples: aber wenn wir uns in die richtige Krabbelposition hoch stemmen, dann geht nur hin und her wippen oder es_gehen[ Ausserdem geht es ] rückwärts im Geburtskanal und das ist das Gegenteil zur Vorwärtsbewegung im Leben

NP-Acc aufsetzenSoll ich das Teewasser aufsetzen? • 'Shall I put the kettle on?'

Construction which means that NP-Acc[ something ] is aufsetzen[ put on and turn on the cooker ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-ACC]aufsetzen] • LU: aufsetzen
Types: verb argument construction | selection shift | cue:sit
      cat="NP" name="NP-Nom" role="Patient"
      cat="Verb" name="aufsetzen"
Examples: In der Zwischenzeit können Sie NP-Acc_aufsetzen[ Patient[ das Wasser ] aufsetzen[ aufsetzen ] ], in dem Sie die Malloreddus kochen, die dann mit dieser Sosse angemacht werden. • NP-Acc_aufsetzen[ Patient[ Die rote Beete ] in einem Topf mit Wasser aufsetzen[ aufsetzen ] ]. • Handlungen in der Küche zu tun: ein Spiegelei braten, Mineralwasser trinken, NP-Acc_aufsetzen[ Patient[ Teewasser ] aufsetzen[ aufsetzen ] ] oder das Geschirr waschen • Während sie NP-Acc_aufsetzen[ Patient[ Wasser ] aufsetzen[ aufsetzte ] ], setzte er sich auf einen der beiden Stühle am Fenster.

NP-Acc beisammen bekommenIch bekomme die Geschichte beisammen • 'I remind the story'

beisammen_bekommen[ To remind ] NP-Acc[ something ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-Acc] beisamen bekommen] • LU: bekommen
Types: DO-variable | verb argument construction | constant argument
      cat="NP" name="NP-Acc" role="Theme"
      cat="Adv" name="beisammen"
      cat="Verb" name="bekommen"

NP-Acc nicht aus den Augen lassenDiese Frage wollen wir nicht aus den Augen lassen. • 'We are going to keep an eye on this question.'

A verbal expression which means when someone lassen_nicht[ keeps ] aus_den_Augen[ an eye ] NP-Acc[ on something ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-Acc] nicht aus den Augen lassen] • LU: Augen|lassen
Types: DO-variable | verb argument construction | constant argument | negation | cue:leave
      cat="NP" name="NP-Acc"
      cat="PP" name="aus_den_Augen"
      cat="VP" name="lassen"
      cat="Neg-Particle" name="nicht"
Examples: NP-Acc_nicht_aus_den_Augen_lassen[ Sie lassen[ lassen ] NP-Acc[ ihren Nachwuchs ] die ersten zwei Jahre nicht[ nicht ] aus_den_Augen[ aus den Augen ] ]. • NP-Acc_nicht_aus_den_Augen_lassen[ Ich lassen[ wollte ] NP-Acc[ ihn ] nicht[ nicht mehr ] aus_den_Augen[ aus den Augen ] lassen[ lassen ] ]. • NP-Acc_nicht_aus_den_Augen_lassen[ Der Matrose lassen[ darf ] NP-Acc[ die Kompaßrose ] nicht[ nie ] aus_den_Augen[ aus den Augen ] lassen[ lassen ] ]. • NP-Acc_nicht_aus_den_Augen_lassen[ NP-Acc[ Sozialdemokraten und alle die Verbände, welche in ähnlicher Weise nur die allgemeine Wohlfahrt untergraben ], lassen[ dürfen ] wir nicht[ niemals ] aus_den_Augen[ aus den Augen ] lassen[ lassen ] ]. • NP-Acc_nicht_aus_den_Augen_lassen[ Keinen Augenblick lassen[ lassen ] die drei Techniker NP-Acc[ die große Monitorwand ] aus_den_Augen[ aus den Augen ] ].

NP-Acc zur Kenntnis nehmenDas Gericht hat den Text zur Kenntnis genommen. • 'The court took note of the text.'

A verbal expression which means that someone nehmen[ zur_Kenntnis[ takes note ] ] NP-Acc[ of something ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-Acc] zur Kenntnis nehmen] • LU: nehmen
Types: DO-variable
      cat="PP" name="zur_Kenntnis"
      cat="NP" name="NP-Acc"
      cat="VP" name="nehmen"
Examples: NP-Acc_zur_Kenntnis_nehmen[ Wir nehmen[ sollten ] NP-Acc[ das ] bitte zur_Kenntnis[ zur Kenntnis ] nehmen[ nehmen ] ]! • Ein General, NP-Acc_zur_Kenntnis_nehmen[ der NP-Acc[ nur Erfolge ] zur_Kenntnis[ zur Kenntnis ] nehmen[ nehmen will ] ], riskiert den völligen Zusammenbruch seiner Soldaten, panische Flucht, hohe Verluste und einen nicht wieder gutzumachenden Schaden an seinem Ruf. • NP-Acc_zur_Kenntnis_nehmen[ Wir nehmen[ müssen ] endlich zur_Kenntnis[ zur Kenntnis ] nehmen[ nehmen ], NP-Acc[ dass das Leben kein Paradies ist, wo man einfach verteilt, weil man sagt, wir sind sozial ] ]. • NP-Acc_zur_Kenntnis_nehmen[ David nehmen[ nahm ] NP-Acc[ es] mit einem Schulterzucken zur_Kenntnis[ zur Kenntnis ] ]. • NP-Acc_zur_Kenntnis_nehmen[ NP-Acc[ Selbst die Tips von Lukas für eine Exkursion nach Rantum ] nehmen[ nehmen ] sie lustlos zur_Kenntnis[ zur Kenntnis ] ].

NP-Acc auf dem Herzen habenIch habe die großen Pläne auf dem Herzen • 'I'm going to realize the great plans'

To have NP-Acc[ something ] auf_dem_Herzen_haben[ in the mind ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-Acc]auf dem Herzen haben] • LU: Herz
Types: verb argument construction | constant argument | cue:have
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-Acc" role="Theme"
      cat="preposition" name="auf"
      cat="noun phrase" name="dem Herzen"
Examples: Aus den Andeutungen und Scherzen, den flüchtigen Äußerungen und Fragen entnahm Madame de Montbail sehr bald, was der König nun NP-Acc+auf_dem_Herzen_haben[ NP-Acc[ recht ] eigentlich auf_dem_Herzen_haben[ auf dem Herzen hatte ] • Sprechen Sie sich aus, sagen Sie mir alles, NP-Acc+auf_dem_Herzen_haben[ NP-Acc[ was ] subject[ Sie ] auf_dem_Herzen_haben[ auf dem Herzen haben ] • Man muß den Sortimentern, gegen NP-Acc+auf_dem_Herzen_haben[ NP-Acc[ die ] Subject[ ich ] mancherlei auf_dem_Herzen_haben[ auf dem Herzen habe ], das Leben nicht noch schwerer machen, als sie sichs schon gemacht haben • Ich bin seine einzige Vertraute, aber er erzählt mir gewiß nur einen kleinen Teil dessen, NP-Acc+auf_dem_Herzen_haben[ NP-Acc[ was ] subject[ er ] auf_dem_Herzen_haben[ auf dem Herzen hat ] • Es scheint mir nun einmal an der Zeit, hier öffentlich auszusprechen, NP-Acc+auf_dem_Herzen_haben[ NP-Acc[ was ] Subject[ ich ] seit langem auf_dem_Herzen_haben[ auf dem Herzen habe ].

NP-Acc+in Acht nehmenDu musst dich in Acht nehmen • 'you should be careful'

This construction shows that NP-Acc[ somenone ] in_Acht_nehmen[ should be careful ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-Acc] in Acht nehmen] • LU: Nehmen
Types: DO-variable
      cat="npun phrase" name="NP-Acc" role="Benefactive"
      cat="preposition" name="in"
      cat="noun" name="Acht"
      cat="verb" name="nehmen"
Examples: Und ich dachte, als Frau muß man sich hier vor den wilden Griechen so in acht nehmen? • Wir müssen uns vor meiner Frau in acht nehmen.

NP-DAT ähnlich sehenEs gibt viele Gesichter, die sich ähnlich sehen. • 'There are many faces that look similar.'

A verb phrase which means that NP-DAT[ smth ] ähnlich_sehen[ looks similar ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-DAT] ähnlich sehen] • LU: sehen
Types: Direct Object-variable
Examples: Vanessa, 14 Jahre alt, sieht ihrer Tante ähnlich.Vanessa, 14 years old, looks similar to her aunt. • "Sie sieht ihr ähnlich", antwortete der Indianer vorsichtig. "She looks like her, the Indian answered cautiously. • Cormac nickte und räumte damit ein, dass Narbengesicht einem großen und schwer bewaffneten Frosch durchaus ähnlich sah. (Cormac nodded, admitting that his face was quite similar to a big and heavily armed frog.) • Er hat sie vor Jahren einen Schaubude Besitzer zugewuchert, heißt es, bloß weil sie einem Mädchen – einer Christin – ähnlich sah. (He used to grow her a few years ago, just because she looked like a girl - a Christian.)

NP-DAT auf der Hand liegenEs fordert den Wissenschaftler heraus, auch dort nach Lautgesetzen zu suchen, wo diese nicht offenkundig auf der Hand liegen. • 'It challenges the scientist to search for sound signals, even where they are not obvious.'

A verb phrase which means that NP-Dat[ smth ] is auf_der_Hand_liegen[ obvious ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-DAT] auf der Hand liegen] • LU: liegen
Types: Subject variable (with restrictions)
Examples: Alle römischen Kriege wurden von ihm als gerecht "(bellum iustum)" bezeichnet, selbst wenn Zweifel an dieser Einschätzung auf der Hand liegen. (All Roman wars were described by him as just "(bellum iustum)", even if doubts about this assessment are obvious.) • Das Märchen lässt mehrere volkstümliche Interpretationen („Lehren“) zu, die auf der Hand liegen, etwa: „Nur die Einfalt findet das Glück“. The fairy tale allows for several popular interpretations ("doctrines"), which are obvious: "Only the simplicity finds happiness." • Dabei dürfte auf der Hand liegen, dass geographische Lage, Ausländer(innen)quote und Geschlechterverteilungen - zumindest in einigen Fachrichtungen - einen bedeutsamen Effekt auf die Erwartungen haben muss, die man einer Schulklasse in Bezug auf ihr getestetes Kompetenzniveau entgegenbringt. It should be obvious that the geographical situation, foreigners' quota and gender distribution - at least in some disciplines - must have a significant effect on the expectations of a school class with regard to their tested level of competence.

NP-Dat auf die Füße tretenDie Kommission will den Staaten jedoch nicht auf die Füße treten • 'The commission doesn’t want to create obstacles to the States'

To auf_die_Füße_treten[ make obstacles to ] NP-Dat[ somebody ]
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-Dat] auf die Füße treten • LU: treten
Types: IO-variable
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-Dat" role="Patient"
      cat="preposition" name="auf"
      cat="noun phtase" name="die Füße"
      cat="verb" name="treten"
Examples: Ging es doch um eine Abrechnung mit einem Mann, der den Richtern des für politische Strafsachen zuständigen Senats des Reichsgerichts und NP-Dat_auf_die_Füße_treten[ NP-Dat[ den Herren Reichsanwälten ] compliment[ oft genug heftig ] auf_die_Füße_treten[ auf die Füße getreten hatte ] ] • Wer Interesse hat, sollte dennoch NP-Dat_auf_die_Füße_treten[ NP-Dat[ dem Gemeindeoder Stadtrat ] compliment[ schon mal ] auf_die_Füße_treten[ auf die Füße treten ], um allfällige Initiativen frühzeitig zu ergreifen • Kommt man unabsichtlich mit anderen Tanzpaaren in Konflikt, so entschuldigt sich der Herr - auch dann, wenn seine Dame NP-Dat_auf_die_Füße_treten[ NP-Dat[ jemanden ] verb[ gestoßen ] conj[ oder ] auf_die_Füße_treten[ auf den Fuß getreten hat ] • Gewiß, man ärgert sich vielleicht, wenn ein Passant uns kräftig auf den Fuß getreten hat; man liebt es auch nicht, wenn ein fremder Jemand allzu eindrucksvoll am Rücken oder Arm vorbei schlenkertWenn man NP-Dat_auf_die_Füße_treten[ NP-Dat[ jemandem ] compliment[ im Gedränge ] auf_die_Füße_treten[ auf den Fuß tritt ], ihn aus Versehen anrempelt, entschuldigt man sich höflich • Sowohl die Mondänen, die abends nach Lavendelwasser duften und sinnlich Tango tanzen und Strohwitwen trösten, wie die Naturburschen, die bieder ihre Pfeife qualmen und NP-Dat_auf_die_Füße_treten[ NP-Dat[ ihren anhimmelnden Verehrerinnen ] compliment[ beim derben Landler ] auf_die_Füße_treten[ auf die Füße treten ] - und ebenfalls Strohwitwen trösten.

NP-Dat freie Hand lassenDeine Eltern sollten dir freie Hand lassen. • 'Your parents should let you act free.'

A verb phrase which means to give an opportunity to NP-Dat[ someone ] to act freely
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-DAT] freie Hand lassen] • LU:
Types: DO-variable (direct object)
Examples: Wenn die USA gewisse für England abträgliche Zölle abschaffen, würde England den USA freie Hand in Mexiko lassen. If the United States were to abolish certain tariffs detrimental to Britain, England would let the USA act free in Mexico. • Während des türkisch-russischen Kriegs 1828 bis 1829 musste man ihnen freie Hand lassen. (During the Turkish-Russian War of 1828 to 1829 they had to be given freedom.) • Clavigo solle ihm nur freie Hand lassen und vor allem nichts Kompromittierendes unterschreiben. (Clavigo was to give him only freedomand, above all, to sign nothing compromising.)

NP-Dat+ums Herz seinEs ist mir ums Herz • 'I feel it'

This construction describes ums_Herz_sein[ the deep ] NP-Dat[ feelings ] of somenone.
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-Dat]ums Herz sein] • LU: sein
Types: IO-variable
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-Dat" role="Recipient"
      cat="ellision of pronoun and article" name="ums"
      cat="noun" name="Herz"
      cat="verb" name="sein"
Examples: Es ist mir sehr schwer ums Herz. • Den Liebesbrief dürfen Sie so gefühlvoll schließen, wie immer Ihnen ums Herz ist und Sie werden die richtigen Worte ohne gute Ratschläge zu finden wissen. • Diese Angst: wirst Du auch nicht zum Halunken an Dir selbst und Deiner Sache - darfst Du auch so fühlen, wie es Dir ums Herz ist. • Ihm ist im Magen und ums Herz herum und in der Kehle übel, er wirft den Anzug aufs Bett und läßt heißes Wasser ins Waschbecken laufen. • Es wurde Terrier ein bißchen warm ums Herz und sentimental im Gemüt.

NP-NOM im Bilde sein über NP-ACCIch bin über die Ereignisse im Bild. • 'I am aware of the events.'

A verbal phrase means that NP-NOM[ smb ] im_Bilde_sein[ is fully informed / is aware ] about NP-Acc[ smth ].
Language: deu • Structure: [NP-NOM] im Bilde sein über [NP-ACC] • LU: sein
Types: Object and subject variable (with restrictions)
Examples: Archivalische Forschungen haben ergeben, dass die "Frères Merian" zumindest über die kommerziellen Möglichkeiten des Sklavenhandels im Bilde sein wollten. (Archival research has shown that the "Frères Merian" were at least interested in the commercial possibilities of the slavery trade) • Es ist durchaus möglich, dass Pitts Agenten darüber im Bilde waren. (It is possible that Pitt's agents knew of it.) • Nun meldet sie sich erneut bei der Journalistin Helen Thomas und gab an, dass Nixon über die Vorgänge im Bilde sein müsse. (Now she reports again to the journalist Helen Thomas and stated that Nixon must be aware of the events.)

NP-Nom abgekriegtEr hat ziemlich viel abgekriegt • 'He got too much.'

Construction which means that NP-Nom[ smb ] gets too much.
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-NOM]abgekriegt] • LU: abkriegen
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-Nom" role="Subject"
      cat="verb" name="abkriegen"
Examples: Der Junge ist größer und schwerer als Andere aufgewachsen, NP-Nom[ er ] will Aufmerksamkeit, hat immer viel abgekriegt. • NP-Nom[ Unser Lindo ] hatte nicht so viel abgekriegt • „Ich glaube, NP-Nom[ Ihr Freund ] hat heute ein bisschen zu viel abgekriegt“, sagte er und deutete auf die Gestalt, die in ihrem Sessel zusammengesunken war. • NP-Nom[ Ihr ] linker Arm hat viel abgekriegt und zwei ihrer Finger sind vielleicht gebrochen.

NP-NOM am Platz seinDiese Kleidung ist eindeutig am Platz. • 'This clothes is certainly appropriate.'

This noun phrase means that NP-NOM[ smth ] to am_Platz_sein[ be appropriate / suitable ].
Language: deu • Structure: [NP-NOM] am Platz sein]] • LU: an
Types: Subject variable (with restrictions)
Examples: Ihr Kleid ist am Platz für dieses Mittagessen. (Her dress is appropriate for the lunch.) • Seine Rede war am Platz für gesternes Treffen. (His speech was appropriatefor yesterday's meeting.) • Sein Blick war extrem am Platz für gestern Abend. (His look was extremly appropriate for yesterday's evening.)

NP-Nom fort seinDas Wort ist fort • 'The word is forgotten'

NP-Nom[ Something ] fort_sein[ is forgotten ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-Nom] fort sein] • LU:
Types: Subject variable
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-Nom" role="Experiencer"
      cat="adjective" name="fort"
      cat="verb" name="sein"
Examples: .Er bat, ein Bild von sich zu bekommen, um es seinen Eltern senden zu können, da er jetzt NP-Nom_fort_sein[ NP-Nom[ 11/2 Jahre von Polen ] fort_sein[ fort sei ] und seine Eltern inzwischen nicht gesehen habe • Er war wie die alten Leute, die leicht und gerne weinen, weil NP-Nom_fort_sein[ NP-Nom[ das Leben schon so weit von ihnen ] fort_sein[ fort ist ] ] • Nun, nachdem NP-Nom_fort_sein[ NP-Nom[ die Farbe ] fort_sein[ fort war ] und das Licht der Augen, war es ein armes Gesicht geworden, so arm, als hätte es alles verschwendet, auch den letzten Reisepfennig. • Die kleine Wohnung in Niederrad, die Leni mit einer ältlichen Schwester teilte, die NP-Nom_fort_sein[ NP-Nom[ meistens auf Arbeit ] fort_sein[ fort war ], lag günstig für ein Versteck oder eine Flucht.

NP-NOM ganz Ohr seinWährend der Vorlesungen bin ich immer das ganze Ohr. • 'During the lectures I'm always fully attentive.'

A verb phrase which means that NP-NOM[ smb ] is ganz_Ohr_sein[ fully attentive or listens carefully ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-NOM] ganz Ohr sein] • LU: None
Types: Subject variable (with restrictions)
Examples: Ganz Ohr war ich bei den vielen Spukgeschichten, die der eine immer noch gruseliger zum Besten gab, wie der andere. (I listened carefully to the many haunted stories, the one still creepier to the best as the other.) • Sie möchten den Wagen wechseln, ich bin ganz Ohr. (You want to change the car, I'm listening carefully.) • Fräulein Laura schien ganz Ohr. (Miss Laura seemed to be very attentive.)

NP-Nom geschehen NP-Dat rechtEs ist ihm ganz recht geschehen. • 'It happened to him very fair.'

Verbal expression which means that NP-Nom[ something ] geschehen[ happened ] NP-Dat[ to someone ] and it is recht[ fair ], one deserved that.
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP] geschehen [NP-Dat] recht] • LU: recht
Types: IO-variable
      cat="VP" name="geschehen"
      cat="AdvP" name="recht"
      cat="NP (Experiencer-Patient)" name="NP-Dat"
      cat="PronP" name="NP-Nom"
Examples: NP-Nom_geschehen_NP-Dat_recht[ NP-Nom[ Es ] geschehen[ geschieht ] NP-Dat[ Klaus ] recht[ ganz recht ], daß ihn so viele Unbilden zur gleichen Zeit treffen, meinen manche Leute. • Ich denke, NP-Nom_geschehen_NP-Dat_recht[ NP-Nom[ dies ] geschehen[ geschieht ] NP-Dat[ ihm ] recht[ recht ] ]. • Und viele sagen: NP-Nom_geschehen_NP-Dat_recht![ geschehen[ Geschieht ] NP-Dat[ dem Westen ] recht[ recht ] • NP-Nom_geschehen_NP-Dat_recht[ geschehen[ Geschieht ] NP-Dat[ ihm ] recht[ recht ], der kommt ja verboten eitel rüber. • NP-Nom_geschehen_NP-Dat_recht[ NP-Nom[ Es ] geschehen[ geschah ] NP-Dat[ dir ] recht[ recht ] ], George Dandin.

NP-Nom ist der Mühe wertDie Revolution ist der Mühe wert. • 'The revolution is worth the trouble.'

A verbal expression which means that NP-Nom[ something ] ist[ is ] wert[ worth ] der_Mühe[ the trouble ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-Nom] ist der Mühe wert] • LU: wert
Types: S-variable | aspekt
      cat="NP" name="NP-Nom"
      cat="VP" name="ist"
      cat="NP" name="der_Mühe"
      cat="AdjP" name="wert"
Examples: NP-Nom_ist_der_Mühe_wert[ NP-Nom[ Es ] ist[ war ] nicht der_Mühe[ der Mühe wert[ wert ], darüber nachzudenken, welchem Staatsdienst sie zugeordnet waren. • NP-Nom_ist_der_Mühe_wert[ Und doch ist[ ist ] NP-Nom[ er ] der_Mühe[ aller Mühe wert[ wert ]. • NP-Nom_ist_der_Mühe_wert[ Es ist[ war ] der_Mühe[ aller Mühen wert[ wert ] ], wie der jetzt vorliegende Bericht auf eindrucksvolle Weise bestätigt. • NP-Nom_ist_der_Mühe_wert[ NP-Nom[ Das diplomatische Ringen ] ist[ ist ] der_Mühe[ alle Mühe wert[ wert ]. • NP-Nom_ist_der_Mühe_wert[ Deshalb ist NP-Nom[ es ] auch der_Mühe[ großer Mühe wert[ wert ] ], gemeinsame Positionen zu finden. • NP-Nom_ist_der_Mühe_wert[ ist[ Ist ] NP-Nom[ er ] der_Mühe[ der Mühe wert[ wert ] ?

NP-Nom ist nicht drinIst nicht drin! • 'No chance!'

Constructiom which meant that NP-Nom_ist_nicht_drin[ smth is not possible ]
Language: deu • Structure: [NP-Nom]ist_nicht_ drin] • LU: drin
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-Nom" role="Subject"
Examples: Ich war zwar etwas schneller als Stian, aber mehr NP-Nom_ist_nicht_drin[ war nicht drin ] (Although I was a bit quicker than Stian, a better result than this would not have been possible) • Wir haben unsere Position sicher verteidigen können. NP-Nom_ist_nicht_drin[ Mehr war nicht drin ] ", gab Frank Lorenzo nach der Siegerehrung zu Protokoll.(We were able to defend our position, but nothing more", said Frank Lorenzo for the record, after the presentation ceremony. ) • Geschwindigkeit der Spitze nicht mehr mitgehen und gab sich mit dem Dritten Rang zufrieden: " NP-Nom_ist_nicht_drin[ Heute war nicht mehr drin ] (Schwarzenbilder wasn't able to go the speed of the lead and he accepted the third place: "It wasn't more possible today. ) • Wir haben nämlich immer mit dem Etikett Hans-Peter Martin abgestimmt, aber NP-Nom_ist_nicht_drin[ Hans-Peter Martin ist nicht drin ] (We have in fact always voted with the Hans-Peter Martin label, but Hans-Peter Martin has no chance. ) • Ich unterschreibe das jetzt hier, davon ausgehend, daß NP-Nom_ist_nicht_drin[ diese beiden Ziffern nicht drin ] sein werden (I would be signing it there and then, proceeding from the assumption that both these paragraphs would not be included)

NP-Nom ist NP-Dat wurstEs ist mir völlig wurst! • 'I do not care at all!'

Constructon which means that NP-Dat[ Experiencer ] does not care about NP-Nom[ the Theme ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-Nom] ist [NP-Dat] wurst] • LU: wurst
Types: verb argument construction
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-Nom" role="Theme"
      cat="verb" name="ist"
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-DAT" role="Experiencer"
      cat="noun" name="wurst"
Examples: NP-Nom_ist_NP-DAT_wurst[ Es ist NP-Dat[ mir völlig wurst ], wie ich mein weiteres Leben finanzieren soll.(I totally don't care how I should pay for my future life) • -“Auf dieses Thema kam er immer wieder zurück. Wie oft muss ich das noch sagen?”, erwiderte Hephzibah. -“ NP-Nom_ist_NP-DAT_wurst[ NP-Dat[ Mir ist das wurst ] ” -“Das?” -“Völlig wurst”. (- "He always came back on this topic. How often do I have to repeat?"-, Hepzibah replied. - "I don't care" -"What?" - "totally don't care".)NP-Nom_NP-DAT_wurst[ subject[ Samira ] war das völlig Wurst ]. (Samira didn't care about it)NP-Nom_ist_NP-DAT_wurst[ NP-Dat[ Denen ist es zum Großteil völlig wurst ], ob du zu Hause drei Kinder und einen arbeitslosen Mann sitzen hast.(The majority of them doesn't care whether you have three children at home or you are unemployed.)NP-Nom_ist_NP-DAT_wurst[ Es ist NP-Dat[ ihm völlig Wurst ], was Vergangenheit ist und was Zukunft bedeutet. (He doesn't care what is past and what is future means)

NP-Nom knacken NP-AccDu knackst eine Bank • 'You rob a bank'

Verb construction which means that NP-Nom[ Agent ] crashed NP-Acc[ Patient ].
Language: deu • Structure: [NP-Nom [knacken [NP-ACC]]] • LU: knacken
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-NOM" role="Agent"
      cat="verb" name="knacken"
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-ACC" role="Patient"
Examples: NP-NOM_knacken_NP-ACC[ agent[ Du ] predicate[ knackst ] patient[ einen Tresor ] ] (You rob a safe)NP-NOM_knacken_NP-ACC[ agent[ Leipzig ] predicate[ knackt ] patient[ den Debütanten-Rekord ] ] (Leipzig cracked the Debutant-record)NP-NOM_knacken_NP-ACC[ agent[ Diebe ] predicate[ knacken ] patient[ Juwelier ] ] vor Augen von Passanten. (Thieves cracked jewelry shop in front of passers-by)NP-NOM_knacken_NP-ACC[ agent[ Sie ] predicate[ knackte ] patient[ den Code ] ] (They crashed the code)

NP-Nom kommen nicht in FrageDie Änderung der Politik kommt nicht in Frage. • 'The change in the policy is out of the question.'

A verbal expression which means that NP-Nom[ something ] kommen_nicht_in_Frage[ is out of the question ], kommen_nicht_in_Frage[ is not discussible ].
Language: deu • Structure: None • LU: kommen
Types: S-variable
      cat="NP" name="NP-Nom"
      cat="VP" name="kommen_nicht_in_Frage"
Examples: NP-Nom_kommen_nicht_in_Frage[ NP-Nom[ Nach Deutschland zurückzukehren ] kommen_nicht_in_Frage[ kam nicht in Frage ] ]. • NP-Nom_kommen_nicht_in_Frage[ NP-Nom[ Das ] kommen_nicht_in_Frage[ kommt nicht in Frage ] ]! • NP-Nom_kommen_nicht_in_Frage[ NP-Nom[ Belastungen für den Haushalt und die Bürger ] kommen_nicht_in_Frage[ kämen nicht in Frage ] ]. • NP-Nom_kommen_nicht_in_Frage[ NP-Nom[ Ein Kampfeinsatz ] kommen_nicht_in_Frage[ kommt nicht in Frage ] ], punkt. • NP-Nom_kommen_nicht_in_Frage[ NP-Nom[ Es ] kommen_nicht_in_Frage[ kommt nicht in Frage ], die Dynamik, mit der wir begonnen haben, jetzt abzubrechen ].

NP-Nom liegen an NP-DatEs liegt an ihm. • 'It is up to him.'

A verb phrase means that smth is up to NP-Nom[ smb ] / NP-Nom[ smth ] depends on NP_Dat[ smth ]
Language: deu • Structure: [NP-Nom [liegen [an [NP-Dat]]]] • LU: an
Types: verb argument construction (with restrictions)
Examples: Du kannst einem Mann immer glauben, dass es an ihm liegt! (You can a man always believe that it is up to him!) • Ich glaube, es liegt an seiner Flugunfähigkeit. (I think it's its flightlessness.) • Dies liegt an dem einzigartigen Charakter des Freeways-Projekts, der sich durch folgende Merkmale auszeichnet. (This is due to the unique character of the freeways project, in the sense that.)

NP-NOM liegen NP-DAT nichtDas liegt mir nicht. • 'This isn’t shape of my heart.'

A verbal phrase which means that NP-NOM[ smth ] liegen_nicht[ isn’t shape ] of NP-DAT[ smb's heart ]
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-NOM] liegen [NP-DAT] nicht] • LU: liegen
Examples: Die Entscheidung liegt aber nicht bei Ihnen, Mark, gab Browning zurück. (“It's not your choice, Mark, Browning said.) • Es liegt an ihm. (It's up to him.) • Das liegt nicht jedem. (This isn't everybody's job.)

NP-NOM mit den Traditionen brechenIhr Verhalten bricht mit den Traditionen. • 'Her behaviour violates the traditions.'

This verb phrase means that NP-NOM[ smth ] brechen[ violates ] Traditionen[ the traditions ].
Language: deu • Structure: [NP-NOM] mit den Traditionen brechen]] • LU: Tradition
Examples: Ein solcher Ansatz bricht die Traditionen. (Such an approach breaks the traditions.) • Ihre Worte brachen die Traditionen seines Essens. (Her words broke the traditions of his dinner.) • Ihre Handlungen brachen die Traditionen unserer Daten. (Her actions broke the traditions of our dates.)

NP-NOM sein NP-DAT [zu] hochDas ist mir zu hoch. • 'That beats me!'

An adverbal phrase means that NP_NOM[ smth ] zu_hoch[ beats ] NP-DAT[ smb ]. (Smb can’t understand smth).
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-NOM] sein [NP-DAT] (zu) hoch] • LU: hoch
Types: Object and subject variable (with restrictions)
Examples: Es ist dir zu hoch. (That's too deep for you.) • Das Buch ist mir zu hoch. (The book is too difficult for me.)

NP-Nom spinnenDu spinnst! • 'You're crazy'

Verbal conspruction which means that NP-Nom[ someone ] is crazy
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-NOM] spinnen] • LU: spinnen
Types: verb argument construction
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-Nom" role="Subject"
      cat="verb" name="spinnen"
Examples: Ich glaube NP-Nom[ du spinnst ]. (I think you are crazy)NP-Nom[ Du ] spinnst wohl! Du bist wohl nicht recht bei Verstand! (You are totally crazy! You're not right!)NP-Nom[ Ich ] spinne heute ein wenig. (I'm a little crazy today.) • Die spinnen, NP-Nom[ die Römer ]. (The Romans are crazy.)

NP-Nom vor der Tür seinDer Termin ist vor der Tür • 'The deadline is coming soon'

NP-Nom[Something ] vor_der_Tür_sein[ is going to happen soon ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-Nom] vor der Tür sein] • LU: None
Types: S-variable
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-Nom" role="Event"
      cat="preposition" name="vor"
      cat="article" name="der"
      cat="noun" name="Tür"
Examples: Die fünfzig Taler, die Ihr mich geliehen, ich soll auf die Johanni zurückzahlen, und NP-Nom_vor_der_Tür_sein[ NP-Nom[ der Termin ] vor_der_Tür_sein[ ist vor der Tür ] • Zu den Aufgaben von Ordnungsgruppen, die Ende der 80er Jahre etwa 40000 Mitglieder hatten, gehörte es auch, lokale Veranstaltungen zu sichern, den Einlaß und die Überwachung von Veranstaltungen in Jugendklubs zu übernehmen sowie im Auftrag von SED und F. für die »Erhöhung von öffentlicher Ordnung und Sicherheit« zu sorgen, wenn NP-Nom_vor_der_Tür_sein[ NP-Nom[ politische Großereignisse ] vor_der_Tür_sein[ vor der Tür sein ] • Dennoch: Ob die vielen Ähnlichkeiten zwischen den Börsengeschichten von damals und von jetzt schon ganz allein die Sorge untermauern, daß nun wie seinerzeit NP-Nom_vor_der_Tür_sein[ NP-Nom[ eine große Krise ] vor_der_Tür_sein[ vor der Tür ist ] darf bezweifelt werden • Die Welt erscheint als ein Haufe von Leidenschaften und Zufällen hier wie dort; mit dem Unterschied, daß ihr Gesetzbegriff in NP-Nom_vor_der_Tür_sein[ NP-Nom[ der Renaissance ] noch vor_der_Tür_sein[ vor der Tür war ], während er im Faschismus zur Tür hinausgeworfen wird • Freilich ist, wie man heute sieht, der Zeitpunkt beider Eingaben nicht sehr günstig gewählt worden, da NP-Nom_vor_der_Tür_sein[ NP-Nom[ die Auflösung des Landtags ] vor_der_Tür_sein[ vor der Tür ist ].

NP-Nom zu tief ins Glas schauenEr hat zu tief ins Glas geschaut. • 'He drank too much'

NP construction which means that NP-Nom[ Behaver ] zu_tief_ins_Glas_schauen[ drinks too much ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[NP-Nom]zu_ tief _ins_ Glas _schauen ] • LU: tief
Types: verb argument construction | constant argument
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-Nom" role="Behaver"
      cat="noun" name="Glass"
      cat="adjective" name="tief"
      cat="verb" name="schauen"
Examples: Als Cordula ihre tiefen Augenringe im Spiegel betrachtete, war ihr klar, dass NP-Nom[ sie ] am Abend zuvor wirklich zu_tief_ins_Glas_schauen[ zu tief ins Glas geschaut hatte ] (When Cordula looked in the mirror at her deep eye-rings, she realized that the evening before she had drunk really too much)NP-Nom[ Du ] predicate[ solltest ] neg[ nicht ] zu_tief_ins_Glas_schaen[ zu tief ins Glas schauen ] sonst musst du dir ein Taxi nehmen. (You shouldn’t drink alcohol, otherwise you have to take a taxi) • Gefahr für das Baby: NP-Nom[ Jede 20. Schwangere ] schaut zu tief ins Glas. (Danger to the baby: every twentieth pregnant women drinks alkohol) • Das kommt dabei heraus, wenn NP-Nom[ man ] zu tief ins Glas geguckt hat! • Zwar gibt es in Niedersachsen weniger jugendliche Komasäufer - dafür gucken immer NP-Nom[ mehr Rentner ] zu tief ins Glas

REFL-Dat VP-Inf lassenEr lässt sich die Haare schneiden. • 'He gets his hair cut.'

A verbal expression which means that REFL-Dat[ someone ] lassen[ gets ] VP-Inf[ something done ] by someone else.
Language: deu • Structure: [[REFL-Dat] [VP-Inf] lassen] • LU: lassen
Types: VP-variable
      cat="VP" name="VP-Inf"
      cat="REFL" name="REFL-Dat"
      cat="VP" name="lassen"
Examples: REFL-Dat_VP-Inf_lassen[ Meine Mutter lassen[ läßt ] REFL-Dat[ sich ] in der Stunde, in der ich Klavierunterricht habe, immer VP-Inf[ das Haar schön machen ]. • REFL-Dat_VP-Inf_lassen[ Sie lassen[ läßt ] REFL-Dat[ sich ] auf einer Bank in einem Salon liegend VP-Inf[ braunbrennen ] oder VP-Inf[ massieren ]. • Der Bäcker kauft beim Metzger, und REFL-Dat_VP-Inf_lassen[ der Dachdecker lassen[ lässt ] REFL-Dat[ sich ] beim Friseur VP-Inf[ die Haare schneiden ]. • REFL-Dat_VP-Inf_lassen[ Kinder lassen[ lassen ] REFL-Dat[ sich ] VP-Inf[ die ägyptische Fahne aufs Gesicht malen ] ], während ihre Eltern Lieder und Reden anhören. • REFL-Dat_VP-Inf_lassen[ Auch Politiker, die in die Jahre kommen, lassen[ lassen ] REFL-Dat[ sich ] VP-Inf[ die Haare tönen ] ] ; färben wäre zu radikal. • REFL-Dat_VP-Inf_lassen[ Die im Jahr 2000 gestorbene Lolo Ferrari lassen[ ließ ] REFL-Dat[ sich ] 22 Mal VP-Inf[ operieren ] ], hatte 130 Zentimeter Oberweite und soll sechs Kilo Brust vor sich hergetragen haben.

so gut wie AdjPDas Gebäude ist so gut wie leer. • 'The building is practically empty.'

An adverbial expression which means that some feature is so_gut_wie[ practically ] AdjP[ hold ].
Language: deu • Structure: [so gut wie [AdjP]] • LU: gut
Types: AdjP-variable
      cat="AdjP" name="AdjP"
      cat="AdvP" name="so_gut_wie"
Examples: Sie geht jetzt immer allein durch die Stadt, und so_gut_wie_AdjP[ die Stadt ist so_gut_wie[ so gut wie AdjP[ leer ]. • so_gut_wie_AdjP[ Da war ja so_gut_wie[ so gut wie AdjP[ gar nichts zu tun ]! • Du bist erschöpft, du hast Hunger, so_gut_wie_AdjP[ dein Eisschrank ist so_gut_wie[ so gut wie AdjP[ leer ] und zum Einkaufen hast du keine Lust. • Plötzlich frage ich den Mann, so_gut_wie_AdjP[ ob er meine so_gut_wie[ so gut wie AdjP[ unberührten ] Spaghetti zu Ende essen möchte. • so_gut_wie_AdjP[ Denn ] so_gut_wie[ so gut wie ] AdjP[ alle ] Senioren möchten unbedingt in ihrer vertrauten Umgebung bleiben ].

Tut NP-Dat leidEs tut mir leid • 'I&m sorry'

Construstion which shows that NP-Dat[ Experiencer ] feels sorry about smth
Language: deu • Structure: [Tut [NP-Dat] leid] • LU: leid
      cat="verb" name="Tun"
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-Dat" role="Experiencer"
      cat="adjective" name="leid"
Examples: Abends, wenn sie auseinandergehen mußten, Tut_NP-DAT_leid[ tat es experiencer[ Johann ] leid • Daß man den kleinen Riesen mit dem Rollenkopf zusammengeschlagen hatte, Tut_NP-DAT_leid[ tat experiencer[ ihm ] adverb[ trotzdem ] leid • Tut_NP-DAT_leid[ experiencer[ Ihm ] tun subject[ die Tiere ] leid • " Tut_NP-DAT_leid[ Es tut experiencer[ mir ] adverb[ aufrichtig ] leid um Ihre Eltern", sagte Frohner • Tut_NP-DAT_leid[ Es tut experiencer[ mir ] adverb[ wirklich leid ], daß sie auf das Niveau der PDS gesunken sind

VP klipp und klarIch habe ihr klipp und klar geantwortet. • 'I answered to her terse and clear.'

An adverbial expression which means that something VP[ was done ] klipp_und_klar[ briefly and clear ], usually meaning speech acts.
Language: deu • Structure: [[VP] klipp und klar] • LU: klar
Types: VP-variable
      cat="VP" name="VP"
      cat="AdjP" name="klipp_und_klar"
Examples: VP_klipp_und_klar[ Die Majorin VP[ drückt ] sich klipp_und_klar[ klipp und klar VP[ aus ]. • VP_klipp_und_klar[ Warum VP[ sagte ] sie nicht klipp_und_klar[ klipp und klar ] ], was sie wollte? • VP_klipp_und_klar[ Bei uns VP[ ist ] klipp_und_klar[ klipp und klar VP[ vereinbart ] ], dass jegliche Gewalt abgelehnt und sanktioniert wird. • VP_klipp_und_klar[ Die Dinge VP[ müssen ] auch mal klipp_und_klar[ klipp und klar VP[ angesprochen werden ]. • VP_klipp_und_klar[ In dem Bericht klipp_und_klar[ heißt es klipp_und_klar[ klipp und klar ] ], dass es für den Bau von neuen Atomkraftwerken keine staatlichen Subventionen gibt.

VP mit einem MalMit einem Mal schien alles möglich. • 'Suddenly, everything seemed possible.'

An adverbial expression which means that VP[ some event takes place ] mit_einem_Mal[ suddenly ], mit_einem_Mal[ all at once ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[VP] mit einem Mal] • LU: Mal
Types: VP-variable
      cat="AdvP" name="mit_einem_Mal"
      cat="VP" name="VP"
Examples: VP_mit_einem_Mal[ mit_einem_Mal[ Mit einem Mal VP[ fühlte ich mich so schwach ], am liebsten hätte ich einfach die Augen geschlossen und wäre in mich zusammengesackt. • VP_mit_einem_Mal[ mit_einem_Mal[ Mit einem Mal VP[ sieht ] er sehr unglücklich VP[ aus ]. • VP_mit_einem_Mal[ mit_einem_Mal[ Mit einem Mal VP[ liegt ] da hoher Schnee. • Sie lachen, scherzen, VP_mit_einem_Mal[ VP[ sind ] mit_einem_Mal[ mit einem Mal ] unglaublich nett. • VP_mit_einem_Mal[ mit_einem_Mal[ Mit einem Mal ] VP[ fühlte ] Kommissar Gordon sich sehr müde.

VP nach und nachNach und nach werden die Vorlesungen interessanter. • 'The lectures are slowly becoming more interesting.'

An adverbial expression which means thatsomething or someone is VP[ happening or doing ] something nach_und_nach[ by and by ], nach_und_nach[ bit by bit ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[VP] nach und nach] • LU: nach
Types: VP-variable
      cat="VP" name="VP"
      cat="AdjP" name="nach_und_nach"
Examples: VP_nach_und_nach[ Sein Begriffsvermögen VP[ kehrte ] nach_und_nach[ nach und nach VP[ zurück ]. • VP_nach_und_nach[ nach_und_nach[ Nach und nach VP[ darf ] sie ihre Wohnung VP[ verlassen ] ], erst für eine Stunde pro Tag, dann für zwei und sogar drei. • VP_nach_und_nach[ Die Gäste VP[ sind ] nach_und_nach[ nach und nach VP[ verschwunden ]. • VP_nach_und_nach[ Vom Herd nehmen, kalte Milch und nach_und_nach[ nach und nach Eier und Öl VP[ einrühren ]. • VP_nach_und_nach[ Gerade VP[ reduziert ] er nach_und_nach[ nach und nach ] die Dosis der Pillen ].

VP vor KurzemIch habe ihn vor Kurzem getroffen. • 'I met him recently.'

An adverbial expression which means that VP[ some event took place ] vor_Kurzem[ recently ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[VP] vor Kurzem] • LU: kurz
Types: VP-variable
      cat="VP" name="VP"
      cat="AdvP" name="vor_Kurzem"
Examples: VP_vor_Kurzem[ vor_Kurzem[ Vor Kurzem VP[ fanden ] Forscher jedoch VP[ heraus ] ], dass es einen Zusammenhang zwischen Erdbeben und Vollmond geben kann. • VP_vor_Kurzem[ Erst vor_Kurzem[ vor Kurzem VP[ hatte ] er VP[ sich in den Kopf gesetzt ] ], eine neue Wohnung zu finden. • VP_vor_Kurzem[ Sie VP[ haben ] vor_Kurzem[ vor Kurzem ein Buch VP[ veröffentlicht ]. • Auf die Möbelmesse in Mailand, VP_vor_Kurzem[ wo ich vor_Kurzem[ vor Kurzem VP[ war ] ], habe ich das Rad jedenfalls nicht mitgenommen. • VP_vor_Kurzem[ Bis vor_Kurzem[ vor Kurzem VP[ galten ] Brillenketten als Accessoire für ältere Leute.

VP wie es sich gehörtZieh die Jacke an wie es sich gehört. • 'Put the jacket on as it should be.'

Adverbial expression which means that some event VP[ happened ] wie_es_sich_gehört[ the way it was supposed ] to or wie_es_sich_gehört[ as is common ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[VP] wie es sich gehört] • LU: gehören
Types: VP-variable
      cat="verb" name="VP"
      cat="AdvP" name="wie_es_sich_gehört"
Examples: VP_wie_es_sich_gehört[ Sein Hemd VP[ hat ] ihm die Braut VP[ gekauft ], wie_es_sich_gehört[ wie es sich gehört ]. • VP_wie_es_sich_gehört[ Offenbar VP[ wurde ] in diesem Haus, wie_es_sich_gehört[ wie es sich gehört ], VP[ unbekleidet ] in die Sauna VP[ gegangen ]. • VP_wie_es_sich_gehört[ wie_es_sich_gehört[ Wie es sich gehört ], VP[ klären ] wir uns über Herkunft und Beruf VP[ auf ]. • Und nun frage sie sich, warum sie davor zurückgeschreckt sei, VP_wie_es_sich_gehört[ warum sie Thea VP[ nicht gefolgt sei ], wie_es_sich_gehört[ wie es sich gehört hätte ]. • Schwarze Mehlsuppe, der Vater kannte sie, er roch sie sofort, und VP_wie_es_sich_gehört[ eben VP[ goß ] auch der Offizier, wie_es_sich_gehört[ wie es sich gehörte ], ein halbes Glas Rotwein in den Teller.

VP ab und zuIch höre ab und zu von ihr. • 'I listen to him from time to time.'

Adverbial expression which means that VP[ smth happens ] ab_und_zu[ from time to time ].
Language: deu • Structure: [[VP] ab und zu]] • LU: None
Types: adverbial
      cat="conj" name="ab"
      cat="conj" name="zu"
      cat="verb phrase" name="VP" role="Event"
Examples: Der Kellner VP+ab_und_zu[ VP[ ging ] hastig ab_und_zu[ ab und zu ]. • Ich VP+ab_und_zu[ VP[ gehe ] ab_und_zu[ ab und zu ] dort einkaufen. • VP+ab_und_zu[ ab_und_zu[ Ab und zu VP[ habe ] subject[ ich ] VP[ Lust ] auf Süßigkeiten • Ich bin kein Profifußballspieler, ich VP+ab_und_zu[ VP[ spiele ] nur ab_aud_zu[ ab und zu ] Fußball. • Treibst Du oft Sport? Nein, nur ab_und_zu[ ab und zu ].

VP im Schweiße NP-Gen AngesichtsEr macht die Aufgabe im Schweiße seines Angesichts • 'He completes his task in the sweat'

NP-Gen[ Smb ] VP[ does something ] im_Schweiße_Angesichts[ with a lot of effort ]
Language: deu • Structure: [[VP]im schweiße [NP-Gen] Angesichts] • LU: Angesichts
Types: PP-constant argument | intensifier
      cat="VP" name="VP" role="Activity"
      cat="ellision of preposition and article" name="im"
      cat="noun" name="Schweiße"
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-Gen" role="Possessor"
Examples: Allerdings hatte der Müllwerker, anders als der Akademiker, jahrelang Zeit, VP+im_Schweiße+NP-Gen+Angesichts[ im_Schweiße[ im Schweiße NP-Gen[ seines ] Angesichts[ Angesichts ] VP[ über dem Problem zu brüten ] • VP+im_Schweiße+NP-Gen+Angesichts[ im_Schweiße[ Im Schweiße NP-Gen[ deines ] Angesichts[ Angesichts ] VP[ sollst ] du dein Brot essen • Etwas VP+im_Schweiße+NP-Gen+Angesichts[ im_Schweiße[ im Schweiße NP-Gen[ seines ] Angesichts[ Angesichts ] VP[ tun müssen ] : sich abmühen, eine lange qualvolle Arbeit verrichten müssen • VP+im_Schweiße+NP-Gen+Angesichts[ VP[ Seitdem ] arbeitet subject[ Hanna ] im_Schweiße[ im Schweiße NP-Gen[ ihres ] Angesichts[ Angesichts ] • Du hast recht, wir können schon sagen, VP+im_Schweiße+NP-Gen+Angesichts[ im_Schweiße[ im Schweiße NP-Gen[ unseres ] Angesichts[ Angesichts ] VP[ haben ] subject[ wir ] das kleine bißchen gezeugt.

weder X1 noch X2Ich mag weder Schokolade noch Eis. • 'I like neither chocolate nor ice cream'

Conjunction construction which reject two alternatives ( X1[ X1 ] and X2)[ X2 ] and means: weder_X1_noch_X2[ neither X1 nor X2 ]
Language: deu • Structure: [weder [X1] oder [X2] ] • LU: oder
      cat="Conj" name="weder"
      cat="Conj" name="oder"
Examples: conj[ Weder ] X1[ er ] Conj[ noch ] X2[ ich ] können morgen kommen. (Neither he nor I can come tomorrow.) • Nun aber gab es in Karthago conj[ weder ] X1[ Hirsche ] conj[ noch ] X2[ Stiere ] mehr. (However, in Carthage there were neither any deers, nor any bulls.) • Ich sah mit einem Blick, daß conj[ weder ] X1[ Rum ] conj[ noch ] X2[ Wodka ] (I immediately saw that there were neither any rom, nor any vodka.) • Wir haben conj[ weder ] X1[ Wasser ] conj[ noch ] X2[ Lebensmittel ] mehr! (We have neither any water, nor any food!) • Früher schloß ich conj[ weder ] X1[ meine Wohnung ] conj[ noch ] X2[ meinen Wagen ] je ab. (Not long ago I locked neither my flat, nor my car)

Wie geht es NP-DatWie geht es dir? • 'How are you?'

This verb phrase means: 'How are NP-Dat[ you ] going on?
Language: deu • Structure: [Wie geht es [NP-DAT]] • LU: es
Types: Direct Object-variable
Examples: Wie geht es dir jetzt eigentlich selber, Pappy? fragte Byron. ("How do you feel these days yourself, Pappy?" Byron asked.) • "Wie geht es Mitch?", erkundigte er sich. (“How's Mitch?” he asked.) • Ach wie ging es der armen Marie in der folgenden Nacht! (Ah, how did it fare with Marie that night?) • Wie immer geht es ihm darum, er selbst zu sein." Theo nickte. ("As always. Himself." Theo nodded.)

Wie nun vor NP-DatWie nun vor hundert Jahren • 'Like one hundred years ago'

A temporary bound that tells for NP-Dat[ what Time ] any event has not been happening.
Language: deu • Structure: [wie nun vor [NP-Dat]] • LU: vor
      cat="conjunction" name="wie"
      cat="interjection" name="nun"
      cat="preposition" name="vor"
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP-Dat" role="Time"
Examples: Die Buntbären unter ihnen erinnerten sich daran, daß ihre Eltern ihnen erzählt hatten, Wie_nun_vor+NP-Dat[ wie_nun_vor[ wie nun vor NP-Dat[ vielen Jahren ] ihre Vorfahren im Großen Wald gelebt hatten. • Die Linde würde vermutlich eingehen Wie_nun_vor+NP-Dat[ wie_nun_vor[ wie nun vor NP-Dat[ zwei Jahren ] die letzte, die nach Ausquartierung des Besatzungskommissariats 1947 gepflanzt worden war, nachdem General Woitbecker die erste, über zweihundert Jahre alte Linde mit der Begründung hatte fällen lassen, sie nähme zuviel Licht • Jetzt ist die Schlange vor dem Eingang nicht mehr so lang Wie_nun_vor+NP-Dat[ wie_nun_vor[ wie nun vor NP-Dat[ einigen Tagen ] ; sie breiten Toms Marilyn-Monroe-Handtuch aus und gehen bald ins Wasser. • So kosten Kartoffeln im Augenblick weithin im Königreich nur noch halb soviel Wie_nun_vor+NP-Dat[ wie_nun_vor[ wie nun vor NP-Dat[ 30 oder 40 Jahren ] • Wie_nun_vor+NP-Dat[ wie_nun_vor[ Wie nun vor ] NP-Dat[ tausend Jahren ] die Hunnen unter ihrem König Etzel sich einen Namen gemacht.

French Constructicon

Team: Marina Korshak, Maria Grabovskaya, Evgeniya Murzinova, Kirill Aksenov

avoir mal à NPJ`ai mal aux dents'I have a toothache'

We use this construction to say that X feels pain in some part of the body
Language: fra • Structure: [avoir mal [à NP]] • LU: mal
Types: prepositional
      cat="verb" name="avoir"
      cat="N|NP" name="Source" role="Source"
      cat="noun" name="mal"
Examples: Il avoir_mal_à_NP[ avait mal à la tête ] il était claqué, • Par exemple, si un patient se plaint d' ] avoir_mal_à_NP[ avoir mal au ventre ], un examen aidera à confirmer ou à exclure les origines possibles de la gêne. • Henriette avoir_mal_à_NP[ a mal au dos ], surtout les jours où je me fais porter • Le chat peut aussi avoir_mal_à_NP[ avoir mal au genou ], avec des inflammations de cette zone. • Elle avoir_mal_à_NP[ aura mal au dos ] jusqu'au jour où elle aura enfin gagné la partie.

ça va ADVÇa va bien! • 'Things are going well!'

We use this construction as a question "How are you doing?" and as an answer to this question. We can be more precised using an adverb after that
Language: fra • Structure: [Ça va [ADV]] • LU: mieux
Types: speech production
      cat="Adv" name="Evaluation" role="Evaluation"
      cat="Pronom" lu="ça" name="ça"
      cat="Verb" lu="aller" name="va"
Examples: Et ta mère, ça_va_ADV?[ ça va ] • Mais ça_va_ADV[ ça va Evaluation[ mieux ] ], te voilà toute rose… • – Oui, ça_va_ADV[ ça va ], c'est très bien. • — Vous êtes sûr que ça_va_ADV?[ ça va Evaluation[ bien ] • Malgré leur caparace et leur attitude ' ] ça_va_ADV[ Ça va ], laisse-moi tranquille', beaucoup de garçons trouvent la vie difficile.

comme NP être AdjPComme il est beau! • '- How beautiful it is!'

We use this construction Intensifier[ to intensify ] Evaluation[ the characterisitc ] of Stimulus[ someone or something ]
Language: fra • Structure: [Comme [NP être [AdjP]]] • LU: None
Types: intensification
      cat="Adv" lu="comme" name="Intensifier" role="Internsifier"
      cat="NP" name="Stimulus" role="Stimulus"
      cat="Verb" lu="être" name="être"
      cat="AdjP" name="Evaluation" role="Evaluation"
Examples: comme_NP_être_AdjP[ comme[ Comme ] Stimulus[ il ] être[ est ] Evaluation[ beau ] ], cet homme! • Mais comme_NP_être_AdjP![ Intensifier[ comme ] Stimulus[ c ] ' ] être[ est ] Evaluation[ difficile ] • comme_NP_être_AdjP![ Intensifier[ comme ] Stimulus[ c ] ' ] être[ est ] Evaluation[ cher ] • comme_NP_être_AdjP[ Intensifier[ Comme ] Stimulus[ elle ] être[ est ] Evaluation[ jolie ] dans cette robe! • comme_NP_être_AdjP[ Intensifier[ Comme ] Stimulus[ tu ] être[ es ] Evaluation[ cruel ] pour moi…

donner NPdonner la fièvre'to cause the flu'

the construction is used when something stimulates an appearance of a new status
Language: fra • Structure: [donner [NP]] • LU: frousse
      cat="V" lu="donner" role="Action"
Examples: Elle lui donner_NP[ a donné la fièvre ] • Ca me donner_NP[ donne la frousse ] • Cela doit vous donner_NP[ donner un bel appétit]

donner sur NPdonner sur la rue'to face the street'

the construction is used to describe what object the window faces
Language: fra • Structure: donner sur [NP] • LU: jardin
Examples: Au Sud la maison donner_sur_NP[ donne sur une place ] • Jardin avec une grande terrasse donner_sur_NP[ donnant sur la piscine ] • Studio indépendant avec chambre, salle de bains, kitchenette donner_sur_NP[ donnant sur une terrasse privatisable ] • Le gîte a une entrée privée et donner_sur_NP[ donne sur une terrasse très agréable ] • Double séjour donner_sur_NP[ donnant sur jardin ] et terrasse avec cheminée.

faire Adj impressionJe veux faire une bonne première impression. • '- I want to make good first impression.'

to make impression (type of impression depends on adjective)
Language: fra • Structure: [faire [Adj impression]] • LU: impression
Types: verb
      cat="Verb" name="faire"
      cat="Noun" name="impression"
      cat="Adj" name="Evaluation" role="Evaluation"
Examples: Ne voulant pas faire_Adj_impression[ faire Evaluation[ mauvaise impression politique ], je vais m'y rendre, bien que je n'accepte généralement pas ce genre d'invitation sans qu'elle ait été convenue auparavant. • Lorsque nous nous préparons - et nous nous préparons assez bien -, nous le faisons naturellement afin de faire_Adj_impression[ faire Evaluation[ bonne impression ], mais nous n'avons pas suffisamment pensé au bien de l'humanité. • Elle a commencé par me faire_Adj_impression[ faire une Evaluation[ mauvaise impression ] ]. • Cela faire_Adj_impression[ fait Evaluation[ bonne impression sur les clients ]. • Vous faire_Adj_impression[ ferez Evaluation[ bonne impression ] ] si vous arrivez à l'heure à vos rendez vous, réunions, cours ou activités sociales.

faire attention à NPJe fais attention à l`eau. • '- I pay attention to water.'

To pay attention to smth
Language: fra • Structure: [faire attention [à [NP]]] • LU: attention
Types: verb
      cat="Verb" name="faire"
      cat="Noun" name="attention"
      cat="Preposition" name="à"
      cat="NP" name="Stimulus" role="Stimulus"
Examples: Ce n'est pas ce que je dis mais la manière dont je vais le dire qui a ici son importance et je dois à chaque fois faire_attention_à_NP[ faire attention à Stimulus[ ça ] ]. • Il faudra en tenir compte, de la même manière qu'il faudra faire_attention_à_NP[ faire attention à Stimulus[ la possibilité ] pour les États membres de présenter des rapports circonstanciés concernant leurs potentiels nationaux. • Essaie de faire_attention_à_NP[ faire attention à Stimulus[ l'heure ] et d'éviter de t'absenter du bureau. • Pour le dessin avec le vieux monsieur et l'oiseau, elle doit faire_attention_à_NP[ faire attention à Stimulus[ tous les détails ] ]. • Alors qu'il soupait avec le roi de France, il se retira de la conversation sans plus faire_attention_à_NP![ faire attention au Stimulus[ roi ]

faire connaissance de/avec NPJe fais connaissance avec mon nouveau quartier. • '- I get acquainted with my new neighborhood.'

To get acquainted with smb (also possible for animals)
Language: fra • Structure: [faire connaissance [de/avec [NP]]] • LU: connaissance
Types: verb
      cat="Verb" name="faire"
      cat="Noun" name="connaissance"
      cat="Preposition" name="de"
      cat="Preposition" name="avec"
      cat="NP" name="Patient" role="Patient"
Examples: Je pense que vous avez déjà eu l'occasion de faire_connaissance_de/avec_NP[ faire connaissance avec Patient[ quelques-unes des personnes ] assises à cette table, mais je vais simplement les passer rapidement en revue. • C'est Monsieur Hernan, Argentin qui adore parler français faire_connaissance_de/avec_NP[ avec Patient[ qui je fais connaissance ] ]. • A partir de là, je faire_connaissance_de/avec_NP[ fais la connaissance de Patient[ personnes ] ] bien placées dans cette sphère très fermée, avec qui je collaborerai pendant plusieurs années. • Mais les gens qui habitent près de chez moi apprécient de venir me voir sur place, après avoir vu leur vétérinaire, afin que je faire_connaissance_de/avec_NP[ fasse connaissance avec Patient[ leur chien ] ]. • Elle vous permettra de découvrir l'actualité de nos programmes et de faire_connaissance_de/avec_NP[ faire connaissance avec Patient[ quelques membres de nos équipes nationales ] ].

faire de NPJe fais du vélo. • '- I ride a bicycle.'

To do some activity (sports or music)
Language: fra • Structure: [faire [de [NP]]] • LU: faire de
Types: verb
      cat="verb" name="faire"
      cat="preposition" name="de"
      cat="NP" name="Instrument" role="Instrument"
Examples: Bruxelles a de magnifiques espaces verts et cela incite à marcher et faire_de_NP[ faire du Instrument[ vélo ] ]. • La possibilité de procréer est aussi essentielle au mariage que nager l'est à un maître-nageur et que faire_de_NP[ faire de Instrument[ la musique ] l'est à un musicien. • Et je me suis dit - si je peux faire_de_NP[ faire du Instrument[ ski ] ], pourquoi ne puis-je pas jouer au golf? • faire_de_NP[ Faire du Instrument[ sport ] le matin vous évite d'annuler votre séance d'entraînement pour une raison quelconque. • Découvrez les meilleurs breaks ou apprenez à faire_de_NP[ faire du Instrument[ surf ] dans notre paradis des surfeurs.

faire le ménageJe fais le ménage. • '- I am cleaning up.'

To clean up
Language: fra • Structure: [faire [le ménage]] • LU: ménage
Types: verb
      cat="Verb" name="faire"
      cat="Article" name="le"
      cat="Noun" name="ménage"
Examples: Ta bonne refuse de faire_le_ménage[ faire le ménage ] ? • Le texto lui ordonnant de faire_le_ménage[ faire le ménage ] venait d'un plus haut placé. • Pour faire_le_ménage[ faire le ménage ], je n'en ai pas besoin. • Tu cuisines pour moi, faire_le_ménage[ fais le ménage ] pour moi, fais du shopping pour moi. • J' faire_le_ménage[ ai fait le ménage ] sur le yacht.

faire mal à NPÇa peut faire mal aux dents. • 'This can cause tooth ache.'

To hurt
Language: fra • Structure: [faire mal [à [NP]]] • LU: mal
Types: verb
      cat="Verb" name="faire"
      cat="Noun" name="mal"
      cat="Preposition" name="à"
      cat="NP" name="Patient" role="Patient"
Examples: Mais il vaudrait mieux vous faire_mal_à_NP[ faire mal à Patient[ vous-mêmes ] ], que de le souhaiter à l'un de vos semblables. • Cela va faire_mal_à_NP[ faire mal à Patient[ nos commerces ] ], à nos villes et à nos villages. • Espo, et n'est pas peur de faire_mal_à_NP[ faire mal à Patient[ ses sentiments ] ]. • Personne n’essaye de faire_mal_à_NP[ Patient[ me ] faire mal ]. • Ils essayent de faire_mal_à_NP[ faire mal à Patient[ Mike ] ]. • Attention, c'est froid. Ça peut faire_mal_à_NP[ faire mal aux Patient[ dents ] ].

faire VPTu me fais rire! • 'You make me laugh!'

To make do/feel smth
Language: fra • Structure: [faire [VP]] • LU: faire
Types: causative | cue:make
      cat="Verb" name="faire"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Je sais que cette phrase peut faire_VP[ faire Action[ rire ] ], mais je la maintiens. • Vous pouvez faire_VP[ faire Action[ lire ] ] les numéros de téléphone par l'appareil et les rappeler si nécessaire. • Cet embargo commercial continue de faire_VP[ faire Action[ souffrir ] ] les femmes et les enfants cubains. • Ne laisse pas les autres princesses te faire_VP[ faire Action[ pleurer ] ]! • Nous voyons donc là les résultats de tous les efforts réalisés pour faire_VP[ faire Action[ venir ] ] les gens dans la région.

mettre à NPmettre au service'put at the service'

the construction is used when something is used to get a result
Language: fra • Structure: mettre à NP • LU: mettre
Types: verb argument construction | constant argument | light verb | cue:put
      cat="Verb" lu="mettre" name="mettre"       cat="Prep" lu="à" name="à"       cat="NP" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Cette technique vise mettre_à_NP[ à mettre[ mettre ] à[ au ] Action[ jour ] la vérité ]. • Il faut mettre_à_NP[ mettre[ mettre ] à[ à ] Action[ jour ] ] les données sur la composition des eaux pluviales d`orage. • Il est difficile d`arriver à mettre_à_NP[ mettre[ mettre ] à[ au ] Action[ point ] ] des traitements pour ces maladies. • Je vais appeler Manny pour le mettre_à_NP[ mettre[ mettre ] à[ au ] Action[ courant ] • mettre_à_NP[ mettre[ Mettre ] à[ au ] Action[ monde ] ou mettre_à_NP[ ne pas mettre[ mettre ] à[ au ] Action[ monde ] ] telle est la question

mettre en valeur NPLe musée mettra en valeur les œuvres d'artistes locaux. • 'The museum will showcase the work of local artists.'

the construction is used to inform that an object adds value to something
Language: fra • Structure: mettre en valeur • LU: valeur
Types: verb
      cat="Verb" name="mettre"
      cat="Preposition" name="en"
      cat="Noun" name="valeur"
      cat="NP" name="Object" role="Object"
Examples: Cette présentation mettre_en_valeur_NP[ met en valeur Object[ les atouts du produit ] ]. • Chaque année, cet événement mettre_en_valeur_NP[ met en valeur Object[ la richesse de la culture d'un pays en particulier ], favorisant ainsi une meilleure compréhension des nations de l'UE.

NP avoir du mal à VP-INFIl a du mal à croire • 'He finds it hard to believe'

When it's difficult for a subject to do some action or somebody is having troubles doing some action
Language: fra • Structure: [NP [[avoir [du mal] [à VP-Inf]]] • LU: du mal
Types: verb
      cat="VP" name="avoir_du_mal"
      cat="VP_INF" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="NP" name="Subject" role="Subject"
Examples: De plus, celui-ci pourrait NP_avoir_du_mal_à_VP-INF[ avoir du mal à répondre ] une telle question car elle ne le concerne pas directement. • J’ ] NP_avoir_du_mal_à_VP-INF[ avais du mal à ne pas m’irriter ] en la voyant revenir ainsi sur le passé. • Moi aussi parfois, j' ] NP_avoir_du_mal_à_VP-INF[ ai du mal à croire ] que je suis de retour. • Tu NP_avoir_du_mal_à_VP-INF[ as du mal à effectuer ] des mouvements ou non? • Tu peux alors NP_avoir_du_mal_à_VP-INF[ avoir du mal à rester ] assise pendant une longue période

NP avoir l`air AdjPElle a l`air fatigué'She looks tired'

This construction means that Experiencery[ somebody ] has the appearance of being State[ in some emotional or physical condition ]
Language: fra • Structure: LU:
Types: adjective | attitude | evaluation
      cat="VP" name="avoir l`air"
      cat="NP" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="AdjP" name="State" role="State"
Examples: NP_avoir_l'air_Adj[ Experiencer[ Il ] avoir[ avait ] l'air l`air State[ rayonnant ], et il tenait une grosse et grande lettre d'une main, ses lunettes de l'autre. • NP_avoir_l'air_Adj[ Experiencer[ Elle ] a l'air State[ doux et décent ] : mais ma préférence ne lui servira de rien, la pauvre enfant! • Vous êtes bien sévère avec ce bon jeune homme, NP_avoir_l'air_Adj[ Experiencer[ qui ] a l'air State[ si franc et si enjoué ], dit le comte en souriant • NP_avoir_l'air_Adj[ Experiencer[ Il ] avoir_l`air[ avait l'air State[ très satisfait ], et Diane devina à son sourire qu'il méditait quelque sournoiserie. • Puis, NP_avoir_l'air_Adj....[ Experiencer[ il ] avoir_l`air[ a l'air State[ si malheureux ] ].

NP avoir lieuLes Jeux Olympiques ont lieu au CanadaOlympic games take place in Canada

Some action takes place or occurs in some Place or in some Time
Language: fra • Structure: [NP avoir lieu] • LU: avoir_lieu
      cat="N" lu="lieu" name="lieu"
      cat="Verb" lu="avoir" name="avoir"
      cat="PP" name="PP" role="Place/Time"
      cat="NP" name="Event" role="Event"
Examples: Mais ces changements et engagements doivent avoir[ avoir ] lieu[ lieu ] Place/Time[ maintenant ]. • Et ce meurtre avoir[ a eu ] lieu[ lieu ] Place/Time[ en 1864, à Opotiki ] • Tandis que cette scène se passait au Louvre, une autre du même genre avoir[ avait ] lieu[ lieu ] Place/Time[ à l’hôtel de Guise ]. • Le mariage avoir[ eut ] lieu[ lieu ] Place/Time[ dans l'église Saint-Louis-en-l'Ile ]. • Puis, selon les habitudes d'outre-mer, les présentations avoir[ eurent ] lieu[ lieu ].

NP avoir NPJ`ai soif • 'I get thirsty'

A person experiences some feeling or desire connected with his basic needs
Language: fra • Structure: None • LU: faim
Types: verb
      cat="Verb" lu="avoir" name="avoir"
      cat="NP" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="NP" name="Stimulus" role="Stimulus"
Examples: – Comment! ] NP_avoir_NP[ Experiencer[ vous ] avez Stimulus[ faim ] ! cria madame Josserand, outrée. • « NP_avoir_NP[ Experiencer[ J ] 'ai Stimulus[ faim ] !» dit-il. • Le jour où j’avais enterré maman, j’étais très fatigue, et NP_avoir_NP[ Experiencer[ j ] ’avais Stimulus[ sommeil ] ]. • Il avait mal à la tête, il était claqué, NP_avoir_NP[ Experiencer[ il ] avait Stimulus[ soif ]. • – Il dit qu' NP_avoir_NP[ Experiencer[ il ] a Stimulus[ soif ] et qu'il boirait bien un coup, répondit Carmen.

NP avoir NPJ`ai tort! • '- I`m wrong!'

Experiencer[ A person ] is Stimulus[ right or wrong ] about something
Language: fra • Structure: [NP [avoir NP]] • LU: raison|tort
Types: verb argument construction | cue:have
      cat="Verb" lu="avoir" name="avoir"
      cat="NP" name="Stimulus" role="Stimulus"
      cat="NP" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
Examples: Nous sommes dans un pays libre et NP_avoir_NP[ Experiencer[ ils ] ont le droit d'avoir[ avoir ] Stimulus[ tort ].• -Ah! NP_avoir_NP[ Stimulus[ Tu ] veux toujours avoir[ avoir ] Stimulus[ raison ] ], toi • NP_avoir_NP[ Experiencer[ Il ] croyait avoir[ avoir ] Stimulus[ raison ] ] : belle raison • - NP_avoir_NP[ Experiencer[ Madame ] avoir[ a ] Stimulus[ tort ] ], répétait Clara. • J'avoue que je n'y croyais pas trop mais NP_avoir_NP…[ Experiencer[ j' ] avoir[ avais ] Stimulus[ tort].

NP avoir NPJ`ai chaud'I`m hot'

Experiencer[ A person ] avoir[ experiences ] Stimulus[ an external feeling of warmth or cold ]
Language: fra • Structure: [NP avoir [NP]] • LU: froid
Types: verb
      cat="Verb" lu="avoir" name="avoir"
      cat="NP" name="Stimulus" role="Stimulus"
      cat="NP" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
Examples: La personne est en débardeur (et NP_avoir_Adj)[ Experiencer[ elle ] ne semble pas avoir Stimulus[ froid ] • NP_avoir_Adj[ Experiencer[ Tu ] vas avoir Stimulus[ froid ] ! • NP_avoir_Adj[ Experiencer[ Mon frère ] a Stimulus[ froid ] ], nous gelons chez nous. • Le volkameria se portait à merveille; NP_avoir_Adj[ Experiencer[ il ] avait Stimulus[ chaud ] ], et ses racines étaient fraîches. • Au moins, NP_avoir_Adj[ Experiencer[ elle ] aurait Stimulus[ chaud ] ].

NP être au courant de NPElle est au courant de toutes les nouvelles'She is aware of all the news'

Experiencer[ Someone ] être_au_courant_de[ has all the necessary information about ] Event[ some event or somebody ]
Language: fra • Structure: [NP être au courant [de NP]] • LU: au courant
Types: prepositional
      cat="VP" name="être_au_courant_de"
      cat="NP" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="NP" name="Event" role="Event"
Examples: NP_être_au_courant_de_NP[ Experiencer[ Le jeune homme ] être_au_courant_de[ était trop au courant ] Event[ des affaires de la maison ] pour ne pas sentir qu’une grande catastrophe pesait sur la famille Morrel. • Les noms et adresses de Experiencer[ deux ou trois personnes ] NP_être_au_courant_de_NP[ Experiencer[ qui ] être_au_courant_de[ sont au courant Event[ des accomplissements ] du candidat sont bienvenus • NP_être_au_courant_de_NP[ Experiencer[ Olivier ] être_au_courant_de[ n’était au courant d ] e Event[ rien ] ]. • NP_être_au_courant_de_NP[ Experiencer[ Les trois employés s ] être_au_courant_de[ ont au courant de Event[ leur obligation de servir le public ] dans la langue officielle de son choix. • NP_être_au_courant_de_NP[ Experiencer[ Il ] être_au_courant_de[ est donc au courant Event[ de notre visite chez Papado-poulos ].

NP ou quoiTu es con ou quoi? • '- Are you an idiot?'

We use this construction as a rhetorical question when we want to compare the actions of Comparee[ the object ] with some Standard[ other person with prototypical characteristics ]
Language: fra • Structure: [[NP] ou quoi?] • LU: homme
Types: prototypical meaning | comparative
      cat="pronom" name="Comparee" role="Comparee"
      cat="pronom" lu="quoi" name="quoi"
      cat="Conj" lu="ou" name="ou"
      cat="Noun" name="Standard" role="Standard"
Examples: NP_ou_quoi[ Comparee[ T ] 'es Standard[ mon ami ] ou quoi[ quoi ] je suis pas sure en fait.. t'aurais pas mis du cyanure dans ma bière? • NP_ou_quoi?[ Mais Comparee[ t ] 'es Standard[ con ] ou quoi[ quoi ] • NP_ou_quoi?[ Comparee[ Vous ] êtes Standardou[ un homme ] quoi[ quoi ]

NP passer pour NPIl passe pour bourdot'He has a reputation of being a fool'

We use this construction to say that Object[ somebody ] Action[ looks like or behave like ] Standard[ someone else in his/her prototypical sense ]
Language: fra • Structure: [NP [passer [pour NP]]] • LU: bourdot
Types: verb | comparative
      cat="Verb" lu="passer" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="NP" name="Standard" role="Standard"
      cat="NP" name="Object" role="Object"
Examples: Cette boutique m'était interdite en tout temps par ma mère, dont la plus grande crainte était de NP_passer_pour_NP[ Object[ me ] voir Action[ passer ] pour Standard[ une marchande ] ]. • NP_passer_pour_NP[ Object[ Elle ] aurait pu Action[ passer ] pour Standard[ une femme pressée ] ], avec son tailleur charnel et son walkwoman • NP_passer_pour_NP...[ Object[ Je ] pourrais me faire Action[ passer ] pour Standard[ une cliente Est-ce comme cela qu'on dit ]? • Object[ Lui ], céda, puis recommença, craignant de NP_passer_pour_NP[ Action[ passer ] pour Standard[ un imbécile ] • Il est préférable de garder le silence et de NP_passer_pour_NP[ Action[ passer ] pour Standard[ un idiot ]

prendre NP au sérieuxvous ne me prenez pas au sérieux'you don`t take me seriously'

the construction is used when someone does or does not take something or someone seriously
Language: fra • Structure: prendre [NP] au sérieux • LU: sérieux
      cat="V" role="Action"
Examples: vous prendre_NP_au_sérieux[ ne me prenez pas au sérieux ] • il prendre_NP_au_sérieux[ prend tout au sérieux ] • il prendre_NP_au_sérieux[ prend des blagues au sérieux ]

prendre NP

we use this construction to explain an action of having a drink
Language: fra • Structure: [prendre [NP]] • LU: thé
Types: verb
      cat="V" lu="prendre" role="Action"
Examples: Ce matin j`ai prendre_NP[ pris 10 tasses du café ]. • Est-ce que tu veux prendre_NP[ prendre du thé ]? • Ma grand-mère prendre_NP[ ne prend pas le café ] • Car cet endroit doit servir à prendre_NP[ prendre un thé ou un café ] • Nous ne voulons pas voir des gens prendre_NP[ prendre un thé ] à Toronto.

prendre NPprendre un taxi'to take a taxi'

we use this construction to explain an action of using any kind of transport[ transport ]
Language: fra • Structure: [prendre [NP]] • LU: métro
Types: verb
      cat="V" lu="prendre" role="Action"
      cat="NP" name="transport" role="Theme"
Examples: Si vous ne souhaitez pas prendre_NP[ prendre un taxi prendre_NP[ prendre le Bus 32 ] • Les passagers peuvent également louer une voiture ou prendre_NP[ prendre un taxi ] • J'habite le quartier du Bronx, et je dois prendre_NP[ prendre un métro et un bus ] pour aller à Manhattan. • Vous pouvez également prendre_NP[ prendre le métro ] • On aurait préféré prendre_NP[ prendre un bus ]

prendre part à NP

the construction is used to describe taking part in an event
Language: fra • Structure: [prendre part à [NP]] • LU: conversation
Types: verb
      cat="V" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Ils pourront prendre_part_à_NP[ prendre part à vos débats ] en tant qu'observateurs actifs. • Après de nombreuses décennies, mon pays a l`occasion de prendre_part_à_NP[ prendre part à la formation de la politique européenne et mondiale ] • Monsieur le Président, j`ai le plaisir de prendre_part_à_NP[ prendre part à ce débat sur la sécurité aérienne ] • L`Égypte a également été invitée à prendre_part_à_NP[ prendre part à la réunion ] • Laquelle des langues suivantes parlez-vous suffisamment bien pour prendre_part_à_NP[ prendre part à une conversation ]?

quel NPQuel bonheur!'How wonderful!/What a joy!'

We use this construction to quel[ intensify ] quelle Evaluation[ the emotion ] (NP) that we feel
Language: fra • Structure: [quel NP] • LU: honte
Types: intensification
      cat="NP" name="Evaluation" role="Evaluation"
      cat="Adj" lu="quel" name="quel|quelle"
Examples: Mais quel_NP[ quelle horreur ] elle ne me sentait pas non plus, et s'éloigna de moi sans que je puisse la retenir. • quel_NP[ Quelle honte ] que cela se déroule au centre de l'Europe. • quel_NP[ Quelle honte ] et quel_NP[ quelle hypocrisie ] de la part du secrétaire parlementaire d'intervenir pour nous accuser de ne rien faire. • quel_NP[ Quel dommage ], disait Talleyrand, après avoir entendu une diatribe de Napoléon • Mais quand il me l'a montré, je lui ai dit " quel_NP[ Quelle horreur ]!

quelqu'un de AdjP-AdvPIl est quelqu`un du bien!'He is a good man'

We use this construction when we want to Evaluation[ evaluate some moral characteristics ] of quelqu`un_de[ a person ]
Language: fra • Structure: [NP [VP quelqu'un de [AdjP|AdvP]]] • LU: mal
Types: evaluation | topicalization
      cat="NP" name="quelqu`un_de" role="Object"
      cat="AdjP|AdvP" name="Evaluation" role="Evaluation"
Examples: Selon le mot de la pipelette, elle a rencontré quelqu'un_de_AdjP-AdvP[ quelqu`un_de[ quelqu'un de Evaluation[ bien ] • À leur contact, j'ai l'impression d'être quelqu'un_de_AdjP-AdvP[ quelqu`un_de[ quelqu'un de Evaluation[ normal ] • Peut-il exister sur Terre quelqu'un_de_AdjP-AdvP[ quelqu`un_de[ quelqu'un de Evaluation[ plus sage ] que Dieu? • Ça prend quelqu'un_de_AdjP-AdvP[ quelqu`un_de[ quelqu'un de Evaluation[ très spécial ] pour devenir éducateur dans un centre de la petite enfance ou une garderie. • Le fait que j'ai épousé quelqu'un_de_AdjP-AdvP[ quelqu`un_de[ quelqu'un de Evaluation[ célèbre ] ne signifie pas que mes valeurs fondamentales ont changé.

rendre visite à NPJe rends visite à lui. • '- I visit him.'

to visit someone
Language: fra • Structure: [rendre visite à [NP]] • LU: visite
Types: verb
      cat="V" name="rendre"
      cat="Noun" name="visite"
      cat="NP" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
Examples: Agent[ Nous ] rendre_visite_à_NP[ rendre[ venons de rendre ] visite[ visite ] au Experiencer[ chef traditionnel ] et faisons maintenant part de notre arrivée à la ville. • Agent[ Il ] rendre_visite_à_NP[ rendre[ rend ] visite[ visite ] aux Experiencer[ prisonniers ] et lance des actions en justice à l'encontre de ceux qui violent les droits de l'homme. • 1953 Agent[ Elsa Ardissono, sa seule nièce ], rendre_visite_à_NP[ Experiencer[ lui ] rendre[ rend ] visite[ visite ] et lui demande d'aller voir sa mère qui est gravement malade. • Agent[ Un enfant ] sur quatre rendre_visite_à_NP[ rendre[ rend ] visite[ visite ] à Experiencer[ son père ] de façon sporadique et 15 p. 100 ne le voient jamais. • Agent[ Un ange ] rendre_visite_à_NP[ rendre[ rend ] visite[ visite ] à Experiencer[ Marie ] et l'invite à devenir la Mère du Fils de Dieu.

reussir à VP-INFNous devons réussir à faire le ménage. • 'We must clean up.'

To succeed in
Language: fra • Structure: [reussir [à [VP]]] • LU: reussir à
Types: verb
      cat="Verb" name="reussir"
      cat="Preposition" name="à"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Comme l’a dit Churchill, nous devons reussir_à_VP-INF[ réussir à Action[ faire ] ce qui est nécessaire. • Écoute, on va... reussir_à_VP-INF[ réussir à Action[ passer ] tout ça. • Chaque tradition religieuse, à l’intérieur d’elle-même, doit reussir_à_VP-INF[ réussir à Action[ rendre ] ] compte de l’existence de l’autre. • L’égalité des chances pour reussir_à_VP-INF[ réussir à Action[ maintenir ] la cohésion sociale. • Le rapport reussir_à_VP-INF[ réussit à Action[ expliquer ] en détail bon nombre des éléments clés de ce problème d'inégalité.

se rendre compte [de NP] | [CONJ CL]Je me rends compte de quelque chose • 'I am aware of something'

1) Cognizer takes into account some Information that will affect his further behaviour. The Information can be either new to the Cognizer, either it was accessible to him before, but was neglected by him. 2) Cognizer understands some Information.
Language: fra • Structure: [se rendre compte de [NP]] • LU: se rendre
Types: predicate-argument construction | aspekt
      cat="Noun" lu="compte" name="compte"
      cat="de NP|que CL|si CL" name="Information" role="Information"
      cat="VP" name="se_rendre"
      cat="NP" name="Cognizer" role="Cognizer"
Examples: Mais il faudrait se_rendre[ se rendre compte[ compte ] du Information[ fait que la raison principale du séjour est le travail en tant qu'aide familial résident et non les études ] • Cognizer[ On ] se_rendre[ se rend compte[ compte ] d'une Information[ déshydratation souvent trop tard ]. • Cognizer[ Il ] se_rendre[ se rend compte[ compte qu' ] Information[ il peut se déplacer dans sa collectivité beaucoup plus rapidement avec l'aide de Quill ]. • Finalement, Cognizer[ elle ] se_rendre[ se rend compte[ compte qu' ] Information[ elle doit reprendre le contrôle de sa vie et retourne dans son village ]. • Cognizer[ Il ] se_rendre[ se rend compte[ compte ] aussi de Information[ ce ] qui ne va pas dans le monde.

se mettre à VP-INF

the construction describes the start of an Action[ action ]
Language: fra • Structure: [[se mettre à][VP-INF]] • LU: faire
Types: verb
      cat="V" lu="mettre" role="Action"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Il [s'est mis à] se_mettre_à _VP-INF peindre ce tableau à cinquante ans • Je vais [me mettre à danser] se_mettre_à _VP-INF • Quand vas-tu [te mettre à étudier] se_mettre_à _VP-INF? • Il [s'est mis à travailler] se_mettre_à _VP-INF.

se mettre à NPse mettre à table'to sit down to eat'

the construction s used to define an action of placing oneself somewhere to do something what is usially done there
Language: fra • Structure: [se mettre à [NP]] • LU: piano
Types: verb
      cat="V" lu="mettre" role="Action"
Examples: Il est temps de se_mettre_à_NP[ se mettre au lit ] • Je se_mettre_à_NP[ me mets au piano ]tous les soirs, et je chante pour lui • On aura qu'à se_mettre_à_NP[ se mettre à table ] sans tes amis et toi.

se trouver AdvJe me trouve bien'I feel myself good'

To feel oneself somehow
Language: fra • Structure: [se trouver [Adv]] • LU: trouver
Types: verb
      cat="Pronoun" name="se"
      cat="Verb" name="trouver"
      cat="Adv" name="Evaluation" role="Evaluation"
Examples: Je crois qu'elle va se_trouver_Adv[ se trouver Evaluation[ mal ] ]. • Juste avant de se_trouver_Adv[ se trouver Evaluation[ mal ] ], il mangeait du chocolat qu'Adebisi lui avait donné. • Pas un seul Européen, pas un seul, ne se_trouver_Adv[ se trouvera Evaluation[ mieux ] financièrement cette année que l'année dernière. • Quand un ou les deux les combattants sont accidentés ou ils se_trouver_Adv[ se trouvent Evaluation[ mal ] ]. • Il va se_trouver_Adv[ se trouver Evaluation[ bien ] demain.

tenir [sa promesse|sa parole|ses engagements]Le gouvernement doit tenir ses engagements environnementaux. • 'The government must start start meeting its environmental commitments.'

The Agent does what he/she promised to do.
Language: fra • Structure: [tenir [sa parole|sa promesse|ses engagements]] • LU: engagemant
Types: verb
      cat="VP" lu="tenir" name="tenir"
      cat="NP" name="parole"
      cat="NP" name="promesse"
      cat="NP" lu="engagement" name="engagements"
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
Examples: Notre souci est tout autre : nous cherchons à savoir si Agent[ un État ] est suffisamment motivé pour tenir[ tenir ] engagements[ ses engagements ] • Agent[ L'Iran ] a échoué à tenir[ tenir ] engagements[ ses engagements ] aux termes des Accords de Sauvegarde • Agent[ Il ] doit tenir[ tenir ] parole[ sa parole ] et montrer qu'il indemnisera les élèves de ces écoles afin que les discours d'hier inaugurent une nouvelle ère dans les relations du Canada avec les peuples autochtones. • Je demande au Agent[ premier ministre ] de tenir[ tenir ] promesse[ sa promesse ] de créer des emplois en réduisant les taux d'intérêts, pour ainsi remettre les Canadiens au travail. • Il faut l'admettre, Agent[ l'État ] providence de l'après-guerre tenir[ n'a jamais complètement tenu ] promesse[ sa promesse ] de sécurité économique.

tenir à INFJe tenais à faire beaucoup de choses. • '- I wanted to do many things.'

1) Experiencer would like to do something. 2) Agent aspires to do something.
Language: fra • Structure: [tenir à [INF]] • LU: tenir à
      cat="VP" msd="Verb" Type="Infenitive" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="VP" name="tenir_à"
      cat="NP" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="NP" name="Agnet" role="Agent"
Examples: Experiencer[ Je ] tenir_à_INF[ tenir_à[ tiens à Action[ dire ] à la Chambre combien toutes ces perspectives l'excitent • Agnet[ L'Europe ] tenir_à_INF[ tenir_à[ tient à Action[ devenir ] un acteur mondial ]. • Agnet[ L'Etat ] tenir_à_INF[ tenir_à[ tient à Action[ résoudre ] ce problème en partenariat avec les investisseurs privés ]. • Et Experiencer[ je ] tenir_à_INF[ tenir_à[ tiens à Action[ commencer ] par une question qui me tracasse depuis que j'ai découvert vos oeuvres ]. • Voilà, Madame le Président, trois remarques que Experiencer[ je ] tenir_à_INF[ tenir_à[ tenais à Action[ faire ] ].

tomber amoureux de NPIl y a quelques années, il est tombé amoureux d`une collègue de travail, une jeune Canadienne.'Some years ago he fell in love with his colleague'

To fall in love with someone or something, to become attracted to something
Language: fra • Structure: [tomber amoureux [de NP]] • LU: amoureux
Types: verb
      cat="V" lu="tomber" name="tomber"
      cat="Adj" lu="amoureux" name="amoureux"
      cat="NP" name="Stimulus" role="Stimulus"
      cat="NP" name="Patient" role="Patient"
Examples: Patient[ Je ] tomber_amoureux_de_NP[ tomber[ suis tombé ] amoureux[ amoureux ] du Stimulus[ pays amoureux de NP ] et j'y retourne régulièrement depuis. • Patient[ Je ] tomber_amoureux_de_NP[ tomber[ suis tombé ] amoureux[ amoureux ] de Stimulus[ cette langue amoureux de NP ] que je ne comprenais pas mais qui me faisait rire. • Patient[ Fédia ] tomber_amoureux_de_NP[ tomber[ est tombé ] amoureux[ amoureuse ] Stimulus[ du fils des voisins Mohamed Mokded ] depuis qu'elle était lycéenne, en terminale. • Alors jeune adolescente, Patient[ Sayeh Sangoul ] tomber_amoureux_de_NP[ tomber[ est tombé ] amoureux[ amoureuse ] des Stimulus[ vieux bijoux antiques ] ], surtout des bracelets à breloques. • Patient[ Nous ] tomber_amoureux_de_NP[ tomber[ sommes tombée ] amoureux[ amoureuse ] de Patient[ ce sac ] au premier coup d'oeil.

tomber maladeSon père est tombé malade : il se sentait faible et avait une forte fièvre.'His father got sick, he feels himself very weak and has a fever'

Patient falls sick
Language: fra • Structure: [Patient [tomber malade]] • LU: malade
Types: verb
      cat="V" lu="tomber" name="tomber" role="Event"
      cat="Adj" lu="malade" name="malade" role="State"
      cat="NP" name="Patient" role="Patient"
Examples: Un jour, Patient[ mon fils ] tomber_malade[ est tombé malade ] et il m'a laissée seule avec lui • Il a ressenti de la fatigue et Patient[ il ] tomber_malade[ est tomber[ tombé ] malade[ malade ] à l'été de 1999 ou 2000 • Lorsque Patient[ les femmes ] tomber_malade[ tomber[ tombent ] malade[ malades ] ], elles sont plus susceptibles que les hommes de subir l’ostracisme de la communauté une fois leur statut de contaminées par le VIH connu • Il y a plus de clarté concernant les droits Patient[ des personnes ] qui tomber_malade[ tomber[ tombent ] malade[ malades ] à l'étranger. • Les études ne cessent de montrer que Patient[ les gens pauvres ] sont plus susceptibles de tomber_malade[ tomber[ tomber ] malade[ malades ], de subir des blessures et de mourir de façon prématurée.

Italian Constructicon

Team: Matvey Kolbasov, Kristina Bagdasaryan, Irina Pavlova, Natalia Akutina

Non fare complimentiloro non facevano complimenti

Imperative construction means that someone should stop being shy, need to relax and make him/herself at home -- feel comfortable
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [non fare [complimenti] • LU: fare
Types: verb | negation | imperative
      cat="NP" lu="complimenti" name="complimenti"
      lu="non" name="non"
      cat="VP" lu="fare" name="fare"
Examples: Ma loro Non_fare_complimenti[ non facevano complimenti ]: durante l'arresto uno della banda aveva una pistola sotto il cambio, e chi si opponeva alla rapine era minacciato, sequestrato, picchiato.

NP [essere/diventare] di gridonon tutti gli attori di gridonot all actors are famous

PP-expression which means trendy and famous or verbal expression which means that someone is or becomes famous
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [VP [di grido]]] • LU: grigodi
Types: verb argument construction | constant argument | existential
      cat="NP" name="NP"
      cat="Conj" name="di"
      cat="NP" name="grido"
      cat="NP" name="Benificiary" role="Benificiary"
      lu="essere, diventare, -stare, -andare, -finire" name="VP"
Examples: Non NP[ tutti gli attori ] di[ di ] grido[ grido ] vanno in vacanza in resort di lusso • NP[ I cantanti ] di[ di ] grido[ grido ] sono ricchi e snob • Benificiary[ Non molti stilisti ] VP[ diventano ] di[ di ] grido[ grido ].

NP allungare le mani su NPJohn allunga le mani su Mary • 'John is a groper or John beats Mary (lit. John stretches the hands on Mary)'

Verbal expression which means that someone beats somebody
Language: ita • Structure: [[NP] [allungare [le mani [su [NP]]]]] • LU: mani
Types: verb
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="allungare" name="allungare"
      cat="NP" name="mani"
      cat="PP" name="su"
      cat="NP" name="Possessee" role="Possessee"
Examples: E quando Agent[ qualcuno ] allungare[ allunga ] mani[ le mani ] mani[ su ] Possessee[ questa serva ] tu non te ne accorgi nemmeno • Ma il ragazzo dice che Agent[ si ] è rifiutato di allungare[ allungare ] mani[ le mani ] su[ su ] Possessee[ Jacko ] • Agent[ Lui ] allungare[ aveva allungato ] mani[ le mani ] su[ su ] Possessee[ una ragazza ] • Egli ha detto „guarda che Agent[ il segretario ] allungare[ ha allungato ] mani[ le mani ] su[ su ] Possessee![ mio figlio ] “.• Ha cominciato a parlare di Agent[ questo ragazzo ] che allungare[ ha allungato ] mani[ le mani ] su[ su ] Possessee[ lui ].

NP allungare le mani VP/NPJohn allungava le mani e rubava tutto'John stretched out his hands and stole everything'

Verbal expression which means that someone is a shoplifter
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [allungare le mani [NP]]] • LU: mani
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" name="allungare"
      cat="NP" name="mani"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: Agent[ La commissione regionale ] allungare[ ha allungato ] mani[ le mani sui ] Theme[ fondi europei ] • Agent[ Chi ] allungare[ ha allungato ] mani[ le mani ] sulla Theme[ torta ]? • Agent[ La mafia ] allungare[ ha allungato ] mani[ le mani sui ] Theme[ fondi ] per lo sviluppo della pesca.

NP apparecchiare/sparecchiare la tavolaapparecchiare la tavola per tre'set the table for three'

This construction means that Agent[ some person ] places dished on the table before eating / to remove it after eating
Language: ita • Structure: [NP][apparecchiare/sparecchiare [la tavola]] • LU: sparecchiare
Types: verb construction
      cat="NP, animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="apparecchiare" name="apparecchiare"
      cat="VP" lu="sparecchiare" name="sparecchiare"
      cat="NP" lu="tavola" name="tavola"
Examples: Agent[ Io ] ho sparecchiare[ sparecchiato ] tavola[ la tavola ] e ho buttato nella spazzatura tutto ciò • Agent[ Francesca ] sparecchiare[ sparecchia ] tavola[ le tavole ], mette tutte le stoviglie utilizzate in lavastoviglie • Agent[ Mia madre ], mai ferma, sparecchiare[ sparecchia ] tavola[ la tavola ] di pentole piatti e bicchieri • Agent[ Io ] preparo la cena, apparecchiare[ apparecchio ] apparecchiare[ la tavola ].

NP arrivare NP a NPMio fratello mi arrivava alla spalla'My brother is high as my shoulder'

This construction means that Agent[ some subject or object ] is as tall as Item[ something ]
Language: ita • Structure: [NP][arrivare [a NP]] • LU: arrivare
Types: comparative
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="arrivare" name="arrivare"
      lu="a" name="a"
      cat="NP" name="Item" role="Item"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: Agent[ Gianni ] ha solo dieci anni e Theme[ mi ] arrivare[ arriva ] già Item[ alla vita ] • Al centro del lago Agent[ l'acqua ] Theme[ mi ] arrivare[ arriva ] Item[ alle spalle ] • Agent[ Bonny ] è un cane di piccola taglia, Theme[ ti ] arrivare[ arriva ] al massimo Item[ alle ginocchiа ] • Mio fratello è molto alto, Agent[ io ] Theme[ gli ] arrivare[ arrivo ] a malapena Item[ alle spalle ]

NP aspettare un bambinolei aspetta un bambino'she is expecting a baby'

This construction means that Subject[ mother ] or Subject[ parents ] expect a baby
Language: ita • Structure: [NP][aspettare [un bambino]] • LU: bambino
Types: verb construction
      cat="NP, animate" name="Subject" role="Subject"
      cat="VP" lu="aspettare" name="aspettare"
      cat="NP" lu="bambino" name="bambino"
Examples: Lo sai che Subject[ io ] aspettare[ aspetto ] bambino?[ un bambino ] • Subject[ Simona, mia moglie ], aspettare[ aspetta ] bambino[ un bambino ] • Subject[ Lei ] ha un fidanzato che non ama, ma dal quale aspettare[ aspetta ] bambino[ un bambino ].

NP attaccare-Pass a gonnella di NPTom è attaccato alla gonnella della mamma'Tom is attached to his mother’s skirt'

Verbal expression which means that somebody is attached to someone (who is an important person for him and plays a big role in his life) in a bad way, depends on him; expresses the character not an action (nowadays used by old people mostly)
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [attaccare [a [gonnella [di mamma]]]]] • LU: gonnella
Types: passiv | verb argument construction
      cat="NP, anim" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="VP, pass" name="attaccare"
      cat="Conj" name="a"
      cat="NP" name="gonnella"
      cat="Conj" name="di"
      aux="important for the experiencer person: mother, parents, boss" cat="NP, anim" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: Experiencer[ Le tue cugine ] attaccare[ sono sempre attaccate ] a[ alla ] gonnella[ gonnella ] di[ della ] loro Theme[ mamma ] • Experiencer[ Lui ] è libero da quella limitazione che attaccare[ è stare attaccato ] a[ alla ] gonnella[ gonnella ] di[ dei ] Theme[ genitori ] • L´Italia sarebbe una nazione di trans! Experiencer[ La gente ] attaccare[ rimane attaccata ] a[ alle ] gonnella[ gonnelle ] di[ della ] Theme[ mamma ] per tanto tempo.

NP avere faccia tostaavere una faccia tosta'to have an arrogant face'

This construction means that Experiencer[ someone ] has faccia_tosta[ an arrogant, tough face ].
Language: ita • Structure: [[NP][VP [faccia tosta]]] • LU: avuto
Types: adjective
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="VP" name="avere"
      cat="NP" name="faccia_tosta"
Examples: Experiencer[ Ha ] avere[ avuto ] faccia_tosta[ la faccia tosta ]. • Experiencer[ Avrebbero ] avere[ avuto ] faccia_tosta[ la faccia tosta ] di dare la colpa di nuovo a Materazzi.

NP avere i grilli in testaMaria aveva i grilli in testa'Maria is detached from reality / is dreamy'

Verbal expression which means that someone is detached from reality
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [VP i grilli in testa]] • LU: avere
Types: verb construction
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      cat="VP" lu="*prendere\*perdere" name="avere"
      cat="NP" name="grilli"
      cat="PP" name="in"
      cat="NP" name="testa"
Examples: Il detto che Theme[ io ] avere[ ho ] grilli[ grilli ] in[ in ] testa[ testa ] significa avere idee folli, bizzarro, in genere non è fattibile • - Che ne dici di quel Theme[ ragazzo ] ?- - Mah, ha i capelli lunghi, è sempre in giro, avere[ ha ] grilli[ troppi grilli] in[ in ] testa[ testa ].

NP avere\perdere il polso della situazioneJohn aveva il polso della situazione'John follows the situation'

An expression which means that someone follows the situation
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [VP il polso della situazione]] • LU: perdere
Types: prepositional construction | verbal construction
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="*prendere" name="avere\perdere"
      cat="NP" name="polso"
      cat="PP" name="della"
      cat="NP" name="situazione"
Examples: Agent[ Ha ] avere\perdere[ avuto ] polso[ il polso ] della[ della ] situazione[ situazione ] • Agent[ L'amministrazione scolastica ] avere\perdere[ non ha ] polso[ il polso ] della[ della ] situazione[ situazione ] • Eppure chi meglio di Agent[ te ] avere\perdere[ ha ] polso[ il polso ] della[ della ] situazione[ situazione ] e chi meglio di te sa qual è lo stato d'animo • Agent[ Si ] rischia di avere\perdere[ perdere ] polso[ il polso ] della[ della ] situazione[ situazione ] • Agent[ Governo ] avere\perdere[ ha perso ] polso[ il polso ] della[ della ] situazione[ situazione ] nel settore di guida dei treni

NP avere\prendere una cotta per NPLui preseuna cotta per Maria'He had got a crush on Maria'

Verbal expression which means that someone have a crush on somebody
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [VP una cotta per [NP]]] • LU: avere
Types: verb
      cat="NP" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="VP" lu="*perdere" name="avere\prendere"
      cat="ConjP" name="una"
      cat="NP" name="cotta"
      cat="PP" name="per"
      cat="NP" name="Possessee" role="Possessee"
Examples: Experiencer[ Lei ] avere\prendere[ ha ] una[ una ] cotta[ cotta ] per[ per ] Possessee[ David Beckham ] • Credi che Experiencer[ io ] avere\prendere[ abbia ] una[ una ] cotta[ cotta ] per[ per ] Possessee[ lui ], o cose del genere? • Credo che Experiencer[ il tuo caro amico ] avere\prendere[ abbia ] una[ una ] cotta[ cotta ] per[ per ] Possessee[ me ] e faccia di tutto per allontanarci • Dottor Xavier, in questa occasione Experiencer[ si ] avere\prendere[ prende ] una[ una ] cotta[ cotta ] per[ per ] Possessee[ Jean Grey ] • Experiencer[ Bart ] avere\prendere[ prende ] una[ una ] cotta[ cotta ] per[ per ] Possessee[ la nuova vicina di casa ].

NP buttare giù NPbuttare giù la pasta'to put pasta in boiling water'

This constructions means that some subject puts (throws down) something
Language: ita • Structure: [NP][ buttare giù[NP]] • LU: buttare
Types: verb
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" name="buttare_giù"
      cat="NP" name="Patient" role="Patient"
      cat="VP" name="buttare_giù_2"
      cat="VP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: Detta la sua Agent[ il premier ] buttare_giù[ ha buttato giù Patient[ il telefono ] • Mise a scaldare la carne col forno a microonde e, al momento giusto, ] buttare_giù[ buttò giù Patient[ la pasta ] • Ne approfitteranno per buttare_giù_2[ buttare giù Theme[ qualche birra tedesca ].

NP cadere da nuvole [quando VP]Lui è caduto dalle nuvole quando gli ho raccontato ciò'He was shocked when I told him about it'

This construction expresses that Experiencer[ someone ] was surprised Cause[ at something unexpected. ]
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [cadere [dalle [nuvole]]] [quando VP] • LU: raccontare
Types: verb | adjective
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="VP" lu="cadere" name="cadere"
      cat="PP" lu="da" name="dalle"
      cat="NP" lu="nuvola" msd="PL" name="nuvole"
      cat="PP" lu="quando" name="quando"
      cat="VP" name="Cause" role="Cause"
Examples: Experiencer[ Il consigliere ] cadere[ cade ] dalle_nuvolle[ dalle[ dalle ] nuvole[ nuvole ] e risponde di no. • Al quartier generale di Experiencer[ Giuseppe Parroncini ] cadere[ cadono ] dalle_nuvolle[ dalle[ dalle ] nuvole[ nuvole ] Cause[ quando[ quando ] si fa presente che circola questa falsa notizia. • Experiencer[ Federico Berruti ] non sembra assolutamente cadere[ cadere ] dalle_nuvolle[ dalle[ dalle ] nuvole[ nuvole ] Cause[ quando[ quando ] sente parlare di episodi di bullismo.

NP dare il seno [a NP]dare il seno a un lattante'to give the breast to a child'

This construction means that subject (mother) gives the breast to someone (its child)
Language: ita • Structure: [NP[dare [il seno] [a NP]]] • LU: bimbo
Types: verb construction
      cat="NP, animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="dare" name="dare"
      cat="NP" lu="seno" name="seno"
      cat="NP, animate" name="Beneficiary" role="Beneficiary"
      cat="a" lu="PP" name="a"
Examples: Agent[ Una donna ] dare[ dà ] seno[ il seno ] a[ al ] Beneficiary[ bimbo più grande ]. • Agent[ Io ] non ho mai avuto problemi a dare[ dare ] seno[ il seno ] a[ a ] Beneficiary[ mia figlia ] in pubblico e non li avrei • Agent[ La madre ] dare[ dà ] seno[ il seno ] a[ al ] Beneficiary[ bambino ] dopo una fase di frustrazione.

NP dare un taglio a NPdare un taglio a qc'to stop something in a harsh way'

This constructions means that Experiencer[ some subject or group of subjects ] stop Theme[ something ] in a harsh way. Usually it's about bad habits, relationships
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [dare [un taglio] [a NP]]] • LU: problema
Types: verb
      cat="NP" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="VP" lu="dare_un_taglio" name="dare_un_taglio"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      lu="a" name="a"
Examples: Avevo bisogno di dare_un_taglio[ dare un taglio a Theme[ quel passato difficile ] • Tutto torna come prima Sarebbe ora di dare_un_taglio[ dare un taglio a Theme[ questa situazione ]. • In questo modo dare_un_taglio[ darete un taglio a[ a ] Theme[ malumori e rancori ]. • Signori politici, vogliamo dare_un_taglio[ darci un taglio a[ a ] Theme[ questo problema ] a Milano

NP dare una mano a NPcerchiamo di dare una mano a chi ha problemi'we try to give a hand to those who have problems'

This construction means that someone helps someone else.
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [dare [una mano] [a NP]]] • LU: dare
Types: verb | aspekt
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="dare" name="dare"
      cat="NP" lu="una_mano" name="una_mano"
      cat="PP" lu="a" name="a"
      cat="NP" name="Recipient" role="Recipient"
Examples: Agent[ Il mercato e il governo ] dare[ danno ] una_mano[ una mano a[ a ] Recipient[ chi ] vuole cambiare mutuo • Però Agent[ ci ] può dare[ dare ] una_mano[ una mano a[ a ] Recipient[ capire alcune cose ] • E´ ovvio che cerchiamo di dare[ dare ] una_mano[ una mano a[ a ] Recipient[ chi ] ha problemi.

NP dirne di tutti i colorinoi possiamo dirne di tutti i colori'we could say a lot of bad/offensive things'

This constrution means that Agent[ someone ] said a lot of unpleasant things to someone else (may be without purpose).
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [dirne [di [tutti i colori]]]] • LU: dirne
Types: verb | prepositional
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="dirne" name="dirne"
      cat="PP" lu="di" name="di"
      cat="NP, plural" lu="tutto" name="tutti"
      cat="NP, plural" lu="colore" name="colori"
Examples: Agent[ Un famoso calciatore andassero su AL Jazeera ] a dirne_di_tutti_i_colori[ dirne[ dirne ] di[ di ] tutti[ tutti ] colori[ i colori ] su Al Qaeda • Agent[ Quegli stessi ] che ebbero a dirne_di_tutti_i_colori[ dirne[ dirne ] di[ di ] tutti[ tutti ] colori[ i colori ] a Di Pietro

NP divertirsi un mondogiurano di divertirsi un mondo'they swear they have a great time'

This construction means that Agent[ some person or group of people ] to have a wonderful time
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [divertirsi [un mondo]]] • LU: divertirsi
Types: verb construction
      cat="NP, animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="divertirsi" name="divertirsi"
      cat="NP" lu="mondo" name="mondo"
Examples: Quando Luca è con il nonno Agent[ si ] divertirsi_un_mondo[ divertirsi[ diverte ] sempre mondo[ un mondo ] • Eri siamo andati a fare un picnic al lago con lo zio e ci Agent[ siamo ] divertirsi_un_mondo[ divertirsi[ divertiti ] mondo[ un mondo ]

NP essere a altezza di NPMark è all’altezza di Mary'Mark is Mary’s equal in every way' • 'lit. Mark is at the height of Mary'

Comparison expression which means that somebody or something is of the same level as somebody or something or meets the requirvements of something
Language: ita • Structure: [ NP [ essere [ a [altezza [di [NP] ] ] ] ] ] • LU: di
Types: comparative
      cat="NP" name="Comparee" role="Comparee"
      cat="VP" name="essere"
      cat="Conj" name="a"
      cat="NP" name="altezza"
      cat="Conj" name="di"
      cat="NP" name="Item" role="Item"
Examples: Comparee[ La mia autostima corporea ] essere[ è ] a[ alle ] altezza[ altezze ] di[ di ] Standard[ quella del defunto Marty Feldman ] • Per a[ essere ] a[ all ] ' ] altezza[ altezza ] di[ di ] Standard[ questa sfida ] richiede il coinvolgimento di professionisti • Mi scusi se Comparee[ mi ] essere[ non sono ] a[ all ] ' ] altezza[ altezza ] di[ della ] Item[ tua professionalità ].

NP essere a fruttale Forze armate sono alla frutta'the armed forces have reacehd their limits'

Experiencer[ something or someone ] reached the limits
Language: ita • Structure: [[NP][essere [alla frutta]]] • LU: soldi
Types: prepositional
      cat="NP" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="VP" name="essere"
      cat="NP" name="alla_frutta"
Examples: Cala il potere di acquisto degli stipendi. essere[ Siamo ] alla_frutta?[ alla frutta ] • Experiencer[ L'Inverno 2013 ] essere[ sarà ] alla_frutta[ alla frutta ].

NP essere di stessa razza di NPMark è della stessa razza di Mary'Mark and Mary behave in a similar way' • 'lit. Mark is of the same race of Mary'

Comparison expression which means that somebody has a lot in common with (behaves in a similar way, etc.)
Language: ita • Structure: [ NP [essere [di [stressa razza]] [di [NP] ] ]] • LU: razza
Types: comparative
      cat="NP" name="Comparee" role="Comparee"
      cat="VP" name="essere"
      cat="Conj" name="di"
      cat="Pron" name="stessa"
      cat="NP" name="razza"
      cat="NP" name="Standard" role="Standard"
Examples: Comparee[ Quel leader politico ] essere[ é ] di[ della ] stessa[ stessa ] razza[ razza ] di[ di ] ] Standard[ Giovanni Giolitti ] e di[ di ] Standard[ Luigi Einaudi ] • Comparee[ Lui ] é stato chiamato figlio di[ della ] stessa[ stessa ] razza[ razza ] di[ di ] Standard[ Kerouac ] • Se vi offendete per quello che ho scritto, significa che sie ] Comparee[ te ] di[ della ] stessa[ stessa ] razza[ razza ] di[ di ] Standard[ quelli di cui ho scritto ].

NP essere/andare a settimo cieloMark è al settimo cielo'Mark is very happy' • 'on the seventh sky'

Expression which means that somebody is very happy
Language: ita • Structure: [ NP [VP [a [settimo cielo] ] ] ] • LU: sielo
      cat="NP, anim" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      lu="essere, andare, -finire" name="VP"
      cat="Conj" name="a"
      cat="Adj" name="settimo"
      cat="NP" name="cielo"
Examples: Experiencer[ Giorgia ] VP[ è ] a[ al ] settimo[ settimo ] cielo[ cielo ], perché ha realizzato un sogno • Experiencer[ Gli appassionati ] VP[ vanno ] a[ al ] settimo[ settimo ] cielo[ cielo ] a causa di il secondo album • Experiencer[ Emanuele ] VP[ è ] a[ al ] settimo[ settimo ] cielo[ cielo dopo la dichiarazione d´amore di Viola ].

NP essere\diventare di successoQuel talk show diventa di successo'That talk show becomes successful'

Verbial expression which means that something is successful
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [VP di successo]] • LU: successo
Types: verb
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      cat="VP" lu="*stare\*andare\*finire" name="essere\diventare"
      cat="PP" name="di"
      cat="NP" name="successo"
Examples: Theme[ La storia ] sembra essere\diventare[ essere ] di[ di ] successo[ successo ]• Se il messaggio è veicolato da un gioco, Theme[ il gioco ] deve essere\diventare[ essere ] di[ di ] successo[ successo ] • Theme[ Non tutte le esperienze ] essere\diventare[ sono ] di[ di ] successo[ successo ] però • In breve Theme[ il suo nome ] essere\diventare[ diventa ] di[ di ] successo[ successo ] • Theme[ Le donne ] che essere\diventare[ diventano ] di[ di ] successo[ successo ].

NP essere\stare\andare\finire in depressioneMax stava in depressione'Max was in depression'

Verbal expression which means that someone went into depression
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [VP in depressione]] • LU: finire
Types: verb
      cat="NP" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="VP" lu="stare\andare\finire\*diventare" name="essere"
      cat="PP" name="in"
      cat="NP" name="depressione"
Examples: Experiencer[ L'intero condotto ] deve essere[ essere ] in[ in ] depressione[ depressione ], in tiraggio • Experiencer[ Non ] essere[ sono ] in[ in ] depressione[ depressione ] • Risposta di politica economica anticiclica quando Experiencer[ il ciclo ] essere[ è ] in[ in ] depressione[ depressione ] • Experiencer[ Si ] puo' stare male, essere[ andare ] in[ in ] depressione[ depressione ] con l'uso prolungato di anabolizzanti o anfetamine • Experiencer[ Sono ] essere[ finito ] in[ in ] depressione[ depressione ].

NP fare carte false per VPMax farebbe carte false per accaparrarsi quel quadro'Max would do anything to grab that picture'

This construction means that Experiencer[ some subject ] would do anything Goal[ to get something ]
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [fare [carte false]] [per VP]]] • LU: per
Types: verb
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="VP" lu="fare" name="fare"
      cat="NP" lu="carta" msd="PL" name="carte"
      lu="false" name="false"
      cat="PP" lu="per" name="per"
      cat="VP" name="Goal" role="Goal"
Examples: Ti Experiencer[ io ] ripeto mi dispiace e avevo anche fare[ fatto ] carte[ carte ] false[ false ] per[ per ] Goal[ essere a Roma Lido al congresso nazionale ] • Experiencer[ Sanitari ], Experiencer[ dei proprietari delle cliniche ], che fare[ fanno ] carte[ carte ] false[ false ] per[ per ] Goal[ avere più soldi. ] • Experiencer[ I nostri diplomatici ] stanno fare[ facendo ] carte[ carte ] false[ false ] per[ per ] Goal[ risolvere il pasticcio che avete combinato ].

NP fare colazionefare colazione in qualche bar'to have a breakfast in a bar'

This construction means that Agent[ some subject ] has breakfast
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [fare [colazione]]] • LU: fare
Types: verb construction
      cat="NP, animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="fare" name="fare"
      cat="NP" lu="colazione" name="colazione"
Examples: Prima Agent[ noi ] fare_colazione[ fare[ facciamo ] colazione[ colazione ] da Starbuck's • Ci svegliamo presto e fare_colazione[ fare[ facciamo ] colazione[ colazione ] nel motel poi ci dirigiamo verso il parco • Decidiamo che dopo la freddolosa notte di fare_colazione[ fare[ fare ] colazione[ colazione ] in un coffee shop con uova, hamburger • Cannella, sono abituata a fare_colazione[ fare[ fare ] colazione[ colazione ] con il latte di soia

NP fare gola a NPQuella torta fa gola agli amanti del cioccolato'That cake is tempting the chocolate lovers'

This construction means that something (usually it is about some meal) is tempting to someone
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [fare [gola] [a NP]]] • LU: gola
Types: light_verb
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      cat="VP" lu="fare" name="fare"
      cat="NP" lu="gola" name="gola"
      cat="PP" lu="a" name="a"
      cat="NP" name="Beneficiary" role="Beneficiary"
Examples: Theme[ Un piatto molto ricco ] che fare_gola_a[ fare[ fa ] gola[ gola ] a[ a ] Beneficiary[ tanti ] • Io certo che Theme[ i proventi legati ] ai diritti di segreteria fare_gola_a[ fare[ fanno ] gola[ gola ] a[ a ] Beneficiary[ tutti ].

NP fare lo scemo con NPMax fa lo scemo con Maria'Max flirts with Maria'

This construction means that Agent[ someone ] flirts with Beneficiary[ someone ]
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [fare [lo scemo] [con NP]]] • LU: la ragazza
Types: verb
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="NP" name="Beneficiary" role="Beneficiary"
      cat="VP" lu="fare" name="fare"
      cat="PP" lu="con" name="con"
      cat="NP" lu="scemo" name="scemo"
Examples: Mio amico di lì mi disse che fare[ faceva ] scemo[ lo scemo ] con[ con ] Beneficiary[ una ragazza ] lì e mi infuriai • Questa sera mentre fare[ facevo ] scemo[ lo scemo ] con[ con ] Beneficiary[ la mia fidanzata ].

NP fare montare la testaquelle ragazze gli fecero montare la testa'Those girls made Max get a big head'

Causitive expression which means that someone was made to have very high opinion about himself
Language: ita • Structure: [ NP [fare montare [la testa] ] ] • LU: fare
Types: passiv | light verb
      cat="NP" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="VP" lu="fare" name="fare"
      cat="VP" lu="montare" name="montare"
      cat="NP" lu="testa" name="testa"
Examples: Experiencer[ Il fatto ] di scrivere per un'enciclopedia fare[ fa ] montare[ montare ] testa[ la testa ] e si perde l'umiltà.

NP fare NP 1Max fa l’avvocato'Max is a lawyer'

This construction expresses that Agent[ some subje ] ct becomes Theme[ some profession ]
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [fare NP]] • LU: fare
Types: verb | light_verb
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      lu="fare" name="fare"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: I motivi per cui ancora oggi fare[ fare ] Theme[ l'avvocato ], svolgere la professione forense • Agent[ Giufà ] fare[ fa ] Theme[ il medico ].

NP fare NP 2fare lo aperitivo'to drink smth and have a snack'

This construction expresses that Agent[ some subject ] drinks Item[ something ] or have a snack (usually with friends).
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [fare NP]] • LU: fare
Types: light_verb
      cat="NP-animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="fare" name="fare"
      cat="NP" name="Item" role="Item"
Examples: Cosa cerca Agent[ un cliente ] quando fare[ fa ] Item[ l'aperitivo ], l'apericena al bar? • Entrò, ma invece del caffè si fare[ fece ] Item[ l'aperitivo ] con le patatine.

NP fare saltare i nervifare saltare i nervi a qcn'To annoy somebody'

This construction means that someone or something annoys someone else.
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [fare saltare [i nervi]]] • LU: saltare
Types: verb
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="fare_saltare" name="fare_saltare"
      cat="NP" lu="i_nervi" name="i_nervi"
      cat="NP" name="Patient" role="Patient"
Examples: Uno che sa come fare_saltare[ far saltare i_nervi[ i nervi Patient[ alle persone ] e ne gode. • Con Deacon le cose non sono mai facili, il suo passatempo preferito è quello di sfottere le persone e di fare_saltare[ far saltare i_nervi[ i nervi Patient[ alla gente ] • Agent[ L'operazione è ] fare_saltare[ far saltare i_nervi[ i nervi ] ] Patient[ alla Lega ].

NP fare storiefare un sacco di storie per nulla'make a lot of fuss' • 'about nothing'

This construction means that Agent[ someone ] makes a big fuss about nothing.
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [fare [storie]]] • LU: molte
Types: verb argument construction | constant argument | cue:make
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="fare" name="fare"
      cat="NP" lu="storie" name="storie"
Examples: Perché dovremmo fare[ fare ] tante storie[ storie ] sul futuro dell’Europa? • Pertanto, sia che i deputati viaggino verso Strasburgo sia che si spostino per raggiungere Bruxelles, davvero non mi pare il caso di fare[ fare ] tante storie[ storie ] ogni volta per quanto riguarda questa sede. • Agent[ Hanno ] fare[ fatto ] un sacco di storie[ storie ] sulla segretezza del test HIV.

NP fare un viaggiofare un viaggio di comodità'have a comfortable journey'

This construction means that Agent[ some subject ] takes a trip
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [fare [un viaggio]]] • LU: viaggio
Types: verb construction
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="fare" name="fare"
      cat="NP" lu="viaggio" name="viaggio"
Examples: il lettore fare_un_viaggio[ fare[ fa ] viaggio[ un viaggio ] con i protagonisti del libro dentro la • Allora Agent[ noi ] abbiamo deciso di NP_fare_un_viaggio[ fare[ fare ] viaggio[ un viaggio ], non mi ricordo chi ci aveva consigliato • Ho l'occasione di fare_un_viaggio[ fare[ fare ] viaggio[ un viaggio ] oltre oceano anche perchè mi sento discretamente

NP fare una domanda [di/su NP] NPfare una domanda sul diritto d'autore'face the question of copyright'

This construction means that some subject asks a question (about something) to someone
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [fare [una domanda [di NP]]] • LU: personale
Types: verb construction | interrogative construction
      cat="NP, anim" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="fare" name="fare"
      cat="NP" lu="domanda" name="domanda"
      cat="NP" name="Recipient" role="Recipient"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      cat="PP" lu="di" name="di"
      cat="PP" lu="su" name="su"
Examples: Agent[ Io ] volevo Recipient[ vi ] fare_una_domanda[ fare[ farle ] domanda[ una domanda ] Theme[ sul diritto d'autore ]. • Scusate signorina posso fare_una_domanda[ fare[ farvi ] domanda[ una domanda personale ] ? • Agent[ Mi ] fare_una_domanda[ fare[ fa ] domanda[ una domanda ] di[ di ] Theme[ riserva ]?

NP fare una fotografialui faceva una fotografia al campionato 2010'he made a picture at the 2010 championship'

This construction means that Agent[ some person ] takes a picture
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [fare [una fotografia]]] • LU: fare
Types: verb construction
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="fa" name="fare"
Examples: Agent[ Ci ] fare_una_fotografia[ fare[ faccia ] fotografia[ una fotografia ] sommaria dei giovani italiani • Agent[ Ho ] fare_una_fotografia[ fare[ fatto ] fotografia[ una fotografia ] di questo mondo e l'ho voluto raccontare • Dopo abbiamo fare_una_fotografia[ fare[ fatto ] fotografia[ una fotografia ] per ricordo, con tutti i bambini. • Agent[ L'organismo ] voluto dal cda dovrà fare_una_fotografia[ fare[ fare ] fotografia[ una fotografia ] sulla situazione attuale del Consorzio

NP fare una passeggiatafare una passeggiata in centro'to take a walk to the city-center'

This construction means that Agent[ some subject ] takes a walk
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [fare [una passeggiata]]] • LU: fare
Types: verb construction
      cat="NP, animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="fare" name="fare"
      cat="NP" lu="passeggiata" name="passeggiata"
Examples: Dove Agent[ ci ] fare_una_passeggiata[ fare[ facciamo ] passeggiata[ una passeggiata ] di un´oretta in mezzo ai residenti che • il caso di fermarci a fare_una_passeggiata[ fare[ fare ] passeggiata[ una passeggiata ] nel Red Canyon • Decidiamo di andare di nuovo verso il porto, fare_una_passeggiata[ fare[ facciamo ] passeggiata[ una passeggiata ] ] nel parco del Presidio

NP fare una vita da cani\galeraLui fa una vita da cani'He has a boring life'

An expression which means that someone has a boring life
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [VP una vita da cani]] • LU: galera
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" name="fare"
      cat="NP" name="vita"
      cat="PP" name="da"
      cat="NP" name="cani\galera"
Examples: Quest'estate Agent[ ci ] faremo fare[ fare ] vita[ una vita ] da[ da ] cani\galera[ cani ] • Agent[ Io ] non voglio più fare[ fare ] vita[ una vita ] da[ da ] cani\galera[ cani ].

NP farne/combinarne di tutti i colorime ne ha detto di tutti i colori -- to mess things up

This construction means that Experiencer[ someone ] has done a lot of things and it leds to troubles.
Language: ita • Structure: [farne/combinarne [di [tutti i colori]]] • LU: combinarne
Types: verb | prepositional
      cat="NP, animate" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="PP" lu="di" name="di"
      cat="VP" lu="farne" name="farne"
      cat="VP" lu="combinarne" name="combinarne"
      cat="NP" lu="tutto" name="tutti"
      cat="NP" lu="colore" name="colori"
      cat="PP" lu="i" name="i"
Examples: Experiencer[ Così cominciai ] a combinarne[ combinarne ] di_tutti_i_colori[ di[ di ] tutti[ tutti ] i[ i ] colori[ colori ] in modo da essere punito il più spesso possibile.

NP fece rompere le scatole a NP da NPMaria fece rompere le scatole a Max da tutti'Maria made Max be annoyed by anyone'

This construction means that Agent[ some subject ] makes Patient[ someone ] or Patient[ something ] to be annoyed by Recipient[ some persone ]
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [fece [rompere [le scatole] [a NP] [da NP]]]] • LU: fece
Types: verb | prepositional | causitivised
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="NP" name="Patient" role="Patient"
      cat="NP" name="Recipient" role="Recipient"
      cat="NP" lu="scatole" name="scatole"
      cat="PP" lu="a" name="a"
      cat="PP" lu="da" name="da"
      cat="VP" lu="rompere" name="rompere"
      cat="VP" lu="fare" name="fece"
Examples: Agent[ Maria ] fece[ fece ] rompere[ rompere ] scatole[ le scatole ] a[ a ] Patient[ Max ] da[ da ] Recipient[ tutti ].

NP girare le scatole quando VPSpesso le girano le scatole quando parla con te'Talking with you drives them crazy/nuts'

This construction means that Experiencer[ someone ] being upset or annoyed because of some Action[ unpleasant things ]. Usually with these mental verbs: to talk, to see, to hear, to know. The construction can be reflexive.
Language: ita • Structure: NP girare le scatole quando VP • LU: scatole
Types: reflexive
      cat="VP" lu="girare" name="girare"
      cat="NP" lu="scatola" msd="plural form" name="scatole"
      cat="PP" lu="quando" name="quando"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="NP" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
Examples: Experiencer[ Mi ] girare[ girano ] scatole[ le scatole ] Action[ quando[ quando ] sento che succedono casini • Experiencer[ Mi ] si girare[ girano ] scatole[ le scatole ] Action[ quando[ quando ] vedo che le cose non vanno come vorrei • A me girare[ girano ] scatole[ le scatole ] Action[ quando[ quando ] mi collego al sito dell'Università

NP lavorare di gomitoQuei volontari hanno lavorato di gomito a quel progetto • 'Those volunteers have worked very hard (lit. 'elbow') on that project'

Verbal expression which means that subject works at/for something very hard
Language: ita • Structure: [ NP [lavorare [di gomito]]] • LU: gomito
Types: verb
      cat="NP, anim" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" name="lavorare"
      cat="Conj" name="di"
      cat="NP" lu="gomiti" name="gomito"
Examples: NP_lavorare_di_gomito_a_NP[ Agent[ Lui ] non finiva lavorare[ lavorare ] di[ di ] gomito[ gomito ] • Non devi NP_lavorare_di_gomito_a_NP[ lavorare[ lavorare ] di[ di ] gomito[ gomito ] a tal punto da ammazzarti • NP_lavorare_di_gomito_a_qc[ Agent[ Lui ] lavorare[ lavorava ] di[ di ] gomito[ gomiti ] a[ a ] Theme[ ottenere un molto ].

NP leccare i piedi a NPMax lecca i piedi al (=a il) capo • 'Max licks the boss’s boots (lit. Max licks the feet to the boss)'

This construction means that Agent[ someone ] tries too hard to please Beneficiary[ someone important ]. This construction has mainly the negative semantic meaning
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [leccare [i piedi] [a NP-anim]]] • LU: pieddi
Types: prepositional | verb
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="leccare" name="leccare"
      cat="NP" lu="piede" msd="plural form" name="piedi"
      lu="a" name="a"
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Beneficiary" role="Beneficiary"
Examples: Quando Agent[ tutti ] leccare[ leccano ] piedi[ i piedi ] a[ a ] Beneficiary[ Mora ], lui va controcorrente! • Con questo discorso non volevo leccare[ leccare ] piedi[ i piedi ] a[ a ] Beneficiary[ nessuno ] • Mi dispiace dirlo ma credo che non ricevi aiuto perchè non leccare[ lecchi ] piedi[ i piedi ] a[ a ] Beneficiary[ queste persone ].

NP mandare\gettare NP in depressioneQuel la perdita ha mandato Mark in depressione'That loss sent Mark into depression'

Verbal expression which means that something\someone puts someone into depression
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [VP [NP [in depressione]]]] • LU: gettare
Types: verb
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" name="mandare\gettare"
      cat="NP" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="Conj" lu="in, a" name="in\a"
      cat="NP" name="depressione"
Examples: Agent[ E 'sufficiente ] per mandare/gettare[ mandar Experiencer[ mi ] ] in\a[ a ] depressione[ depressione cronica ]. • Agent[ Trasferta lavorativa di Milano ] che Experiencer[ mi ] mandare\gettare[ ha mandato ] in\a[ in ] depressione[ depressione ] totale! • Agent[ l ] mandare\gettare[ 'hai mandato ] in\a[ in ] depressione[ depressione ] e adesso inizia a piangere • Agent[ Ogni Scudetto ] Experiencer[ ti ] mandare\gettare[ manda ] in\a[ in ] depressione[ depressione ] • Agent[ Un realismo ] che finirebbe col mandare\gettare[ mandar ] Experiencer[ ci ] in\a[ in ] depressione[ depressione ].

NP mettere da parte NPmettere da parte un progetto'put aside a project'

This construction means that some subject puts aside some job or idea
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [mettere [da parte] NP]] • LU: mettere
Types: verb | prepositional
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="mettere" name="mettere"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      lu="da_parte" name="da_parte"
Examples: Agent[ Ha ] mettere[ messo ] da_parte[ da parte Theme[ il piano ] • Non esitate a mettere[ mettere ] da_parte[ da parte Theme[ un progetto ] che non promette nulla di buono.

NP mettere freno a NPmettere freno a le passioni'to restrain passioni'

This constructions means that some subject has the right ro prohibit something or restrains its feelings
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [mettere freno [a NP]]] • LU: freno
Types: verb | resultativ
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      cat="VP" lu="mettere freno" name="mettere_freno"
      lu="a" name="a"
Examples: Agent[ L'autorità ecclesiastica ] mettere_freno[ mette freni ] a[ a ] Theme[ questa passione profetica ] • Ritengo che se non Agent[ si ] mettere_freno[ metterà freno ] a[ a ] Theme[ questo sistema ] di truffe continuate nei confronti dei consumatori • Agent[ Una legge ] che, se approvata, mettere_freno[ metterebbe freno ] a[ a ] Theme[ ogni iniziativa ]

NP mettere su NPmettere su il bollitore'to put the kettle on a cooker / to turn a kettle on'

This constructions means that some subject puts the kettle on a cooker / turns a kettle on
Language: ita • Structure: [NP][mettere [su [NP]]] • LU:
Types: verb | prepositional
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="mettere" name="mettere"
      lu="su" name="su"
      cat="VP" name="Patient" role="Patient"
Examples: mettere[ Mettete ] su[ su ] Patient[ il bollitore con l´acqua e la moka ] • Agent[ E ] mi son mettere[ messo ] su[ su ] Patient[ il tè ] e ho guardato l´orologio

NP montare la testa [a/di] NPMaria ha montato la testa 'a/di' Max • 'Maria made Max believe he was worth a lot'

Thus construction expresses situation when Agent[ some subject ] makes Recipient[ someone ] believe he is very important for him
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [montare [la testa] [a/di NP]]] • LU: monta
Types: prepositional | causitivised
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="montare" name="montare"
      cat="NP" lu="testa" name="testa"
      cat="PP" lu="a" name="a"
      cat="PP" lu="di" name="di"
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Recipient" role="Recipient"
Examples: Agent[ Avete fatto ] montare[ montare ] testa[ la testa ] a[ a ] Recipient[ Maria ], e ora non fa che "correre nel vento!" • Agent[ Attilio ] montare[ monta ] testa[ la testa ] a[ a ] Recipient[ Bonaventura ] per una denuncia di maltrattamenti • Vi riesce in tale misura che Agent[ si ] montare[ monta ] testa[ la testa ] di[ di ] Recipient[ gruppi importanti ].

NP non avere peli sulla linguaJohn non ha peli sulla lingua'John doesn’t mince his words'

An expression which means that someone doesn’t mince his words
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [VP peli sulla lingua]] • LU: non
Types: negation
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      cat="VP" name="non_avere"
      cat="NP" name="peli"
      cat="PP" name="sulla"
      cat="NP" name="lingua"
Examples: E puoi vedere che Theme[ lei ] non_avere[ non ha peli[ peli ] sulla[ sulla ] lingua[ lingua ]. • E dal momento che stiamo per essere una famiglia, Theme[ io ] non_avere[ non avrò peli[ peli ] sulla[ sulla ] lingua[ lingua ]. • Theme[ Lui ] non_avere[ non ha peli[ peli ] sulla[ sulla ] lingua[ lingua ], il tuo amico. • Theme[ E talvolta ] non_avere[ non ha peli[ i peli ] sulla[ sulla ] lingua[ lingua ].

NP prendere NP per i fondelli

This construction expresses the situation when some person or group of people or something teases someone (usually group of people)
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [prendere [NP] [per [i fondelli]]]] • LU: fondelli
Types: verb
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="prendere" name="prendere"
      cat="PP" lu="per" name="per"
      cat="NP" lu="fondello" msd="PL" name="fondelli"
      cat="NP" name="Patient" role="Patient"
Examples: Agent[ Questi ] ci prendere[ prendono ] Patient[ tutti ] per[ per ] fondelli[ i fondelli ], e vorrei capire per quale losco motivo non ci sia un impegno così concreto sulle riforme fiscali. •...che quello, quando con la bava alla bocca, attraverso gli schermi della televisione, lancia il suo messaggio politico, chiaramente prendere[ prende ] Patient[ la gente ] per[ per ] fondelli[ i fondelli. ] • E' ora di finirla con questi trucchi da Agent[ parassiti ], Patient[ la gente ] dovrebbe svegliarsi e diventare consapevole di essere prendere[ presa ] per[ per ] fondelli[ i fondelli ] da questi nati stanchi.

NP prendere NPprendere il tè'to have some tea'

Expression which means that someone has a drink or a snack
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [prendere NP]] • LU: prendere
Types: verb construction
      cat="VP" lu="prendere" name="prendere"
      cat="NP" lu="animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="NP" lu="food, drinks" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: Vieni a prendere_NP[ main[ prendere ] Noun[ il tè ], mia cara. • Andiamo a prendere_NP[ main[ prendere ] Noun[ un caffè ] ], Rita? • Agent[ Ha ] prendere[ preso ] Patient[ il tè ].

NP prendere NPprendere la auto'to go by car'

This construction expresses the situation when Agent[ some subject ] takes Theme[ transport ]
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [prendere NP]] • LU: prendere
Types: verb
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="prendere" name="prendere"
      aux="transport" cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: Agent[ Di persone ] che hanno prendere[ preso ] Theme[ le auto ] con enoleggio auto • Lui ogni fine settimana prendere[ prende ] Theme[ il treno notturno ] • Beuys gli chiede di fermarsi, prendere[ prende ] Theme[ la bici dal bagagliaio ].

NP rompere le scatole a NPQuel discorso ruppe le scatole a Max'This talk has annoyed Max'

Verbal expression which means that something or someone makes someone annoyed, bothered
Language: ita • Structure: [ NP [rompere le scatole [a NP] ] • LU: scatole
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" name="rompere"
      cat="NP" name="scatole"
      cat="Conj" name="a"
      cat="NP, anim" name="Possessee" role="Possessee"
Examples: Vai a NP_rompere_le_scatole_a_NP[ rompere[ rompere ] scatole[ le scatole ] a[ a ] Possessee[ qualcun altro ] • NP_rompere_le_scatole_a_NP[ Agent[ Lui ] sa sempre tutto di tutti e rompere[ rompe ] scatole[ le scatole ] a[ a ] Possessee[ tutti ] con le prediche infinita • NP_rompere_le_scatole_a_NP[ Agent[ Tu ] rompere[ non rompi ] scatole[ le scatole ] a[ a ] Possessee[ me ], NP_rompere_le_scatole_a_NP[ Agent[ io ] rompere[ non ] scatole[ le rompo ] a[ a ] Possessee[ te ] • NP_rompere_le_scatole_a_NP[ Agent[ Questo rumore ] rompere[ rompe ] scalote[ le scatole ] a[ a ] Possessee[ mi ].

NP salire su NPsalire sul (= su il) filobus • 'to get on the bus'

This construction means that some subject gets on the transport
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [salire [su NP]]] • LU: salire
Types: verb argument construction | prepositional | cue:rise
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="salire" name="salire"
      lu="su" name="su"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: La stazione dove salire[ salii ] su[ su ] Theme[ un treno ] per Torino • Cari colleghi, salgo su[ sul ] Theme[ filobus ] • In sei siamo salire[ salite ] su[ su ] Theme[ una jeep ] e siamo corse all’ospedale.

NP saltare NPla lezione salta • 'the lesson is cancelled (lit. jumps)'

This construction means that Agent[ some person ] skips or misses Theme[ something ] (e.g. job)
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [saltare NP]] • LU: saltare
Types: verb argument construction | cue:jump
      cat="NP, animate" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      cat="VP" lu="saltare" name="saltare"
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
Examples: Forse oggi potresti saltare_NP[ saltare[ saltare ] Theme[ la scuola ] • Devo poter saltare_NP[ saltare[ saltare ] Theme[ una delle ] sei riunioni. • Agent[ Io ] saltare_NP[ saltare[ salto ] Theme[ la verifica di biologia. ]

NP SELF attaccare a gonnella di NPTom si attacca alla gonnella della mamma'Tom is very attached to his mother'

Verbal expression which means that someone is attached to somebody and seeks protection from him/her in the meaning of hiding (=action) from the problems, etc. (nowadays used by old people mostly)
Language: ita • Structure: [ NP [SELF attaccare [a [gonnella [di [NP]]] ]] ] • LU: attaccare
Types: reflexiv | state
      cat="NP, anim" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="REFL" name="SELF"
      cat="VP" name="attaccare"
      cat="PP" name="a"
      cat="NP" name="gonnella"
      cat="PP" name="di"
      cat="NP, anim" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: Max è un bambino estremamente timido e pauroso: appena vede un estraneo SELF[ si ] attaccare[ attacca ] subito a[ alla ] gonnella[ gonnella ] di[ della ] Theme[ mamma ].

NP self montare la testaMax si è montato la testa'Max got a big head' • 'thinks a lot about himself'

Expression which means that someone has a very high opinion about himself, that is usually baseless
Language: ita • Structure: [NP] [self montare [la testa] ] ] • LU: si
Types: reflexiv
      cat="NP, anim" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="montare" name="montare"
      cat="NP" lu="testa" name="testa"
Examples: NP.Animate_montare-Pass_la_testa[ Agent[ Si ] montare[ sono un po' montati ] testa[ la testa ] • NP.Animate_montare-Pass_la_testa[ Non montare[ montarti ] testa[ la testa ] ], rammenta che sei un ciabattino • Agent[ Tonino ] montare[ SELF[ s ] 'è montato testa[ la testa ] e pensa di essere l' Uomo della Provvidenza • Basta coi complimenti, NP.Animate_montare-Pass_la_testa[ SELF[ mi ] montare[ monto ] testa[ la testa ] • Agent[ Max ] SELF[ si ] montare[ è montato ] testa[ la testa ] da quando gioca nella nuova squadra di calcio.

NP tagliare la cordaI ladri hanno tagliato la corda'The thieves slipped away'

This construction expresses the situation when some subject or a group of people goes away/escapes quietly (in secret)
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [tagliare [la corda]]] • LU: corda
Types: verb
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="tagliare" name="tagliare"
      cat="NP" lu="cora" name="corda"
Examples: Nel frattempo Agent[ i banditi avevano già ] tagliare[ tagliato ] corda[ la corda ] • Agent[ Joe ] e decide di tagliare[ tagliare ] corda[ la corda ] per cercare di salvare almeno la sua vita.

NP tenere a freno la linguatenere a freno la lingua'to stop saying unpleasant things, to stop speaking'

This construction expresses that Agent[ subject ] stops speaking/saying lingua[ some unpleasant things ]
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [tenere a freno [la lingua]]] • LU: tenere
Types: verb argument construction | constant argument | cue:hold
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" name="tenere_a_freno"
      cat="NP" name="lingua"
Examples: Non resterò mascherato a lungo Agent[ se ] non tenere_a_freno[ terrai a freno lingua[ la lingua ] ], amico mio • Non è colpa mia se non riesco a tenere_a_freno[ tenere a freno lingua[ la lingua ] ].

NP tenere/stare_con gli occhi apertiTerremo gli occhi aperti'We keep our eyes open'

This construction means that Agent[ someone ] is (or should be) careful or attentive.
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [tenere [gli occhi] aperti]] / [NP stare [con [[gli occhi] aperti]]] • LU: occhi
Types: verb
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" lu="tenere" name="tenere"
      cat="VP" lu="stare" name="stare"
      cat="PP" lu="con" name="con"
      cat="NP" lu="gli_occhi" name="gli_occhi"
      lu="aperti" name="aperti"
Examples: Ma naturalmente continueremo a essere attivi, perché è una delle questioni su cui dobbiamo tenere[ tenere ] gli_occhi[ gli occhi costantemente aperti[ aperti ]. • Ecco perché occorrerà, d'ora in poi, tenere[ tenere ] gli_occhi[ gli occhi ben aperti[ aperti ]. • stare[ Staremo ] con[ con ] gli_occhi[ gli occhi ] bene aperti per controllare quello che avviene.

NP vederne di tutti i colorilui vide tutti i colori'he experienced a lot in his life'

This construction means that Experiencer[ someone ] has seen all kinds of things in her/his life (bad and good things).
Language: ita • Structure: [NP [vederne [di [tutti i colori]]]] • LU: colori
Types: verb | prepositional
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="VP" lu="vederne" name="vederne"
      cat="PP" name="di_tutti_i_colori"
      cat="NP, plural" lu="tutto" name="tutti"
      cat="NP, plural" lu="colore" name="colori"
      cat="PP" lu="di" name="di"
Examples: Experiencer[ Io ] ho vissuto abbastanza da vederne[ vederne ] di_tutti_i_colori[ di[ di ] tutti[ tutti ] colori[ i colori ] ]. • A quanto Experiencer[ lui ] pare basta vivere a lungo per vederne[ vederne ] di_tutti_i_colori[ di[ di ] tutti[ tutti ] colori[ i colori ] ], nessuno escluso.

NP VP NP di seconda mano|NP di seconda manocomprare una macchina di seconda mano'to buy a second-hand car'

This construction means that Theme/Patient[ something ] was used or owned by someone else before.
Language: ita • Structure: [[NP] [VP [NP]] di seconda mano]/[[NP] di seconda mano] • LU: di seconda mano
Types: adjective | ordinal
      cat="NP" msd="animate" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="NP" name="Patient" role="Patient"
      cat="NP" lu="di seconda mano" name="di_seconda_mano"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: Agent[ Ha ] Action[ compra ] Patient[ una macchina ] di_seconda_mano[ di seconda mano ]. • Un suk che raccoglie ogni giorno fino a 15 container pieni Theme[ di materiale elettronico ] di_seconda_mano[ di seconda mano ].

NP VP su lastricoMax è sul lastrico'Max is on the decline'

Verbal expression which means that somebody is / will be in hard times (i.e. broke, bankrupt )
Language: ita • Structure: [ NP [VP [su [lastrico] ] ] ] • LU: lastrico
Types: verb
      aux="often organisations, companies" cat="NP" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="VP" lu="essere, stare, andare, finire, -diventare" name="VP"
      cat="Conj" name="sul"
      cat="NP" name="lastrico"
Examples: Experiencer[ I produttori agricoli ] VP[ sono ] su[ sul ] lastrico[ lastrico ] • Experiencer[ Tante aziende sane ] VP[ stanno ] su[ sul ] lastrico[ lastrico ] perché pagano le tasse • VP[ La gente ] VP[ vanno ] su[ sul ] lastrico[ lastrico ] a causa di video-poker • Experiencer[ Lucia ] VP[ è finita ] su[ sul ] lastrico[ lastrico ] e non poter più abitare nella sua casa

Korean Constructicon

Team: Anton Derbenev, Aleksandra Lipunova, Olga Shapovalova, Tatiana Shavrina

Adj+게 되다날씨가 춥게 되었어요

to end up (this construction is normaly used with verbs and rather uncommon with adjectives)
Language: kor • Structure: [VP [ADJ [V]]] • LU: 게 되다
Types: adjective
      cat="ADJ" name="ADJ-게 되다"
      cat="VP" name="action"
Examples: 날씨가 춥 게_되다[ 게 되었어요 ]. (weather-NOM cold-CVB become-PST-POL. The weather ended up getting cold.)

eika epstaeika cengmal epsta

Being ridiculous.
Language: kor • Structure: LU:
Types: verb
      cat="verb" name="epsta"
Examples: eika[ eika ] cengmal epsta[ epsta ].

N 먹다마음 먹다

noun + "eat" ("thought" + "eat" = "make a descision", "age" + "eat" = "get old")
Language: kor • Structure: [VP [NP]] • LU:
Types: verb
      cat="verb" name="먹다"
Examples: N[ 나이 ] 먹다[ 먹다 ]. age eat-DECL. Become decrepit.N[ 마음 ] 먹다[ 먹다 ]. opinion eat-DECL. To make a discision.

N-부터다음 버스는 저 정류장부터 출발할거예요

Place of departure
Language: kor • Structure: [PP [NP]] • LU:
Types: locative
      cat="noun" name="N-부터"
      cat="verb" name="movement"
Examples: 다음 버스는 저 N-부터[ 정류장부터 ] 출발할거예요

N,ACC + 대었다문구멍에_눈을 _대었다

The verb 댄다 'to touch' is rarely used in its etymological meaning. It usually takes the meaning of 'approach' or 'put sth close to sth'
Language: kor • Structure: [[N-ACC][VP [VT-touch]]] • LU: 대다 put, touch
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="NP+VP" name="N.ACC + 대었다"
Examples: 문구멍에_눈을 _대었다 door.hole-LOC eye-ACC touch-PST-DECL Put (one's) eye to the door hole.

N.ACC 대었다문구멍에 눈을 대었다

The verb "대었다" (to touch) is comonly used in nonocompositional constructions. In this one it means "to bring close to".
Language: kor • Structure: LU:
Types: verb
      cat="verb" name="대었다"
Examples: 문구멍에 N.ACC[ 눈을 ] 대었다[ 대었다 ] (keyhole.loc eye.acc touch. To put one's eye to a keyhole.

S1 V1든지 S2 V2든지 간에공부를_하든지 _운동을_하든지_간에_열심히만_해라.

The idiom has not only semantic anomalies but also syntactic anomalies. No other NPs in Korean have the structure of [ S1 S2 N ], in which the head noun has two sentential complements. If we are going to handle the structure with phrase structure rules, we have to posit a rule of the following: [ NP → S S N ]. In addition, as it can occur only before the postposition -ey, its distribution is severely limited."
Language: kor • Structure: [NP][VP [V.CONJ]][NP][VP [V.CONJ]] CONJ(among) [VP [ADV][V]] • LU: -든지 either...or, whether...or; 간에 - among/between
Types: conditional | abnormal word order | None
      cat="conditional construction" name="S1 V1든지 S2 V2든지 간에"
Examples: [공부를]N.Acc [하든지]V+conj [운동을]N.Acc [하든지]V+conj [간에]conj [열심히만]Adv [해라] V. studi(es)-ACC do-[whether] sport-ACC do-[or] among hard-[only] do-IMP (No matter if you are doing sports or studying - do it hard.)

S1 V1든지 S2 V2든지 간에공부를 하든지 운동을 하든지 간에 열심히만 해라

The idiom has not only semantic anomalies but also syntactic ones. No other NPs in Korean have the structure of [ S1 S2 N ], in which the head noun has two sentential complements. If we are going to handle the structure with phrase structure rules, we have to posit a rule of the following: [ NP → S S N ]. This NP is very special in the sense that it has a unique internal structure of [ S1 S2 N ]. In addition, as it can occur only before the postposition -ey, its distribution is severely limited.
Language: kor • Structure: [NP [S S N]] • LU:
Types: noun
Examples: 공부를 하든지 운동을 하든지 간에 열심히만 해라. study-ACC do-[whether] sport-ACC do-[or] between diligenty-[only] do-IMP. It doen't matter if you do sports or studies, do it diligently.

V + [으]ㄹ 걸[요]그_소설을_꽤_재미있을걸요?

The interpretation of this phrase depends on the intonation. With the rising intonation in a question the construction means a supposition about the state of things. With the affirmative intonation the construction describes past events and bears a hue of regret about lost opportunities.
Language: kor • Structure: [VP [V.V-MODIFICATOR]] • LU: None
Types: verb modificator | modal particle
      cat="modal particle" name="V + (으)ㄹ 걸(요)"
Examples: NP[ 그 소설을 ] VP[ 꽤 ] V[ 재미있을 ] V-modifier[ 걸요 ] 'That novel-ACC very interesting.ACC.thing-POL' (I think this novel will be very interesting.)VP[ 미리 시험 준비를 ] V[ 했더라면 ] V.vmodifier[ 좋았을걸 ] 'Early exam prepare-ACC do-PST-COND be.good.ACC.thing' (It would be better if (I) prepared for the exam beforehand.)

V-a/e + 버리다강물이_말아_버렸다

The verb 'throw' in the final position of the VP acts as a verb modifier with the meaning of 'exhaustiveness of the action'.
Language: kor • Structure: [VP [V][V-throw]] • LU: 버리다 throw away, throw out, dump
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom | verb modifier
      cat="VP" name="V-a/e + 버리다"
Examples: 강물이_말아_버렸다 river-NOM dry-INF throw-PST-DECL The river completely dried out.

V-a/e 대었다철수가 사과를 깎아 대었다

The word 대었다 ("to touch") combining with some verbs gives them the meaning of duration.
Language: kor • Structure: [VP [V]] • LU: 대었다
Types: verb
      cat="verb" name="대었다"
      cat="verb" name="V-a/e"
Examples: 철수가 사과를 V-a/e[ 깎아 대었다 ] 대었다[ 대었다 ]. Cholsu-NOM apple-ACC clean-INF touch-PST-DECL. Cholsu was cleaning an apple.)

V-게 하다나는 언니에게 미아에게 사진을 보이게 하였다

Double causation -- morphological and analitical.
Language: kor • Structure: [VP] • LU:
Types: verb
      cat="verb" name="V-CAUS"
      cat="verb" name="CAUS"
Examples: 나는 언니에게 미아에게 사진을 V-CAUS[ 보이게 ] CAUS[ 하였다 ]. (I-TOP elder.sister-DAT Mia-DAT photo-ACC see-CAUS-CVB.CAUS do-PST-DECL. I made my elder sister show photos to Mia.

V-게 하다어머니는 내가 문을 열게 하였다

Construction for direct and indirect causation (in case of indirect one the object of causation may be marked with nominative case).
Language: kor • Structure: VP • LU:
Types: verb
      cat="verb" name=" 하였다"
      cat="verb" name="verb-CVB.CAUS"
Examples: 어머니는 내가 문을 verb-CVB.CAUS[ 열게 ] 하다[ 하였다 ]. Mother-TOP me-NOM/DAT door-ACC open-CVB.CAUS do-PST-DECL. Mother allowed me to open the door / Mother made me to open the door.

V-아/어 + 가다시간이_가면_나쁜_기억은_잊혀져_갑니다

The verb 'go' as part of the VP gives an action a meaning of duration (lasting action).
Language: kor • Structure: [VP [V] [V - to go]] • LU: 가다 go, come, get
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="VP" name="V-아/어 + 가다"
Examples: 시간이_가면_나쁜_기억은_잊혀져_갑니다 time-NOM go-COND bad.memories-TOP forget-CVB go-DECL (Time will pass (will go) and bad memories will go.)

V-아/어 + 놓다더우니 문을 열어 놓아라

Verb 'put' as the second V in the VP takes the meaning of 'retain the result of the action' i.e. 'leave sth open', 'leave sth unaltered' etc.
Language: kor • Structure: [VP [V] [V-put]] • LU: 놓다 lay, put, place
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="VP" name="V-아/어 + 놓다"
Examples: 더우니 _문을_열어_놓아라 hot-CNSQ_door-ACC_open-INF _put-IMP (As it is hot, open the door and leave it open.)

V-아/어 + 보다발에_깁스하고_걸어_봤어요

The verb 'to see' as the final part of VP takes the meaning of 'to try'
Language: kor • Structure: [VP [V] [V-see]] • LU: 보다 see, watch
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="VP" name="V-아/어 + 보다"
Examples: 발에_깁스하고_걸어_봤어요 (foot-LOC_plaster.make-CONJ_walk-INF_see-PST-POL) (They) put plaser on my foot and (I) tryied to walk.

V1-CAUS-a/e V2인구를 늘리어 갔다

The causative affix "히/이/리" attaches only to the first verb but as a result both verbs aquire causative semantics.
Language: kor • Structure: [VP [VP]] • LU:
Types: verb
      cat="verb" name="V2"
      cat="verb" name="V1-CAUS-a/e"
Examples: 밥을 많이 먹이어 놓아서 V1-CAUS-a/e[ 배고프지 ] V2[ 않아요 ] • 그 양복을 V1-CAUS-a/e[ 입히어 ] V2[ 보아요 ].

V1-CAUS-a/e V2인구를 늘리어 갔다

The causative affix "히/이/리" is attached to the first verb in the construction but the causative semantics is aquired by both of the verbs.
Language: kor • Structure: [VP [VP]] • LU:
Types: verb
      cat="verb" name="V1-CAUS-a/e"
      cat="verb" name="V2"
Examples: 밥을 많이 V1-CAUS-a/e[ 먹이어 ] V2[ 놓아서 배고프지 않아요 ] (rise-ACC much eat-CAUS-INF put-INF-CVB.SEQ hungry-CVB.NEG NEG-INF-POL. As I ate a lot before, I am not hungry.) • 그 양복을 V1-CAUS-a/e[ 입히어 ] V2[ 보아요 ]. 'That suit-ACC wear-CAUS-INF see.POL'. (Let's) make (him) try a suit.

V1-아/어 + V2지 + 않다갚아_버리지_않았다

Negation is marked on both verbs V1 and V2.
Language: kor • Structure: [V1[V2-NEG1]NEG2] • LU: -지  (부정) do not, be not, 않다  be not, do not
Types: NEGATION | double negation | NEG
      cat="double negation" name="V1-아/어 + V2지 + 않다"
Examples: 갚아 버리지 않았다 return-INF_throw-CVB.NEG_NEG-PST-DECL (did not return money)

V1P.Praet.Act저는 그 회사에 취직했어요

When construction with an active verb is used to describe one's personal achievements the whole sentence acquires the semantics of boasting.
Language: kor • Structure: [VP] • LU:
Types: verb
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="VP" name="V1P.Praet.Act"
      cat="NP" role="Place"
Examples: 저는 그 회사에 V1P.Praet.Act[ 취직했어요 ]. (I-TOP that job-LOC get-PST-POL. I got a job at that company).

VP-게 되다저는 그 회사에 취직하게 되었어요

Construction used to mention somebody's achivements without the meaning of boasting.
Language: kor • Structure: [VP [V]] • LU:
Types: verb
      cat="VP" name="VP-게 되다"
      cat="NP" role="Addressee"
Examples: 저는 그 회사에 취직하 게_되었어요[ 게 되었어요 ]. (I-TOP that job-LOC hired-CVB become-PST-POL. I ended up getting a job at that company).

가닥[을] 잡다이야기[생각]의 가닥을 잡다

"To grasp (a) thread" is used to mean 'to get the gist, attain understanding."
Language: kor • Structure: N.acc + V • LU: 잡다 to catch
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="idiom" name="가닥(을)_잡다"
Examples: n.acc[ 가닥을 ] v.decl -[ 잡다 ]. (Draw the strands)

가방끈이 짧다

not to have higher education
Language: kor • Structure: bag.lace be.short • LU:
Examples: 가방끈이_짧다[ 가방끈이 짧다 ]

가슴이 뜨끔하다

to feel remorse
Language: kor • Structure: chest + • LU:
Examples: 가슴이_뜨끔하다[ 가슴이 뜨끔하다 ]

가재를 치다샀던 물건을 가재[를] 치다 • 'give back the goods (I) bought'

The phrase which literally means 'hit (a) lobster' is used in the sense 'give back' (used to refer to the purchased product)
Language: kor • Structure: [VP [N-Acc] [V]] • LU: 가재를 lobster
Types: non-standard meaning | idiom
      cat="non-standard meaning" name="가재를 치다"
Examples: NP[ V[ 샀던 ] N[ 물건을 ] VP[ N[ 가재(를)] V[ 치다 ] 'byu.PST thing lobster-ACC hit-INF' (give back the thing (one) bought)

간도 모르다

Language: kor • Structure: [VP [ADJ] [V] ] • LU: 모르다 do not know; do not understand
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="non-typical meaning" name="간도 모르다"
Examples: vp[ adj[ 간도 ] v[ 모르다 ] 'salty.taste not.know-INF' (to have no idea about sth)

간에 기별도 안 가다음식이 간에 기별도 안 간다

This is an idiomatic phrase meaning 'to be not full', i.e. to want to eat more. The literal meaning is 'to be nowhere between message(s).
Language: kor • Structure: [[NP.LOC [P][N]] [neg][VP]] • LU: 기별도 messege, letter
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="idiom" name="간에_기별도_안_가다"
Examples: sp[ vp[ 음식이 ] pp[ 간에 기별도 안 간다 ] (I.COP among message NEG go-DECL I'm nowhere close to being full.)

간이 뒤집히다이 사람이 간이 뒤집혔나, 웃긴 왜 웃어?

"to turn the liver inside out" is used to mean "to pick on without the reason"
Language: kor • Structure: [VP [NP [N]][ V]] • LU: 뒤집히다 - turn inside out
Types: non-typical meaning
      cat="non-typical meaning" name="간이 뒤집히다"
Examples: [[[이]D [사람이]N]NP [[[간이]N]NP [뒤집혔나]V]VP]SP, [[웃긴]V [[왜]Adv]AdvP [웃어]V]VP ?]SP this person liver turn_iside_out, laugh why laugh? ("Is this person picking on without the reason, why does he laugh?")

골머리를 앓다우리는 그 문제의 일로 골치를 앓았다.

The phrase 'head-ache'has a typical structure for the Korean idioms. However the meaning is metaphoric 'to bother about sth'
Language: kor • Structure: [VP [N] [V]] • LU: 골머리(를) head
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="idiom" name="골머리를_앓다"
Examples: pp[ 때문에 ] VP[ N-Acc[ 골머리를 ] V[ 앓다 ] ]. 'Bother about (something)'

구워삶다맥스는 항상 그녀를 구워삶을 수 있었다

굽다(fry) + 삶다(steam) = make smb do smth
Language: kor • Structure: [VP] • LU: 구워삶다
Types: verb
      cat="verb" name="구워삶다"
Examples: 맥스는 항상 그녀를 구워삶을 수 있었다

국수를 먹다일본 사람들은 새해를 맞이하며 국수를 먹습니다.

Language: kor • Structure: [SP [NP] [VP]] • LU: 국수(를)noodles
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="idiom" name="국수를_먹다"
Examples: sp[ np[ 국수를 ] vp[ 먹다 ] (noodles.ACC eat.INF arrange marriage)

귀 빠진 날

birthday (slang)
Language: kor • Structure: 귀 (ear) + 빠진 (fall off) + 날 (day) • LU:

귀가 따갑다

to get tired of hearing same things
Language: kor • Structure: ears + disturb • LU:
Examples: 귀가_따갑다[ 귀가 따갑다 ]

귀가 얇다그는 귀가 얇다

'(to be) thin-eared' or 'to have thin ears' is used to say that somebody easily trusts whatever he hears.
Language: kor • Structure: [Cop] [VP [N-Nom] [V]] • LU: 얇다 thin, slim
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="idiom" name="귀가_얇다"
Examples: sp[ n.COP[ 그는 ] n.nom[ 귀가 ] v[ 얇다 ]. (He believes in everything he hears.)

귀에 못이 박히다그 얘기는 [귀에 못이 박히도]록 들었다

The phrase "nail stuck in (one's) ear" is used in the sense 'be sick of hearing something'
Language: kor • Structure: [DP] + [VP [N-Loc] [N-Acc] [V]] • LU: 못이 nail
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="idiom" name="귀에_못이_박히다"
Examples: [[그]d [얘기는]n]dp[[귀에]n.loc [못이]n.acc [박히도(록)]v]vp [들었다]v] (I am sick (and tired) of hearing that story.)

그림의 떡오스트레일리아로 이사 간다는 이런 얘기는 모두 그저 그림의 떡일 뿐이다.

The phrase 'picture (on/of) a rice pie' is used meaning "a prize beyond one´s reach;an unattainable object;pie in the sky"
Language: kor • Structure: [np [N-Gen] [N-Acc]] • LU: 떡 rice pie
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="idiom" name="그림의_떡"
Examples: dp[ 그건 ] np[ 그림의 떡 ] Adv[ 이야 ]. It's like a pie in the sky indeed.

길 돌다길 돌다

"To turn in the road" is used to mean "to get used to".
Language: kor • Structure: [VP [NP [N]] [V] ] • LU: 돌다 - turn, rotate, revolve
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="non-typical meaning" name="길 돌다"
Examples: VP[ NP[ 길 ] V[ 돌다 ] 'road turn.DECL' (to get used to)

김치국 먹고 수염 쓴다

to lie about something which was not fact
Language: kor • Structure: to eat soup kimchi and grow a beard • LU:
Examples: 김치국_먹고_수염_쓴다[ 김치국 먹고 수염 쓴다 ]

김치국부터 마시다너무 김치국부터 마시지 마라

"To drink starting with Kimchi soup" means "to think that everything has been done already"
Language: kor • Structure: [PP [NP[N]].[P]] [VP[V]] • LU: 마시다 - drink
Types: non-typical meaning
      cat="non-typical meaning" name="김치국부터 마시다"
Examples: [[너무]Adv]AdvP [[[김치국]N]NP.[부터]P]PP [마시지 마라]V]VP. very Kimchi.soup.from drink stop. ("Do not think that everything has been done already")

까먹다약속 까먹다

까다 (cut, peel) + 먹다 (eat) = forget
Language: kor • Structure: [VP] • LU:
Types: verb
      cat="verb" name="까먹다"
      cat="noun" role="Patient"
Examples: 약속 까먹다[ 까먹다 ]. (promise to forget.)

꼬리[를] 물다차가 꼬리에 꼬리를 물다.

"To bite (one's) tail" is used in the sense of "to follow one another"? which refers to a set of ordered objects.
Language: kor • Structure: N.acc + V • LU: 물다 to bite
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="idiom" name="꼬리(를)_ 물다"
Examples: 꼬리(를)_ 물다 tail.ACC bite.DECL

꼬리가 길다

Language: kor • Structure: [SP [NP [N]] [VP [V]]] • LU: 길다 to catch, to grasp
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="idiom" name="꼬리가_길다"
Examples: 꼬리가 길다 tail.NOM (be).long.INF (enter without closing the door)

꼬리를 잡다경찰이 범죄 조직의 꼬리를 잡았다

Language: kor • Structure: [VP [N-Acc] [V]] • LU: 잡다 to catch
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="idiom" name="꼬리를 잡다"
Examples: N[ 경찰이 ] NP[ Adj[ 범죄 ] N-Acc[ 조직의 ] ] VP[ N-Acc[ 꼬리를 ] V[ 잡았다 ] ] (police.NOM criminal organization.ACC tail.ACC grasp.INF The police have a lead on the criminal organization.)

누워서 떡 먹기그런 것은 누워서 떡 먹기다

The phrase 'lie (and) eat (a piece of) cake' means 'easy to do', 'piece of cake', 'easy as pie'
Language: kor • Structure: [VP [V1.cvb.seq] [N] [V2.decl]] • LU: 먹기 eat
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="idiom" name="누워서_떡_먹기"
Examples: np[ d[ 그런 ] n[ 것은 ] vp I[ v1.CVB.SEQ[ 누워서 ] n[ 떡 ] v2.decl.pst[ 먹기다 ] 'could do it (this thing) in my sleep.'

눈에 흙이 들어가다내 눈에 흙이 들어가기 전에는 그녀를 이 집안에 들여 놓을 수 없어.

The phrase 'clay in one's eye' means to die. It is used in the phrases meaning 'over my body' as the first clause.
Language: kor • Structure: [CONJ] [VP [N-Loc] [N-Nom] [VP]] • LU: 흙이 clay, soil
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="idiom" name="눈에_흙이_들어가다"
Examples: conj[ 내 ] VP[ 눈에 흙이 들어가기 ] Conj[ 전에는 그녀를 이 집안에 들여 놓을 수 없어 ]. 'CONJ eye.LOC clay.NOM enter.DECL before.enter in house.LOC NOT go' (She moves into our home over my dead body)


to realize something too late
Language: kor • Structure: back + drum + beat • LU:
Examples: 뒷북치다[ 뒷북치다 ]


to realize something too late
Language: kor • Structure: back + drum + beat • LU:
Examples: 뒷북치다[ 뒷북치다 ]

떡이 생기나 밥이 생기나

This phrase literally means '(here ) is (the) rice pie, (here) is rice.' And this phrase is used meaning that the work that has been done turned out to be useless.
Language: kor • Structure: [CP.cond [N][V]]+[CP.cond[N][V]] • LU: 밥 rice
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="idiom" name="떡이_생기나 _밥이_생기나"
Examples: cp.cond[ n.nom[ 떡이 ] v[ 생기나 ] cp.cond[ n.nom[ 밥이 ] v[ 생기나 ] (The work that (was) done) (is) useless.

머리에 피도 안 마르다그는 머리에 피도 안 마른 녀석이다

The phrase 'blood on one's head (has) not dried' is used to mean 'be too young'
Language: kor • Structure: [np] [vp] • LU: 마르다 dry, dry out
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="idiom" name="머리에_피도_안_마르다"
Examples: np[ 그는 ] vp[ 머리에 ] 피도 안 마른 녀석이다 (head.LOC blood.NOM NEG dry.out.DECL he is too young)

미역국을 끓여 주다

to congratulate on birthday
Language: kor • Structure: soup.with.seaweed + boil + give • LU:
Examples: 미역국을_끓여_주다[ 미역국을 끓여 주다 ]

미역국을 먹다

to fail the exam
Language: kor • Structure: soup.with.seaweed + eat • LU:
Examples: 미역국을_먹다[ 미역국을 먹다 ]

바가지를 쓰다주인의 말에 넘어가 바가지를 쓰고 이 물건을 샀다.

The expression 바가지를 쓰다 means "pay through the nose"
Language: kor • Structure: jar + put.on • LU: 쓰다 - wear, put on
Types: non-typical meaning
      cat="non-typical meaning" name="바가지를 쓰다"
Examples: CP[ VP[ NP[ N.gen[ 주인의 ] N.loc[ 말에 ] V.conj[ 넘어가 ] CP[ VP[ NP.acc[ 바가지를 ] V.conj[ 쓰고 ] CP[ VP[ NP[ D[ 이 ] N.acc[ 물건을 ] V.decl[ 샀다 ]. 'Not listening to the master, (I) paid through the nose and bought this thing.'

바람맞다여자한테 바람맞다

'Meet wind' is used meaning 'to be fooled'
Language: kor • Structure: [N+V] • LU: 바람맞다 (be windy) lit. to be hit by wind
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="idiom" name="바람맞다"
Examples: 여자한테 바람맞다 woman.ACC be fooled by a woman

발목을 잡다그가 스페인으로 이주를 한 지 수년 뒤 법[사법 당국]이 끝내 그를 찾아내어 처벌했다.

To catch (one's) ancle is used to mean 'to catch up with smb/sth
Language: kor • Structure: [SP [NP] [VP]] • LU: 잡다 to catch, to grasp
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="idiom" name="발목을 _잡다"
Examples: 발목을 _잡다 ancle.ACC catch.INF catch up with sth/smb

번지수를 잘못 찾다

to ask for help from someone who will not help
Language: kor • Structure: house.number + mistakenly + find • LU:
Examples: 번지수를_잘못_찾다[ 번지수를 잘못 찾다 ]

부터다음 버스는 저 정류장부터 출발할거예요

This postposition is normally used to mark the absolute point of departure.
Language: kor • Structure: [PP [NP]] • LU:
Types: preposition
      cat="postposition" name="부터"
      cat="noun" role="Place"
Examples: 다음 버스는 저 정류장 부터[ 부터 ] 출발할거예요. (Next bus-TOP that station-ABL depart-FUT-POL. The next bus will depart from that station.)

비행기를 태우다

The phrase 'to fly a plane' is used to mean 'flatter someone'
Language: kor • Structure: [[vp]+[np]] • LU: 태우다 to burn
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="idiom" name="비행기를 태우다"
Examples: 비행기를 태우다 airplane.ACC burn.INF (flatter someone)


to have a very specific way of thinking, to think not like the others
Language: kor • Structure: four.definition • LU:
Examples: 사차원[ 사차원 ]

샛밝안 거짓말

Absolutely false
Language: kor • Structure: red + lie • LU:
Examples: 샛밝안_거짓말[ 샛밝안 거짓말 ]

앞뒤가 막히다

to have a verry narrow mind
Language: kor • Structure: be clogged from front.back • LU:
Examples: 앞뒤가[ 앞뒤가 ] 막히다

입을 모으다그들은 이구동성으로 나의 옷을 칭찬했다.

The phrase 'collect mouth' is used to mean 'pronounce something simultaniously, to say in one voice.
Language: kor • Structure: [n.acc][v] • LU: 모으다 collect, put together
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="idiom" name="입을_모으다"
Examples: “고마워요.” np[ 그들이 ] VP[ n.acc[ 입을 ] v[ 모아 ] v[ 말했다 ]. ‘Thank you, they said in chorus.

차마폭이 넓다

To pry into other people's business
Language: kor • Structure: skirt.width + • LU:
Examples: 차마폭이_넓다[ 차마폭이 넓다 ]


frivolity, levity
Language: kor • Structure: skirt.wind • LU:
Examples: 치마바람[ 치마바람 ]

파김치가 되다나는 이제 파김치가 됐다.

The phrase 'to become kimchi' is used meaning 'to be extremely tired'
Language: kor • Structure: [VP [N] [V]] • LU:
Types: non-typical meaning | idiom
      cat="idiom" name="파김치가 되다"
Examples: np[ 나는 ] vp. I[ adj[ 이제 ] n[ 파김치가 ] v[ 됐다 ] (now kimchi.NOM become.DECL I am now extremely tired.)

하늘이 노랗다

The phrase 'the sky is yellow' is used to represent the uneasy feeling, particularly in ambarassing situations.
Language: kor • Structure: [SP [NP [N]] [VP [V]]] • LU:
Types: idiom | non-typical meaning
      cat="ideomatic expression" name="하늘이 노랗다"
Examples: 표정이 안 좋아, 하늘이 노랗게 뜨네 SP[ complexion NOT good ] SP[ NP[ sky-Nom ] VP[ (be).yellow_Inf ] ] (I lost my face.)

Lithuanian Constructicon

Team: Yana Kurmacheva, Daria Shershneva, Sergey Mikhaylov, Ivan Rodin

[NP ir NP] susi-Vrašinėti - susirašinėti • 'to scribble - to exchange letters'

the construction is used to denote a reciprocal action
Language: lit • Structure: (NP ir NP) [[susi]-V] • LU:
Types: reciprok | ordbildning | coordination
      cat="prefix" msd="perfective" name="su"
      cat="prefix" msd="reflexive" name="si"
Examples: rodyti - V[ su[ su ] si[ si ] rodyti ] (to make signs - to communicate by signs) • Petras ir Jonas V[ su[ su ] si[ si rašinėja ] • Tikiuosi V[ su[ su ] si[ si tikti ] visus draugus

AdjP/NP tas, kad ClauseDalykas tas, kad nei NATO, nei JT nereikia tariamo ES karinio dalyvavimo. • 'The fact is that neither NATO nor the UN wants the EU pretending to get involved militarily.'

the construction is used to draw the listener's attention to the information contained in an utterance
Language: lit • Structure: [AdjP/NP] so that [Clause] • LU: kad
      cat="corellative" name="conj"
Examples: NP[ Dalykas ] tas, kad Clause[ nei NATO, nei JT nereikia tariamo ES karinio dalyvavimo ] (The fact is that neither NATO nor the UN wants the EU pretending to get involved militarily.) • Juk įstatymu būtina sukurti NP[ sąlygas ] tas[ tas ] kad[ kad ] Clause[ įstatymu būtų apgintas silpnesnis ] (After all, the law is necessary to create the conditions so, that the law to protect a weaker)NP[ Tikslas ] tas[ tas ] kad[ kad ] Clause[ aš atėjau į dangus ] (The goal is that I have come to the sky)NP[ Sąlygas ] tas[ tas ] kad[ kad ] Clause[ įstatymu būtų apgintas silpnesnis ] (The conditions of the law mean to protect a weaker)

Ar tai nėra NP?Ar tai nėra veidmainystės viršūnė? • 'Is that not the height of hypocrisy?'

a negative interrogative (used to imply that the speaker is expecting a certain answer or for emphatic effect)
Language: lit • Structure: [or it not [NP]]? • LU: nėra
Types: interrogativ
      cat="Conj" name="ar"
      cat="Pron" name="tai"
      cat="V" name="nėra"
      cat="NP" name="Participant" role="Participant"
Examples: Ar_tai_nėra_NP?[ ar[ Ar ] tai[ tai ] nėra[ nėra ] Participant[ veidmainystės viršūnė ] ]? (Is that not the height of hypocrisy?) • Ar tai nesusilpnina asmeninės piliečių informacijos apsaugos ir Ar_tai_nėra_NP?[ ar[ ar ] tai[ tai ] nėra[ nėra ] Participant[ bandymas ] ] išvengti Europos Teisingumo teismo kontrolės? (Does this not weaken the protection of citizens' personal data, and is it not an attempt to bypass the control of the European Court of Justice?)

Bė Clause?bė tu nežinai? • 'Don't you know?'

an emphatic interrogative
Language: lit • Structure: [without [Clause]?] • LU:
      cat="interrogative" name="Prep"
      cat="S" name="Clause"
Examples: Prep[ bė ] Clause[ tu nežinai ]?

Clause taip, kaip ClauseNe, negalime elgtis taip, kaip elgėmės anksčiau. Taip, privalome pakeisti žaidimo taisykles ir pertvarkyti sistemą • 'No, we must not do as we did before, yes, we must change the rules of the game, and we must put order back into the system'

the comparative correlative
Language: lit • Structure: [how [Clause], as [Clause]] • LU: taip
Types: bisats | orsakssamband
      aux="causative" cat="Conj" name="taip"
      aux="causative" cat="Conj" name="kaip"
      cat="S" name="Clause"
Examples: Clause[ Ne, negalime elgtis ] taip[ taip ], ] kaip[ kaip ] Clause[ elgėmės anksčiau Taip, privalome pakeisti žaidimo taisykles ir pertvarkyti sistemą ]. • Clause[ Vis dėlto ji negali to pasiekti ] taip[ taip ], kaip[ kaip ] Clause[ tai atrodo Komisijai ] (However, it cannot do so in the way the Commission sees it)Clause[ Šiandien aš pirmininkauju ir visada stengiuosi taikyti darbo tvarkos taisykles ] taip[ taip ], ] kaip[ kaip ] Clause[ nurodyta ] (I am in the chair today, and I always endeavour to apply the Rules of Procedure as prescribed)

Clause, bet kas iš to?Aš irgi kartais susirūpinu dėl to, kokį pavidalą įgaus bendradarbiavimas su Kinija, bet kas iš to? • 'I too worry sometimes about what form cooperation with China will take, but so what?'

the construction may be used to demonstrate the speaker's total indifference toward the situation
Language: lit • Structure: [[Clause], but so what?] • LU:
      cat="S" name="Clause" role="Proposition"
      cat="Conj" name="bet"
      cat="Pron" name="kas"
      cat="Prep" name=" iš"
      cat="Adv" name="to"
Examples: Clause[ Pateikiu šį pasiūlymą, nes aptarinėjame šiuos pažeidimus kiekvieną ketvirtadienį, nuolat skundžiamės ] bet[ bet ] kas[ kas ] [ iš ] to[ to ] (I make this proposal because we discuss these breaches Thursday after Thursday, we are forever complaining, but what comes of it all.)Clause[ Aš irgi kartais susirūpinu dėl to, kokį pavidalą įgaus bendradarbiavimas su Kinija ] bet[ bet ] kas[ kas ] [ iš ] to[ to ]? (I too worry sometimes about what form cooperation with China will take, but so what?)Clause[ Tai gerai ] bet[ bet ] kas[ kas ] [ iš ] to[ to ]? Ką konkrečiai siūlote? (' Where 's the beef? ' What are you actually proposing?)

Clause, štai ir viskasŠtai ir viskas, man neužtenka laiko • 'That' s it, I' m off the clock'

this is used for saying that there is nothing more involved than what someone have mentioned
Language: lit • Structure: [[Clause], that's all] • LU: viskas
      cat="S" name="Clause"
      cat="Pron" name="štai" role="štai"
      cat="Conj" name="ir"
      cat="Pron" name="viskas"
Examples: Clause, štai_ir_viskas[ Clause[ Pamėgo vaikas kalbą ], štai_ir_viskas[ štai ir viskas ] • Clause, štai_ir_viskas[ Clause[ Štai kokia problema ir tai yra priežastis, dėl kurios jie pageidauja atidėjimo ]. štai_ir_viskas[ Štai ir viskas ] (That is the issue and that is the reason why they want a postponement. That is all.)Clause, štai_ir_viskas[ Clause[ jog jų frakcijoje neapsilankiau dėl to, kad jie manęs nepakvietė ]. štai_ir_viskas[ Štai ir viskas ] (I did not go to see their group because they did not invite me. It is as simple as that)

išblaškyti NPIšblaškyk mano abejones, pasakyk, tu moki rašyti? • 'Clear up my doubts - tell me, can you write?'

the construction is used to refer to a situation where someone is no longer confused or doubtful
Language: lit • Structure: [scatter [NP]] • LU: išblaškyti
Types: liknelse
      cat="Verb" name="išblaškyti"
      cat="NP" name="Patient" role="Patient"
Examples: išblaškyti[ Išblaškyk ] mano Patient[ abejones ], pasakyk, tu moki rašyti? • Taip pat džiaugiuosi, kad Europos Komisija atsižvelgir į Parlamento, ir į pramonės atstovų pateiktus nerimą keliančius klausimus, ir jai pavyko išblaškyti[ išblaškyti ] Patient[ kai kurias abejones ] vien per paskutines keletą savaičių (I am also pleased that the European Commission took account both of the concerns expressed by Parliament and also of those coming from industry and it was also able to dispel some concerns just in the last few weeks) • Jeigu labai pergyveni dėl vandens - padaryk eksperimentą ir išblaškyti[ išblaškyk ] Patient[ abejones ] (If you are really worried about the water - do an experiment and clear up your doubts)

kad ir [kiek]/[kaip]/[kas] Clausekad ir kas jie būtų: masonai ar liberalai • 'no matter who they are, freemasons or liberals'

the construction is used to express the speaker's indifference to the details pertaining to the topic at hand
Language: lit • Structure: no matter how (much)/(how)/(what) Clause • LU: ir
Types: bisats
      cat="conj" name="kad" role="cooperative"
Examples: kad_ir_kas[ kad ir kas Clause[ jie būtų: masonai ar liberalai ] (no matter who they are, freemasons or liberals)kad_ir_kiek[ kad ir kiek Clause[ ilgai žmogus lauktų savo būsto ] (no matter how long people wait for your mortgage) • i mokysis, kad_ir_kiek[ kad ir kiek Clause[ tai kainuotų ] (the will study, no matter how much it will cost) • nieko nepadarau gero, kad_ir_kaip[ kad ir kaip VP[ stengčiausi ] (I don't do anything good, no matter how I try) • Baigta kalbėti dėl balsavimo motyvų, kad_ir_kaip[ kad ir kaip Clause[ būtų gaila ] (He finished speaking about vote explanation, no matter how much it is unfortunate)

kad nė be NPAš manau, kad ne be juokais tos problemos. • 'I think that those problems are not without jokes'

The construction is used to refer to an object which possesses a feature/set of features that cannot be ignored or excluded
Language: lit • Structure: [that not without [NP]] • LU:
Examples: Aš manau, kad ne be NP[ juokais ] tos problemos.

kad NP-Dat balaDvidešimt salų! Kad tave bala! Viename ežere! • 'Twenty islands! Damn it! In one lake!'

the construction is used to express the speaker's frustration or annoyance with someone/something (lit. "i wish the swamp took you")
Language: lit • Structure: damn [NP-Dat] • LU: bala
Types: liknelse
      aux="Interjection" cat="Conj" name="kad"
      aux="Interjection" cat="N" name="bala"
      cat="NP" msd="Dative" name="Addressee" role="Addressee"
Examples: Dvidešimt salų! kad[ Kad ] Addressee[ tave ] bala[ bala ]! Viename ežere! • kad[ Kad ] Addressee[ ją ] bala[ bala ]! Svarbiausia juk - važiuoti (Damn her! The most important thing is going) • Žmogau! kad[ Kad ] Addressee[ tave ] bala[ bala ]! Tokios baisios mintys! (People! Damn you! Such a terrible idea!)

kaip ir NPJūs, kaip ir daugelis kitų, dalyvavote jos rengime. • 'You were involved in its development, as were many others.'

the construction may be used to express similarity between the compared objects, phenomena
Language: lit • Structure: [like and [NP]] • LU: ir
Types: jämförelse
      cat="Conj" name="kaip"
      cat="Conj" name="ir"
      cat="NP" name="Standard" role="Standard"
Examples: Comparee[ Jūs ], kaip_ir_NP[ kaip[ kaip ] ir[ ir ] Standard[ daugelis kitų ], dalyvavote jos rengime. (You were involved in its development, as were many others.Comparee[ Ministre Pirmininke ], kaip_ir_NP[ kaip[ kaip ] ir[ ir ] Standard[ jūsų pirmtakas ], čia jūs kalbėjote ryžtingais ir emocingais Šekspyro kalbos žodžiais, bet vėl gi, kaip ir jis, nepateikėte jokių konkrečių pasiūlymų. (Prime Minister, just like your predecessor, here you have used strong and emotive words in the language of Shakespeare, but, again like him, you have few concrete proposals.)

kaip tik VP/AdvP/NPKitą savaitę kaip tik važiuoju į Italiją • 'In fact, next week he is going to Italy.'

an emphatic construction used to draw the listener's attention to the information contained in an utterance
Language: lit • Structure: [as only [VP/AdvP/NP ] • LU: tik
      cat="coordinating" name="Conj"
Examples: Adj[ Kitą savaitę ] kaip_tik[ kaip tik ] VP[ važiuoju į Italiją ] • Gal šis darbas buvo kaip_tik[ kaip tik pron[ toks ] kokio Jums tuo metu reikėjo? (Maybe this work was just as what you had at the time?) • Ir kaip_tik[ kaip tik todėl pron[ jie nebūna niekur ]. (Exactly because they aren't anywhere) • jis tiki ir neturi jokio kito tikslo, kaip_tik[ kaip tik VP[ tikėti ] (he believes in and has no other purpose than to believe.)

kas VP, tas VPKas bus, tas bus • 'Whatever will be will be'

the construction may be used to describe the attitude of the speaker toward the situaton - he is willing to let things be, accept whatever comes his way
Language: lit • Structure: [[What VP] [that VP]] • LU: tas
Types: upprepning
Examples: kas[ Kas ] VP[ bus ], tas[ tas ] VP_equal[ bus ] (what will be will be)kas[ Kas ] [ vyksta tas[ tas ] VP_equal[ vyksta ] (what is happenning, is happening)kas[ Kas ] VP_neg[ ne draudžiama tas[ tas ] VP[ leidžiama ] (what is not forbidden is allowed)

keli ìš NP-Gen.PLKeli ìš jūsų sėdejote namiẽ? • 'How many of you stayed at home?'

the construction is used to refer to a situation where the speaker inquires about the quantity of something
Language: lit • Structure: how much/many NP-Gen.PL • LU:
Types: genitiv
      cat="interrog_pron" name="PP"
Examples: Keli_ìš[ Keli ìš N_gen[ jūsų ] sėdejote namiẽ? • Tai tik Keli_ìš[ keli iš ] aprašytųjų N_gen[ atvejų ] (these are just some of the described cases)Keli_ìš[ keli iš N_gen[ jų ] gyveno poezija ar tapo rašytojais? (How much of them who lived in poetry becabe writers?) • Štai Keli_ìš[ keli iš N_Gen[ jų ]. (Here are some of them)

Kiek kainuoja NP/VP?Kiek kainuoja morkos? • 'How much do the carrots cost?'

an interrogative construction used to express the speaker's interest in the value of something
Language: lit • Structure: [How much cost [NP]] • LU: kainuoja
      cat="Conj" name="kiek"
      cat="V" name="kainuoja"
Examples: VP[ kiek[ Kiek ] kainuoja[ kainuoja ] Theme[ morkos ]? • Komisare, norėčiau sužinoti, VP[ kiek[ kiek ] kainuoja[ kainuoja ] Theme[ pareigūnai ] (Commissioner, I would be interested to know how much these functionaries are costing.) • Be to, VP[ kiek[ kiek ] kainuoja[ kainuoja ] Theme[ utilizuoti radioaktyviąsias atliekas ] ]? (Furthermore, how much does it cost to dispose of radioactive waste?)

kuo AdjP-comp, tuo AdjP-compKuo daugiau, tuo geriau. • 'The more, the better'

the comparative correlative
Language: lit • Structure: [than [AdjP-comp], [the [AdjP-comp]]] • LU: tuo
Types: jämförelse
      cat="Conj" name="kuo"
      cat="Conj" name="tuo"
      cat="AdjP" msd="comparative" name="Property" role="Property"
Examples: kuo_AdjP-comp, tuo_AdjP-comp[ kuo[ Kuo ] Property[ daugiau ], tuo[ tuo ] Property[ geriau. ] (The more, the better.) • Pone pirmininke, kuo_AdjP-comp, tuo_AdjP-comp[ kuo[ kuo ] Property[ trumpiau ], tuo[ tuo ] Property[ geriau. ] (Mr President, brevity is the source of wit.) • Reikia aiškaus pareiškimo - kuo_AdjP-comp, tuo_AdjP-comp[ kuo[ kuo ] Property[ greičiau ], tuo[ tuo ] Property[ geriau. ] (A clear statement is needed, the sooner the better.)

N-DAT patinka NPMan patinka mokytis senųjų kalbų • 'I like learning old languages'

the construction refers to a person/thing/phenomenon the speaker is fond of
Language: lit • Structure: [[N-Dat] like [NP]] • LU: patinka
Types: huvudsats
      cat="VP" name="Verb"
Examples: VP[ Agent[ Man ] patikti[ patinka ] Stimulus[ mokytis senųjų kalbų ] (I like learning old languages.)Agent[ Jums ] patikti[ patinka ] ar nepatinka Lietuvos demografinė Stimulus[ politika ] (You like or you din't like lithuanian demographic policy)Agent[ Jai ] patikti[ patinka ] originalūs Stimulus[ žmonės ] (She likes interesting people)Agent[ Man ] patikti[ patinka ] Stimulus[ teatras ] ir Stimulus[ kinas ] (I like theaters and cinemas)

nė NP, bėt NPNė žodžiais bėt darbais. • 'Not words, but deeds'

the construction sets up an opposition between Object1 (carries negative connotation) and Object2 (carries positive connotation)
Language: lit • Structure: [not [NP], but [NP]] • LU:
      cat="particle" name="nė"
      cat="Conj" name="bėt"
Examples: [ Nė ] Theme[ žodžiais ] bėt[ bėt ] Target[ darbais ].

ne tik NP/AdjP, bet NP/AdjPTai taikoma ne tik Europos administracijai, bet ir administracijai valstybių narių lygmenyje. • 'This applies not only to the European administration but also to the administration at Member State level.'

a correlative conjunction (used to present two related pieces of information; both are being presented by the speaker as surprising or unexpected, with the second one being even more surprising than the first)
Language: lit • Structure: [not only [NP/AdjP], but [NP/AdjP]] • LU: bet
Types: konjunktion
      cat="Conj" msd="cumulative" name="ne_tik"
      cat="Conj" msd="cumulative" name="bet"
Examples: Tai taikoma ne_tik_NP/AdjP, bet_NP/AdjP[ ne_tik[ ne tik Europos administracijai, bet[ bet ] ir administracijai valstybių narių lygmenyje. ] (This applies not only to the European administration but also to the administration at Member State level.) • Atkurta DNR ne_tik_NP/AdjP, bet_NP/AdjP[ ne_tik[ ne tik Property1[ apgadinta ], bet[ bet ] Property2[ ir ne visa ] ]. (Not only is the recovered DNA damaged but it is also incomplete.) • Bet kaip ją išmokyti pakeisti ne_tik_NP/AdjP, bet_NP/AdjP[ ne_tik[ ne tik aprangą, bet[ bet ] ir mąstyseną? (But how do you teach her to change her thinking and not just her clothes?)

nei NP/AdjP, nei NP/AdjPNeturėjau nei darbo, nei lėšų. • 'I had no job and no money.'

the construction is used to express double negation
Language: lit • Structure: [neither [NP/AdjP], nor [NP/AdjP]] • LU: None
Types: konjunktion
      cat="Conj" name="nei"
Examples: Viena priežastis, ta, kad valstybės narės neteikia nei_NP/AdjP, nei_NP/AdjP[ nei[ nei ] darbuotojų nei[ nei ] įrangos ], kurią yra pažadėjusios. (One reason for this is that the Member States are not providing the staff or equipment they have promised.) • Neturėjau nei_NP/AdjP, nei_NP/AdjP[ nei[ nei ] darbo, nei[ nei ] lėšų. (I had no job and no money.) • Galiausiai, neturime jokių nei_NP/AdjP, nei_NP/AdjP[ nei[ nei ] moralinių nei[ nei ] teisinių priežasčių dabar keisti stojimo taisykles. (There is no moral or legal argument which will make us change the rules for joining now at the end.)

nėra nieko Adj-Genčia nieko nėra keisto ir mįslingo • 'there is nothing strange and mysterious there'

the construction is used to express double negation
Language: lit • Structure: [It is not any(nothing) [NGen]] • LU: nėra
Types: genitiv |
      aux="only with negation" name="VP"
      msd="genitive_case" name="Adj" role="NP"
Examples: čia VPneg[ nėra ] Adj[ nieko ] Adj[ keisto ] ir Adj[ mįslingo ] (There is nothing strange and mysterious there.) • ten VPneg[ nėra ] Adj[ nieko ] Adj[ gražaus ]. (there is nothing beautiful)

nėra NGenVisos tos kalbos nėra • 'There are not all these languages'

the construction is used to express negation
Language: lit • Structure: [It is (there is/are) no [NGen]] • LU: nėra
Types: genitiv
      cat="VP" name="nėra"
      cat="N" msd="Genitive_case" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: [ Theme[ Visos tos kalbos ] nėra[ nėra ] • Čia nėra[ nėra ] Theme[ salotų daug ] (There is not a lot of salad) • Dabar nėra[ nėra ] Theme[ pauzės ] (no pause now)nėra[ Nėra ] Theme[ aiškios politinės valios ] (No clear political will)

NP apimti NPLiepsna apėmė stogą • 'The flame reached the roof (lit. the flame seized the roof)' • 'Jį apėmė baimė • 'He was scared (lit. the fear grabbed him)'

Figurative sense of the verb "seize, grab"
Language: lit • Structure: [NP] cover [NP] • LU: apimti
      cat="VP" name="apimti"
Examples: cause[ Liepsna ] apimti[ apėmė ] causee[ stogą ] (Flames covered the roof.)causee[ Jį ] apimti[ apėmė ] cause[ baimė ] (He was paralyzed by fear.)causee[ ja ] apimti[ apėmė ] cuse[ nerimas ] (she experiensed anxiety)

NP buvo NPBet tuo pačiu metu jie nori, kad vyrai buvo vyrai • 'But at the same time they want men to be men'

the construction is generally used nostalgically (to reminisce about a time when members of the category had the positive properties associated with prototypical members of the category)
Language: lit • Structure: [[NP] was/were [NP]] • LU: buvo
Types: upprepning
      cat="COP" name="buvo"
      cat="NP" name="Category" role="Category"
Examples: Bet tuo pačiu metu jie nori, kad NP_buvo_NP[ Category[ vyrai ] buvo[ buvo ] Category[ vyrai ] (But at the same time they want men to be men.) • Esu gimusi šeimoje, kur NP_buvo_NP[ Category[ moterys ] buvo[ buvo ] Category[ moterys. ] (I was born into a family where women were women.)

NP išbėgoPienas išbėgo • 'The milk boiled over'

the construction is used to describe a situation where something (usually a liquid) overflows (for example, while boiling (lit. "something escaped"))
Language: lit • Structure: [[NP] boiled over ("escaped")] • LU: išbėgo
Types: liknelse
      aux="figurative_sense" cat="Verb" name="išbėgo"
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
Examples: NP_išbėgo[ Agent[ Pienas ] išbėgo ] • Rusijos krovininis laivas lūžo pusiau ir ant iš Sibiro keliaujančių nardančių paukščių migracijos kelio iš jo ] NP_išbėgo[ išbėgo ] Agent[ 4000 tonų kuro ] (A Russian cargo vessel also broke in two, releasing 4 000 tonnes of fuel oil on a migration route for diving birds coming from Siberia) • M. Schulz, J. Daul ir G. Verhofstadt, nvieno jų salėje jau nėra - NP_išbėgo[ Agent[ jie ] išbėgo ] užuot likę čia ir kalbėję apie kokybę, o ne kiekybę (Mr Schulz, Mr Daul, Mr Verhofstadt, all absent now - they have run away instead of speaking here to focus the budget on quality rather than quantity)

NP laykiti NP-Acc AdjP/NP-InsDžeinė laiko Billį geru draugu • 'Jane considers Bill a good friend'

Language: lit • Structure: [[NP] consider [NP-Acc] [AdjP/NP-Ins]] • LU: laykiti
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="Verb" name="laykiti"
      cat="NP" msd="accusative_case" name="Patient" role="Patient"
      cat="NP/Adj" msd="instrumental_case" name="Theme/Attribute" role="Theme/Atrribute"
Examples: Agent[ Džeinė ] laykiti[ laiko ] Patient[ Billį ] geru Theme[ draugu ] • Puiku, kad bent kartą per metus Agent[ Parlamente ] skiriame laykiti[ laiko ] teisės Theme[ aktų kokybės svarstymui ] (It is a good thing that we take time in Parliament to consider the quality of legislation and regulations at least once a year) • Pone Pirmininke, mano pats svarbiausias klausimas Agent[ Tarybai ] yra šis: ar ji save laykiti[ laiko ] Attribute[ klystančia ]? (Mr President, my most important question to the Council is actually whether it considers itself fallible) • Būtent dėl to Agent[ Taryba ] apsvarstė, Patient[ kad būtina ] Theme[ gerai ] pasiruošti ir skirti pakankamai laykiti[ laiko ] Theme[ tarpregioniniam aljansui sukurti ] (That was why the Council considered it necessary to be well prepared and to have enough time to form a cross-regional alliance)

NP VP kaip NP-AccJie sveikino jį kaip karalių • 'They hailed him as a king'

the construction is used to refer to a person, thing, or phenomenon that is presented from a subjective point of view
Language: lit • Structure: [NP] [VP] as [NP-Acc] • LU: kaip
Types: comparison | verb argument construction
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      aux="comparative" cat="Conj" name="kaip"
      cat="NP" msd="accusative_case" name="Standard" role="Standard"
      cat="NP" name="Comparee" role="Comparee"
Examples: Agent[ Jie ] VP[ sveikino Comparee[ jį ] ] kaip[ kaip ] Standard[ karalių ] • Comparee[ Šios aukos ] parduodamos ir perparduodamos, šiuolaikinėje Europoje su jomis VP[ elgiamasi ] kaip[ kaip ] Standard[ su vergais ] (These victims are sold and resold, treated as slaves in a modern Europe) • Jis nepasiseks, jei suprasime Comparee[ jį ] kaip[ kaip ] institucijų Standard[ konfliktą ] (It will not succeed if we view it as a conflict between the institutions)

NP-Dat trūksta NPKo jame trūksta? • 'What features are missing?'

the construction is used to express the lack of something
Language: lit • Structure: [[NP-Dat] lack [NP]] • LU: trūksta

nu koks NPNu kokia ti palitika. • 'What kind of politics is this?'

an emphatic construction used to express the speaker's dissatisfaction with particular qualities of an object
Language: lit • Structure: [well [what [NP]]] • LU: koks
      cat="Ptcl" name="nu"
      cat="Adj" name="koks"
Examples: nu_koks_NP[ nu[ Nu ] koks[ kokia ] ti Theme[ politika. ] • nu_koks_NP[ nu[ Nu ] koks[ kokia ] ta Theme[ pagalba. ] (What kind of help is this?)nu_koks_NP[ nu[ Nu ] koks[ kokia ] prasmė iš tokios ekonomikos? (What is the point of such an economy?)

o kaip NP[VP]/AdvP?O kaip valdžia panaudoja surinktas lėšas? • 'Just what do governments do with all the money they collect?'

an emphatic interrogative
Language: lit • Structure: [and how [NP[VP]/AdvP]]? • LU: kaip
Types: interrogativ
      cat="Conj" name="o"
      cat="Conj" name="kaip"
Examples: o_kaip_NP_[VP]/AdvP[ o[ O ] kaip[ kaip ] Agent[ valdžia ] Activity[ panaudoja ] surinktas lėšas? (Just what do governments do with all the money they collect?)o_kaip_NP_[VP]/AdvP[ o[ O ] kaip[ kaip ] dabar? (And what now?)o_kaip_NP_[VP]/AdvP[ o[ O ] kaip[ kaip ] gi mūsų berniukai?! (And what about our boys?!)

palenkti NP į savo pusęKaip kūno kalba palenkti žmones į savo pusę? • 'Body language: how to get people on your side?'

the construction is used to describe a situation where someone manages to change the mind of his opponent(-s), win him/her/them over (lit. "bend smn to one's side")
Language: lit • Structure: [bend [NP] [to [smn's] side]] • LU: pusę
Types: liknelse
      cat="V" msd="infinitive" name="palenkti"
      cat="NP" name="Patient" role="Patient"
      cat="PREP" name="į"
      cat="Pron" msd="possessive" name="savo"
      cat="N" name="pusę"
Examples: Kaip kūno kalba palenkti_NP_į_savo_pusę[ palenkti[ palenkti ] Patient[ žmones ] į[ į ] savo[ savo ] pusę[ pusę ]?" ("Body language: how to get people on your side?") • ES, skatindama demokratines vertybes, turi didžiulę galimybę palenkti_NP_į_savo_pusę[ palenkti[ palenkti ] Patient[ Baltarusiją ] į[ į ] savo[ savo ] pusę[ pusę ] ir išlaisvinti ją iš Rusijos gniaužtų. (The EU has a great opportunity, if it becomes involved in the promotion of democratic values, to win Belarus over and to free it from the Russian embrace.)

Parodyti NP.Abstract-AccPrašau parodyti daugiau pagarbos Aušvice ir kitur žuvusioms aukoms. • 'Please, show a little respect for the victims who died at Auschwitz and elsewhere'

the construction is used to denote an action of displaying a feeling or an emotion
Language: lit • Structure: [to show [NP-Abstract]] • LU: parodyti
Types: liknelse
      aux="figurative_sense" cat="Verb" name="parodyti"
      aux="Abstract" cat="NP" msd="accusative_case" name="Patient" role="Patient"
Examples: Prašau parodyti[ parodyti ] Patient[ daugiau ] pagarbos Aušvice ir kitur žuvusioms aukoms. • Taip pat labai svarbu simboliškai ir politiškai parodyti[ parodyti ] Patient[ savo solidarumą ] su visais, šią vasarą nukentėjusiais, regionais (It is also very important, symbolically and politically, to make this gesture of solidarity with all the regions that have suffered this summer) • Šiandien turime puikią galimybę parodyti[ parodyti ], ad mūsų Patient[ veiksmai atitinka žodžius ] (Now, today, we have the perfect opportunity to show that our actions are faithful to our words)

paskirti NP.Temporal-AccPaskirkite minučių per mėnesį aptarti savo pokyčius su kitais • 'dedicate minutes a month to sharing your changes with others'

the construction refers to a period of time devoted to a specific activity
Language: lit • Structure: assign/allocate [NP(temporal)] • LU: paskirti
Types: tidsuttryck
      aux="imperative_mood" cat="Verb" name="paskirti"
      cat="NP" msd="accusative_case" name="Temporal" role="Temporal"
Examples: paskirti_NP(Acc+Temporal)[ paskirti[ Paskirkite ] Time[ minučių ] per mėnesį ] aptarti savo pokyčius su kitais • Prisijungti prie mūsų komandos nėra sudėtinga, ] paskirti_NP(Acc+Temporal)[ tad jei gali ] paskirti[ paskirti ] Time[ 15 minučių per savaitę ] darbui mūsų kolektyve ], pranešk apie tai (It is not complicated to join our team so if you can appiont 15 minutes a week to work with us, please, report it) • Socialinės paramos centro direktoriaus ] paskirti_NP(Acc+Temporal)[ paskirti[ paskirti ] darbuotojai Time[ per 30 kalendorinių dienų ] ] nustato asmens socialinių paslaugų poreikį, užpildydami socialinės globos poreikio vertinimo formą (Social Support Centre staff designated by the Director within 30 calendar days determined by personal need for social services, filling out the social care needs assessment form)

pats NP/NP patsPats Dievas negaletų sugalvoti geresnės vietos stadionui. • 'God himself could not think of a better place for a stadium.'

the construction puts emphasis on the noun it refers to
Language: lit • Structure: [itself [NP]]/[[NP] itself] • LU: pats
Types: rörelse
      cat="Pron" msd="reflexive" name="pats"
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="NP" name="Quality" role="Quality"
Examples: pats_NP/NP_pats[ pats[ Pats ] Agent[ Dievas ] negaletų sugalvoti geresnės vietos stadionui. (God himself could not think of a better place for a stadium.)pats_NP/NP_pats[ Abipusis Quality[ pripažinimas ] pats[ pats ] savaime nėra blogas, tačiau derinimas - geriau. (Mutual recognition in itself is not bad, but harmonisation is better.)pats_NP/NP_pats[ Agent[ Aš ] pats[ pats ] kalbu švediškai kalbančios Suomijoje gyvenančios gyventojų dalies ir Åland provincijos gyventojų vardu. (I myself speak for the Swedish-speaking population of Finland and for the province of Åland.)

praleisti NP.TemporalSavaitgaliais jiedu su žmona dažnai kviesdavosi mane sykiu praleisti laiką • 'He often invited me to spend time with him and his wife on weekends'

the construction is used to refer to a period of time passed in a specified manner or place
Language: lit • Structure: spend [NP(temporal)] • LU: praleisti
Types: tidsuttryck
      cat="Verb" name="praleisti"
      cat="NP" name="Temporal" role="Temporal"
Examples: Savaitgaliais jiedu su žmona dažnai kviesdavosi mane sykiu praleisti_NP(temporal)[ praleisti Time[ laiką ] ] • is buvo tardomas uždarame teismo posėdyje ir nuteistas kalėti 18 metų, praleisti_NP(temporal)[ iš kurių ] Time[ 11 {metų} ] turėjo praleisti kalėdamas vienutėje ] (He was tried in camera and sentenced to 18 years in prison, 11 of which were to be spent in solitary confinement) • Juk nvienas darbuotojas to laiko negali ] praleisti_NP(temporal)[ praleisti ] Time[ su šeima ] ar jo tvarkyti taip, kaip norėtų ] (After all, an employee cannot spend that time with his or her family, nor can the employee arrange to rest as he or she wishes)

šiomis dienomis ClauseŠiomis dienomis susiduriame su gamtine katastrofa, kurios padariniai neprognozuojami • 'Today, we are facing a natural disaster with unpredictable consequences'

Reference to the present time, parallelism of the actions that take place and the moment of speech
Language: lit • Structure: [these days [Clause]] • LU: dienomis
Types: huvudsats | tidsuttryck
      aux="time_modifier" cat="Pron" name="šiomis"
      aux="time_modifier" cat="N(plural)" name="dienomis"
      cat="S" name="Clause"
Examples: šiomis[ Šiomis ] dienomis[ dienomis ] Clause[ susiduriame su gamtine katastrofa, kurios padariniai neprognozuojami ] • Clause[ Politiniai Irano įvykiai, kaip jau gerai žinote ], šiomis[ šiomis ] dienomis[ dienomis ] kelia didelį susidomėjimą. (The political scene in Iran - as you well know - is of great interest these days.)Clause[ Tai rimtas iššūkis, su kuriuo ] šiomis[ šiomis ] dienomis[ dienomis ] susiduriame Mianmare, Kinijoje, Kaukaze ir daugelyje kitų pasaulio regionų. (This is the stark issue facing us today in Burma, in China, in the Caucasus, and in very many regions of the world.)

suversti NP.Abstract-AccGraikijos ir kitų euro zonos šalių problemų negalima suversti eurui • 'Greece's problems and those of other euro area countries cannot be blamed on the euro'

the construction refers to a situation where a person/object/phenomena is held accountable for something
Language: lit • Structure: [shift [NP(Abstract)]] • LU: suversti
Types: liknelse
      aux="figurative_sense" cat="Verb" name="suversti"
      aux="Abstract" cat="NP" msd="accusative_case" name="Patient" role="Patient"
Examples: Graikijos ir kitų euro zonos šalių problemų negalima suversti[ suversti ] Patient[ eurui ] • Valstybių narių medžioklė, norint jas apkaltinti arba suversti[ suversti ] Patient[ joms atsakomybę ] nėra mūsų darbas (This is what we have to do, not go hounding the Member States, trying to lay blame or apportion responsibility) • Kalti yra ir dauguma didžiųjų pasaulio valstybių bei jų lyderių, kurie bando vieni kitiems suversti[ suversti ] kaltę už ] Patient[ ginklų tiekimą ir spekuliavimą ] (The blame also lies with the major world powers and their leaders, who are trying to lay the blame for supplying weapons or profiteering on each other)

viena vertus Clause, kita vertus ClauseMums reikia Parlamento palaikymo, kad kitiems metams parengtume gerą biudžetą: viena vertus, reikia konsolidavimo, ir, kita vertus, paramos augimui ir darbo vietų kūrimui • 'We need the support of Parliament to shape a decent budget for the next year: consolidation on the one hand and contribution to growth and jobs on the other'

the construction is used to present two opposite pieces of information (different facts, ways of thinking about a situation)
Language: lit • Structure: on the one hand [Clause], on the other hand [Clause] • LU: kita_vertus
Types: huvudsats | kontrast | bi-clausal | conjunction
      aux="Conjunctive_Phrase" cat="Adj" name="viena"
      aux="Conjunctive_Phrase" cat="Adj" name="kita"
      cat="N" name="vertus"
      cat="S" name="Clause"
Examples: Mums reikia Parlamento palaikymo, kad kitiems metams parengtume gerą biudžetą: viena[ viena ] vertus[ vertus, ] Clause[ reikia konsolidavimo ], ir, kita[ kita ] vertus[ vertus, ] Clause[ paramos augimui ir darbo vietų kūrimui ]. • Komisija siekia užtikrinti, ] viena[ viena ] vertus[ vertus ], ] Clause[ kad teisės aktai būtų skaidrūs ir prieinami ], o, ] kita[ kita ] vertus[ vertus ], ] Clause[ kad jie būtų veiksmingi ir turėtų teigiamą poveikį piliečiams bei smulkiajam verslui ](The Commission is striving to ensure, on the one hand, that legislation is transparent and accessible, and on the other, that it is effective and has a positive impact on the citizens and on entrepreneurship) • Tačiau dabartiniai įstatymai, ] viena[ viena ] vertus[ vertus ], ] Clause[ pabrėžia produktų patvirtinimą bei patekimą į rinką ], ] kita[ kita ] vertus[ vertus ], ] Clause[ produktų liekanų maisto produktuose ir gyvulių pašaruose stebėjimą ] (Current legislation, however, focuses on the one hand on approving and placing products on the market, and on the other hand on monitoring product residues in food and animal feed)

vos VP/VP-negBet jis labai susirgo ir vos nemirė. • 'But he got very sick and almost died.'

the construction refers to an action that did not happen, although the likelihood of it was very high
Language: lit • Structure: [barely [VP/VP-neg]] • LU: vos
      cat="Adv" name="vos"
      cat="VP" name="Achievement" role="Achievement"
      cat="VP" name="Accomplishment" role="Accomplishment"
Examples: Bet jis labai susirgo ir vos_VP/VP-neg[ vos[ vos ] Achievement[ nemirė. ] (But he got very sick and almost died.) • Mes šiandien vos_VP/VP-neg[ vos[ vos ] Accomplishment[ palietėme ] šį klausimą, tačiau tai labai svarbus klausimas, kurį ateityje būtina spręsti. (Today, we just touched the issue, but it is a very important issue, which needs to be addressed in the future.)

VP ligi gaidžiųO būdavo ligi gaidžių, lig ryto

the construction is used to refer to an action that lasts all night long (till dawn)
Language: lit • Structure: [[VP] up to cocks] • LU: gaidžių
      cat="Noun" msd="Gen PL" name="gaidžių"
Examples: VP[ būdavo ] ligi_gaidžių[ ligi gaidžių ] lig ryto. (It lasted till morning (lit. "till the rooster started his cock-a-doodle-doo") • O pasakojimų jie nešykšti, gali ligi_gaidžių[ ligi gaidžių jų VP[ klausytis ].

VP N-Acc savo noruTačiau iš mokyklos pasiūlė išeiti savo noru. • 'However, they suggested a voluntary leave from school.'

the construction refers to an action performed of one's own volition
Language: lit • Structure: [[VP] [N-Acc] voluntarily] • LU: noru
      cat="Pron" name="savo"
      cat="Adv" name="noru"
      cat="N" msd="Accusative_case"
Examples: Tačiau iš Theme[ mokyklos ] VP[ pasiūlė ] išeiti savo[ savo ] noru[ noru ] • Putinas nepažeid Rusijos Konstitucijos ir savo[ savo ] noru[ noru ] VP[ paliko ] prezidento Theme[ postą ] (Putin did not breach the Russian constitution and left office of his own accord) • Turkija savo[ savo ] noru[ noru ] VP[ privalo ] išspręsti šias Patient[ problemas ] ir panaikinti trūkumus.(Turkey must tackle these issues and dismantle these deficits of its own accord.) • Šios bazės nuomos sutartis baigs galioti 2017 m., tačiau nedaug kas tiki, kad rusai savo[ savo ] noru[ noru ] VP[ išvyks ] iš Theme[ Krymo. ] (The lease on this base is due to end in 2017, but few believe that the Russians will voluntarily leave the Crimea.)

VP-Imper sveikasNešiok sveikas! • 'Wear them as much as you want!'

the construction is used to express the speaker's permission to carry out the proposition (the permission is given very graciously)
Language: lit • Structure: [[VP-Imper] healthy] • LU: sveikas
Types: liknelse
      cat="Adj" name="sveikas"
      aux="Imperative" cat="Verb" name="VP"
Examples: Verb[ Nešiok ] sveikas[ sveikas ]! • Verb[ Keliauk ] sveikas[ sveikas ]! (Travel safe!)Verb[ buk ] sveikas[ sveikas ]! (Be healthy!)

Moksha Mordvin Constructicon

Team: Sonya Nikiforova, Dasha Bikina, Aigul Zakirova

Adj-abl-Ptcl Adjmazidəngə mazi • 'the most beautiful'

The superlative construction.
Language: mdf • Structure: [[Adj]-abl-Ptcl] [Adj]] • LU:
Types: superlative | additive particle
      cat="AdjP" name="Adjective" role="Feature"
      cat="ablative + additive particle" name="Superlative" role="Superlative"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: t’ɛ Adj-abl-Ptcl_Adj[ Superlative[ Adjective[ mazi ] dəngə ] Adjective[ mazi ] Theme[ s’t’ərn’ɛs’ ] (This is the most beautiful girl) • mon t’ejət kaz’an Theme[ padarka ] kona Adj-abl-Ptcl_Adj[ Superlative[ Adjective[ pitn’i ] dəngə ] Adjective[ pitn’i ] (I will give you a present which is the most expensive)Theme[ ruzən’ vel’ikaj paett’ stročkac ] aras’ Adj-abl-Ptcl_Adj[ Superlative[ Adjective[ cebɛr ] ’dəngə ] Adjective[ cebɛr’ ] ] lemks vɨstavkat’i (The verse of the great Russian poet became the best name for the exposition)

af V-inf-škaaf mɛl’əftəmška l’em • 'a name impossible to memorize'

This construction means that some entity cannot be V-ed. If the construction includes an NP, it the referent of this NP that cannot be V-ed. Otherwise it serves as a degree modifier
Language: mdf • Structure: [[af [V-mška]] NP] • LU: af
Types: negation | suffixation | modality | deverbal derivation
      aux="in this construction the term negation marker af is used" cat="NEG" name="neg"
      aux="-ška is a comparative case marker, the verb must be transitive." cat="V" msd="V-mška" name="V-mška"
      aux="may appear in any case" cat="NP" name="NP" role="Patient, Theme"
      cat="V, Adj, PredAdv" name="Pred"
Examples: af_V-inf-ška[ neg[ af ] V-mška[ kird’əmška ] ] š’č’avaj c’ut’ af avard’əz’ mɛr’ks’ kol’ɛ. (Unbearable, Gran, Kolya said on the verge of tears)af_V-inf-ška[ neg[ af ] V-mška[ kird’əmška ] Pred[ pid’əs’ ] ] šis’, varmas’ keps’əs’ pul’. (The sun was unbearably hot, the wind was raising the dust.) • varan’d’i aras’ af_V-inf-ška[ neg[ af ] V-mška[ azəmška ] Pred[ ves’ala ] ], s’akə t’ev raxas’. (Vara was enjoying herself immensely, she laughed every now and then.) • no s’embəs’ porgəvt’i t’asə af_V-inf-ška[ neg[ af ] V-mška[ sodamškə ] Pred[ polafc’ ] ]. (But it seemed to Porgov that everything here changed beyond recognition.) • son’ af_V-inf-ška[ neg[ af ] V-mška[ mɛl’əftəmška ] NP[ leməc ] ]. (He has a name which is impossible to memorize.)

card N-elvas’ɛ s’olgəz’ə kenkšt’ kaftə minutastə • 'Vasya closed the door in two minutes'

The construction is used to indicate how long it took for the situation to reach the end; it can modify only telic predicates
Language: mdf • Structure: [(card) N-el] • LU:
Types: aspect | telicity | time modifier
      aux="can be omitted" cat="Card" name="card"
      aux="bears elative case marking" cat="N" msd="elative case" name="time_noun"
Examples: jul'ɛ pras' isat' pr'astə card_N-el[ time_noun[ s'ekundastə ] (Julia fell from the tree in a second) • s'orəs' pɛjərs' kaladə mešokt' ezdə card_N-el[ card[ kolmə ] time_noun[ minutastə ] (the grain has spilled out of the torn bag in three minutes) • son luvəz'ə od kn'igat' card_N-el[ card[ kaftə ] time_noun[ šistə ] (he has read the new book in two days) • son kodaz'ən' nasokn'ən' ] card_N-el[ time_noun[ n'ed'el'astə ] (she has knitted socks in a week) • son azəndəs' r'ečənc' card_N-el[ card[ kaftə ] time_noun[ častstə ]. (He has given his speech in two hours.)

Card-n’ NPvet’ən’ mar’ • 'five apples each'

Numeral construction which means distributivity (the set of individes is divided into several groups).
Language: mdf • Structure: [Card-n’ [NP]] • LU:
Types: distributive numeral
      cat="Card" msd="genitive" name="number"
      cat="NP" name="item"
      aux="optional" cat="NP" name="dividend" role="Theme"
Examples: dividend[ klazs' ] javəz' NUM-n'_NP[ number[ vet'ən' ] item[ loman' ] (The class is divided in groups of five) • ɛr' kucə kir'c't' NUM-n'_NP[ number[ kolmən' ] item[ traks ] (In every house three cows were kept) piksfəl' fkɛ fkɛn'd'i NUM-n'_NP[ number[ kaftən' ] item[ gol ] (They scored two goals each).

Card-nc Nn’il’ənc kemət • 'four pairs of boots each'

A special kind of a distributive pronoun used with pair objects.
Language: mdf • Structure: [[Card-nc]NP] • LU:
Types: distributive numeral | pair
      cat="Card" name="pair_numeral" role="Quantity"
      aux="is likely to be a pair object" cat="NP" msd="plural" name="noun" role="Object"
Examples: škapsə aščij̊t’ Card-nc_N[ pair_numeral[ kolmənc ] noun[ perčatkat ] ] (There are three pairs of gloves in the wardrobe) • kenkš lanksə aščij̊t’ Card-nc_N[ pair_numeral[ kafənc ] noun[ kemət ] ] (There are two pairs of boots on the floor) • životnaj̊n’ən’ Card-nc_N[ pair_numeral[ kafənc ] noun[ pil’ksnə ] ] ingəl’d’ən’ i mekəl’d’ən’ (The animals have two pairs of legs - front legs and hind legs)

Card-vavet’əva • 'into five groups'

Distributive numeral with the meaning ‘into several groups / parts’. The morpheme -va is a prolative allophone.
Language: mdf • Structure: [Card-va] • LU:
Types: distributive numeral | group
      cat="Card" name="numeral" role="Quantity"
      aux="what can be divided" cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      aux="the verb of division / destruction" cat="VP" name="verb"
Examples: Theme[ sin’ ] verb[ javəz’ ] Card-va[ numeral[ vet’ə ] va (They were divided into five groups)Agent[ son ] verb[ s’ɛz’ənd’əz’ə ] Theme[ bumagan’ɛt’ ] Card-va[ numeral[ n’il’ə ] va (He tore the paper into four parts) • t’ɛn’i Theme[ vel’əs’ ] verb[ jaftf ] Card-va[ numeral[ kaftə ] va ] : pačkənzə jotaj magistral’naj kis’ (Now the village is divided into two parts: the main road passes through it)

er’avi V-infmon’d’ejən er’avi tums • 'I have to leave'

The construction has a modal meaning of necessity.
Language: mdf • Structure: [(NP-Dat) er’avi V-inf] • LU: er’avi
Types: modality | necessity
      aux="must be in the dative case; denotes the subject of the necessity (the one who has to V)" cat="NP" msd="dative" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      aux="originally a form of the verb er’ams ‘to live’" cat="V" lu="er’ams" msd="passive-npst.3sg" name="er’avi"
      aux="must be in the infinitive form" cat="V" msd="infinitive" name="main_verb"
Examples: er’avi_V-inf[ Theme[ t’ejən ] er’avi[ er’avi ] main_verb[ zvon’ams ] babaz’t’i (I need to call my grandmother)er’avi_V-inf[ Theme[ mon’d’ejən ] er’avi[ er’avi ] main_verb[ t’er’d’əms ] inžij̊n’ən’ (I have to invite guests)er’avi_V-inf[ Theme[ ton’d’ejət ] er’avi[ er’avi ] main_verb[ il̥’t’əms ] mon’ an’c’ək kril’əc’t’ vakss (you have to walk me only up to the porch) • tɛ vasc’ er’avi_V-inf[ er’avi[ er’avi ] main_verb[ vel̥t’ams ] šuvarsə (this spot has to be covered with sand)er’avi_V-inf[ Theme[ mon’d’ejən ] er’avi[ er’avi ] main_verb[ er’askədəms ] (I have to hurry up)

es’ pr’ɛ-possn’ɛjəms es’ pr’anc ‘to see oneself’

This construction is used when two NPs are coreferent and one of them binds the other, for example the subject and the object of a transitive verb.
Language: mdf • Structure: [NP V [es’ [[pr’ɛ]-poss]]] • LU: pr’ɛ
Types: reflexive | pronoun | anaphora | binding
      cat="refl_Pron" name="es’"
      aux="the original meaning of pr’ɛ is head’" cat="N" lu="pr’ɛ" name="pr’ɛ"
      cat="V" name="verb"
      aux="the only postposition used with es pr’ɛ" cat="PostP" name="kuvalməva"
      cat="NP" name="antecedent"
Examples: Vas’ə mer’ks’ es’_pr’ɛ-poss[ antecedent[ Mašəndi ] Verb[ n’ɛft’əms ] es’[ es’ ] pr’ɛ[ pr’anc ] ] (Vasya told Masha to introduce herself.)es’_pr’ɛ-poss[ antecedent[ Kijgə ] es’[ es’ ] pr’ɛ[ pr’ɛ ] Verb[ iz’ putn’ə ] vinavətən'd'i ] (No one considered themselves guilty.)es’_pr’ɛ-poss[ antecedent[ ivan ] Verb[ n’ɛjəz’ə ] es’[ es’ ] pr’ɛ[ pr’anc ] ] vanəmat’ pačk (Ivan sees himself in the mirror)es’_pr’ɛ-poss[ antecedent[ paša ] verb[ štaz’ə ] es’[ es’ ] pr’ɛ[ pr’anc ] ] (Pasha washed himself.)es’_pr’ɛ-poss[ antecedent[ Vas’ɛ ] kor̥nəs’ mašən’ mar̥tə es’[ es’ ] ]. pr’ɛ[ pr’anc ] kuvalməva[ kuvalməva ] (Vasya talked with Masha about himself.)

jorams V-infvenčs’ joraj vajəms • 'the boat is about to sink'

The construction is used to convey prospective meaning (similar to English ‘to be about to V’).
Language: mdf • Structure: [NP jorams V-inf] • LU: jorams
Types: aspect | prospective | verb
      aux="the subject of the prospective clause" cat="NP" name="Subject"
      aux="can be in any finite form; the verb itself means ‘to want’" cat="V" lu="jorams" name="jorams"
      aux="must be in the infinitive form" cat="V" msd="infinitive" name="main_verb"
Examples: jorams_V-inf[ Subject[ kast’ors’ ] jorams[ joras’ ] main_verb[ kər’v’az’əms ] (the fire was about to sturt burning) • t’at aš’ə tosə, a to jorams_V-inf[ Subject[ mašinas’ ] jorams[ joraj ] main_verb[ tums ] (don't stand there, the car is about to start moving)jorams_V-inf[ Subject[ vazas’ ] jorams[ joras’ ] main_verb[ prams ] morkšt’ pestə, no mon son’ šašftin’ə kučkat’i (the vase was about to fall down from the table but I moved it away)jorams_V-inf[ Subject[ venčs’ ] jorams[ joraj ] main_verb[ vajəms ] (the boat is about to sink)

karmams V-infvandi celaj ši karman ul’əmə ošsə • 'tomorrow I will be in town all day'

The construction is used to refer to the future events.
Language: mdf • Structure: [(NP) karmams V-inf] • LU: karmams
Types: tense | verb | future
      aux="the subject of the clause" cat="NP" name="Subject"
      aux="it is usually conjugated; the original meaning is ‘to become’" cat="V" lu="karmams" name="karmams"
      aux="must be in the infinitive form" cat="V" name="main_verb"
Examples: len’in ɛr’ɛs’, len’in ɛr’ɛj, karmams_V-inf[ Subject[ len’in ] karmams[ karmaj ] main_verb[ ɛr’amə ] (Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live) • kaftə kizədə mel’ə karmams_V-inf[ Subject[ son ] karmams[ karmaj ] main_verb[ sokamə ] t’ɛ plugt’ mar̥tə koda i s’əčas (in two years' time he will be plowing with the same plow that he has now) • vandi šit’əmba karmams_V-inf[ Subject[ mon ] karmams[ karman ] main_verb[ udəmə ] (tomorrow afternoon I will be sleeping)karmams_V-inf[ Subject[ mon ] mar̥tənzə vandi karmams[ karman ] main_verb[ kor̥tamə ] (I will talk to him tomorrow) • məz’ardə mon’ unəkəz’ə tuj školav karmams_V-inf[ Subject[ son ] karmams[ karmaj ] ɛr’ šin’ɛ main_verb[ arn’əmə ] ošu (when my grandson starts going to school, he will go into town every day)

kat’i CP kat’i CPkat’i son akšə, kat’i ravžə • 'maybe it’s white, maybe it’s black'

The construction means a disjunction of two alternative. The alternatives are introduced within a modal particle kat’i. These alternatives are always clauses, but the verb is often omitted.
Language: mdf • Structure: [[kat’i XP][kat’i XP]] • LU: kat’i
Types: disjunction | modality | reduplication | alternatives
      cat="Ptcl" name="kat’i" role="Disjunction"
      cat="CP" name="Event" role="Event"
      cat="VP" name="matrix_predicate" role="matrix_predicate"
Examples: kat’i_CP_kat’i_CP[ kat’i[ kat’i ] Event[ son udi ] ], kat’i[ kat’i ] Event[ son rabotaj ] (Maybe he's sleeping, maybe he's working) • mon matrix_predicate[ af sodasa kat’i_CP_kat’i_CP[ kat’i[ kat’i ] Event[ son ] tus’ kat’i[ kat’i ] Event[ af ] (I don't know whether he's gone or not) • kijə bəd’ə sas’ kat’i_CP_kat’i_CP[ kat’i[ kat’i ] Event[ mašə ] kat’i[ kat’i ] Event[ mar’inə ] (Somebody's come: maybe it was Masha, maybe it was Marina)

katk V

A construction used to express the speaker's wish or the speaker's command to the 3rd person.
Language: mdf • Structure: [katk CP] • LU: kadəms
Types: modality | optative | imperative | concessive | jussive
      aux="the original meaning of kadəms is ‘to leave’, in this construction it is used in the imperative form" cat="V" lu="kadəms" msd="leave-imp.2sg" name="katk"
      aux="the verb is used in a finite non-past form" cat="CP" name="proposition"
Examples: katk_V[ i katk[ katk ] proposition[ son af viz’d’i inksən a mar’ɛj gordəs’t’ ] (And may he be not ashamed of me but proud)katk_V[ katk[ katk ] proposition[ luči šumbrastə n’ɛjsamaz’ ] ] (I would rather like them to see me healthy)katk_V[ katk[ katk ] proposition[ kažnajs’ son’c’ veš’š’i es’ t'ejənzə t’ev i pr’ɛn’ tr’amə vastə ] ] (Let everyone look for their own thing to do and a place to feed themselves) • a katk_V[ katk[ katk ] proposition[ ∅ ] ], s’embə tartararɨ tuzə! (Fine, may it all go to hell!)katk_V[ katk[ katk ] proposition[ tosə t’ašt’saz’ ] ] što t’ejt’ er’avi mol’əms mel’ənc’av (Have them write down that you have to go to the windmill)

kəržac Pronkəržac kijə sas’ • 'Few people came'

The construction means ‘few’ and is an amalgam consisting of a word kərža-c ( and an interrogative.
Language: mdf • Structure: [kəržac Pron] • LU: kərža
Types: quantification | amalgam | interrogative pronoun | few
      cat="Adv" lu="kərža" msd="" name="kəržac"
      cat="Pron" name="interrogative"
Examples: kəržac_Pron[ kəržac[ kəržac ] interrogative[ kin’d’i ] ujəvi t’ɛ l’ɛjs’ (Few people are able to swim across this river)kəržac_Pron[ kəržac[ kəržac ] interrogative[ mez’ə ] ] t’asə ašči (There's very few things here) • specal’nəs’с’ kor’ə kəržac_Pron[ kəržac[ kəržac ] interrogative[ kijə ] ] mus’ rabota (Few people has managed to find a job according to their profession) • ul’s’ pin’gə, məzardə mordovija respublikan’əkən’ kolga kəržac_Pron[ kəržac[ kəržac ] interrogative[ kosə ] ] sodas’t’ (There was a time when in few places people knew about our Republic of Mordovia)

laməc Pronlaməc kijə t’ɛ sodaj • 'Many people know that'

The construction means ‘many’ and is an amalgam consisting of a word lamə-c ( and an interrogative.
Language: mdf • Structure: [laməc Pron] • LU: lamə
Types: quantification | pronoun | interrogative pronoun | amalgam
      cat="Adv" lu="lamə" msd="" name="laməc"
      cat="Pron" name="interrogative"
Examples: laməc_Pron[ laməc[ laməc ] interrogative[ mez’ə ] ] mon raman’ (I've bought a lot of things)laməc_Pron[ laməc[ laməc ] interrogative[ kin’d’i ] ] t’ɛ er’avi (It's useful for many people) • t’ɛ laməc_Pron[ laməc[ laməc ] interrogative[ kostə ] ] ramavi (It is sold in many places).laməc_Pron[ laməc[ laməc ] interrogative[ kodamə ] ] škol’n’ik t’ɛ sodaj (Many schoolchildren know about that) • mon laməc_Pron[ laməc[ laməc ] interrogative[ mez’ə ] ] kel’gan (I love a lot of things)

mɛl’-poss XPmɛl’əc tums kudu • 'He wants to go home'

A construction with a noun meaning ‘mind’. The construction means the modality of volition.
Language: mdf • Structure: [[(N) [[mɛl’] poss]] V] • LU: mɛl’
Types: modality | possession | volition | mind
      cat="NP" name="mɛl’" role="Modal"
      cat="Poss" name="poss" role="possessive_marker"
      aux="facultative" cat="NP" msd="genitive" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="XP" name="Stimulus" role="Stimulus"
Examples: mɛl’-poss_XP[ Experiencer[ mon’ ] poss[ mɛl’[ mɛl’ ] əz’ə Theme[ mar’ ] ] (I want an apple)mɛl’-poss_XP[ poss[ mɛl’[ mɛl’ ] əz’ə Theme[ ramams padarka ] ] (I want to buy a gift) • ašəl’ mɛl’-poss_XP[ poss[ mɛl’[ mɛl’ ] əc Theme[ mar̥tənt spor’ams ] ] (He did not want to bicker with you)mɛl’-poss_XP[ Experiencer[ mon’ ] poss[ mɛl’[ mɛl’ ] əz’ə ] Theme[ štobə son afəl’ mora ] ] (I want him not to sing)

mol’s’ mɛl’-poss XP

The construction means ‘to be sick of doing smth’ and consists of a finite form of the verb ‘go’ and the possessive form of the noun ‘mind’.
Language: mdf • Structure: [(NP-gen) [mol’s’ [[mɛl’]poss]]] • LU: mɛl’
Types: attitude | possession | motion | mind
      cat="NP" name="mɛl’" role="Mind"
      cat="Poss" name="poss" role="Possession"
      cat="VP" name="mol’s’" role="V"
      aux="animate; facultative" cat="NP" msd="genitive" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="VP" msd="infinitive, illative" name="verb_inf" role="Stimulus"
      aux="nominalization or event noun" cat="NP" msd="gen.def + ezdə (ablative postposition)" name="event_noun" role="Stimulus"
Examples: mol’s’_mɛl’-poss_V-inf-ill[ Experiencer[ mon’ ] mol’s’[ mol’s’ ] poss[ mɛl’[ mɛl’ ] əz’ə verb_inf[ rabotams ] (I’m sick of working). • lis:’ stan’ə što mol’s’_mɛl’-poss_XP[ Experiencer[ od c’orat’ ] event_noun[ s’emejnaj er’aft’ ezdə mol’s’[ mol’s’ ] poss[ mɛl’[ mɛl’ ] əc (It happened that the young boy had become tired of family life)mol’s’_mɛl’-poss_XP[ mol’s’[ mol’s’ ] poss[ mɛl’[ mɛl’ ] əz’ə verb_inf[ n’ur’ks’əms ] (I was tired of lazing around)

MP V-ma-gen ezdəmon pel’an samanc ezdə • 'I fear his arrival'

The construction forms complement clauses for certain matrix predicates.
Language: mdf • Structure: [MP V-ma-Gen ezdə] • LU: ezdə
Types: complement clause | matrix predicate
      aux="can apper in any form; can be one of the following verbs: s’iz’əms ‘to get tired’, pel’əms ‘to fear’, atkəzams ‘to refuse’" cat="V" name="matrix_predicate"
      aux="-ma- is the nominalization marker; the form appears in the genitive case" cat="V" msd="V-ma-Gen" name="complement_verb"
      aux="it is an ablative case form of a postposition es- ‘in’" cat="PostP" lu="es-" msd="ablative" name="ezdə"
Examples: mon ] MP_V-ma-gen_ezdə[ matrix_predicate[ s’iz’ən’ complement_verb[ las’kən’d’əmaz’ən’ ezdə[ ezdə ] (I got tired of running) • mon ] MP_V-ma-gen_ezdə[ matrix_predicate[ atkəzan es’ ] complement_verb[ štamaz’ən’ ] ] ezdə[ ezdə ] (I refuse to wash) • mon MP_V-ma-gen_ezdə[ matrix_predicate[ pel’an complement_verb[ samanc ezdə[ ezdə ] (I fear his arrival)

MP V-ma-genmon ad’əlajn’ə moramat’ • 'I stopped singing'

The construction forms complement clauses for certain matrix predicates.
Language: mdf • Structure: [MP V-ma-Gen] • LU:
Types: complement clause | matrix predicate
      aux="can apper in any form; can be one of the following verbs: n’ɛjəms ‘to see’, kul’əms/mar’ams ‘to hear’, mar’ams ‘to feel’, pel’əms ‘to fear’, ad’əlams ‘to end’, kir’d’əms ‘to bear’, kel’gəms ‘to love’оsnəvams / ušədəms ‘to begin’, užɛl’d’əms ‘to regret’, pradəlžandams ‘to continue’" cat="V" name="matrix_predicate"
      aux="-ma- is the nominalization marker; the form appears in the genitive case" cat="V" msd="V-ma-Gen" name="complement_verb"
Examples: mon ] MP_V-ma-gen[ matrix_predicate[ ad’əlasa ] complement_verb[ pokad’əmat’ ] s’is’əm c̆astsә il’εt’ (I finish working at seven o'clock in the evening) • mon MP_V-ma-gen[ matrix_predicate[ kel’ksa ] narmən’ən’ moran’ complement_verb[ moramat’ ] (I like it when the birds are singing) • mon MP_V-ma-gen[ matrix_predicate[ pradəlžandasa ] pandən’ɛt’n’ən’ complement_verb[ valəndəmat’ ] abəttə mel’ə (I will continue watering the garden in the afternoon) • mon ] MP_V-ma-gen[ matrix_predicate[ k’el’ksa t’ɛ stixt’ ] complement_verb[ azəndəmat’ ] (I like reciting this poem) • s’estran’ɛs’ MP_V-ma-gen[ matrix_predicate[ kel’ksa ] moran’ complement_verb[ moramat’ ] (my little sister likes singing songs)

MP V-mdəlotkak kor̥n’əmdə • 'stop talking'

The construction forms complement clauses for certain matrix predicates.
Language: mdf • Structure: [MP V-mdə] • LU:
Types: complement clause | matrix predicate
      aux="can apper in any form; can be one of the following verbs: lotkams ‘to stop’, n’ɛjəms ‘to see’, kul’əms/mar’ams ‘to hear’, mar’ams ‘to feel’, pel’əms ‘to fear’, mɛr’gəms ‘to tell’, učəms ‘to wait’, ars’əms ‘to think’" cat="V" name="matrix_predicate"
      aux="-m- is the infinitive marker, -də is an ablative marker" cat="V" msd="V-mdə" name="complement_verb"
Examples: van’ɛ kunarə MP_V-mdə[ matrix_predicate[ lotkas’ ] complement_verb[ mol’əmdə ] školav (Vanya stopped going to school a long time ago) • paša MP_V-mdə[ matrix_predicate[ učsaman’ mon’ lavkastə ] complement_verb[ mərdamdə ] (Pasha is waiting for me to return from the store) • mon MP_V-mdə[ matrix_predicate[ ars’an ] man'ɛn' complement_verb[ mərdamdənzə ] (I am thinking about Manya's returning home) • son ] MP_V-mdə[ matrix_predicate[ n’ɛjəz'ə pašan’ školav ] complement_verb[ mol’əmdə ] (he saw Pasha go to school) • mon MP_V-mdə[ matrix_predicate[ mar’asajn’ə lomat’n’ən’ complement_verb[ moramdə ] (I hear people sing)

MP V-məmon us̆әdan moramə • 'I begin singing'

The construction forms complement clauses for certain matrix predicates.
Language: mdf • Structure: [MP V-mə] • LU:
Types: complement clause | matrix predicate
      aux="can apper in any form; can be one of the following verbs: оsnəvams / ušədəms ‘to begin’, maštəms ‘to be able to’, s’iz’əms ‘to get tired’, mel’aftəms ‘to remember’" cat="V" name="matrix_predicate"
      aux="-mə- is the infinitive marker" cat="V" msd="V-mə" name="complement_verb"
Examples: mon ] MP_V-mə[ matrix_predicate[ ušədan ] complement_verb[ rabotamə ] (I will start working) • st’ər’n’ɛs’ ] MP_V-mə[ matrix_predicate[ mašti ] pen’akudən’ complement_verb[ ušn’əmə ] (the girl can light the stove) • s’in’ MP_V-mə[ matrix_predicate[ osnəvas’t’ ] complement_verb[ v’íd’əmə ] (they started sowing) • mon ] MP_V-mə[ matrix_predicate[ maštan ] t’ɛ pen’gət’n’ən’ complement_verb[ lazəndəmə ] (I can chop these logs)MP_V-mə[ matrix_predicate[ mastat ] ] complement_verb[ ujən’d’əmə ]? (can you swim?)

MP V-msmon mɛr’gan mon’d’ɛjən’ v’iškstə poməgams • 'I am telling {someone} to help me quickly'

The construction forms complement clauses for certain matrix predicates.
Language: mdf • Structure: [MP V-ms] • LU:
Types: complement clause | matrix predicate
      aux="can apper in any form; can be one of the following verbs: ad’əlams ‘to end’, jorams ‘to want’, maštəms ‘to be able to’, s’iz’əms ‘to get tired’, kel’gəms ‘to love’, pel’əms ‘to fear’, mɛr’gəms ‘to tell’, kir’d’əms ‘to bear’, jukstams ‘to forget’" cat="V" name="matrix_predicate"
      aux="-m- is the infinitive marker, -s is the illative marker" cat="V" msd="V-ms" name="complement_verb"
Examples: mon MP_V-ms[ matrix_predicate[ jukstan’ ] complement_verb[ ramams ] kši (I forgot to buy bread) • mon ] MP_V-ms[ matrix_predicate[ joran ] complement_verb[ mol’əms ] kinos (I want to go to the movies) • son MP_V-ms[ matrix_predicate[ ad’əlaz'ə ] complement_verb[ morams ] (she stopped singing) • ton’ paša MP_V-ms[ matrix_predicate[ kel’ksi ]complement_verb[ t’ern’əms ] ] inžiks (Pasha likes inviting you over) • l'en'ingradu MP_V-ms[ matrix_predicate[ joramaz' ] complement_verb[ s’ɛvəms ] ({they} wanted to take us to Leningrad)

MP V-mstəmon v’iz’d’an t’ɛjət’ sašəndəmstə • 'I am too shy to come to you'

The construction forms complement clauses for certain matrix predicates.
Language: mdf • Structure: [MP V-mstə] • LU:
Types: complement clause | matrix predicate
      aux="can apper in any form; can be one of the following verbs: v’izd’əms ‘to hesitate, to be to shy’, ver’andams ‘to believe’, l’ezdəms ‘to help’, pomagams ‘to help’" cat="V" name="matrix_predicate"
      aux="-m- is the infinitive marker, -stə is the elative marker" cat="V" msd="V-mstə" name="complement_verb"
Examples: mon ] MP_V-mstə[ matrix_predicate[ v’er’andan ] son’ complement_verb[ samstənzə (I believe that he will come) • mon ] MP_V-mstə[ matrix_predicate[ l’ezdan ] d’ɛd’ɛz’t’i l’ɛmt’ complement_verb[ pid’əmstə ] (I am helping my mother to cook the soup) • d’ɛd’ɛs’ MP_V-mstə[ matrix_predicate[ l’ezdi ] st’ir’ɛncti urokən’ complement_verb[ tonafn’əmstə ] (mother is helping her daughter to do her homework) • mon MP_V-mstə[ matrix_predicate[ v’iz’d’an ] t’ɛjət’ complement_verb[ sašəndəmstə ] (I am too shy to come to you)

N-dat V-v N-nommon kud ar̥təvən’ • 'I managed to paint the house'

The construction, apart from possessing standard passive meaning, indicates that the deed was not easy to accomplish - similar to the use of the English verb 'to manage'
Language: mdf • Structure: [N-Dat/Nom V-v (N-Nom)] • LU:
Types: passive | suffixation | reaching limit | success
      aux="can bear either dative or nominative case marking, without any apparent semantic or syntactic difference" cat="N" msd="dative/nominative case" name="Subject" role="Agent/Theme"
      aux="the verb is marked by the passive suffix -v-(-u-); contrary to standard passive constructions, the verb here can be intransitive as well as transitive (in case of an intransitive verb the construction only has the ‘manage to’ meaning, without the ‘passive’ semantics" cat="V" msd="V-v" name="passive_verb"
      aux="optional element - appears only if the original (active) clause contained a DO" cat="N" msd="nominative" name="Object"
Examples: N-dat_V-v_N-nom[ Subject[ mašan’d’i ] passive_verb[ kaltadəvs’ Object[ kenkšs’ ] (Masha managed to knock on the door)N-dat_V-v_N-nom[ Subject[ pet'ɛn'd'i ] ] passive_verb[ udəvs' (Petya managed to sleep)N-dat_V-v_N-nom[ Object[ s'ormas' ] passive_verb[ pl̥tavs' Subject[ mon'd'ejən ] (I managed to burn the letter)N-dat_V-v_N-nom[ Subject[ mon'd'ejən ] passive_verb[ vor'gəd'us' s'ɛ vastt' ezdə (I managed to run away from that place)N-dat_V-v_N-nom[ Subject[ mon ] ] passive_verb[ vor'gəd'əvən' ] s'ɛ vastt' ezdə (I managed to run away from that place)

n’ɛjəvəms Adj-eln’ɛjəvi oc’ustə • 'looks big'

This construction means ‘X seems to be Y’
Language: mdf • Structure: [Stimulus [n’ɛjəvəms Adj-stə]] • LU: n’ɛjəvəms
Types: secondary predication | elative | None
      aux="n’ɛjəvəms is originally a passive form of n’ɛjəms ‘to see’, it is conjugated for person, number and tense" cat="V" name="n’ɛjəvəms"
      cat="Adj" msd="elative" name="Sec_pred"
      cat="NP" msd="nominative" name="Stimulus" role="Stimulus"
Examples: Stimulus_n’ɛjəvəms_Adj-el[ Stimulus[ t’ɛ kudc’ ] n’ɛjəvəms[ n’ɛjəv’s’ ] Sec_pred[ oc’ustə ] (This house seemed to be big)Stimulus_n’ɛjəvəms_Adj-el[ Stimulus[ ∅ ] n’ɛjəvəms[ n’ɛjəvi ] Sec_pred[ pɛk oc'tə ] i otkor’stə (She looks very young and agile)

NP mus’ pe V-inf-illson mus’ pe lotkams • 'He finally stopped'

The construction consists of a finite form of the verb ‘find’ and the noun ‘end’ and means ‘finally do smth’.
Language: mdf • Structure: [NP [mus’ pe [V]]] • LU: pe
Types: resultative
      cat="VP" name="mums pe"
      cat="VP" msd="infinitive-illative" name="verb_inf" role="Result"
      cat="NP" name="Subject"
Examples: NP_mus’_pe_V-inf-ill[ Subject[ son ] mums[ mus’ ] pe pe verb_inf[ mums pin’anc (He finally found his dog)NP_mus’_pe_V-inf-ill[ Subject[ son ] mums[ mus’ ] pe verb_inf[ tums ] (He finally left)

NP s’adə Adj N ezdəson s’adə s’eri al’ɛnc ezdə • 'He is taller than his father'

Language: mdf • Structure: [s’adə Adj [N ezdə]] • LU: es-
Types: comparative, postposition, demonstrative
      aux="optional" cat="Dem" lu="s’ɛ" msd="ablative" name="s’adə" role="comparative_marker"
      aux="bears predicative markers" cat="Adj" name="adjective" role="Feature"
      aux="noun or nominalization; ezdə - ablative form of the postposition es- ‘in’" cat="NP" msd="genitive + ezdə" name="standard_of_comparison" role="Standard"
      aux="noun or nominalization" cat="NP" msd="nominative" name="comparee" role="Comparee"
Examples: NP_s’adə_Adj_N_ezdə[ comparee[ mon ] s’adə[ s’adə ] adjective[ s’erijan ] standard_of_comparison[ al’ɛc’ən’ ] ezdə (I’m taller than your father)

NP s’adə Adj N kor’aspet’ɛ las’ki s’adə viškstə vas’ɛn’ kor’as • 'Petya runs faster than Vasya'

The most used comparative construction. The postposotion kor’as ‘according to’ marks the standard of comparison.
Language: mdf • Structure: [s’adə Adj [N kor’as]] • LU: kor’ɛ
Types: comparative, postposition
      cat="NP" msd="nominative" name="Comparee" role="Comparee"
      cat="Dem" msd="ablative" name="s’adə"
      cat="XP" msd="predicative marking" name="Feature" role="Feature"
      cat="NP" msd="genitive+kor’as" name="Standard" role="Standard"
      cat="VP" name="Verb" role="Feature"
Examples: NP_s’adə_Adj_N_kor’as[ Comparee[ mon ] s’adə[ s’adə ] Feature[ jožuvan ] Standard[ ton’ kor’azət ] ] (I’m smarter than you)NP_s’adə_Adj_N_kor’as[ Comparee[ pet’ɛ ] Verb[ las’kəndi ] s’adə[ s’adə ] Feature[ viškstə ] Standard[ lijɛt’n’ən’ kor’as ] ] (Petya runs faster than anybody else)

NP tus’ mɛl’-posst’ɛ moras’ pɛk tus’ mɛl’əzən • 'I really liked this song'

The construction means ‘X is liked by Y’; the possessive marker on mɛl’ is obligatory and agrees in person, number and case with Y. The Y-member of the construction can be omitted as well.
Language: mdf • Structure: [[NP] [tus’ [mɛl’əzə [poss]]] • LU: mɛl’
Types: modal verb | like | mind | motion | possession
      cat="NP" msd="nominative" name="Stimulus" role="Stimulus"
      cat="V" lu="tums" name="went"
      cat="N" lu="mɛl’" msd="illative" name="into_mind"
      cat="possessivity_marker" name="POSS"
      aux="can be omitted" cat="NP" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
Examples: NP_tus’_mɛl’-poss[ went[ POSS[ into_mind[ mɛl’əzə ] nzə ] pɛk ] tus’ ] c’orat’ Stimulus[ valəc ] (He liked what the boy has said (lit. the word of the boy)) • mordovijasə NP_tus’_mɛl’-poss[ Stimulus[ s’embəs’ ] went[ tus’ ] POSS[ into_mind[ mɛl’əzə ] n (I liked everything in Mordovia)NP_tus’_mɛl’-poss[ Stimulus[ ittn’ən’ mar̥tə pingən’ jotaftəmas’ ] pɛk went[ tus’ ] POSS[ into_mind[ mɛl’əzə ] nzə ] ] (She really liked spending time with the children)NP_tus’_mɛl’-poss[ went[ tus’ ] POSS[ into_mind[ mɛl’əzə ] st Stimulus[ kužəs’ volga l’ɛjt’ tərvasə ] ] (They liked a glade on the banks of the Volga)NP_tus’_mɛl’-poss[ Experiencer[ mon’ ] went[ tus’t’ ] POSS[ into_mind[ mɛl’əzə ] n Stimulus[ mokšən’ ščamsə-kar’amsə nar’ažaf s’t’ər̥n’ə ] ] (I liked the festively dressed Moksha girls)

NP V NP-acc Adj-datvas’ɛ luvəndəz’ə es’ pr’anc jožuvən’d’i • 'Vasya considered himself smart'

This construction means ‘X considers Y such and such’
Language: mdf • Structure: [NP (luvəndəms|putn’əms) NP-acc Adj-dat] • LU: putn’əms
Types: secondary predication | dative
      aux="the original meaning of luvəndəms is ‘to count’; it can be used in any form" cat="V" name="luvəndəms"
      aux="it may be nominative if the verb is passivized" cat="NP" msd="accusative" name="Stimulus" role="Stimulus"
      cat="NP" msd="nominative" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      aux="the original meaning of putn’əms is ‘to put’; it can be used in any form" cat="V" name="putn’əms"
      cat="Adj" msd="dative" name="Sec_pred"
Examples: NP_V_NP-acc_Adj-dat[ Stimulus[ vas’ɛ ] luvəndəms[ luvəndəvs’ ] Sec_pred[ jožuvən’d’i (Vasya was considered smart)NP_V_NP-acc_Adj-dat[ Experiencer[ ivan ] putn’əms[ putn’əz’ə ] Stimulus[ s’orənc ] Sec_pred[ jožuvən’d’i (Ivan considered his son smart)NP_V_NP-acc_Adj-dat[ Experiencer[ mašə ] luvəndəms[ luvəndəz’ə ] Stimulus[ vas’ɛn’ ] Sec_pred[ koz’ɛn’d’i ] (Masha considered Vasya rich)

NP V-vpet’ɛ por’əvs’ • 'Petya has been eating till he was full'

The construction is used to show that the situation has reached its limit because it reached full saturation.
Language: mdf • Structure: [(NP) V-v] • LU:
Types: saturative | suffixation | verb | aspect | reaching limit
      aux="the subject of the clause; bears nominative case marking" cat="NP" msd="nominative" name="Subject"
      aux="suffix -v-(-u-) is normally used to mark the passive form of the verb" cat="V" msd="V-v" name="Verb"
Examples: NP_V-v[ Subject[ mon ] Verb[ jar̥cavən' ] ] l'ɛmdə (I have been eating soup till I was full)NP_V-v[ Subject[ mon ] ] Verb[ udəvən' ] ] (I have been sleeping till I got enough sleep)NP_V-v[ Subject[ mon ] t'ɛči Verb[ luvəvən' ] ] (I have been reading today till I got enough of it)NP_V-v[ Subject[ pin'əs' ] uvas', uvas' i Verb[ uvavs' ] ] (the dog has been barking and finally stopped - it has had enough of it) • varmas' pɛk viškəl', no NP_V-v[ Subject[ son ] Verb[ unavs' ] ] (the wind was very strong but it stopped howling - as though it has had enough)

NP-abl mel’əabettə mel’ə • 'after lunch'

Postpositional construction which means succession in time.
Language: mdf • Structure: [[NP [ABL]] mel'ə] • LU: mel’ə
Types: postposition | ablative | time | succession
      cat="NP" name="Start" role="starting_point"
      cat="Postp" name="after"
      cat="case" name="ablative"
Examples: NP-abl_mel'ə[ ablative[ Start[ abet ] tə after[ mel'ə ] ] s'iman čɛjdə (I usually drink tea after lunch)NP-abl_mel'ə[ ablative[ Start[ t'a ] də after[ mel'ə ] ] kudu sas' (After that I went home)NP-abl_mel'ə[ ablative[ Start[ prazn'ik ] tə after[ mel'ə ] ] s'embə udij̊t' (Everybody sleeps after a party)

NP-gen esət’ɛ žočkt’ esə mon pil’əndan n’i pɛk kuvat’ • 'I have been cutting this log for a long time now'

This construction is used to mark a Direct Object in imperfecive contexts.
Language: mdf • Structure: [NP-Gen esə] • LU: esə
Types: imperfective | DO | postposition | genitive
      aux="must bear genitive marking" cat="NP" msd="NP-Gen" name="NP"
      aux="it is originally an inessive case form of a postposition es- ‘in’" cat="PostP" lu="es-" msd="inessive" name="esə"
Examples: NP-gen_esə[ NP[ t’ɛ basn’ɛt’ ] esə[ esə ] ] vas’ɛ azəndi n’i pɛk kuvat’ (Vasya has been telling this story for a long time now)NP-gen_esə[ NP[ kazat’ ] esə[ esə ] ] an’n’i anc’ək t’ɛd’ɛz’ə (only my mother feeds the goat)NP-gen_esə[ NP[ fk’ɛt’ ] esə[ esə ] ] s’in’n’ən’ pɛl’ə čas ({I have been breaking pieces of wood for the fire} one of them I have been breaking for an hour) • mon luvən' NP-gen_esə[ NP[ kn'igat' ] esə[ esə ] ] kaftə castt (I have been reading the book for two hours) • mon pet'fn'ən' NP-gen_esə[ NP[ bumagat' ] esə[ esə ] ] st'enat'i kaftə minutat (I have been sticking the paper to the wall for two minutes)

NP-gen kɛžn’ə saj̊t’mon’ kɛžn’ə saj̊t’ • 'It drives me mad'

This construction means that something angers the Experiencer
Language: mdf • Structure: [X-gen kɛžn’ə saj̊t’ (mes CP| NP mar̥tə)] • LU: mar̥tə
Types: idiomatic expression | None
      cat="NP" msd="genitive" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      aux="it can also be causativized" lu="sams" msd="3pl" name="sams"
      cat="N" lu="kɛž" msd="nominative" name="kɛžn’ə"
      cat="CP| NP" msd="NP is used in the genitive case" name="Stimulus" role="Stimulus"
      aux="the meaning of (s’as) mes is why" cat="Conj" name="mes"
      aux="the meaning of mar̥tə is ‘with’" cat="PostP" name="mar̥tə"
Examples: NP-gen_kɛžn’ə_saj̊t’[ Experiencer[ mon’ ] sams[ safn’əsɨn’ə ] kɛžn’ə[ kɛžn’ən’ ] s’anksə mes[ mes ] Stimulus[ son mejəvək af kor̥taj ] ] (He drives me mad by not saying anything)NP-gen_kɛžn’ə_saj̊t’[ Experiencer[ mon’ ] kɛžn’ə[ kɛžn’ə ] sams[ saj̊t’ ] mes[ mes ] Stimulus[ son lamə kor̥taj ] ] (It drives me mad that he talks a lot)NP-gen_kɛžn’ə_saj̊t’[ son sams[ safn’əsɨn’ə ] kɛžn’ə[ kɛžn’ən’ ] Stimulus[ pr’anc vɛt’əmanc ] mar̥tə[ mar̥tə ] ] (He drives mad with his behaviour)

NP-gen langs sel’məd’əmsmon ton’ langəzt s’el’məd’an • 'I envy you'

This construction means ‘to be jealous of someone or something’
Language: mdf • Structure: NP-gen lang-ill-(poss) sel’məd’əms • LU: s’elməd’əms
Types: postposition
      cat="NP" msd="nominative" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      aux="may be in any form" cat="V" name="s’elməd’əms"
      cat="NP" msd="genitive" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      aux="originally lanks is used for expressing Goal with localization on the surface" cat="PostP" lu="langə" msd="illative; may have possessive marking" name="lanks"
Examples: NP-gen_langs_sel’məd’əms[ Experiencer[ jalgənzə ] s’elməd’əms[ s’elməct’ ] Theme[ kat’ɛn’ mazɨšɨnc ] lanks[ lanks ] ] (Friends envied Katya’s beauty)NP-gen_langs_sel’məd’əms[ Experiencer[ mon ] Theme[ ton’ ] lanks[ langəzt ] s’elməd’əms[ s’el’məd’an ] ] (I envy you)

NP-gen per’fkizən’ per’f • 'the whole year'

Language: mdf • Structure: [NP-gen per’f] • LU: per'f
Types: time modifier | postposition | genitive
      aux="this postposition originally means ‘around’" cat="PostP" name="per’f"
      cat="NP" msd="genitive" name="time_noun"
Examples: Vandi saj jalgaz’ə, konan’d’i t’ašn’ən’ NP-gen_per’f[ time_noun[ kizən’ per’f[ per’f ] ] s’ormat (Tomorrow a friend of mine is coming, to whom I wrote letters for the whole year)NP-gen_per’f[ time_noun[ ven’ ] per’f[ ber’f ] ] son ašəz’ udə (He hadn't been sleeping all night) • иляденьберьф мольсь пизем (весь вечер шёл дождь)NP-gen_per’f[ time_noun[ il’ɛd’ən’ ] per’f[ ber’f ] ] mol’s’ piz’əm (The whole evening it was raining)NP-gen_per’f[ time_noun[ kizən’ per’f[ per’f ] ] karman er’amə ošsə (I will be living in town the whole year)

NP-gen vascvešəlkə vasc • 'Instead of a hanger'

This construction has the meaning ‘instead of’
Language: mdf • Structure: [NP-gen vasc] • LU: vastə
Types: postposition | noun | action nominal
      aux="an action nominal can also be used" cat="NP" msd="genitive" name="Non_preferred"
      cat="N" lu="vastə" msd="illative" name="vasc"
Examples: lamət'n'ə NP-gen_vasc[ Non_preferred[ kn'igan' moraftəmat' ] vasc[ vasc ] ] vanəndij̊t' t'el'əvizər (Many people watch TV instead of reading books)NP-gen_vasc[ Non_preferred[ mokšən’ š’č’amt’ ] vasc[ vasс ] ] s’adə s’id’əstə karmas’t’ š’č’akšn’əmə ruzən’ sarafatt mes’t’ (Instead of Moksha clothes they started to wear Russians sarafans and stuff like that) • traktərən’ ričakn’ən’ vakss NP-gen_vasc[ Non_preferred[ mir’cnən ] vasc[ vasс ] ] ozs’əs’t avat’n’ə (Women replaced their husbands behind the tractor levers)NP-gen_vasc[ Non_preferred[ pɛl’əs kaladə kudn’ɛt’n’ən’ ] vasc[ vasc ] ] strojs’əft oc’u kutt (Instead of half ramshackle little houses big houses have been built)NP-gen_vasc[ Non_preferred[ oftən’bokər’ks’t’ ] vasc[ vasc ] ] možnə kajams kos’ftəf fruktət (Instead of sweetbrier one can add dried fruit)

NP-stə [sɛvəmək] NP-t’i mol’əmspən’əd’el’n’ikstə pɛtn’icat’i mol’əms • 'from Monday till Friday'

This construction means from X to Y, where X and Y are the ends of an interval, which is a metaphor for time, space etc.
Language: mdf • Structure: [[StartingPoint sɛvəmək] [EndPoint mol’əms]] • LU: mol’əms
Types: time | converb | infinitive | elative | dative | starting point | end point | metaphor | space
      cat="NP" msd="elative" name="Starting_point" role="Starting point"
      cat="NP" msd="dative" name="End_point" role="End point"
      aux="the original meaning of sɛvəms is ‘to take’; sɛvəmək may be left out" cat="V" lu="sɛvəms" msd="mək-converb" name="sɛvəmək"
      aux="the original meaning of mol’əms is ‘to go’; if there are two or more conjuncts, mol’əms can be omitted in all of them except the last one" cat="V" lu="mol’əms" msd="ms-infinitive" name="mol’əms"
Examples: NP-stə_(sɛvəmək)_NP-t’i_mol’əms[ Starting_point[ pən’əd’el’n’ikstə ] End_point[ pɛtn'icat’i ] mol’əms[ mol’əms ] ] rabətan (I work from Monday till Friday)NP-stə_(sɛvəmək)_NP-t’i_mol’əms[ Starting_point[ 2010 kizəstə ] sɛvəmək[ sɛvəmək ] End_point[ 2013t’i ] mol’əms[ mol’əms ] ] s’in’ luvkssnə kirs’ 32, prəcenc (From 2010 to 2013, the number of them has invreased by 32.5 percent) • valənzən kor’as sjesc’ r’əspublikəzənk kočkaz’ən mokšət’n’ən’ i erz’ɛt’n’ən’ marn’ək stranastə NP-stə_(sɛvəmək)_NP-t’i_mol’əms[ Starting_point[ kal’in’ingrackɛj obləs’t’stə ] sɛvəmək[ sɛvəmək ] End_point[ pr’imorskɛj krajt’i ] ] NP-stə_(sɛvəmək)_NP-t’i_mol’əms[ Starting_point[ sɨktəfkarstə sɛvəmək[ sɛvəmək ] End_point[ krɨmt’i ] mol’əms[ mol’əms ] ] (According to his words, for the congress in our republic were gathered Moksha and Erzya people from all over Russia: from Kaliningrad district to Primorskij krai, from Syktyvkar to Crimea)

ozak V-Impozak morak! • 'Come on, sing!'

The construction consist of two imperative forms: one of the verb 'to sit', another of any lexical verb. It seems that there is no restrictions on the second verb. The construction means a command.
Language: mdf • Structure: [[ozak] [V-imp]] • LU: ozams
Types: imperative | modality
      cat="VP" lu="ozams" msd="imperative" name="ozak" role="imperative_verb"
      cat="VP" msd="imperative" name="verb-imp" role="Action"
Examples: ozak_V-imp[ ozak[ ozak ] verb-imp[ morak ]! (Come on, sing!)ozak_V-imp[ ozak[ ozak ] n'i V-imp[ jar̥cak ]! (Come on then, eat!)

prams N-illmaša pras’ r’izfs • 'Masha became sad'

The construction is used to indicate the beginning of a state.
Language: mdf • Structure: [prams N-ill] • LU: prams
Types: inchoative | inceptive
      aux="the verb means ‘to fall’; can appear in any form, finite and nonfinite" cat="V" lu="prams" name="prams"
      aux="the noun must bear the illative case marking; in this construction not every noun is possible - only ones that denote some perception/cognition organ or a negative/neutral state of mind/body" cat="N" msd="N-ill" name="noun"
Examples: maša prams_N-ill[ prams[ pras’ ] noun[ divəs ] ] (Masha became surprised) • kul’əs’ ] prams_N-ill[ prams[ pras’ ] noun[ pil’əs ] ] (the rumour became known) • pet’ɛn’ ] prams_N-ill[ noun[ mɛl’s ] prams[ pras’ ] ] istorijɛs’ (Petya suddenly remembered a story) • vas’ɛn’d’i maša prams_N-ill[ prams[ pras’ ] noun[ s’ed’izənzə ] ] (Vasya fell in love with Masha) • maša prams_N-ill[ prams[ pras’ ] noun[ r’izfs ] ] (Masha became sad)

Pron af Pronkijə af kijə də lezdi • 'at least somebody will help you'

Concessive pronominal construction which can be used in non-specific contexts (implies high probability of the existence of the concrete individe the pronoun refers to).
Language: mdf • Structure: [Pron af Pron] • LU: af
Types: reduplication | concessive | pronoun
      cat="Pron" name="interrogative"
      cat="NEG" name="negation"
Examples: ɛr’ moran’ moras’, Pron_af_Pron[ interrogative[ mez’ə ] negation[ af ] interrogative[ mez’ə ] noln’əs’ al’i mekolankt suvafn’əs’ (Everyone sang a song, tasted at least something or, on the contrary, offered something) • er’avs’ kočkams Pron_af_Pron[ interrogative[ kodamə ] negation[ af ] interrogative[ kodamə ] specal’nos’t’ (I had to choose at least any profession)Pron_af_Pron[ interrogative[ kostə ] negation[ af ] interrogative[ kostə ] kepəc’ evəndas’ kovoln’ɛ (A cloud appeared out of nowhere)Pron_af_Pron[ interrogative[ koda ] negation[ af ] interrogative[ koda ] ], Pron_af_Pron[ interrogative[ kosə ] negation[ af ] interrogative[ kosə ] ], no žurnalt’ pečatlasas’k (Somehow and somewhere, but we issued the journal).

pron mɛl’c’əsak məz’ardə mɛl’c’ə • 'Come whenever you want'

A basic mean of expressing free choice semantics. The construction consists of an interrogative and a noun mɛl’ ‘mind’ which bears a 2sg possessive marker
Language: mdf • Structure: [Pron mɛl’c’ə] • LU: mɛl’
Types: mind | pronoun | free choice | interrogative pronoun
      cat="Pron" name="interrogative"
      cat="Pred" lu="mɛl’" msd="possessive 2sg" name="mɛl’c’ə"
Examples: azəndak pron_mɛl’c’ə[ interrogative[ mez’ə ] mɛl’c’ə[ mɛl’c’ə ] ] ] , mon af ver’andan (Say whatever you want, I don’t trust you) • sond’ejən pron_mɛl’c’ə[ interrogative[ mez’ə ] mɛl’c’ə[ mɛl’c’ə ] ] ramavi (He can buy whatever you want) • tosə ramavij̊t’ pron_mɛl’c’ə[ interrogative[ kodamə ] mɛl’c’ə[ mɛl’c’ə ] ] šavan’at (You can buy there any sorts of cups). • mon maštan pron_mɛl’c’ə[ interrogative[ koda ] mɛl’c’ə[ mɛl’c’ə ] ] ujəms (I can swim any style). • t’ɛ instrumenc’ pron_mɛl’c’ə[ interrogative[ mez’ən’d’i ] mɛl’c’ə[ mɛl’c’ə ] ] er’avi (This tool can be useful for anything)

pron povs’ramak kodamə povs’ kanfetka • 'Buy any sort of sweets!'

The construction has a free choice semantics and consists of an interrogative and the finite form of the verb ‘get’. Seems to be calqued from Russian, but (in opposite to the Russian construction) pejoration is not presupposed.
Language: mdf • Structure: [Pron povs’] • LU: povəms
Types: free choice | interrogative pronoun
      cat="Pron" name="interrogative"
      cat="V" lu="povəms" msd="pst.3sg" name="povs’"
Examples: tosə ramavij̊t’ pron_povs’[ interrogative[ kodamə ] povs’[ povs’ ] ] šavan’at (There you can buy any sort of cups) • son pron_povs’[ interrogative[ kin’d’i ] povs’[ povs’ ] ] lezdi (He can help anybody) • t’ɛ zadačat’ pron_povs’[ interrogative[ kin’d’i ] povs’[ povs’ ] ] t’ijəvi (Anybody is able to solve this problem) • mon bə kaz’əl’in’ə pron_povs’[ interrogative[ kodamə ] povs’[ povs’ ] ] padarka, liš bə ton mon’ kel’gəl’əmajt’ (I would give any gift, if only you love me) • saldat’n’ən’ lacəndəz’ pron_povs’[ interrogative[ kostə ] povs’[ povs’ ] ] (The soldiers were shot from all the sides)

pron pronramak mez’ə mez’ə kanfetka • 'Buy some sweets'

A series of indefinites used mostly in non-specific contexts. A definite set of possible referents has to be presupposed.
Language: mdf • Structure: [Pron Pron] • LU:
Types: reduplication | choice | pronoun | indefinite | reduplication | interrogative pronoun
      aux="must be the same as pronoun2" cat="Pron" name="pronoun1"
      aux="must be the same as pronoun1" cat="Pron" name="pronoun2"
Examples: kədə pron_pron[ pronoun1[ mez’ə ] pronoun2[ mez’ə ] ] lavkastə t’ejət tuj mɛl’əzt, ramasas’k (If there’s something you like in the store, we’ll buy it) • t’ɛrt’k pron_pron[ pronoun1[ kin’ ] pronoun2[ kin’ ] ] l’ijɛn’ (Call somebody else) • mon maksin’ə jarmakn’ən’ pet’ɛn’d’i s’adə ingəl’i čem pron_pron[ pronoun1[ kin’d’i ] pronoun2[ kin’d’i ] ] (I gave him the money before anyone else) • mon ošstə raman’ vet’ə panar̥t, pron_pron[ pronoun1[ konanc ] pronoun2[ konanc ] ] t’ejət ramajn’ə (I’ve bought five shirts in the town, one of them I bought for you) • ton vagə rabotat, a pron_pron[ pronoun1[ kijə ] pronoun2[ kijə ] ] udi! (Somebody sleeps while you’re working!)

Pron-dat aramt’ejn’ək aram • 'according to us'

This construction is used to express the Experiencer of an event or the Cognizer of a certain fact
Language: mdf • Structure: [[Pron-dat aram] CP] • LU: arams
Types: pronoun | personal pronoun | dative
      cat="Pron" msd="dative" name="Cognizer" role="Cognizer"
      cat="CP" name="proposition" role="Fact"
      aux="the original meaning of arams is ‘to become’" cat="V" lu="arams" msd="infinitive" name="aram"
Examples: Pron-dat_aram[ proposition[ ašəl̥’t’ ] Cognizer[ t’ejn’ə ] aram[ aram ] proposition[ stamə vojnat kosə ran’əndəf pl’ennaj̊n’ən’d’i l’ezks afəl̥t’ maks’s’ə ] (I believe, there were no such wars where wounded captives were rejected help)Pron-dat_aram[ Cognizer[ t’ejn’ək ] aram[ aram ] proposition[ t’ɛ in’ oc’u tevəc ɛr’ lomən’t’ modat’ lanksə ɛr’ er’ɛjt’ ] (We believe that it is the most important thing for every person, for every being who lives on earth) • mol’at ar’s’əz’əvat i Pron-dat_aram[ Experiencer[ t’ejt’ ] aram[ aram ] proposition[ kat’i kozə kustərks’n’ən’ potməs kɛšs’ ton’ it’ks pinkc’ə ] (You go and get lost in thought and it seems to you that it is your childhood that is hiding in the bushes)

Pron-Ptcl Neg Vmez’əvək af lezdi • 'nothing helps'

There is no special negative pronoun in Moksha Mordvin; in negative contexts an interrogative modified by an additive particle should be used. These pronominal forms are used in all contexts with negative polarity.
Language: mdf • Structure: LU:
      cat="Pron" name="pronoun"
      cat="Ptcl" name="additive_particle"
      cat="Neg" name="negation"
      cat="VP" name="verb"
Examples: Pron-Ptcl_Neg_V[ additive_particle[ pronoun[ ki ] vək ] ] verb[ negation[ iz’ ] sa ] (Nobody came)Pron-Ptcl_Neg_V[ additive_particle[ pronoun[ mez’ə ] vək ] negation[ af ] verb[ lezdi ] ] (Nothing helps) • son Pron-Ptcl_Neg_V[ additive_particle[ pronoun[ kozə ] vək ] verb[ negation[ iz’ ] tu ] (He did not go anywhere) • t’asə Pron-Ptcl_Neg_V[ additive_particle[ pronoun[ mez’ə ] vək ] verb[ negation[ aš ] ] ] (There's nothing here)Pron-Ptcl_Neg_V[ verb[ negation[ t’at ] azə ] additive_particle[ pronoun[ mez’ə ] vək ] (Don't say anything)

šarftəms mɛl’šarftəms mɛl’ zadačat’ lanks • 'to pay attention to the problem'

This construction means ‘pay attention to X’
Language: mdf • Structure: [[šarftəms mɛl’] (NP-gen lanks| NP-dat)] • LU: lanks
Types: motion | postposition | genitive | idiomatic expression
      cat="V" msd="any form" name="šarftəms"
      aux="may have possessive marking" cat="N" lu="mɛl’" msd="nominative" name="mɛl’"
      aux="originally lanks denotes Goal which is a surface" cat="PostP" msd="illative" name="lanks"
      cat="NP" msd="genitive (with postposition), dative" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: šarftəms_mɛl’[ šarftəms[ šar’ftəs’t’ ] mɛl’[ mɛl’ən’t’ə ] Theme[ t’ɛ zadačat’ ] lanks[ lanks ] ] (Pay your attention to this problem) • baškə šarftəms_mɛl’[ mɛl’[ mɛl’ ] šarftəms[ šarftəma ] Theme[ nacɨanal’nəs’t’ grafat’i ] ] (More attention should be paid to the ethnicity field) • kəman’d’ir̥n’ə azəz’ štə ličnaj sastaft’ kočkamstə baška šarftəms_mɛl’[ mɛl’[ mɛl’ ] šarftəms[ šarfn’əvi ] Theme[ mardovijɛn’ c’orat’n’ən’ ] lanks[ lanks ] ] (The commanders said that the attention is paid to Mordovia's sons when choosing staff) • anal’izən’ tijəmstə vas’əndə er’avi šarftəms_mɛl’[ šarftəms_mɛl’[ šarftəms ] mɛl’[ mɛl’ ] Theme[ opš’əčələvečəskɛj prəbl’emat’n’ən’ panžəmasnəndi ] ] (While doing the analysys one should pay attention to the solution of universal human problems)

take NP-gen kɛctəson s’ɛvs’ jarmak kɛctən • 'he took money from me'

The construction is used to describe a change of possessor with the verbs like 'take', 'steal', etc.
Language: mdf • Structure: [V [NP-Gen kɛctə]] • LU: kɛctə
Types: postposition | possession | change of possessor
      aux="the verb must indicate change of possession; can be in any form, finite and nonfinite" cat="V" name="take_verb"
      aux="must bear genitive case marking; personal pronouns in this position can be omitted if the posposition bears the special Person marking" cat="NP" msd="NP-Gen" name="original_possessor" role="Possessor"
      aux="it is used to introduce the original possessor; it is originally an elative case form of a noun kɛd’ ‘hand’, but in this construction taking (stealing, etc.) can occur not only from the literal hand of the possessor" cat="PostP" lu="kɛd’" msd="elative case" name="kɛctə"
Examples: pet'ɛ take_NP-gen_kɛctə[ take_verb[ s'ɛvəz'ə kn'igat' original_possessor[ vas'ɛn' kɛctə[ kɛctə ] (Petya took the book from Vasya) • vas'ɛ take_NP-gen_kɛctə[ take_verb[ anas' jarmakt' esə original_possessor[ pet'ɛn' kɛctə[ kɛctə ] (Vasya has been asking Petya for money) • son take_NP-gen_kɛctə[ take_verb[ s’ɛvs’ jarmak kɛctə[ kɛctən ] (he took money from me)

topəd’əms Vson topəd’əms jar̥caj • 'He eats plenty'

The construction means the reaching of the limit of the action.
Language: mdf • Structure: [topəd’əms V] • LU: topəd’əms
Types: reaching limit
      cat="Inf" name="topəd’əms"
      cat="V" name="verb" role="Action"
      cat="NP" name="Subject" role="Subject"
Examples: Subject[ mon ] topəd’əms_V[ topəd’əms[ topəd’əms ] verb[ t’ur’fan ] ] (I've fought to the limit) • kizən’ ber’f Subject[ son ] topəd’əms_V[ topəd’əms[ topəd’əms ] verb[ jar̥csi ] ] roz’br’ɛdə (In the summer it eats plenty of rye) • kan’ikulat’n’ən’pinkstə možna topəd’əms_V[ topəd’əms[ topod’əms ] verb[ nal̥ks’əms ] ] (During the holiday one can play enough)

tums V-z’son tus’ las’kəz’ • 'he started running'

The construction has the inchoative meaning, i.e. it denotes the beginning of an action.
Language: mdf • Structure: [tums V-z’] • LU: tums
Types: verb | inchoative
      aux="can be conjugated; the meaning is ‘to leave’" cat="V" lu="tums" name="tums"
      aux="z’ is a suffix that creates a converb with the meaning of an attendant circumstance" cat="V" msd="V-z’" name="main_verb"
Examples: alašas' tums_V-z’[ tums[ tus' ] main_verb[ ardəz' ] (the horse started running) • son tums_V-z’[ tums[ tus' ] main_verb[ kišt'əz' (she started dancing) • son tums_V-z’[ tums[ tus’ ] main_verb[ las'kəz’ ] (he started running)

V NP-illmol’əms kšt’is • 'to go collecting berries'

This construction is used to specify the Theme that the Agent of a motion verb intends to collect during the motion event (e.g. mushrooms for mushroom hunting). The default means to express this meaning is the causal case -ənksə
Language: mdf • Structure: [V NP-ill] • LU:
Types: illative | goal | motion | None
      aux="it must be a verb of motion" cat="V" name="V_motion"
      cat="NP" msd="illative" name="Theme" role="Theme, Goal"
Examples: a t’ɛ pinkt’ ezdə V_NP-ill[ Theme[ vec ] V_motion[ mol’s’ ] ] mac’is’ (At that time Goose went to get water) • n’ɛjz’ə što numəls’ V_NP-ill[ V_motion[ mol’i ] Theme[ vec ] ]. (He sees that Hare went to get water) • son ves’t’ jakun’ɛn’ V_NP-ill[ V_motion[ sɛvəz’ə ] vir’i Theme[ pɛšc ] ] (Once she took Jacob to the forest to collect nuts) • i lomat’t’n’ə V_NP-ill[ V_motion[ jakas’t’ ] məz’ardə Theme[ kstijs ] Theme[ panks ] ] lotks’əs’t' l’ɛjn’ɛt’ (And people used to stay on the river bank when they went to pick mushrooms and berries)V_NP-ill[ V_motion[ jakatamə ] Theme[ kstijs ] V_NP-ill[ V_motion[ jakatamə ] Theme[ panks ] ] (We go picking berries and mushrooms)

V V-nzr-poss.genson n’ur’az’ə n’ur’amanc • 'he stopped swinging on the swings - because he’s had enough/because his time was up'

The construction is used to show that the situation denoted by the verb has reached its limit (which can happen for different reasons).
Language: mdf • Structure: [V V-nzr-poss.gen] • LU:
Types: reduplication | reaching limit
      aux="the verb stem is the same as in the nominalization" cat="V" name="verb"
      aux="the verb stem is the same as in the conjugated verb" cat="V-nzr" msd="V-nzr-poss.gen" name="nominalization"
Examples: son V_V-nzr-poss.gen[ verb[ s’iz’əz’ə ] nominalization[ s’iz’əfksanc ] (he stopped being tired) • son V_V-nzr-poss.gen[ verb[ n’ur’az’ə ] nominalization[ n’ur’amanc ] (he stopped swinging on the swings - because he's had enough/because his time was up)

V-inf-ška samsmoramška sas’ • 'I felt like singing'

This construction means that the Experiencer feels like doing something
Language: mdf • Structure: [[V-mška] sams] • LU: sams
Types: infinitive | comparative | modality | volition
      aux="-ška is originally a comparative marker" cat="V" name="V_mška"
      aux="the original meaning of sams is ‘to come’, may be conjugated" cat="V" lu="sams" msd="3sg" name="sams"
Examples: V-inf-ška_sams[ V_mška[ moramška sams[ sas’ ] (I feel like singing)

V-inf-ška savs’moramška savs’ • 'I felt like singing'

This construction expresses a sudden urge to do something
Language: mdf • Structure: [[V-mška]-poss] savs’] • LU: sams
Types: modality | comparative | passive
      aux="the original meaning of sams is ‘to come’" cat="V" lu="sams" msd="passive voice" name="savs’"
      cat="V" name="V-mška"
Examples: mon’d’əjən ul’s’ pɛk ves’alə i V-inf-ška_savs’[ savs’[ savs’ ] V-mška[ moramška ] (I was so glad, I even felt like singing) • s’oran’d’i V-inf-ška_savs’[ savs’[ savs’ ] V-mška[ kepəd’əmška ] ] girat’ (The guy felt an urge to lift a kettlebell)

V-inf-ška-poss ašašəl’ samškaz’ə • 'I could not come'

The meaning of this construction is that the experiencer is at the moment physically unable to do something (e.g. is tired or sick).
Language: mdf • Structure: [Experiencer [V-mška]] aš] • LU:
Types: modality | comparative | negation | possessive marker | ability
      aux="may be used in any tense or mood form" cat="ExNeg" name="aš"
      cat="NP, Poss" msd="genitive" name="Experiencer"
      cat="V" name="V-mška"
Examples: mon is’ak af lac mar’ɛjn’ə pr’ɛz’ən’ i V-inf-ška-poss_aš[ [ ašəl’ ] V-mška[ samška ] Experiencer[ z’ə ] (Yesterday I was not feeling well, so I could not come) • son t’aškava s’iz’əfəl’ V-inf-ška-poss_aš[ V-mška[ mɛl’əftəmška ] Experiencer[ c ] kə [ aš ] (He was so tired he could not memorize anything)

V-inf-ška-poss ul’imoramškaz’ə ul’i • 'I am able to sing'

The meaning of this construction is that X is at the moment physically able to do something (e.g. is not tired or sick).
Language: mdf • Structure: [Experiencer [V-mška]] ul’əms] • LU: None
Types: modality | comparative | existential verb | possessive marker | ability | None
      aux="the original meaning of ul’əms is ‘to be’; the verb may be used in any tense or mood form" cat="V" msd="3SG" name="ul’əms"
      cat="NP, Poss" msd="genitive" name="Experiencer"
      cat="V" name="V-mška"
Examples: t’aftə sabardɨ V-inf-ška-poss_ul’i[ V-mška[ l’ɛd’əmška ] Experiencer[ c ] ka ul’əms[ af ul’i] ] (He will get tired and won't be able to saw)V-inf-ška-poss_ul’i[ V-mška[ moramška ] Experiencer[ z’ə ] ul’əms[ ul’i ] ] (I am able to sing -- e.g. I do not have a sore throat) • t’at s’ejən’d’ə pr’ɛz’ən’ V-inf-ška-poss_ul’i[ Experiencer[ mon’ mon’c’ən’ ] ul’əms[ ul’i ] V-mška[ sejən’d’əmška ] Experiencer[ z’ə ] ] (Don't comb my hair, I am able comb it myself) • vel’ət’ per’f ombəc’ədə V-inf-ška-poss_ul’i[ V-mška[ las’kəmška ] Experiencer[ z’ə ] ul’əms[ ul’i ] ] (I am able to run around the village for the second time -- I did not get exausted yet)

V-ma-poss sas’udəmaz’ə sas’ • 'I got sleepy'

This construction expresses a wish to do something
Language: mdf • Structure: [[NP [V-ma]-poss] sams] • LU: sams
Types: nominalization | possessive marker | volition
      cat="V" name="V_ma"
      cat="NP, possessive marker" msd="genitive" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      aux="the original meaning of sams is ‘to come’, it can be conjugated for mood and possibly tense" lu="sams" msd="3sg" name="sams"
Examples: V-ma-poss_sas’[ V_ma[ morama ] Experiencer[ z’ə ] sams[ sas’ ] ] (I feel like singing) • jes’l’i mon bə s’iz’əl’ən’ to V-ma-poss_sas’[ Experiencer[ mon’ ] sams[ sal’ bə ] V_ma[ udəma ] Experiencer[ z’ə ] ] (If I were tired, I would get sleepy)

V-mas’orat’i luvəma knigas’ • 'The boy has to read the book'

This construction is used to express necessity
Language: mdf • Structure: (NP-dat) [V-ma (NP|NP-gen)] • LU:
Types: modality | necessity | non-canonical argument marking | dative | agreement | nominalization
      aux="-ma is an actional nominal marker. In this construction may ajoin tense marker and it also may agree with the Object in person and number" cat="V" name="V-ma"
      cat="NP" msd="dative" name="Subject" role="Agent, Patient, Theme"
      cat="NP" msd="nominative or genitive" name="Object" role="Patient, Theme"
Examples: kaftə časttə mel’ə V-ma[ Object[ šɛjɛr̥n’ə ] V-ma[ s’ejənd’əmat ] ] V-ma[ Object[ pr’ɛs’ ] V-ma[ pez’əma ] ] (Two hours later the hair should be combed and washed)V-ma[ Subject[ mon’d’əjən ] ningə kuvat’ V-ma[ učəma ] ] (I still have to wait a long time)V-ma[ Object[ ton ] V-ma[ učəmat ] ]? (Shall I wait for you?)V-ma[ Subject[ mon’d’əjən ] V-ma[ s’iməma ] Object[ t’ɛ nadobijət’ ] ] (I should take this medicine)V-ma[ Object[ pin’əs’ ] V-ma[ pan’əmal’ ] ] (The dog should be driven away)

V-nzr-def.gen Vsamat’ son sas’ a ved’ iz’ kandə • 'he CAME, but he didn’t bring water'

The construction has the meaning of contrastive topicalization: the verb that is reduplicated in the construction is topicalized and contrasted with some other verb.
Language: mdf • Structure: [V-nzr-def.gen V] • LU:
Types: contrast | topicaliztion | reduplication
      aux="the verb stem is the same as in the conjugated form; it is nominalized and bears the definite genitive marking" cat="V-nzr" msd="V-nzr-def.gen" name="nominalization"
      aux="the verb stem is the same as in the nominalization; contrary to the standard Moksha rules, the verb bears markers of the subject (not object) conjugation type" cat="V" name="conjugated_verb"
Examples: V-nzr-def.gen_V[ nominalization[ samat’ ] son conjugated_verb[ sas’ ] ] a ved’ iz’ kandə (he CAME, but he didn't bring water)

V-z’əvmon mez’ə-bəd’ə luvəz’əvən’ • 'I’ve been reading until I was so into it I stopped noticing everything aroung'

The construction has the meaning of the control loss: the Agent is so involved in the process that he loses control over it (similar to Russian circumfix za-sya).
Language: mdf • Structure: [(NP) V-z’əv] • LU:
Types: aspect | verb | suffixation | control loss
      aux="it can be omitted if it can be understood from the verb form or context (as a general rule of Moksha)" cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      aux="z’əv itself is an inchoative suffix" cat="V" msd="verb-z’əv" name="verb"
Examples: V-z’əv[ Agent[ idn’ɛs’ ] verb[ kol’ən’d’əz’əvs’ ] ] šopəd’əms (the child has been playing till dark - and didn't even notice that it became dark) • vanəndən’ vanəndən’ val’məva V-z’əv[ verb[ vanəz’əvən’ ] ] i jukstajn’ə l’ɛmt’ plitat’ lanksə (I've been looking out of the window, forgot about everything, forgot about the soup on the stove)V-z’əv[ Agent[ vas’ɛ ] valəmn’ɛ raks’əs’ a s’ɛl’də karmas’ af pel’əmə i s’adə pɛk verb[ raks’əz’əvs’ ] ] (Vasya has been joking a little but then he stopped worrying, forgot about everything and started joking uncontrollably)V-z’əv[ Agent[ mon ] mez’ə-bəd’ə verb[ luvəz’əvən’ ] ] (I've been reading until I was so into it I stopped noticing everything aroung)

V1 V2-z’ V2son mol’i las’kəz’ las’ki • 'he is walking very fast, as though he is running'

The construction shows that some property of the action denoted by the first verb is similar to the one associated with the second verb (the one that is reduplicated).
Language: mdf • Structure: [V1 [V2-z’ V2]] • LU:
Types: comparative | verb | converb | reduplication
      aux="can be in any form (finite and nonfinite)" cat="V" name="first_verb" role="Comparee"
      aux="z’ is a suffix that creates a converb with the meaning of an attendant circumstance" cat="CONV" lu="the same as the one of the second verb" msd="verb-z’" name="converb_with_z’"
      aux="must have the same form as the first verb" cat="V" lu="the same as the one of the converb with z’" name="second_verb" role="Standard"
Examples: son V1_V2-z’_V2[ first_verb[ kor̥taj ] converb_with_z’[ vad’əz’ ] second_verb[ vad’i ] (he talks smoothly, like he is buttering something) • šis’ V1_V2-z’_V2[ first_verb[ ežd’i ] converb_with_z’[ pid’əz’ ] second_verb[ pid’i ] (the sun is burning so hot, as though it is boiling) • son V1_V2-z’_V2[ first_verb[ mol’i ] converb_with_z’[ udəz’ ] second_verb[ udi ] (he is walking looking very sleepy, as though he is already sleeping) • son V1_V2-z’_V2[ first_verb[ mol’i ] converb_with_z’[ moraz’ ] second_verb[ moraj ] (he is walking looking very cheerful, as though he is singing) • son V1_V2-z’_V2[ first_verb[ mol’i ] converb_with_z’[ kišt’əz’ ] second_verb[ kišt’i ] (she is walking looking very pretty, cheerful and feminine, as though she is dancing)

V1-inf-bačk V2kor̥tambačk rabətas’ • 'he worked while talking'

This construction expresses an action simultaneous with the action of the main clause
Language: mdf • Structure: [[[V-inf]-bačk] V] • LU: bačk
Types: simultaneity | postposition | taxis | converb
      cat="V" name="main_verb"
      cat="V" msd="inf" name="sattelite_verb"
      aux="the original meaning of pačk is through’; after the infinitive marker -m- the first consonant becomes [+voiced], which gives bačk" cat="PostP" lu="pačk" name="bačk"
Examples: pəz’əktan’ə viškstə l’ijənct’ satt’ vel̥’kska i V1-inf-bačk_V2[ sattelite_verb[ l’ijəm ] bačk[ bačk ] main_verb[ fatn’əz’ melavn’ɛt’ i lijɛ vr’əd’it’əl̥’n’ən’. ] (Swallows were flying rapidly in all directions above the garden and catching moths and other harmful insects on the fly)V1-inf-bačk_V2[ sattelite_verb[ kor̥tam ] bačk[ bačk ] udagirs’ kenərdaz’ main_verb[ rabətas’ ] (Udagir worked skillfully while he was talking)V1-inf-bačk_V2[ sattelite_verb[ udəm ] bačk[ bačk ] st’ərn’ɛs’ main_verb[ mar’s’əz’ə ] koda t’ɛd’ac kor̥n’əs’ babancti (Half asleep, the girl heard her mother speak to her grandmother) • lis’ənct’ ul’c’av st’ər̥’t’ c’orat, V1-inf-bačk_V2[ sattelite_verb[ las’kəm ] bačk[ bačk ] main_verb[ šč’ašəndəz’ ] orsnən main_verb[ punksn’əz’ ] pun’asnən (Guys and girls were leaving and putting on and buttoning their coats while they were exiting)V1-inf-bačk_V2[ sattelite_verb[ ken’ɛrd’əm ] bačk[ bačk ] main_verb[ šukad’in’ə ] pr’ɛz’ən’ i main_verb[ azən’ ] tejənzə spas’iba (Glad, I nodded and thanked him)

V1-inf-stə V2rukzat’ esə kandəmstə • 'while carrying in a backpack'

This construction expresses an action simultaneous with the action of the main clause
Language: mdf • Structure: [[[V-inf]-stə] V] • LU:
Types: simultaneity | postposition | taxis | converb | elative
      aux="it can be in any form, finite and non-finite" cat="V" name="main_verb"
      aux="-stə is originally the elative case marker" cat="V-mstə" name="sattelite_verb"
Examples: mon jukstan’ V1-inf-stə_V2[ kuctə ] sattelite_verb[ tumstə ] main_verb[ matəms ] sv’ett’ (I forgot to turn off the light while leaving the house) • S’estran’ɛs’ kel’ksa V1-inf-stə_V2[ školas ] sattelite_verb[ mol’əmstə ] moran’ main_verb[ moramat’ ] (My likes sister likes to sing while she is going to school)V1-inf-stə_V2[ inst’itucə ] sattelite_verb[ tonafn’əmstə ] t’ɛ urmat’ kuvalmə t’ejn’ək main_verb[ kor̥n’əs’t’ ] i main_verb[ azənct’ ] kəl’ə son pɛk apasnaj i r’əšandakšn’əsɨ loman’t’t’ sud’banc ɛr’ minutas’ (When I was studying for my degree they used to tell us about that disease and they used to say that it is very dangerous and every minute may change the outcome) • raskazən’ il’i st’ixən’ V1-inf-stə_V2[ sattelite_verb[ s’ormadəmstə ] main_verb[ af er’askədəms ] main_verb[ rabətams ] s’adə starandaz’ lackas main_verb[ tonafn’əms ] s’ormadəman’ t’evt’i sodaf ruzən’ pəettn’ən’ i pisat’əl̥’n’ən’ ezdə (When writing a story or a poem, one should not rush. One should put effort into one's work and learn the skill of writing from well-known Russian poets and writers.V1-inf-stə_V2[ sattelite_verb[ udəmstə ] main_verb[ mar’ɛn’ ] kor̥tama (Half asleep, I heard a talk.)

verb-ft NP-gen kɛctəoxotniks’ kundaftəz’ə pin’ɛt’ kɛctə numəlt’ • 'the hunter made the dog bring the hare'

The causative construction; it is used to describe causation - the situation when someone makes somebody do something.
Language: mdf • Structure: [(NP) verb-ft [NP-Gen kɛctə]] • LU: kɛctə
Types: verb | suffixation | causative | postposition
      aux="Subject of the causative clause" cat="NP" name="Causer" role="Causer"
      aux="bears the causative suffix -ft-" cat="V" msd="verb-ft" name="causative_verb"
      aux="must bear genitive case marking; personal pronouns in this position can be omitted if the posposition bears the special Person marking" cat="NP" msd="NP-Gen" name="Causee" role="Causee"
      aux="it is used to introduce a Causee; it is originally an elative case form of a noun kɛd’ ‘hand’" cat="PostP" lu="kɛd’" msd="elative case" name="kɛctə"
Examples: verb-ft_NP-gen_kɛctə[ Causer[ d'ɛd'ɛz'ə ] causative_verb[ ar̥tftəz'ə ] kudt' Causee[ al'ɛzə'n' ] kɛctə[ kɛctə ] ] (my mother made my father paint the house)verb-ft_NP-gen_kɛctə[ Causer[ d'ɛd'ac ] causative_verb[ štaftəz'ə ] pasudat' Causee[ st'ər'ənc ] kɛctə[ kɛctə ] ] (mother made her daughter wash the dishes)verb-ft_NP-gen_kɛctə[ Causer[ pet'ɛ ] is'ak causative_verb[ šuvftəz'ə ] lotkt' Causee[ vas'ɛn' ] kɛctə[ kɛctə ] ] (Petya made Vasya dig a hole yesterday)verb-ft_NP-gen_kɛctə[ Causer[ d'ɛd'ac ] causative_verb[ ker's'əfci ] kšit' Causee[ s'oranc ] kɛctə[ kɛctə ] ] (mother makes her son cut the bread)verb-ft_NP-gen_kɛctə[ Causer[ od avas' ] Causee[ pet'ɛn' ] kɛctə[ kɛctə ] idt' causative_verb[ jukstaftəz'ə ] ] (the new wife made Petya forget his child)

verb1-z’ verb1c’oras’ udəz’ udi • 'the boy sleeps soundly / the boy is sleeping - and not just lying with his eyes shut'

The construction is used to narrow down the verb denotation leaving only its nuclear part, its most prototypical representatives. It can be perceived either as intensification of the verb's semantics, or as declaration of the speaker’s certainty that the chosen verb is the most suitable one for this particular situation.
Language: mdf • Structure: [V-z' V] • LU:
Types: verb | converb | reduplication | intensification | prototypical meaning
      aux="z’ is a suffix that creates a converb with the meaning of an attendant circumstance" cat="CONV" msd="verb-z’" name="converb_with_z’"
      aux="can be in any form (finite and nonfinite)" cat="V" name="verb"
Examples: c'oras' verb1-z’_verb1[ converb_with_z’[ las'kəz' ] verb[ las'ki ] ] kit' ezga (the boy is running fast along the road) • al'ɛs' udi i verb1-z’_verb1[ converb_with_z’[ kərn'az' ] verb[ kərnaj ] ] (the man is sleeping and snoring loudly) • kuc verb1-z’_verb1[ converb_with_z’[ paləz' ] verb[ pali ] ] (the whole house is burning) • avas' verb1-z’_verb1[ converb_with_z’[ šačftəz' ] verb[ šačftəz'ə ] ] it't' (the woman bore a child - she didn't adopt him/the woman bore a child herself - she didn’t have a caesarean section)verb1-z’_verb1[ converb_with_z’[ l'ijəz' ] verb[ l'ijs' ] ] od pingəz'ə (my young years have really flown by - not just gone by)

vol’a-poss CPvol’ac son tuj • 'Well, let him go away'

The construction consists of a noun vol’a (borrowed from Russian) folowed by a possessive marker of 3rd person. It means permissive imperative with some depreciation.
Language: mdf • Structure: [vol’ac [CP]] • LU: vol’a
Types: permissive | imperative | depreciation
      cat="Ptcl" name="vol’a"
      cat="CP" name="proposition"
      cat="Poss" msd="3sg or 3pl" name="poss"
Examples: vol’ac_CP[ poss[ vol’a[ vol’a ] c ] proposition[ son tuj ] ] (Well, let him go away!)vol’a-poss_CP[ poss[ vol’a[ vol’a ] snə ] proposition[ sin’ kor̥taj̊t’ ] ] (Well, let them speak!)

VP fkɛ fkɛ-casen’ɛjəms fkɛ fkɛn’ • 'to see each other'

This construction is used to express reciprocal relations between participants, i.e. X does something to Y and Y does something to X
Language: mdf • Structure: LU: fkɛ
Types: numeral | reciprocal construction | case
      aux="it may be any verb phrase that has two arguments" cat="VP" name="VP_recip"
      cat="Pron" lu="fkɛ fkɛ" msd="any case" name="fkɛ_fkɛ"
Examples: VP_fkɛ_fkɛ-case[ VP_recip[ šar̥’kəd’ij̊t’ ] fkɛ_fkɛ[ fkɛ fkɛn’ ] koda al’n’akat bratt (They understand each other as though they were brothers) • avatn’ə koda falu aš’š’əs’t’ man’asə i VP_fkɛ_fkɛ-case[ VP_recip[ azənkšn’əs’t’ ] fkɛ_fkɛ[ fkɛ fkɛn’d’i ] vel’ən’ kul’at (As usual, women were sitting together and telling each other the village’s news • ul’c’ɛt’n’ə VP_fkɛ_fkɛ-case[ VP_recip[ mol’s’t’ ] paral’el’nə fkɛ_fkɛ[ fkɛ fkɛn’d’i ] (The streets were parallel to each other) • t’ejn’ək VP_fkɛ_fkɛ-case[ VP_recip[ n’ɛjəma ] fkɛ_fkɛ[ fkɛ fkɛn’ ] (We must see each other)

Mongolian Constructicon

Team: Sunigel Menes, Maxim Bode, Denis Arsentev, Ivan Sarkisov

AdjP юу байна?Сонин сайхан юу байна?

AdjP_юу_байна[ The construction ] describes a situation where a speaker is interested of AdjP[ what is going on ] in the adresee's life. 'What's new?', 'What's bad?'.
Language: mon • Structure: [AdjP Interrogative Copula] • LU:
      cat="Adjective" role="Theme"
      cat="Particle" msd="Particle" Type="Interrogative" name="юу"
      cat="Verb" msd="Verb" Type="Copula" name="байна"
Examples: AdjP[ Сонин сайхан ] юу_Int[ юу ] байна_Cop[ байна ]? (What's new?)

AdjP-Comp AdjP-Comp улам ихээрхолдох тусам улам ихээр

AdjP-Comp_AdjP-Comp_улам_ихээр[ The construction ] describes a one-direction correlation between AdjP_AdjP[ two certain features ], e.g. 'the more the better'.
Language: mon • Structure: [AdjP AdjP AdvP] • LU:
Types: liknelse
      cat="Adjective" msd="Adjective" Type="Comparative" role="Base"
      cat="Adjective" msd="Adjective" Type="Comparative" role="Base"
      cat="Adverb" name="улам"
      cat="Adverb" name="ихээр"
Examples: AdjP-Comp[ холдох ] AdjP-Comp[ тусам ] улам ихээр. (The further the more)

N NP юм уу эсвэл хэн юм бэЧи эр хүн юм уу эсвэл хэн юм бэ?

The speaker accuses N of something that is not typical for NP.
Language: mon • Structure: [N NP PP VP] • LU:
      cat="Noun" role="Experiencer"
      cat="Noun" role="Item"
      cat="Particle" msd="Particle" Type="Interrogative" name="хэн"
Examples: N[ Чи ] NP[ эр хүн ] юм уу эсвэл хэн юм бэ?

N бол N шиг

The emphasis of the ordinary qualities of X (X is a typical example of all X-s)
Language: mon • Structure: [N is N as] • LU:
Examples: Хүүхэд бол хүүхэд шиг

NP [нь] уулзъя

I'll see you in the time AdvP[ Adv ]
Language: mon • Structure: [Adv (at) meet-let] • LU:
Examples: AdvP[ Дараа ] (нь) уулзъя

NP [some destination] уруу VPта нар уруу очих

Form Responses 1 Sheet1 Explore to move towards some destination
Language: mon • Structure: NP [some destination] towards VP • LU:
Examples: та нар уруу очих

NP NP ширээ

NP_NP_ширээ[ The construction ] illustrates NP[ an item ] full of NP[ something ].
Language: mon • Structure: [NP NP AdjP] • LU: ширээ
Types: similarity | containment
      cat="NP" role="Container"
      cat="NP" role="Theme"
      cat="Adj" name="ширээ"
Examples: NP NP ширээ[ Container[ ам дүүрэн ] Theme[ алим ] ширээ[ ширээ ] ]. (A mouthful of apples)

NP ажилгаанд хамтрахүйл ажилгаанд хамтрах

NP_ажилгаанд_хамтрах[ The construction ] describes a situation where a cetrain person VP_ажилгаанд[ joins ] a group to participate in a NP[ certain event ].
Language: mon • Structure: [NP VP AdvP] • LU:
      cat="Noun" role="Agent"
      cat="Verb" name="ажилгаанд" role="Action"
      cat="Adverb" name="хамтрах"
Examples: үйл ажилгаанд хамтрах. (To join to an event)

NP бoл NP шигХүүхэд бол хүүхэд шиг

NP[ NP ] is like other NP[ NP ]
Language: mon • Structure: [X is X as] • LU: бoл|шиг
Types: similarity | cue:like | cue:when
Examples: NP[ Хүүхэд ] бол NP[ хүүхэд ] шиг

NP биеэр мэдрэхөөрийн биеэр мэдрэх

NP[ The cognizer ] VP_биеэр[ imagines ] himself or herself in other people's place and takes their perspective.
Language: mon • Structure: [NP VP] • LU:
Types: resultativ
      cat="Noun" role="Cognizer"
      cat="Verb" name="биеэр" role="Action"
      cat="Noun" name="мэдрэх"
Examples: NP[ өөрийн ] VP_биеэр[ биеэр мэдрэх ]. (To put yourself in another person's place)

NP бол хамгийн AdjЭнэ ном бол хамгийн сонирхолтой

NP's quality is the highest of all
Language: mon • Structure: NP is most Adj • LU:
Examples: Энэ ном бол хамгийн сонирхолтой

NP дарахзураг дарах

NP_дарах[ The construction ] describes an event of VP_дарах[ capturing ] NP[ something ].
Language: mon • Structure: [NP VP] • LU:
      cat="Noun" role="Theme/Patient"
      cat="Verb" role="Action"
Examples: NP[ зураг ] VP[ дарах ]. 'To capture a picture (lit. picture to push).

NP дээр тавиххоолоо гал дээр тавих

NP_дээр_тавих[ The construction ] illustrates the event of VP_тавих[ cooking ] food or VP_тавих[ warming up ] drinks.
Language: mon • Structure: [NP PP VP] • LU:
      cat="Noun" role="Patient"
      cat="Preposition" name="дээр"
      cat="Verb" name="тавих" role="Action"
Examples: NP[ цай ] PP[ дээр ] VP[ тавих ]. (To put tea on fire)/ NP[ хоолоо гал ] PP[ дээр ] VP[ тавих ]. (To put on cooking fire)

NP ерее

Room relating to NP[ NP ]
Language: mon • Structure: [NP room] • LU: ерее
Types: posessive | compound
Examples: NP[ Гал тогооны ] өрөө

NP нэрд умбахалдар нэрд умбах

NP_нэрд_умбах[ The construction ] describes an unexpected VP_нэрд_умбах[ intake ] of NP[ smth ]
Language: mon • Structure: [NP PrepP VP] • LU:
Types: similarity | expectation
      cat="Noun" role="Experiencer"
      cat="Prep" name="нэрд"
      cat="Verb" name="умбах" role="Action"
Examples: NP[ алдар ] VP_нэрд_умбах[ нэрд умбах ]. (To dive into fame)NP[ мөнгөнд ] VP_нэрд_умбах[ нэрд умбах ]. (To suddenly get money). • / NP[ алга ташилтанд ] VP_нэрд_умбах[ нэрд умбах ]. (To suddenly get applause).

NP хүрэхХаниад хүрэх

NP_хүрэх[ The construction ] illustrates the situation where someone starts to obtain a NP[ new quality or a short-term feature ]. Can be idiomatic: for example, to VP[ catch ] a cold.
Language: mon • Structure: [NP VP] • LU: хүрэх
Types: resultative | cue:reach | verb argument construction
      cat="NP" role="Theme"
      cat="Verb" name="хүрэх" role="Action"
Examples: NP[ Ханиад ] VP[ хүрэх ]. (To catch a cold)

NP юмтай нийлэххоол юмтай нийлэх

NP_юмтай_нийлэх[ The construction ] describes a situation where a certain subject VP_нийлэх[ joins ] some group with a NP[ certain motive ].
Language: mon • Structure: [NP PP VP] • LU:
      cat="Noun" role="Agent"
      cat="Preposition" name="юмтай"
      cat="Verb" name="нийлэх"
Examples: NP[ уух ] юмтай нийлэх. (To join with drinks).NP[ хоол ] юмтай нийлэх. (To join to eat)

NP-Nom NP-than AdjP-CompЧи надаас залуу

NP-Nom[ The item ] is being compared with NP-than[ another item ] in terms of a AdjP-Comp[ certain characteristic ].
Language: mon • Structure: [NP-Nom NP-than AdjP-Comp] • LU:
Types: liknelse
      cat="Noun" role="Item"
      cat="Noun" role="Item"
      cat="Adjective" msd="Adjective" Type="Comparative" role="Standard"
Examples: NP-Nom[ Чи ] NP-than[ надаас ] AdjP-than[ залуу. ] (You are younger than me)

NP-Nom Num настайТэр хориод настай

NP-Nom[ The experiencer ] is being approximately evaluated in Num[ terms of age ].
Language: mon • Structure: [NP-Nom Numeral AdvP] • LU:
Types: liknelse
      cat="Noun" msd="NounCase=Nom" role="Experiencer"
      cat="Numeral" role="Stimulus"
      cat="Adverb" lu="настай" name="настай"
Examples: NP-Nom[ Тэр ] Num[ хориод ] настай_adv[ настай ]. (She is in her twenties)

NP-Nom бол NP-NomБаяр бол баяр

The expression COP[ emphasizes ] the certain features of the NP[ NP ] that are typical for the NP
Language: mon • Structure: NP copula(to be) NP • LU: None
      cat="Noun" role="Any"
      cat="VP" lu="бол" msd="Verb" Type="Copula" name="бол"
      aux="must be the same np as the former" cat="Noun" role="Any"
Examples: NP[ Баяр ] COP[ бол ] NP[ баяр ].

Np1 hamgijn Np2 ухааны нэгАнагаах ухаан хамгийн эртний шинжлэх

NP[ X ] is the most AdjP[ Adj ] from a quantity NP[ Y ]
Language: mon • Structure: [NP1 SUP Adj NP2 one of] • LU:
Examples: NP[ Анагаах ухаан хамгийн ] AdjP[ эртний ] NP[ шинжлэх ].

VP болноЯвж болно

VP_болно[ The construction ] demonstrates the possibility to do a VP[ certain activity ].
Language: mon • Structure: [VP V-mod] • LU:
Types: konjunktiv
      cat="Verb" role="Action"
      cat="Verb" msd="Verb" Type="Modality"
Examples: VP[ Явж ] болно. (You may go)/ VP[ Идэж ] болно. (You may eat)

VP болохгүйТамхи татаж болохгүй

VP_болохгүй[ The construction ] illustrates the VP_болохгүй[ prohibition ] of a VP[ certain activity ].
Language: mon • Structure: [VP VP-Mod] • LU:
Types: ordbildning
      cat="Verb" role="Action"
      cat="Verb" msd="Verb" Type="Modality" name="болохгүй"
Examples: VP[ Тамхи татаж болохгүй ].

Within objects' number X the object Y is more AdjЭнэ хоёрын хар нь илүү дээр

Of the NP[ NP ] the NP[ NP ] is NP[ NP ]
Language: mon • Structure: [Of the two, NP is better] • LU:
Examples: Энэ хоёрын хар нь илүү дээр

X Y Adj-COMPБи чамд үзүүлээд өгье!

X threatens to do something scary with Y
Language: mon • Structure: X Y-Dat show give • LU:
Examples: Би чамд үзүүлээд өгье!

NP хамт VP-гүй нь илүү дээр. NP-гээр VP нь илүү дээр.Түүнтэй хамт яваагүй нь илүү дээр. Түүнгүйгээр явсан нь илүү дээр. • 'We'd better not to go with him'

We'd better not to VP with NP
Language: mon • Structure: X together V-no more better X-no V more better • LU:
Examples: Түүнтэй хамт яваагүй нь илүү дээр. Түүнгүйгээр явсан нь илүү дээр.

аль хэдийн X цаг болчихлооAль хэдийн хооллох цаг болчихлоо

The time for VP[ doing ] NP[ NP ] has already past
Language: mon • Structure: [already time NP past] • LU:
Types: resultativ
Examples: Aль VP[ хэдийн ] NP[ хооллох цаг болчихлоо ].

арай гэж VPПаша арай гэж төлнө

Language: mon • Structure: [barely VP] • LU: арай|гэж
Types: cue:small
Examples: NP[ Паша ] арай гэж VP[ төлнө ]

Бага сага

Some quality or quantity is little
Language: mon • Structure: [A little] • LU:
Examples: Бага сага

Би VP гэж очисонБи ярилцах гэж очисон

The subject came to a certain place to do some VP_Neg[ certain activity ].
Language: mon • Structure: [I VP for go] • LU:
      cat="Pronoun" msd="Pronoun" Type="1st person" name="Би"
      cat="Verb" role="Action"
      cat="Preposition" name="гэж"
      cat="Verb" name="очисон" role="Action"
Examples: Би VP_Neg[ ярилцах ] гэж очисон. (I came to talk.)

бугд/бух хамгийн AdjPбугд/бух хамгийн тохиромжтой

A certain object is the AdjP[ most canonical in one feature ] among all the listed or implied objects. A superlative meaning.
Language: mon • Structure: [PP AdvP AdjP] • LU:
      cat="Preposition" msd="Preposition" Type="Quantifier" name="бугд/бух"
      cat="Adverb" name="хамгийн"
      cat="Adjective" role="Base"
Examples: PP[ бугд/бух ] AdvP[ хамгийн ] AdjP[ тохиромжтой ] (The most convenient)

бүгд |бүх хамгийн Adjбүгд |бүх хамгийн тохиромжтой

The Adj-st of all
Language: mon • Structure: All SUP Adj • LU:
Examples: бүгд ] бүх хамгийн тохиромжтой

илэрхий XИлэрхий ойлгомжтой

to be more than NP[ NP ]
Language: mon • Structure: [more than NP] • LU:
Examples: Илэрхий NP[ ойлгомжтой ].

ӨгөхУнтуулаад өгөөч

Let do something
Language: mon • Structure: give • LU:
Examples: Унтуулаад өгөөч

сэтгэл алдрахсэтгэл алдрах

VP_сэтгэл_алдрах[ The construction ] means a process of VP_сэтгэл[ falling ] in NP_алдрах[ love ] with someone.
Language: mon • Structure: [VP NP] • LU:
      cat="Verb" name="сэтгэл" role="Action"
      cat="Noun" name="алдрах" role="Theme"
Examples: VP[ сэтгэл ] NP[ алдрах ].

Төрсөн өдрийн мэнд хүргэе!Төрсөн өдрийн мэнд хүргэе!

VP_Төрсөн_өдрийн_мэнд_хүргэе[ The construction ] means a typical celebration saying occuring on birthday events.
Language: mon • Structure: [NP NP NP VP] • LU:
      cat="Noun" name="Төрсөн" role="Theme"
      cat="Noun" name="өдрийн"
      cat="Noun" name="мэнд"
      cat="Verb" name="хүргэе" role="Action"
Examples: NP[ Төрсөн ] NP[ өдрийн ] NP[ мэнд ] VP[ хүргэе ]! (Happy birthday)

Х мэт [шиг]Эхнэр мэт

as NP[ NP ]
Language: mon • Structure: [NP as] • LU:
Types: liknelse
Examples: NP[ Эхнэр ] мэт.

Хойш тавихХойш тавих

Хойш_тавих[ The construction ] describes a situation where a certain subject VP_тавих[ delays ] time until something is completed on its own or procrastinates.
Language: mon • Structure: [AdvP VP] • LU:
      cat="Adverb" name="Хойш"
      cat="Verb" name="тавих" role="Action"
Examples: AdvP[ Хойш ] VP_тавих[ тавих ]. (To delay time)

хувирамтгай NPхувирамтгай хүн

хувирамтгай_NP[ The construction ] illustrates a certain AdjP_хувирамтгай[ quality ] of instability of a certain experiencer.
Language: mon • Structure: [AdjP NP] • LU:
      cat="Adjective" name="хувирамтгай"
      cat="Noun" role="Experiencer"
Examples: AdjP[ хувирамтгай ] NP[ хүн ]. (An unstable man)

Энэ хоёрын, NP-Nom илүү Adj-CompЭнэ хоёрын хар нь илүү дээр'In between (of the two), one is more black than another'

Of the two elements, NP has a more specified distinct feature Adj than the second not mentioned in the construction element.
Language: mon • Structure: Of the two, NP is Adj-comp • LU: илүү|хоёрын
Types: similarity | comparison | cue:between | cue:more
      cat="Prep" lu="Энэ" msd="Prep" name="Энэ"
      cat="Num" lu="хоёрын" msd="Num" name="хоёрын"
      cat="NP" role="Any"
      cat="Prep" lu="илүү" msd="Prep" name="илүү"
      cat="Adj" msd="Adj" Type="Comparative"
Examples: Энэ хоёрын NP-Nom[ хар нь ] илүү Adj-Comp[ дээр ]

юу л болТэр ирэх нь юу л бол

Language: mon • Structure: [barely] • LU:
Examples: Тэр ирэх нь юу л бол

Яаж ч байсан VP-Neg тулдЯаж ч байсан унахгүйн тулд.

Subject tries his or her best not to do some VP-neg[ certain activity ] or not to get overwhelmed by it.
Language: mon • Structure: [How no matter VP-Neg for] • LU:
      cat="Particle" lu="Яаж" msd="Particle=Interrogative" name="Яаж"
      cat="Particle" msd="Particle=Negative" name="ч"
      cat="Noun" name="байсан"
      cat="Verb" msd="Verb" Type="Negative"
      cat="Preposition" name="тулд"
Examples: Яаж ч байсан VP_Neg[ унахгүйн ] тулд. (No matter what, I will not fall down.)

Яасан сайн AdjP бэ?Яасан сайн юм бэ?

Яасан_сайн_AdjP_бэ[ The construction ] emphasizes the degree of the AdjP[ AdjP ].
Language: mon • Structure: [AdvP AdjP Cop] • LU:
      cat="Particle" msd="Particle" Type=Interrogative" name="Яасан"
      cat="Adv" name="сайн"
      cat="Adj" name="Adj"
      cat="Verb" msd="Verb" Type="Auxiliary/Copula" name="бэ"
Examples: AdvP[ Яасан сайн ] AdjP[ юм ] Cop[ бэ ]? (How nice!)

Dutch Constructicon

Team: Mariya Biryukova

BE een [Adj] papierwinkel'to be a [Adj] paper shop'

(neg.) About a situation which involves a lot of documents/bureaucracy
Language: nld • Structure: [[BE] [[een] [([Adj]) [[papierwinkel]]]]] • LU:
Examples: Deze procedure BE[ is ] echt een papierwinkel (This procedure is very bureaucratic)

BE een flinke boterham'a sturdy sandwich'

Describes situations which is effort-consuming
Language: nld • Structure: [[BE] [een flinke boterham]] • LU:
Examples: Dat BE[ is ] een_flinke_boterham[ een flinke boterham ]!(This is an effort-consuming situation!)

BE een vreemde eend in de bijt'to be a weird duck in the cage'

(neg.) to be strange or quirky
Language: nld • Structure: [[BE] een vreemde eend in de bijt] • LU:
Examples: Marco BE[ was ] altijd een vreemde eend in de bijt (Marco always was a strange person)

BE een vreemde vogel'BE a weird bird'

(neg.) to be strange or quirky
Language: nld • Structure: [[BE] [een vreemde vogel]] • LU:
Examples: hij BE[ is ] een vreemde vogel (he is a quirky person)

BE in het spoor van NP'V in the rail track of NP'

To be with the same thought or direction as NP
Language: nld • Structure: [V in het spoor van] [NP] • LU:
Examples: V[ Leven ] in het spoor van NP[ Jezus ] (Living like Jesus)

BE zo gek als een deur'BE crazy as a door'

To be completely crazy
Language: nld • Structure: [[BE] [[zo] [[gek]]] [[als] [[een] [[deur]]]] • LU:
Examples: In onze tienerjaren BE[ waren ] we zo_gek_als_een_deur[ zo gek als een deur ] (In our teenage years, we were completely crazy.)

Bedanken voor NPDe Amerikanen bedanken de turken voor hun hulp

To refuse something
Language: nld • Structure: [Bedanken [voor [NP] ] ] • LU:
Examples: De Amerikanen Bedanken[ bedanken ] de turken voor hun hulp

bij de pinken zijn'to be close to the little finger'

To be in a good mental state (usually used when talking about older people)
Language: nld • Structure: [[[bij] [[[de] [[pinken]]]]] [zijn]] • LU:
Examples: Opa zijn[ is ] nog goed bij_de_pinken[ bij de pinken ] (Grandfather is still in a good mental state)

D appeltje-eitje'D apple-egg.Diminutive'

Describes a task as pleasurable and simple
Language: nld • Structure: [[D] [appeltje-eitje]] • LU:
Examples: D[ Dat ] is appeltje-eitje (it is easy)

D gezond verstand'D healthy mind'

A capability to act according to your own senses, reasoning and experiences.
Language: nld • Structure: [[D] [gezond verstand]] • LU:
Examples: Gebruik je gezond_verstand[ gezond verstand ]. (Just use your own feelings/thoughts/senses in making the decision)

D harde kern'D hard core'

Most motivated or devoted part of a group; used when talking about group of people
Language: nld • Structure: [[D] [harde kern]] • LU:
Examples: D[ De ] harde_kern[ harde kern ] van het team ging na het trainen nog een biertje drinken (The most devoted part of the team went to drink a beer after training.)

D knop omzetten'to switch D button'

To start thinking or acting in a different, more suitable in the given situation way
Language: nld • Structure: [[D knop] [omzetten]] • LU:
Examples: Kom op, we gaan er gewoon wat leuks van maken. Even D_knop[ D[ de ] knop omzetten[ om zetten ]! (Come on, we are going to make something good out of it. Just switch your mind!)

D verborgen agenda'D hidden agenda'

(neg.) ulterior motives
Language: nld • Structure: [[D] [verborgen [agenda]]] • LU:
Examples: Ik heb het idee dat hij er D[ een ] verborgen_agenda[ verborgen agenda ] op nahoudt (I have the idea that he has ulterior motives)

de benen nemen'to take the legs'

to flee away
Language: nld • Structure: [[[de] [[benen]]] [nemen]] • LU:
Types: fixed
Examples: Toen hij hoorde dat hij 50.000 schulden had, nemen[ nam ] hij de_benen[ de benen ] (When he heard he had 50.000 debts, he flew away)

de draad kwijt'to lose the thread'

To be lost in doing something (e.g., in life, story, topic of conversation, etc.)
Language: nld • Structure: [[[[de] [[draad]]]] [kwijt]] • LU:
Examples: ik ben de_draad[ de[ de ] draad van het verhaal kwijt[ kwijt ] (I lost the topic of the story)

een gepeperde rekening'a peppered bill'

Language: nld • Structure: [[een] [[gepeperde] [[rekening]]]] • LU:
Types: fixed
Examples: We verwachten een_gepeperde_rekening[ een geperperde rekening ] om onze auto te repareren (We expect an expensive bill for repairment of our car)

een nobele daad

A deed with good or valuable intentions
Language: nld • Structure: [NP [D een] [NP nobele daad]] • LU:
Examples: Dat is een[ een ] nobele daad van jou (That is a good deed of you.)

Een nobele gedachte'a noble thought'

a thought with good or valuable intentions
Language: nld • Structure: [een nobele gedachte] • LU:
Types: fixed
Examples: Martijn heeft Een[ een ] nobele gedachte (Martijn’s intentions are good)

garen spinnen bij NP'spinning yarn with NP'

To profit from NP
Language: nld • Structure: [[[garen] spinnen] [bij [NP]]] • LU:
Examples: PVV spinnen[ spint ] garen[ garen ] bij NP[ de ] rechtbank (PVV (political party) profits with a help of the court)

Geknipt BE voor NP'cut are for NP'

To be meant for NP
Language: nld • Structure: [Geknipt BE voor NP] • LU:
Examples: Je BE[ bent ] Geknipt[ geknipt ] voor NP[ mij ] (You are meant for me)

Gellukkig voelen'to feel lucky-like'

To feel happy
Language: nld • Structure: [[gellukkig] [voelen]] • LU:
Types: fixed
Examples: Ik voelen[ voel ] me gellukkig[ gellukkig ] (I feel happy)

hebben gezien NP

(neg.) being done with NP; having enough of NP
Language: nld • Structure: [[hebben gezien] [NP]] • LU:
Examples: Ik hebben[ heb ] het gezien met hem

kattenkwaad uithalen'acting in a cat angry way'

to do a mischief
Language: nld • Structure: [Kattenkwaad uithalen] • LU:
Types: fixed
Examples: Heb jij nooit kattenkwaad[ kattenkwaad ] uithalen[ uithalen ] in je jeugd? (Haven’t you ever done mischiefs in your youth?)

komen niet van de grondHet overleg komt niet van de grond

To be unable to move or to be moved
Language: nld • Structure: [[komen niet] [van [[de] [grond]]]] • LU:
Examples: Het overleg komen[ komt ] niet van de grond

kort door de bocht'short through the corner'

without nuance
Language: nld • Structure: [kort [[door] [[de] [[bocht]]]] • LU:
Examples: Dat is erg kort[ kort ] door_de_bocht[ door de bocht ] gedacht (That is really a thought without nuance)

kwade tongenangry tongues

An expression which characterizes group of people who spreads gossips
Language: nld • Structure: [[kwade] [tongen]] • LU:
Examples: kwade[ Kwade ] tongen zeggen dat Mark Rutte vreemd ging (Rumour has it that Mark Rutte is cheating on his girlfriend)

NP BE een klap in POSS gezicht'NP BE a slap in POSS face'

NP is shocking someone whose face is mentioned and affects personal feel-ings of that person
Language: nld • Structure: [[NP] [BE] [[een klap] [[in] [POSS gezicht]]]] • LU:
Examples: NP[ Dat ] BE[ is ] een klap in POSS[ mijn ] gezicht (That situation shocked me)

NP BE Ijzig kalm'NP BE icily cold'

NP is calm in a superior, uncomfortable (for the other party) manner.
Language: nld • Structure: [[NP] [BE Ijzig kalm]] • LU:
Types: adjective copula construction
Examples: Toen Harry zijn bezem brak, BE[ was ] NP[ McGonagall ] ijzig_kalm[ ijzig kalm ] (When Harry broke his broom, McGonagall was icily calm)

NP BE snel aangebrand'NP BE quickly burned'

NP has a tendancy to get annoyed quickly
Language: nld • Structure: [[NP] [BE] [snel [aangebrand]]] • LU:
Examples: NP[ Rinke ] BE[ is ] snel aangebrand (Rinke is quickly annoyed)

NP BE van de baan'NP BE away from the road'

NP will not be continued (when talking about a plan or an idea)
Language: nld • Structure: [[NP] [BE] [van [de baan]] • LU:
Examples: NP[ Het plan ] BE[ is ] van de baan (The plan will not be continued)

NP BE van het padje'NP BE van het padje'

NP is departing from usual or accepted standards (when talking about a person)
Language: nld • Structure: [[NP] [BE [[van] [het padje]]]] • LU:
Examples: NP[ Hij ] BE[ is ] van het padje (He is lost (mentally))

NP de les lezen'to read NP the lesson'

To learn NP something (in a parenting way)
Language: nld • Structure: [[NP] [[de les] [lezen]]] • LU:
Examples: lezen[ Lees ] NP[ me ] niet zo de_les[ de les ]! (Don’t teach me a lesson in this way!)

NP in de ijskast zetten'to set NP in the fridge'

Put NP away for a later time, postpone; applies to ideas, possible actions, abstract objects
Language: nld • Structure: [[NP] [[in de ijskast] [zetten]]] • LU:
Examples: Laten we NP[ het plan ] voor nu in_de_ijskast_[ in de ijskast zetten[ zetten ] (Let’s put the plan away for now)

NP kunnen POSS ei kwijt'NP can lose POSS egg'

NP can express himself (his creativity, ideas)
Language: nld • Structure: [[NP] [kunnen [POSS ei] kwijt]] • LU:
Examples: NP[ Hij ] kunnen[ kan ] POSS[ zijn ] ei kwijt (He can express himself)

NP niets aan hebben'nothing on NP to have'

NP is useless
Language: nld • Structure: [[NP] [[niets] [aan hebben]]] • LU:
Examples: Als ik dorst heb, dan hebben[ heb ] ik niets aan NP[ eten ] (When I’m thirsty, food is useless for me)

NP op de plank leggen'to lay NP on the shelf'

Put NP away for a later time, postpone; applies to ideas, possible actions, abstract objects
Language: nld • Structure: [[NP] [op de plank] [leggen]] • LU: leggen|plank
Types: verb argument construction | constant argument | cue:lie
Examples: Rutte leggen[ legt ] NP[ de uitvoering van het Oekraine-referendum ] op_de_plank[ op de plank ] (Rutte postpones to act according to the Oekraine-referendum)

NP staan op de agenda'NP stands on the agenda'

NP is scheduled
Language: nld • Structure: [NP [staan [op de agenda]]] • LU: staan|agenda
Examples: staan[ Staat ] NP[ de afspraak ] op de agenda? (NP stands on the agenda)

NP voor paal staan'NP stands for pole'

NP is awkward, and other people see it
Language: nld • Structure: [NP [[voor paal] staan]]] • LU:
Types: verb argument construction | constant argument | cue:stand
Examples: Tijdens de TV-opnamen staan[ stond ] NP[ ik ] voor_paal[ voor paal ] (During the television recordings, I looked awkward)

NP vallen NP.Location in goede aarde'NP to fall NP.Location in good earth'

NP.Location represents a favourable environment for NP1
Language: nld • Structure: [[NP1] vallen NP2[Location] [in goede aarde]] • LU: aarde|vallen
Types: verb argument construction | constant argument | cue:fall
Examples: We verwachten dat we in [Kopenhagen]NP2[Location] in geode aarde [zullen vallen]vallen (We expect that Kopenhagen will be good for us)

opzwepen NP'to whip up NP'

To urge, encourage NP
Language: nld • Structure: [[Opzwepen] [NP]] • LU:
Examples: Hij opzwepen[ zweepte ] NP[ de menigte ] opzwepen[ op ] om naar het plein te gaan (He was encouraging the crowd to go to the square)

REFL vinden in NP'REFL find in NP.Abstract'

To like an abstract object NP
Language: nld • Structure: [[REFL] [vinden] [in [NP]]] • LU:
Examples: Ik kan REFL[ me ] NP[ daar wel ] in vinden[ vinden ] (I like the idea)

Scharen achter NP • 'to arrange behind NP'

to support an abstract object NP
Language: nld • Structure: [[Scharen] [achter [NP]]] • LU:
Examples: Wij [scharen]scharen ons [[achter]achter [dit idee]NP ] (We support this idea)

Trekken PRO RP aan

To feel offended; to be touched, moved by something
Language: nld • Structure: [[Trekken] [PRO REFL aan]] • LU:
Examples: Trekken[ Trek ] het je niet aan

V als een ketter'liken an atheist'

To persistently and compulsively use a substance known by the user to be harmful
Language: nld • Structure: [[V] [als een ketter]] • LU:
Examples: V[ Zuipen ] als een ketter (To drink heavily)

vallen onder NP

To belong to NP (a certain category)
Language: nld • Structure: [vallen [onder NP]] • LU:
Examples: Mariya vallen[ valt ] onder economische zaken

vreemdgaanto go weird

To commit adultery, to have an extramarital affair
Language: nld • Structure: [vreemgaan] • LU:
Examples: Jij vreemdgaan[ gaat vreemd ] met Lisellota (You are cheating on your girflriend with Lisellota)

zetel innemen'to conquer seat (zetel is an old-fashioned name for a luxurious seat)'

To start at an official function
Language: nld • Structure: [[zetel] [innemen]] • LU:
Examples: De penningmeester innemen[ neemt ] vanaf nu zetel[ zetel ] als Directeur (The treasurer takes seat as director from now on)

zien NP door de vingers'to see NP through the fingers'

To allow a not very desirable sitution NP to occur
Language: nld • Structure: [[zien] [NP] [door de vingers]] • LU:
Examples: Voor deze ene keer zien[ zie ] ik NP[ het door ] de vingers (I’ll allow it for this single time)

Zien NP voor PRO'to see NP for PRO'

Capability of the person mentioned in PRO to imagine NP
Language: nld • Structure: [[Zien] [NP] [voor [PRO]]] • LU:
Examples: Ik zien[ zie ] NP[ het ] helemaal ] voor PRO[ me ] (I can imagine it (I like it))

zien NP zitten'to see NP sitting'

to have faith in NP
Language: nld • Structure: [[zien] [NP [zitten]]] • LU:
Examples: Ik zien[ zie ] NP[ het ] zitten[ niet zitten ] (I don’t have faith in it.)

zijn te bezopen voor woorden

Language: nld • Structure: [[zijn te bezopen] [voor woorden]] • LU:
Examples: Het feit dat je iedere keer je pas moet inleveren om een sleutel te krijgen van de bibliotheek van HSE zijn[ is ] te bezopen voor woorden

zitten bij NP'to sit close to NP'

To belong to a social group NP
Language: nld • Structure: [zitten bij NP] • LU:
Examples: Ik zitten[ zit ] bij NP[ de PVDA ] (I am a member of the PVDA (Dutch political party))

zitten in NP'to sit in NP'

to belong to a social group NP
Language: nld • Structure: [zitten [in [NP]]] • LU: zitten
Types: verb argument construction
Examples: Ik zitten[ zit ] in NP[ de derde klas ] (I’m in the third grade)

zitten PRO bovenop'to sit above PRO'

To have control over PRO
Language: nld • Structure: [Zitten [[PRO] bovenop]] • LU: zitten
Types: verb argument construction | cue:sit
Examples: Ik zitten[ zit ] PRO[ er ] bovenop (I am having control over it)

Serbian Constructicon

Team: Kirill Milintsevich, Alla Tambovtseva, Jake Perl, Varvara Guts

[NP] je za VP-InfOn je za ubiti. • 'Somebody wants to murder him.'

This construction has a modal meaning (like "haben + zu-Inf" in German).
Language: srp • Structure: [([NP]) [VP [je za V-Inf]]] • LU: za|je
Types: modality | cue:be
      cat="V" name="je"
      cat="PREP" name="za"
      cat="noun phrase" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="verb phrase" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="verb phrase" name="Stative_verb" role="Stative_verb"
Examples: Realno je za[ je za ] Stative_verb[ ocekivati ] da Agent[ Srpskoj privredi ] u bliskoj buducnosti krene daleko, daleko bolje nego zemljama u EU i u nasem okruzenju. (In fact, we should expect that the Serbian economy will grow in the near future, far better than EU-countries and our neighbors.) • Ovo je za[ je za ] ne Stative_verb[ verovati ] sta im je palo na pamet. (We should not believe what they thought about it.) • Jer, sve što je Bog stvorio dobro je, i ništa je za[ nije za ] Action[ odbaciti ] ako se uzima uz zahvaljivanje. (Everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if taken with thanksgiving.) • Jos se ne zna njegova snaga ali je za[ je za ] Stative_verb[ ocekivati ] da bude vise verzija ali nikako ispod 100 KS i 170 Nm. (It is not known whether his power is expected to be several versions but not more than 100 hp and 170 Nm.) • Skoro da je za[ je za ] ne Stative_verb[ verovati ] a sve deluje i licemerno, jer od 15 projekata sa kojima je Savez amatera konkurisao kod Ministarstva kulture, za ovu godinu prihvaćen je jedan jedini i to onaj za Smotru recitatora u Valjevu. (It is almost not to believe, and all the works and hypocritical, because of the 15 projects with which the Alliance amateurs competed with the Ministry of Culture, this year adopted a single, and one for the Festival narrator in Valjevo.)

brinuti o N-Locbrinuti o pacijentima • 'care for patients'

To care for somebody who is not able to care for themselves.
Language: srp • Structure: [brinuti [PP [o NP]]] • LU: o
Types: government
      cat="V" name="brinuti"
      cat="PREP" name="o"
      cat="noun phrase" name="Patient" role="Patient"
Examples: Trudili su se da nas ubede, kako su upravo oni ti koji će najbolje brinuti o Patient[ nama ]. (They tried to convince us that they are the ones that will take care of us in the best way.) • U sve tri klinike osetio sam da kliničari pokazuju saosećajnost i da brinu o Patient[ svojim pacijentima ]. (In all three clinics I felt that clinicians show compassion and care for their patients). • Od devedesetih je ustanova je proširila delatnosti i prerasla je u renomiranu ustanovu koja edukuje, podstiče kreativnost i brine o Patient[ niškim mališanima ]. (Since the nineties, the Foundation has expanded its activities and has grown into a renowned institution that educates, encourages creativity and care for NIS children.) • Gnezdi se od aprila do maja, nese od 5 do 6 belih jaja, roditelji sede na jajima dve nedelje i zajedno brinu o Patient[ mladima ]. (It nests from April to May, lays 5 to 6 white eggs, parents sit on the eggs for two weeks, and together take care of the young.)

brinuti za N-Accbrinuti za svoje dete • 'care for your child'

To care for somebody/something who you love/find important.
Language: srp • Structure: [brinuti [PP [za NP]]] • LU: za
Types: verb argument construction | cue:care_for
      cat="V" name="brinuti"
      cat="PREP" name="za"
      cat="noun phrase" name="Patient" role="Patient"
Examples: Treba se brinuti za Patient[ umetnost čitanja i čvrstiti] je. (He should take care of the art of reading.) • Činjenica da ste nas primili i da nas ispraćate danas govori o tome kako brinete za razvoj Patient[ školskog sporta ]. (The fact that you see us today confirms how much we care for the development of school sport.) • U više od 20 zemalja širom sveta, Techem brine za Patient[ ekonomičnu upotrebu energije ] i to na osnovu merenja, fer raspodele i obračuna stvarne potrošnje energije i vode. (In more than 20 countries worldwide, Techem cares for the economical use of energy on the basis of measurements, fair distribution and calculation of actual energy and water consumption.) • Lepo je što brinete za Patient[ brata ]. (It is nice that you care for his brother.) • Pregled zaliha i narudžbina je brz i jednostavan, vrsta automatizovanih postupaka brine za Patient[ optimalno stanje robe i zalihe ]. (Viewing shares and orders is quick and easy, it is a kind of automated procedures caring for the optimum condition of goods and supplies.)

COPULA PRON-shortAko ti je potreban moj udžbenik, možeš da ga uzmeš. • 'If you need my textbook, then you can take it'

Copulative phrase
Language: srp • Structure: [COPULA PRON] • LU:
Types: copulative

da li to [AdvP] VP?Da li to uopće treba proći? • 'Is it really necessary to go?'

The construction is used to pose a question about somebody/something which causes doubt.
Language: srp • Structure: [da li to ([AdvP]) [VP]]? • LU: to
Types: question
      cat="PART" name="da"
      cat="PART" name="li"
      cat="PRON" name="to"
      cat="verb phrase" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="verb phrase" name="Stative_Verb" role="Stative_Verb"
Examples: Deca vole da slušaju svoje roditelje kako pevaju, bez obzira _[ da li to perfektno Action[ zvuči ]. (Children love to listen to their parents singing, no matter how perfect or not they sound.) • Voditelj: Mi ćemo nadam se, imati i živa svedočenja, ispovesti, korisna iskustva od ljudi koji su prošli ili prolaze kroz čitav ovaj proces, jer nikada ne znate _[ da li to sutra Stative_Verb[ možete biti vi ili neko od vaših bližnjih. (Leader: We will hopefully have a living testimony, confessions, useful experience from people who have gone through or are going through this whole process, because you never know whether tomorrow it will be you or any of your close.) • Šta ja to radim i _[ da li to dobro Action?[ radim ] (What am I doing, and is it right?)

hteti ili neSve mi koristimo šminku, htele mi to ili ne. • 'We all do makeup, whether we wanted it or not'.

This construction with a null-subject is used to tell somebody that they must do something.
Language: srp • Structure: [[hteti NP to ili Neg][[NP] [VP]] • LU: ne
Types: idiom
      cat="V" name="hteti"
      cat="CONJ" name="ili"
      cat="NEG" name="ne"
      cat="noun phrase" name="Agent" role="Agent"
Examples: Pisala sam kako je, iznad svega, najviše loše što Srbija zvanično ignoriše činjenicu da ono kosovsko društvo (u kojem Agent[ Srbi ] u ovom trenutku, hteti ili ne[ hteli ili ne ] moraju da učestvuju) ipak gradi neki sistem grozan. (I wrote that, above all, the worst is that Serbia officially ignores the fact that the Kosovo's society (in which the Serbs, at this point, whether they want it or not, have to participate), however, builds its system.)Agent[ Vlada ] ima mogućnost po ugovoru da sankcioniše, da li hteti ili ne[ hoće ili neće ] ja se nadam da neće, očekujem da ipak počnemo sa izgradnjom stanova za socijalno stanovanje", kaže Nikolić. (The government has the ability to sanction under the contract, whether it will want it or not, I hope they will not, however, I expect to start with the construction of social housing, says Nikolić.)Agent[ RTS Aleksinački gimnazijalci ] hteti ili ne[ hteli ili ne ] moraju da budu iskreni prema roditeljima kada su u pitanju ocene i izostanci iz škole. (RTS Aleksinački gimnazijalci, whether they wanted or not, have to be honest with their parents when it comes to grades and absences from school.) • Da li će Agent[ sadašnja Vlada ] da ispoštuje Ustav, to nije pitanje da li hteti ili ne[ hoće ili ne ] to je obaveza Vlade i mi ćemo nastojati da se to i ostvari. (Will the current government comply with the Constitution, it is not a question of whether they want it or not, it is the responsibility of the government and we will try to make that happen.)

jedan NPjedna vrata • 'a door'

Although there are no articles in Serbian, jedan (jedna, jedno) is sometimes used in place of an indefinite article, regardless the grammatical number of a noun.
Language: srp • Structure: [Adj NP] • LU: jedan
Types: irregular_agreement
      cat="NUM" name="jedan"
      cat="noun phrase" name="Theme/Patient" role="Theme/Patient"
Examples: Otvorila su se jedna Theme[ vrata ]. (A door opened.) • Ali nikada nisam bacila ni jedno Patient[ mace ], macku ili macora. (But I never threw away a cat, a kitten or a pussycat.) • Svim tim potezima brojnih Papa kroz istoriju, uprkos na prvi pogled dobroj nameri, ipak je zajedničko bilo jedno Theme[ žrtve ] genocida su ih percipirale kao neiskrene i alibi reakcije.(All these moves Papa did throughout history, at first glance, seemed to be of good faith, however, it is common to think that victims of genocide were perceived as vitims of injustice.)

kako ADVDa volite hladno pivo? Kako kad. • 'Do you like cold beer? It depends.'

Adverbial phrase that means "it depends".
Language: srp • Structure: [kako ADV] • LU: kako
Types: dependency
      cat="ADV" name="kako"
      cat="ADV" name="ADV" role="Time/Place"
Examples: Ista fabrika samo zgrada druga, u kancelarijama po dvoje, troje kako Place[ gde ], ali sve u staklu.(The factory is just another building with the offices of two or three, it depends where, and all of the glass). • Ali su problemi ostali priblizno isti, naime, desava se da se racunar, nasumicno, sam od sebe resetuje posle nekog vremena, nije u nekom pravilnom vremenskom intervalu, nego kako Time[ kad ]. (But the same problems remained, in fact, the computer randomly resets itself after a time, not with a proper time interval, from time to time). • Pobeda sa 2:0 kod kuce protiv lidera lige, posle rucka u restoranu brze hrane. Ima ih više. Kako Time[ kad ]. (The victory 2: 0 at home against the league of leaders, after lunch at a fast food restaurant. There is more. From time to time.)

ko to ne VPKo to ne zna! • 'Everyone knows it.'

A verbal phrase meaning that everyone does the action described by the verb
Language: srp • Structure: [S [N Ko] [VP [N to] [VP [NEG ne][V zna]]]] • LU: ne
Types: intensification
      cat="N" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="N" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      cat="particle" name="ne"
Examples: Experiencer[ Ko ] Theme[ to ne želi ]! • Experiencer[ Ko ] Theme[ to ne voli ]! • Experiencer[ Ko ] Theme[ to ne vidi ]!

NP-Nom kao NP-NomDečak kao dečak • 'An ordinary boy.'

Describes somebody/something of some kind being absolutely typical for this kind.
Language: srp • Structure: [N kao N] • LU: kao
Types: similarity | reduplication | cue:as
      cat="CONJ" name="kao"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: To što vi nazivate rupom od Subotice je moj rodni grad koji mi je veoma drag ( Theme[ grad ] kao Theme[ grad ] ). (That is what you call a hole from Subotica is my hometown that I was very fond of, an ordinary city.) • Pričaju, šale se. Gledam ih onako izbliza. Theme[ Ljudi ] kao Theme[ ljudi ] : ne vidiš šta ih iznutra grize. (They talk, joke. I look at them as closely. Typical people: you do not see what is biting them inside.)Theme[ Knjiga ] kao Theme[ knjiga ], pa, zaista je dobar temelj i veoma sam uživao u čitanju originala na engleskom. (An ordinary book, but it is really a very good basis and I enjoyed reading the original in English.)

na to je [NP] VPNa to je u pozitivnom smislu uticala supruga • 'My wife influenced that positively'

The construction is used to underline something.
Language: srp • Structure: [na to je ([NP]) [VP]] • LU: je
Types: je-phrase
      cat="Prep" name="na"
      cat="Pron" name="to"
      cat="V" name="je"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: na to je [NP] VP[ Na to je Lazarevic Ivana Action[ odgovorila ] da su podrzani iz Ministarstva sektor za osobe sa invaliditetom, dali su im dosta materijala za rad ]. (Ivana Lazarevic replied that they supported the Ministry sector for people with disabilities, gave them plenty of material to work with.)

nacin NP-GenNacin porodičnog života • 'Such is family life'

Literally, "nacin" is a noun which means "way of doing something". If it is used with NP-Gen, it can form a construction similiar to "takov je".
Language: srp • Structure: [nacin NP-Gen] • LU: nacin
Types: genitive

ne ide VPA kako da završim? Ne ide da napišem neki pozdrav...• 'And how to finish [letter]? Usually people do not write greetings...'

Verb phrase used to express the idea that usually people do not do something this way or that is not the normal way of things.
Language: srp • Structure: [ne ide da VP] • LU: da
Types: non-typical_action
      cat="PART" name="ne"
      cat="V" name="ide"
      cat="CONJ" name="da"
      cat="verb phrase" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Ali kako nama _[ ne ide da Action[ pohvalimo ] Theme[ ništa što je iole vredno hvale ], tako se autor ovag lepog i iskrenog teksta našao ocrnjen. (Since people usually do not praise anything that is even remotely worth praise, the author of this beautiful and sincere text was vilified.) • Uz svo postovanje njihovih opredeljenja, nekako mi _[ ne ide da Agent[ dete ] Action[ ima ] Theme[ dva oca ]. (With all due respect for their commitments, usually a child does not have two fathers.) • Vazda Jer, _[ ne ide da Action[ pustim ] Patient[ čoveka ] da se previja od bolova pred mojim vratima dok ne svane. (Because usually it is not normal to let a man writhe in pain at my door until daybreak.)

NP bolije od NP-GenOn je muškarac bolije od tebe. • 'He is a real man unlike you.'

An expression used to compare two things (somebody/something is more somebody/something).
Language: srp • Structure: [NP [bolije.V [od NP-Gen]]] • LU: od
Types: contrast
      cat="ADV" name="bolije"
      cat="PREP" name="od"
      cat="noun phrase" name="Reason" role="Reason"
Examples: Polovina ljudi preko 50 godina, a najčešće žene, _[ bolije od ove Reason[ bolesti ]. (Half of people over 50 years, and most women, more often from this disease.)

NP je svoj čovjekOn je svoj čovjek. • 'He is his own man.'

Phrase used to indicate that somebody is not controlled by anyone.
Language: srp • Structure: [[NP] [je [svoj čovjek]]] • LU: čovjek
Types: idiomatic_expression
      cat="NP" name="NP" role="Theme"
      cat="V" name="je"
      cat="PRON" name="svoj"
      cat="N" name="čovjek"
Examples: Ako si " Property[ svoj čovek ] " i ako znas sta zelis, teze ce te neko zaje avati, maltretirati i sl. Treba da tezimo da se uzdignemo kao drustvo, da ne bismo do kraja vremena mrzeli jedni druge. • Theme[ Msm da je vreme da pocnes da budes ' ] Property[ svoj čovek ] ' a ne izmanipulisani pion u Covicevim i Paukovim rukoma... bas zbog dobrobiti te nase Srpske kosarke.

NP nemamo gde da VP-InfHleb nemamo gde staviti • 'There is no place to put the bread'

The construction serves to express the idea that there is no place for something.
Language: srp • Structure: [[NP] [VP[nemamo gde (da) V-Inf]]] • LU: gde
Types: negation | predicative | cue:have
      cat="Adv" name="nemamo"
      cat="Conj" name="gde"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: U krajnjem slučaju, i da imamo, NP nemamo gde da VP-Inf[ nemamo gde da Action[ detektujemo ] ] i NP nemamo gde da VP-Inf[ nemamo gde da Action[ ispitamo ] ] (In extreme case, we have no place to detect and no place to examine.) • Cesto se desi da se zimi smrznem, da NP nemamo gde da VP-Inf[ nemamo gde da Action[ se sakrijemo ] od niske temperature ]. (It is often so that in winter there's no place to hide from cold temperatures.) • Zelenović je dodao da je “uzaludno praviti velike filmove, ako NP nemamo gde da VP-Inf[ nemamo gde i kome da ih Action[ prikažemo ] ]“. (Zelenović added that it was "futile to make great movies if you do not have a place and somebody to show them“.) • Mi se NP nemamo gde da VP-Inf[ nemamo gde ljudi Action[ vratiti ] ] nemamo mi više ničega, naša jedina mesta su groblja i crkva. (We do not have where to return people, I do not have nothing left, only cemeteries and the church). • Najgore je to što NP nemamo gde da VP-Inf[ nemamo gde da ga Action[ prodamo ] ]. (The worst is that we have no place to sell.)

NP više voljeti NP [nego NP]Želimo vas večeras odvesti na neku predstavu. Ili možda više volite koncerte? • 'We want to take you to the play tonight. Or maybe you prefer concerts?'

Verbal phrase used to express preference. Part in parentheses is optional; it is used to indicate that agent prefers one thing to another.
Language: srp • Structure: [[NP] [više voljeti] [NP] ([nego NP])] • LU: nego
Types: volition | comparison | verb argument construction | cue:want
      aux="sometimes omitted, defined by verb form" cat="noun phrase" name="NP" role="Agent"
      cat="V" name="više"
      cat="V" name="voljeti"
      cat="NP" name="NP" role="Theme"
      cat="Conj" name="nego"
      cat="noun phrase" name="NP" role="Comparee"
Examples: Mali ali tehnicar se pokazuje kao istina, prakticno znaci da su Agent[ zene ] uvek VP[ više volele ] Theme[ male tehnicare ] na duge staze. • Vi kazete da prva fraza nije iskrena. Da li biste Agent[ ] VP[ više voleli ] Theme[ iskrenost i drugu frazu ] u jednom paketu? • Sta ce biti ovaj put, niko ne zna, ali se nadam da je jos ostalo Agent[ Srba ] koji VP[ više vole ] Theme[ cast ] nego Comparee[ vlast ] • Probao sam onu kalkulaciju sa svim komponentama i trebalo bi da moze, ali bih VP[ više voleo ] Theme[ savet iz izkustva ] • Cigarete moraju da kostaju najmanje 200 dinara po paklici. A Agent[ oni sto ] VP[ više vole ] Theme[ cigarete ] od hleba ne treba ni pogledati.

NP|VP ne za NP-GenPije ne za tebe • 'You cannot drink much, because you quickly get drunk'

The construction is used to recommend somebody not to do something.
Language: srp • Structure: [NP|VP ne za NP-Gen] • LU: tebe
Types: negation | idiom
      cat="NEG" name="ne"
      cat="PREP" name="za"
      cat="PRON" name="tebe"
      cat="noun phrase" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      cat="noun phrase" name="Event" role="Event"
Examples: Theme[ Reklama ] sam rekao ne za NP-Gen[ ne za tebe ] (You said that advertisement is not for you.) • Odgovorit ću ti jednostavno: Event[ Brak ] ne za NP-Gen[ nije za tebe ] (I'll just tell you that marriage is not for you.) • Nakon što sam prošao godinu i pol dana u braku, nedavno sam došao do zaključka da Event[ brak ] ne za NP-Gen[ nije za mene ] (After a year and a half in marriage, I recently came to the conclusion that marriage is not for me.)

okrugli sto о NP-LocOrganizovan je okrugli sto o budućnosti Kosova. • 'A round table discussion on the future of Kosovo was organised.'

The construction means a round table discussion concerning a particular subject.
Language: srp • Structure: [NP [о NP-Loc]] • LU: o
Types: government
      cat="ADJ" name="okrugli"
      cat="N" name="sto"
      cat="PREP" name="o"
      cat="noun phrase" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: Organizovan je okrugli[ okrugli ] sto[ sto ] o Theme[ slobodnom pristupu informacijama ] Društvene mreže i knjižnice u organizaciji Komisije za slobodan pristup informacijama i slobodu izražavanja. (Round Table on Free Access to Information, Social networks and Libraries organized by the Commission for free access to information and freedom of expression was organized).okrugli[ Okrugli ] sto[ sto ] o Theme[ nacrtu Nacionalnog plana za upravljanje medicinskim otpadom u Republici Srbiji ] Beograd 25. jun 2011. (Round table on the draft National Plan for the management of medical waste in the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, 25 June 2011). • Pokrajinski savet za izbegla, prognana i raseljena lica, u saradnji sa Udruženjem penzionera iz Hrvatske, u Izvršnom veću AP Vojvodine, organizovao je okrugli[ okrugli ] sto[ sto ] o Theme[ Problemima i položaju penzionera iz Repulike Hrvatske ] (Provincial Council for Refugees, Expelled and Displaced Persons, in cooperation with the Association of Croatian pensioners and the Executive Council of AP Vojvodina, organized a roundtable on the problems and the situation of pensioners from the Croatian Republic).

otkad VERB za sebeOtkad znam za sebe, volim more. • 'As long as I can remember, I’ve loved the sea.'

Introductory phrase used to emphasize the source of information (person) that means ‘with regard to'.
Language: srp • Structure: [otkad [V za sebe]] • LU: sebe
Types: opinion
      cat="ADV" name="otkad"
      aux="omitted in construction (defined by verb form)" cat="N" name="Cognizer" role="Cognizer"
      cat="PREP" name="za"
      cat="PRON" name="sebe" role="Source"
Examples: Otkad znam ] Cognizer[ ] za Source[ sebe ], najvise sam se druzila sa decacima. (As I can remember, I was mostly hanging out with boys.) • Beograd je, otkad zna ] Cognizer[ ] za Source[ sebe ], prostor žudnje severa i juga, istoka i zapada. (Belgrade, as she can remember, is a place uniting north and south, east and west.) • Nema gore sreće dok se žica ne remontuje, a to najavljuju otkad znam ] Cognizer[ ] za Source[ sebe ]. (There is no worse fortune when the wire is not repaired, just to announce, as I know.) • Otkad znam ] Cognizer[ ] za Source[ sebe ], košarka je sastavni deo mog života i mogu reći da sam odrastao u zdravoj sportskoj atmosferi. (As I remember, basketball is a part of my life and I can say that I grew up in a healthy sporting atmosphere.)

po NUM NImamo po jednog psa • 'Each of us has one dog'

Po before a numeral means 'so-and-so many apiece/each'
Language: srp • Structure: [PP [P po][NP jednog psa]] • LU: po
Types: numeral
      cat="P" name="po"
      cat="Num" name="Numeral" role="Numeral"
      cat="N" name="Object" role="Object"
Examples: Terzijsko zanimanje počelo se postepeno gubiti a preuzimale su ga neke abadžije, koji su imale po[ po ] Numeral[ jednog ] Object[ radnika ] na tim poslovima. • Jedine izmene u nastavnom planu tiču se, sasvim minimalnog, premeštanja po[ po ] Numeral[ jednog ] Object[ predmeta ] sa II na I i sa III na II godinu studija, kako bi se obezbedilo ravnomernije opterećenje studenata po godinama. • Svaka država ima po[ po ] Numeral[ jednog ] Object[ predstavnika ] na nivou ministarstava. • Stepandić je prvih 20 godina trenerske karijere (1978 - 1998 ) proveo radeći u rodnom Šapcu, sa izuzetkom po[ po ] Numeral[ jedne ] Object[ sezone ] u osječkoj Slavoniji i podgoričkoj Budućnosti. • John Stuart Mill je u Potčinjenosti žena napisao da po zakonu više nema robova, osim po[ po ] Numeral[ jedne ] Object[ žene ] u svakoj kući.

ponovo je VPPonovo je počeо • 'Oh no, you did it again'

In this case, adverb "ponovo" has a negative meaning. The construction is used by a person who thinks that you do something wrong.
Language: srp • Structure: [ponovo je VP] • LU: je
Types: je-phrase
      cat="ADV" name="ponovo"
      cat="V" name="je"
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: Ponovo je Agent[ Miha ] pokazao da mu je Theme[ karakter ]. (Again Miha showed his character).Agent[ Ironija sudbine ] ponovo je otvorila rane Patient[ nesrećnoj Branki i njenom sinu Nenadu, koji su u jednom danu ostali bez tri člana porodice ] (The irony of fate once again opened the wound of unfortunate Branka and her son Nenad, who in one day lost three family members).Agent[ Argentina ] je ponovo je zatražila Theme[ razgovore sa Velikom Britanijom oko suvereniteta Folklandskih ostrva ] (Argentina again demanded negotiations with Britain on the sovereignty of Falkland islands).

prema NPPrema Londonu Zagreb je malen i ugodan za pješake. • 'Compared to London, Zagreb is small and convenient for pedestrians.'

Prepositional phrase used to compare two objects ("compared to NP").
Language: srp • Structure: [prema [NP]] • LU: prema
Types: kontrast | prepositional | comparison
      cat="PREP" name="prema"
      cat="NP" name="Comparee" role="Comparee"
Examples: Prema Comparee[ Londonu ] Theme[ Zagreb ] je malen i ugodan za pješake.

radi se o NP-LocRadi se o minimalnim razlikam. • 'It is about minimal difference between...'

The construction "radi se o..." is used to introduce the topic of the sentence and can be translated as 'it concerns'.
Language: srp • Structure: [radi se o NP-Loc] • LU: o
Types: verb | idiom
      cat="V" name="radi"
      cat="PRON" name="se"
      cat="noun phrase" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: radi se o NP-Loc[ Radi se o ] Theme[ posebnim političkim ] (It's about specific policy.)radi se o NP-Loc[ Radi se o ] Theme[ pitanjima unapredenja ] (It's about the matters of improvement.)radi se o NP-Loc[ Radi se o ] Theme[ subvencijama od po 130000 ]. (It's about subsidies in the amount of 130000.)radi se o NP-Loc[ Radi se o ] Theme[ zakonu velikih brojeva ] (It's about the Law of large numbers.)radi se o NP-Loc[ Radi se o ] Theme[ obezbedjivanju ustavom ] (It's about providing constitution.)

NP samo što nije NP/VPSamo što nije venčanje • 'The wedding is in the near future'

The construction is used to express that something is in the near future.
Language: srp • Structure: [samo što Neg VP] • LU: nije
Types: negation | idiom
      cat="ADV" name="samo"
      cat="CONJ" name="što"
      cat="NEG" name="nije"
      cat="VP" name="Event" role="Phase"
      cat="NumP" name="Time" role="Time"
      cat="NP" name="Patient" role="Patient"
Examples: Patient[ Nova Godina ] samo što nije[ samo što nije ] Phase[ zakucala na vrata ]. (New Year is soon). • Postojeće stanje je bilo takvo da je novoprojektovana dnevna soba bila prazna, umesto kuhinje i trpezarije je bila dnevna soba sa kuhinjom i trpezarijom, a Patient[ spavaća ] soba je bila gde i sad samo što nije[ samo što nije ] Phase[ bila adekvatno iskorišćena ]. (The situation was such that the newly designed living room was empty, instead of kitchen and dining room, there was a living room with a kitchen and a dining room, a sleeping room is about to be used properly.).Time[ 11. novembar ] samo što nije[ samo što nije ] Phase[ stigao ], a sa njim i punokrvni nastavak The Elder Scrolls sage koja traje već skoro 10 godina. (11th November is about to arrive together with a fully fledged sequel 'The Elder Scrolls saga' that has lasted for almost 10 years.). • Iz dana u dan, a neretko iz sata u sat, stizale su informacije da Patient[ uplata ] samo što nije[ samo što nije ] Phase[ izvršena ] ili da je vec bila pa je neko drugi vec novac podigao ili da je greškom preko neke druge, a ne njihove banke uplaceno itd. (From day to day, often from hour to hour, the information appeared that the payment was about to be executed but it was someone else who raised more money, or due to some mistake, not their bank etc.) • Znamo da Event[ predizborna euforija ] samo što nije[ samo sto nije ] Phase[ pocela ]. (We know that the elections are about to start.)

DiscourseUnit - što da ne-Hočešʹ da se malo prošetamo? - Što da ne. • '- Don't you want to walk for a while? - Why not.'

Phrase used to express agreement ("why not").
Language: srp • Structure: [što da ne] • LU: ne
Types: što-phrase | agreement | reaction | discourse_pattern
      cat="PRON" name="što"
      cat="CONJ" name="da"
      cat="PART" name="ne"
Examples: Onda dajte da se deklarisemo kao verska drzava, pa neka ravnopravno podele vlast premijer i patrijarh, što da ne[ što da ne ]. (Then let them declare themselves as a religious state, so let equal division of power between the prime minister and the patriarch, why not.) • No, sve je stvar licnog izbora. Ako neko oseca potrebu za tim, što da ne[ što da ne ]. (No, it is all a matter of personal choice. If someone feels the need for it, why not.) • Znaci da to što deca rade, koliko god da je osnovna potreba coveka, itekako moze da se ugasi usled spoljnih faktora (ima ih dosta, al podsetimo se, _[ što da ne opet Pavlola). (It means that what children do, as long as it is a basic need of man, certainly cannot be shut down due to external factors (there are many such things, but let us remember, why not, again Pavlou).) • Dosta toga se moze nauciti, a buduci poslodavci ce to svakako uzeti u obzir. Takodje, ja uvek igram i na kartu novih poznanstava i kontakta, _[ sto da ne ]? (A lot can be learned, and future employers will certainly be taken into account. Also, I always play to make new friends and contacts, why not?)

što je ADV to je ADVšto je novije to je lepše • 'the newer the better'

Comparative phrase where the quality of the first element influences the quality of the second one
Language: srp • Structure: [Sto je AdvP to je AdvP] • LU: to
Types: kontrast
      cat="Adj" name="ADJ_CMPR" role="ADJ_CMPR"
      cat="VP" name="što_je" role="Constant_Value"
      cat="VP" name="to_je" role="Constant_Value"
Examples: Pod poezijom podrazumevam i matematiku ( što_je[ što je ADJ_CMPR[ apstraktnija to_je[ to je ADJ_CMPR[ lepša ] ), i ono što je npr. (Saying poetry we also mean mathematics (which is što_je[ the ADJ_CMPR[ more abstract to_je[ the ADJ_CMPR[ more beautiful ] ), and that is an example.) • Vrlo je dobroćudan ali što_je[ što je ] ADJ_CMPR[ stariji ] to_je[ to je ] ADJ_CMPR[ tvrdoglaviji i nepažljiviji ].

takov je NPTakov je porodcni zivot • 'Such is family life'

This construction means that something is exactly what it looks like.
Language: srp • Structure: [takov je NP] • LU: je
Types: je-phrase

treba da VPSviđа ti si ili ne, treba da jedis • 'Whether you like it or not, you must eat it'

The construction has a modal meaning, the verb form depends on who you addressed to (e.g., in the example, "jedis" - 2SG).
Language: srp • Structure: [treba da VP] • LU: da
Types: modality
      cat="V" name="treba"
      cat="CONJ" name="da"
      cat="verb phase" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Pre podešavanja fiskalnog uređaja korisnici _[ treba da Action[ pročitaju ] objašnjenje ministra finansija koje se nalazi ovde. (Before setting up a fiscal device users should read the explanation of the Minister of Finance, which is here.) • Inače je izgradnja u toku a nova zgrada _[ treba da Action[ zameni staru ] koja je porušena zbog izgradnje brane za akumulaciono jezero.(Otherwise, construction is in progress and a new building is to replace the old which was demolished due to construction of the dam for a reservoir.) • Da bismo razumeli šta operator yield radi, _[ treba da Action[ razumemo ] šta su generatori (To understand how yield operator works, we need to understand what are the generators.) • Kandidati takođe _[ treba da Action[ izlože ] predloge članstva o kojima će biti diskutovano. (Candidates also have to present proposals for the membership of which will be discussed.) • Ukoliko želimo da rešimo problem sa magljenjem, tako što ćemo kupiti neku masku sa termalnim staklom, onda _[ treba da Action[ kupimo ] masku poput Dye I4. (If we want to solve a problem with fogging, we are have to buy a mask with thermal glass, so we should buy a mask like the Dye I4.)

udarati po NP-Datudarati po strunama • 'to strum'

To beat on something (e.g., to play string musical instruments, play the guitar)
Language: srp • Structure: udarati [PP[po NP-Dat] • LU: po
Types: government
Examples: Paradu bezobzirnog i ponižavajućeg seksizma, u sklopu kojega se udaralo i po strunama Patient[ majčinstva ] pa se pokušavalo doznati kako će njena 11-godišnja kći podnijeti odvojenost, Serova je u jednom času prekinula protupitanjem: "Mogu li i ja vas nešto pitati, zar vas ne zanima frizura mojih kolega?" (Parade of ruthless and degrading sexism 'beating into strings of motherhood'...)

udarati u NP-Accudarati u doboš • 'to beat the drum'

To beat into something (e.g., to play the drum by beating it)
Language: srp • Structure: udarati [PP[u NP-Acc] • LU: u
Types: government
      cat="V" name="udarati"
      cat="PREP" name="u"
      cat="noun phrase" name="Patient" role="Patient"
Examples: Bubanj tehnika - posted in Tehnika: Kako odvoji nogu prilikom udarca u Patient[ dobos ] mora li se dobos i bass udariti u istoj ravnini. (Drum Technique - posted in Tech: How while separating legs you should hit the drum and bass in the same plane.)

VERB a da [ne] VERBUšla je a da me nije pozdravila • 'She entered without greeting me'

Expresses absence of accompanying action
Language: srp • Structure: [S [VP Ušla je] [PP [P a da] [VP [N me] [V nije pozdravila]]] • LU: ne
Types: negation
      cat="N" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="V" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="V" name="Accompanying_Action" role="Accompanying_Action"
      cat="CONJ" name="a"
      cat="CONJ" name="da"
      cat="NEG" name="ne"
Examples: Agent[ Što ] takođe Action[ može pomoći pri reprodukciji slika sa brzim pokretima ] a_da[ a da ] pritom Accompanying_Action[ ne kvari ] izvorno snimljeni signal. ( Agent[ That ] may also Action[ help in the reproduction of images with fast movements ] without Accompanying_Action[ spoiling ] the original recorded signal.)Agent[ Razredivači za razređivanje boja ] se mogu Action[ dodavati ] do max. 10 %, a_da[ a da Accompanying_Action[ se ne naruši ] pokrivnost boje. ( Agent[ Diluent for diluting the colour ] Action[ can be added ] to the max. 10%, without Accompanying_Action[ violating ] opacity.) • "Od koje bolesti mogu da obolim, a da u narednom periodu budem na pozitivnoj listi lekova", da bih izabrao vrstu leka koju treba da Action[ donesem ] _[ a da ] ne Accompanying_Action[ plaćam ], kada već plaćam zdravstvo 45 godina. • Agent[ Neznam ] kako da Action[ pocnem ] moje obracanje a_da[ a da ] ne Accompanying_Action[ psujem ]. • Multiplex sistem je zadužen da kontroliše sve elektronske jedinice koje postoje na vozilu i zahvaljujući Agent[ njemu ] umnogome Action[ je smanjena ] količina kablova, a_da[ a da ] pritom Accompanying_Action[ nije narušena stabilnost ].

VERB PRSi da VERB PRSiNikad ne prestaje da oduševljava • 'Never ceases to impress'

Instead of regular VERB_PRS + INF
Language: srp • Structure: [VP [V pristaje] [IP [I da] [V oduševljava]]] • LU: da
Types: verb
      cat="V" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Javnom nadmetanju dužan je da prisustvuje podnosilac prijave ili lice koje podnosilac prijave Action[ ovlasti ] da Action[ učestvuje ] u postupku. • NASA i Evropska Svemirska Agecija (ESA ) sada Action[ planiraju ] da Action[ pošalju ] zajedničku misiju na Mars 2016 koja će isporučiti orbiter i pretraživač. • Na kraju, naučna zajednica Action[ planira ] da Action[ donese ] uzorke sa Marsa na Zemlju, da bi ih preciznije analizirala u laboratorijama. • Svaki dodatni ukras u akvarijumu Action[ bi trebalo da ] Action[ bude ] glatkih ivica i bez oštrih delova da bi se izbeglo slučajno povređivanje aksolotla. • Posetioci Action[ će moći ] da Action[ vide ] i prvu protetičku šaku, napravljenu 1963.

VERB što da VERBPitali su se što da rade • 'They wondered what to do'

The main point of this construction is that instead of infinitive in the clause, Serbian use "da" + verb that agrees with the main verb
Language: srp • Structure: [S [VP Pitali su se] [CP [N što] [VP da rade]] • LU: da
Types: agreement
      cat="V" name="Stative_Verb" role="Stative_Verb"
      cat="N" name="Cognizer" role="Cognizer"
      cat="CONJ" name="što"
      cat="PART" name="da"
      cat="V" name="Agreed_Verb" role="Agreed_Verb"
Examples: Dragi, moje noge nisu toliko lepe, koliko Cognizer[ ja ] Stative_Verb[ znam tačno što da Agreed_Verb[ uradim sa njima. • To je sličnije konzervi s kojom Cognizer[ glumac ] i Stative_Verb[ ne zna što da Agreed_Verb[ započne ], jer se tu izmjeniti više ništa ne može. • Cognizer[ Ludost ] Stative_Verb[ nije znala što da Agreed_Verb[ ucini ]. • Što za Cognizer[ njega ] da Stative_Verb[ se sudimo ], što da ga Agreed_Verb[ kupujemo ], što da Agreed_Verb?[ se bijemo • Bila je to luda, skroz neočekivana situacija s kojom se nisam nikada prije susrela u životu tako da ] Cognizer[ ] ] Stative_Verb[ nisam imala blage dume što da Agreed_Verb[ radim ], a nešto sam morala.

VERB-PRS da VERB-PRSželim da jedem • 'I want to eat'

Verbal phrase that means "to do something".
Language: srp • Structure: LU:
Types: verb
      cat="V" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="CONJ" name="da"
      cat="V" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Action[ Volimo ] da Action[ se kupamo ] (We like to swim).

VP kako ideA posle toga iskažeš poštovanʹe, to veh znaš kako ide. • 'And after you show your respect, you will know how it is usually going.'

Verbal phrase that means "as it usually goes".
Language: srp • Structure: [VP [kako ide]] • LU: ide
Types: typical_action
      cat="verb phrase" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Grašak...kad joj budeš davala, probaj bez opne prvo (kroz onu cediljku). Za lubenicu Action[ pojma nemam ] kako ide. (Peas... when you would give it to her, try it first without the skins (through the strainer). As for watermelon, I have no idea how it usually goes).

VP što ADJ-COMP NPkako napraviti što manju stetu • 'how to make damage as little as possible'

Phrase used to express the absolute degree of the adjective that means "as... as possible".
Language: srp • Structure: [[VP] [[što Adj] [NP]]] • LU: što
Types: superlative | intensification
      cat="verb phrase" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="PRON" name="što"
      cat="ADJ" name="Property" role="Property"
      cat="noun phrase" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: Karijes na zubima pravi manja ili veća ostečenja, koja Action[ je potrebno ispuniti ] na Property[ što bolji ] Theme[ način ]. (Cavities in the teeth cause lower or higher damage, which need to be cured in the best possible way.) • U zelji Action[ da obezbedimo ] Property[ što kvalitetniju ] Theme[ uslugu ], nasim klijentima nudimo raznovrsna arhitektonska resenja.(Desiring to provide the best service, we offer our customers a variety of architectural solutions.) • Sebe smatram vernikom i želeo bih da mi Theme[ žena ] Action[ bude ] Property[ što slicnija ] meni.(I consider myself a believer and I would like my wife to be as close to me as possible.) • Ideja je jasna - Action[ uciniti ] Theme[ Telekom ] Property[ što profitabilnijim ] i Action[ postici ] Property[ što bolju ] Theme[ cenu ] pri prodaji.(The idea is clear - do Telekom as profitable as possible and achieve the best possible price when selling.)

VP sve ADV-COMPSvakim danom sve bolje vladate našim jezikom. • 'You speak our language better and better with each day.'

Adverbial phrase that is used to indicate that the action is performed to an increasing extent or degree ("more and more ADV").
Language: srp • Structure: [[VP] [sve ADV]] • LU: sve
Types: incremental_change
      cat="verb phrase" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="PART" name="sve"
      cat="ADV" name="ADV-COMP"
Examples: Nasuprot tome fosilna goriva postaju sve skuplja, a njihova Action[ rezerva ] sve manja. (In contrast, fossil fuels are becoming more and more expensive, and their reserve is decreasing.) • Iskorištavanje obnovljivih izvora energije Action[ postaje ] sve važnije pitanje. (Harnessing renewable energy sources is becoming an increasingly important issue.) • Ali na žalost, uskoro će početi jesenje kiše da liju. Dani Action[ će biti ] sve kraći i hladniji. (But unfortunately, it will soon begin to rain. Days will be shorter and colder.) • Ipak to je oblast koja Action[ postaje ] sve interesantnija svima koji imaju potrebe da ponude svoje usluge, proizvode ili ideje na internetu. (Yet this is an area that is becoming more and more interesting to anyone who has the need to offer their services, products or ideas on the Internet.) • Nas dva druga prenosimo skulpture od kiše, simptomi neuspeha su sve očigledniji, talenat uzrasta izaziva nemir, slučajnost Action[ postaje ] sve teža i teža do pucanja.(Our two other sculptures convey rains, the most obvious failure causes, ages that cause discomfort, and randomness, becoming more and more difficult to crack.)

vredi VP-InfNajzad nešto što vredi videti. • 'Finally there is something worth looking at.'

This construction can be interpreted as "sb/smth is worth doing smth"
Language: srp • Structure: [[(NP)VP][vredi V-Inf]] • LU: vredi
Types: verb
Examples: Theme[ Ocuvan stan ] vredi Action[ pogledati ]. (A good flat, it is worth seeing.) • Ako se baš muči sa koncentracijom, pomozite mu ponudite se da učite sa njim, vredi Action[ pokušati ]. (If you are just struggling with concentration, help me to teach him, it is worth trying.) • Dok nadležni obećavaju promene, vredi Action[ se nadati ] da zdravstvu RS neće biti potrebna transfuzija, s obzirom na to da su zalihe u ovoj oblasti već odavno na izmaku. (During competent promising changes, it is worth hoping that healthcare RS will not need transfusions, given that stocks in this area have long been in short supply.) • Evo nekoliko inserata iz filma koji će vas podsetiti da ga vredi Action[ odgledati ]. (Here are a few excerpts from the film, which will remind you that it is worth seeing.) • Ne vredi samo Action[ sedeti ] i Action[ cekati ]. (It is not worth waiting for.)

za NP-Acc V CPZa Ivana govore da ga svi poštuju • '(As for) Ivan they say that him everybody respects'

The main clause contains a verb of saying or thinking, the preposition za 'for' + accusative and a noun phrase which recurs (in any syntactic role whatever) in the subordinate clause
Language: srp • Structure: [S [PP Za Ivana] [CP da ga svi poštuju]] • LU: za
      cat="N" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="V" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="CP" name="Information" role="Information"
Examples: Jedan od zainteresovanih je i Real Madrid, ali Vidal Action[ je ] za Experiencer[ Marcu ] Action[ istakao ] Information[ da želi osvojiti sve sa Juventusom, ali da bi bila velika čast igrati za Real ]. • Naučna istraživanja gotovo svakodnevno identifikuju slične nove mehanizme i nude nova saznanja o enzimskim funkcijama u ćeliji, pa opet još nije moguće doći do leka koji će potpuno prepoznavati malignitet, te se i za Experiencer[ Xelodu ] mora Action[ reći ] Information[ da ima neželjena toksična dejstva ].

Turkish Constructicon

Team: Anastasia Dolgova, Valeria Vinogradova, Maria Yaroslavtseva

[CONV] [NP] aklını oynatmakev ararken insan aklını oynatır'looking for a flat makes a man crazy'

A verbal expression used to describe that someone was turned into a state of madness.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: converb
      cat="N" msd="Acc" name="akıl"
      cat="VP" name="oynatmak"
      cat="N" name="Agent"
      cat="CONV" name="Causer"
Examples: Bu şehirde [Conv]_[NP]_aklını_oynatmak[ Causer[ kiralık ev ararken ] Agent[ insan ] akıl[ aklını ] oynatmak[ oynatır ] ]. • Allah Allah, bu [CONV]_[NP]_aklını_oynatmak[ Agent[ adam ] Causer[ gittikçe ] akıl[ aklını ] oynatmak[ oynatıyor ] ].

[NP-Abl] el çekmeko işlerden el çektim — I gave up this work

A verbal expession with a meaning "to give up".
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
      cat="N" name="el"
      cat="V" name="çekmek"
      cat="N" msd="Abl" name="Item"
      cat="N" name="Anent" role="Agent"
Examples: Artık [NP-Abl]_el_çekmek[ o işlerden el[ el ] çekmek[ çektim ] • Yaşlanınca [NP-Abl]_el_çekmek[ kumardan el[ el ] çekmek[ çekti ].

[NP-ACC] dinden imandan çıkmakİnsanı dinden imandan çıkarıyorsun — the man got angry

A verb phrase that means to explode with anger.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: change of state
      cat="N" msd="abl" name="din"
      cat="N" msd="abl" name="iman"
      cat="V" name="çıkmak"
      cat="N" name="Agent"
Examples: [NP-Acc]_dinden_imandan_çıkmak[ Agent[ İnsanı ] din[ dinden ] iman[ imandan ] çıkmak[ çıkarıyorsun ] ], yapma şu hareketleri! • Bu Agent[ tayfa insanı dinden imandan çıkartır. ] [NP-Acc]_dinden_imandan_çıkmak[ din[ dinden ] iman[ imandan ] çıkmak[ çıkartır ] ].

[NP-Acc] parmak ısırmakyaptığım tatlıyı görünce parmaklarını ısıracaklar'When they see the sweet that i cooked, they are going to eat their fingers'

A verb phrase that means to marvel at something wonderful.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: accusativ | congtiguit
      cat="V" name="ısırmak"
      cat="V" name="parmak"
      cat="N" name="Agent" role="Agent"
Examples: Yaptığım tatlıyı görünce [NP-Acc]_parmak_ısırmak[ parmak[ parmaklarını ] ısırmak[ ısıracaklar ] ]. • Çocuklar tatlıyı yerken [NP-Acc]_parmak_ısırmak[ parmak[ parmaklarını ] ısırmak[ ısırdılar ] ].

[NP-com] dalga geçmekAksanı yüzünden sürekli çocukla dalga geçiyor arkadciationşları'Children make fun of him because of his pronounciation'

A verbal construction which means to make fun of someone.
Language: tur • Structure: [[NP-Com] VP] • LU: geçmek
Types: comitative
      cat="noun" name="dalga"
      cat="verb" name="geçmek"
Examples: Aksanı yüzünden sürekli çocukla (NP-com)_dalga_geçmek[ dalga[ dalga ] geçmek[ geçiyor ] ] arkadaşları. • (NP-com)_dalga_geçmek[ dalga[ Dalga ] geçmek[ geçmek ] ] toplumda hoş karşılanmaz.

[NP-Com] göze çarpmakhemen göze çarpıyordu • '(smb) instantly attracted somebody's' attention

A verbal construction which means that a Causer attracts attention.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: comitative
      cat="N" msd="Dat" name="göz"
      cat="V" name="çarpmak"
      cat="N | Pron" msd="Com" name="Causer"
Examples: Agent[ O ] uzun Causer[ boyuyla ] hemen (NP-Com)_göze_çarpmak[ göz[ göze ] çarpmak[ çarpıyordu ] ]. • Causer[ Güzelliğiyle ] herkesin (NP-Com)_göze_çarpmak[ göz[ gözüne ] çarpmak[ çarptı ] ].

[NP-Dat] bel bağlamakinsanoğluna bel bağlanılmaz'do not rely on anyone'

A verbal expression with a meaning "to rely on smb".
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: dative
      cat="N" name="bel"
      cat="V" name="bağlamak"
      cat="N" msd="Dat" name="Recipient"
Examples: 1970'lerde ve 1980'lerde kardeş islam alemine yapacağımız (NP-Dat)_bel_bağlamak[ Recipient[ satışlara ] bel[ bel ] bağlamak[ bağladık ] ]. • Ne var ki, böyle (NP-Dat)_bel_bağlamak[ Recipient[ araçlara ] biz pek bel[ bel ] bağlamak[ bağlayamayız ] ]. • (NP-Dat)_bel_bağlamak[ Recipient[ İnsanoğluna ] bel[ bel ] bağlamak[ bağlanılmaz ] ].

[NP-Dat] bülbül gibi ötmekpolislere bülbi gibi öttü'he told everything honestly to the policeman'

A verbal expression which means that Agent tells something honestly to the Recipient.
Language: tur • Structure: [NP-Dat][VP] • LU: ötmek
Types: dative
      cat="N" name="bülbü"
      cat="V" name="ötmek"
      cat="Conj" name="gibi"
      cat="N | Pron" msd="Dat" name="Recipient"
Examples: Baskının ardından (NP-Dat)_bülbül_gibi_ötmek[ Recipient[ polislere ] bülbü[ bülbi ] gibi[ gibi ] ötmek[ öttü ] ]. • Hani birileri konuklar (NP-Dat)_bülbül_gibi_ötmek[ Recipient[ bana ] zaten bülbü[ bülbül ] gibi[ gibi ] ötmek[ ötmek ] ] için geliyor zannediyorsa yanılıyor.

[NP-Dat] sırt çevirmekkime sırt çevirmek — to stop beeing interested in someone

A verbal expression with a meaning "to stop being interested in something."
Language: tur • Structure: [NP-Dat][VP] • LU: çevirmek
Types: idiomatic expression
      cat="N" name="sırt"
      cat="V" name="çevirmek"
      cat="N | Pron" msd="Dat" name="Causee"
Examples: İşlerim bozulunca (NP-Dat)_sırt_çevirmek[ Causee[ bana ] sırt[ sırt ] çevirmek[ çevirdi ]. • İşte Mozart! Küçüklüğünde harika çocuk dediler, alkışladılar, pohpohladılar, sonra tam bir sanatçı olarak meyve vermeye başlayınca unuttular, (NP-Dat)_sırt_çevirmek[ Causee[ ona ] sırt[ sırt ] çevirmek[ çevirdiler ]. • Batı alemi Türkiye'den vazgeçemez, bizi yalnız bırakamaz, askeri (NP-Dat)_sırt_çevirmek[ Causee[ ihtiyaçlarımıza ] sırt[ sırt ] çevirmek[ çeviremez ]...

[NP-Dat] yüz vermekyüz verdikleri için çok şımarık - • 'He is supercilious because of his look.'

A verbal construction which means to let someone do or have anything they want.
Language: tur • Structure: [NP-dat][VP] • LU: vermek
Types: dative
      cat="noun" name="yüz"
      cat="verb" name="vermek"
      cat="N" name="Agent"
      cat="N" msd="Dat" name="Patient"
Examples: [NP-Dat]_yüz_vermek[ Patient[ Çocuğa ] yüz[ yüz ] vermek[ verdikleri ] için çok şımarık. • İlişkilerinin bozulmasının nedeni [NP-Dat]_yüz_vermek[ yüz[ yüz ] vermek[ vermesinden ] kaynaklıyor ].

[NP-Gen] arkasını getirmemekişin arkasını getiremedim'I have not finished the work'

A verbal expression which means that the Agent is unable to finish something.
Language: tur • Structure: [[NP-Gen] [NP-Acc] VP] • LU: getirmemek
Types: genitiv
      cat="N" msd="Acc" name="arka"
      cat="V-Neg" name="getirmemek"
      cat="N" msd="Gen" name="Theme"
Examples: Ne tembel adamsın, şu (NP-Gen)_arkasını_getirmemek[ Theme[ işin ] arka[ arkasını ] getirmemek[ getiremedin ]. • Yoğunluktan (NP-Gen)_arkasını_getirmemek[ Theme[ işin ] arka[ arkasaını ] getirmemek[ getiremedi ].

[NP] [NP-Acc] hafife almakrakibini hafife alınca'underestimate enemy'

A verb phrase that means to underestimate.
Language: tur • Structure: [NP [NP] VP] • LU: hafif
Types: accusative
      cat="Adj" name="hafif"
      cat="V" name="almak"
      cat="N | Pron" msd="Acc" name="Patient"
      cat="N" name="Agent"
Examples: [NP]_[NP]_hafife_almak[ Agent[ Krasnodar FC ] Patient[ rakibini ] hafif[ hafife ] almak[ alınca ] maçı kaybetti. • Başarasının sırrı [NP]_[NP]_hafife_almak[ Patient[ rakiplerini ] asla hafif[ hafife ] almak[ almaz ].

[NP] [NP-Loc] dikiş tutturamamakbir şeyde dikiş tutturamadı • 'to be unable to do something'

A verb phrase that means to be unable (to do something).
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: locative
      cat="N" name="dikiş"
      cat="V" name="tutturamamak"
      cat="N" name="Agent"
      cat="Adv" name="Causer"
Examples: [NP]_[NP-Loc]_dikiş_tutturamamak[ Causer[ Bir şeyde ] dikiş[ dikiş ] tutturamamak[ tutturamadı ] ], şimdi boşta gezip duruyor. • Gittiği yerlerde [NP]_[NP-Loc]_dikiş_tutturamamak[ dikiş[ dikiş ] tutturamamak[ tutturamadı ] ].

[NP] abayı yakmakkız o bankacı oğlana abayı yakmış — the girl fell in love with this banker

A verb phrase that means to fall desperately in love.
Language: tur • Structure: [NP] [[NP] VP] • LU: аba
Types: idiomatic expression
      cat="N" msd="Acc" name="aba"
      cat="V" name="yakmak"
      cat="N" name="Agent"
Examples: Bizim Agent[ kız ] o bankacı oğlana [NP]_abayı_yakmak[ aba[ abayı ] yakmak[ yakmış ] ] anlaşılan, yoksa böyle yapmazdı. • [NP]_abayı_yakmak[ aba[ Abayı ] yakmak[ yakmış ] ] anlaşılan gözü hiçkimseyi görmüyor.

[NP] aç gözlü [VP]herkes aç gözlü olmuş'everyone is so greedy'

An adjectival expression used to denote someone who wants a lot more things than he/she needs.
Language: tur • Structure: [NP] aç gözlü [VP] • LU: None
Types: idiomatic expression
      cat="noun" name="aç"
      cat="Adj" name="gözlü"
      name="NP" role="Agent"
      cat="V" name="VP"
      cat="Ptcl.neg" name="ptcl"
Examples: [NP]_aç_gözlü_[VP][ NP[ Herkes ] [ aç ] gözlü[ gözlü ] VP[ olmuş ] ] bu dünyada. • Bir sürü dedikodudan çekindim, eksik olmasın [NP]_aç_gözlü_[VP][ NP[ muhtar ] pek [ aç ] gözlü[ gözlü ] ptcl[ değilmiş ] ].

[NP] ağaç olmakbeklerken ağaç oldu'to stand and wait for a long time'

Language: tur • Structure: LU:
      cat="N" name="ağaç"
      cat="V" name="olmak"
      cat="N" name="Agent"
Examples: Agent[ Oğlan ] kızı beklerken [NP]_ağaç_olmak[ ağaç[ ağaç ] olmak[ oldu ] ]. • Otobüsü beklerken [NP]_ağaç_olmak[ ağaç[ ağaç ] olmak[ olduk ] ].

[NP] baklayı ağzından çıkarmakbaklayı ağzından çıkardı'he does not keep a secret'

A verb phrase that means to disclose the secret.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: accusative
      cat="N" msd="Acc" name="bakla"
      cat="V" name="çıkarmak"
      cat="N" msd="Abl" name="ağız"
Examples: [NP]_baklayı_ağzından_çıkarmak[ bakla[ Baklayı ] ağız[ ağzından ] çıkarmak[ çıkarınca ] senin de o olaya karıştığın anlaşıldı. • Gerekesiz yere konuşunca [NP]_baklayı_ağzından_çıkarmak[ bakla[ baklayı ] ağız[ ağzından ] çıkarmak[ çıkardı ].

[NP] balon uçurmakaskerliğin kısalmasıyla ilgili bir balon uçurdu'He makes a lie in order to decrease the time in the military service'

A verbal phrase that means to introduce a false or unfounded report or story.
Language: tur • Structure: [NP] [[NP] VP] • LU: uçurmak
Types: metaphoric
      cat="N" name="balon"
      cat="V" name="uçurmak"
Examples: Kıraların artması için yeni metro hattı [NP]_balon_uçurmak[ balon[ balonunu ] uçurmak[ uçurdu ]. • Askerliğin kısalmasıyla ilgili bir [NP]_balon_uçurmak[ balon[ balon ] uçurmak[ uçurdu ] ], buna sonra kendisi de inanmaya başladı.

[NP] daldan dala konmakDaldan dala konmayı bırak da bir işe sarıl artı'stop to change the work and concentrate on your job'

A verb phrase that means to jump from one thing to the other.
Language: tur • Structure: [NP] [VP] • LU: dal
Types: genitiv
      cat="N" msd="dat" name="dal"
      cat="N" msd="abl" name="dal"
      cat="V" name="konmak"
      cat="N" name="Agent" role="Agent"
Examples: Daldan dala konmayı bırak da bir işe sarıl artık • Daldan dala konduğu için kariyerinde yükselemiyor.

[NP] damarına basmakdamarıma basmasaydı'He should not annoy me'

A verb phrase that means to intentionally make someone angry so that they react in an angry or violent way.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: genitiv
      cat="N" msd="Dat" name="damar"
      cat="V" name="basmak"
      cat="N" msd="Gen" name="Posessor" role="Posessor"
      cat="N" name="Agent" role="Agent"
Examples: [NP]_damarına_basmak[ damar[ Damarıma ] basmak[ basmasaydı ] ] ], ayakkabıyı kafasına yemezdi. • [NP]_damarına_basmak[ Posessor[ Adamın ] damar[ damarına ] basmak[ basınca ] olanlar oldu.

[NP] defterden silmekSon yaptıklarından sonar Ali`yi defterden iyice sildim'After the last accident she erased Ali from her life completely'

A verb phrase that means to stop letting someone in one's life completely.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: ablative
      cat="N" name="defter"
      cat="V" name="silmek"
      cat="N" name="Agent"
Examples: Son yaptıklarından sonar Ali`yi [NP]_defterden_silmek[ defter[ defterden ] iyice silmek[ sildim ]. • Maçtaki hatalarından dolayı [NP]_defterden_silmek[ defter[ defterden ] silmek[ silindi ].

[NP] dokuz doğurmakyeni araba gelinceye kadar dokuz doğurdu'he waited for his new car anxiously'

A verb phrase that means to be anxious, wait anxiously, wait with great anticipation.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: numerical
      cat="Num" name="dokuz"
      cat="V" name="doğurmak"
      cat="N | Pron" name="Agent"
Examples: Işe geç kalmıştı, yeni araba gelinceye kadar [NP]_dokuz_doğurmak[ dokuz[ dokuz ] doğurmak[ doğurdu ]. • Sonuçlar açıklanıncaya kadar [NP]_dokuz_doğurmak[ dokuz[ dokuz ] doğurmak[ doğurduk ].

[NP] edebiyat yapmakedebiyat yapmaya meyimli bir insanmış'a man who is able to talk in purple prose'

A verbal construction which means to talk in purple prose.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: verb | synecdoche
      cat="N" name="edebiyat"
      cat="V" name="yapmak"
Examples: [NP]_edebiyat_yapmak[ edebiyat[ Edebiyat ] yapmak[ yapmaya ] meyimli bir insanmış. • [NP]_edebiyat_yapmak[ edebiyat[ Edebiyat ] yapmak[ yapmaya ] amma da meraklı bir insanmış.

[NP] fareler cirit oynamakFareler cirit oynamak'There is a place without people'

A verbal expression which means that an Agent is at a deserted place.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: existential
      cat="N" name="fareler"
      cat="N" name="cirit"
      cat="V" name="oynamak"
      cat="N" name="Agent" role="Agent"
Examples: [NP]_Fareler_cirit_oynamak[ fareler[ Fareler ] cirit[ cirit ] oynamak[ oynamak ] • O kadar umusamaz ki evin içinde [NP]_Fareler_cirit_oynamak[ fareler[ fareler ] cirit[ cirit ] oynamak[ oynamak ] atıyor.

[NP] gönül çekmekgönlünü çeldim'I was in love'

A verb phrase that means to be in love.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: prototypical meaning
      cat="Noun" name="gönül"
      cat="V" name="çekmek"
      cat="N" name="Agent"
      cat="N" msd="Gen" name="Patient"
Examples: [NP]_gönül_çekmek[ Patient[ O kızın ] gönül[ gönlünü ] çekmek[ çeldim ] ]. • [NP]_gönül_çekmek[ gönül[ Gönül ] çekmek[ çelen ] ] şasrkısı tam bu aşıkları anlıtıyor ].

[NP] gönül kırmakannemin gönlü kırıldı'my mother was heartbroken'

A verb phrase that means to break one's heart.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
      cat="N" msd="Acc" name="gönül"
Examples: Fazla üstüne gittim, annemin [NP]_gönül_kırmak[ gönül[ gönlü ] kırmak[ kırıldı ] • [NP]_gönül_kırmak[ gönül[ Gönül ] kırmak[ kırmak ] kolay önemli olan geri kazanmak.

[NP] gözden çıkarmakevi ister istemez gözden çıkardılar'they were prepared to sell the house'

A verb phrase that means to be prepared to sacrifice, to be willing to pay.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: idiomatic expression
      cat="N" msd="Abl" name="göz"
      cat="V" name="çıkarmak"
Examples: Evi ister istemez [NP]_gözden_çıkarmak[ göz[ gözden ] çıkarmak[ çıkardılar ] • Son yaptıklarıyla [NP]_gözden_çıkarmak[ göz[ gözden ] çıkarmak[ çıkarıldı ].

[NP] gözden düşmekAli gözden düştü'Ali fell into someone's disfavor'

A verb phrase that means to fall into disfavor.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: ablative
      cat="N" msd="Abl" name="göz"
      cat="V" name="düşmek"
      cat="N" name="Agent"
Examples: Eskisi gibi top oynayamayan [NP]_gözden_düşmek[ Agent[ Ali ] bir senede göz[ gözden ] düşmek[ düştü ] ]. • Agent[ Apple ] son çıkardığı telefonla [NP]_gözden_düşmek[ göz[ gözden ] düşmek[ düştü ] ].

[NP] göze almakkim ölümü göze almaz ki'he does not risk when it is too dangerous'

A verb phrase that means to take a chance.
Language: tur • Structure: [NP] [[NP] [VP]] • LU:
Types: dative
      cat="N" msd="DAT" name="göz"
      cat="V" name="almak"
      cat="N" role="Agent"
Examples: Vatan için kim ölümü [NP]_göze_almak[ göz[ göze ] almak[ almaz ] ki. • AKUT depremden sonar ölümü [NP]_göze_almak[ göz[ göze ] almak[ alarak ] çalıştı.

[NP] havlu atmakerken havlu attılar'early give up'

A verbal construction which denotes that future action are meaningless because they will not lead to any result (usually about sport activity).
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: future
      cat="N" name="havlu"
      cat="V" name="atmak"
      cat="N" name="Agent"
Examples: Daha maçlar başlamadan [NP]_havlu_atmak[ havlu[ havlu ] atmak[ attılar ]. • Bu skorla lige erken [NP]_havlu_atmak[ havlu[ havlu ] atmak[ attılar ].

[NP] iç çekmekyavrucağın iç çekişi'a child's breath'

A verbal expression which means "to take a breath".
Language: tur • Structure: [NP] [[AdvP] VP] • LU: çekmek
Types: adverbial
      cat="adverb" name="iç"
      cat="V" name="çekmek"
Examples: [NP]_iç_çekmek[ Yavrucağın [ iç ] çekmek[ çekişi ] ] dayanılır gibi değildi. • [NP]_iç_çekmek[ Eviyanınca [ iç ] çekmek[ çekişi ] ] herkesi etkiledi.

[NP] içi geçmekbeş dakika içi geçmiş'to fall asleep in five minutes'

A verb phrase that means to sob oneself to sleep, to start to sleep.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: nominalization
      cat="N" msd="Acc" name="iç"
      cat="V" name="geçmek"
      cat="N" name="Agent"
      cat="constr" name="içi_geçmek"
Examples: Çok yorulunca beş dakka içi_geçmek[ [ içi ] geçmek[ geçmiş ]. • Metroda içi_geçmek[ [ içi ] geçmek[ geçince ] ineceği duraşı kaçırdı.

[NP] içini dökmekİçimi dökünce rahatladım'I felt relieved after I confided my secret into him'

A verbal construction which means to tell confidentially.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: emotion
      cat="V" name="dökmek"
      cat="N" name="içini"
Examples: Şu koca dünyada [NP]_içini_dökmek[ içini[ içimi ] dökmek[ dökecek ] bir insan bulamadım. • [NP]_içini_dökmek[ içini[ İçimi ] dökmek[ dökünce ] rahatladım.

[NP] kafa ütülemekBütün gün kafa ütüledi'he blabbered during the all day'

Verbal construction which means to annoy someone by asking them something again and again
Language: tur • Structure: [NP][VP] • LU: ütülemek
      cat="N" name="kafa"
      cat="V" name="ütülemek"
      cat="N" name="Agent" role="Agent"
Examples: Bütün gün [NP]_kafa_ütülemek[ kafa[ kafa ] ütülemek[ ütüledi ] • Agent[ Yorumlarıyla ] [NP]_kafa_ütülemek[ kafa[ kafa ] ütülemek[ ütüledi ].

[NP] kazık yemekfiyatını bilmediği için kazık yemiş'he paid more because he doesn't know the real price'

A verbal expression denoting situation when one pays too much money for something.
Language: tur • Structure: [NP] [[NP] VP] • LU: yemek
Types: verb | existential
      cat="N" name="kazık"
      cat="V" name="yemek"
      cat="N" name="Agent"
Examples: Fiyatını bilmediği için [NP]_kazık_yemek[ kazık[ kazık ] yemek[ yemiş ]. • Gerçek fiyatını duyunca [NP]_kazık_yemek[ kazık[ kazık ] yemek[ yediğini ] anladı.

[NP] kemerleri sıkmakkemerleri sıkmak zorunda kaldı'he has to save money'

A verbal expression meaning "to scrimp, save money".
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: metaphoric
      cat="N" name="kemerleri"
      cat="V" name="sıkmak"
      cat="N" name="Agent" role="Agent"
Examples: [NP]_Kemerleri_sıkmak[ kemerleri[ Kemerleri ] sıkmak[ sıktıra ] sıktıra millette hâl bırakmadılar. • İşten kovulunca [NP]_Kemerleri_sıkmak[ kemerleri[ kemerleri ] sıkmak[ sıkmak ] zorunda kaldı.

[NP] muma döndürmeksöylediklerinin karşısında muma döndü'He does everything i want after our talk'

A verbal expression meaning "to make somebody putty in one´s hands".
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: dative | metaphoric
      cat="N" msd="Dat" name="mum"
      cat="V" name="döndürmek"
      cat="N" name="Agent" role="Agent"
Examples: Erimeye hazır bir [NP]_muma_döndürmek[ mum[ muma ] döndürmek[ döndüm ]. • Söylediklerinin karşısında [NP]_muma_döndürmek[ mum[ muma ] döndürmek[ döndü ].

[NP] rahat yüzü görmemekŞu yaşıma geldim, hiç rahat yüzü görmedim'I have never felt comfortable in my life'

A verbal expression meaning "to have troubles".
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: emotion
      cat="Adj" name="rahat"
      cat="N" name="yüzü"
      cat="V" name="görmemek"
      cat="N" name="Agent" role="Agent"
Examples: Şu yaşıma geldim, [NP]_Rahat_yüzü_görmemek[ hiç rahat[ rahat ] yüzü[ yüzü ] görmemek[ görmedim ] ] desem yeridir. • [NP]_Rahat_yüzü_görmemek[ rahat[ Rahat ] yüzü[ yüzü ] görmemek[ göremeden ] Agent[ öldü ].

[NP] renk vermeksıkıştırınca renk verdi'smb told a secret'

A verbal construction which means telling the truth.
Language: tur • Structure: [NP] [[NP] VP] • LU: vermek
Types: verb
      cat="N" name="renk"
      cat="V" name="vermek"
      cat="N" name="Agent" role="Agent"
Examples: Sıkıştırınca [NP]_renk_vermek[ renk[ renk ] vermek[ verdi ]. • [NP]_renk_vermek[ Agent[ Yorumları ] renk[ renk ] vermek[ verdi ] olumsuz sonuçlanacağının.

[NP] taş atmakKıskançlığından yol boyunca taş attı'During the journey she irritated him with her jelaousy'

A verbal construction which means "to say things that hurt somebody".
Language: tur • Structure: [NP] [NP] VP]] • LU: None
Types: metaphoric expression
      cat="N" name="taş"
      cat="V" name="atmak"
      cat="N" name="Agent" role="Agent"
Examples: Kıskançlığından yol boyunca [NP]_taş_atmak[ taş[ taş ] atmak[ attı ]. • Ders boyunca [NP]_taş_atmak[ taş[ taş ] atmak[ atıp ] durdu öğretmen.

[NP] üstüne gelmekben ondan üstün geliyordum'he made me tell the truth'

A verbal construction which means to compel someone to tell the truth.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: causality
      cat="V" name="gelmek"
      cat="N" msd="Dat" name="üstüne"
      cat="N" name="Agent"
Examples: Matematikte [NP]_üstüne_gelmek[ Agent[ ben ] ondan üstüne[ üstün ] gelmek[ geliyordum ] ]. • [NP]_üstüne_gelmek[ Agent[ Rus askerleri ] üstüne[ üstün ] gelmek[ geldi ] ] askeri tatbikatta.

[NP] еtekleri zil çalmakHalit`in etekleri zil çalıyordu'Halit is very glad'

A verbal expression with a meaning "to be very pleased".
Language: tur • Structure: [[NP] еtekleri zil çalmak] • LU: çalmak
Types: non-prototypical
      cat="N" msd="Acc" name="etek"
      cat="N" name="zil"
      cat="V" name="çalmak"
      cat="N" name="Agent"
Examples: Yazılı sınavı umduğundan iyi geçen Agent[ Halit`in ] etekleri zil çalıyordu. • Sınavdan kaldığını duyunca [NP]_еtekleri_zil_çalmak[ etek[ etekleri ] zil[ zil ] çalmak[ çaldı ].

[NP-Gen] başından ayrılmamakköpeğin başından ayrılmıyorum'I do not leave alone the dog'

A verbal expression meaning that someone does not leave someone or something alone.
Language: tur • Structure: [NP-Gen][VP] • LU: ayrılmak
Types: genitiv
      cat="N" msd="Abl" name="baş"
      cat="V.NEG" name="ayrılmamak"
      cat="N" msd="Gen" name="Theme"
Examples: Bir dakika olsun Theme[ hasta köpeğin ] baş[ başından ] ayrılmamak[ ayrılmıyor ]. • Polis yaralı Theme[ gencin ] baş[ başından ] ayrılmamak[ ayrılmadı ].

[NP-Loc] barajı aşmaksınavda barajı aşamadı'he got an average score'

A verbal expression that means pass an examination.
Language: tur • Structure: [[NP-Loc] [VP]] • LU: barajı
Types: locative
      cat="N" msd="Acc" name="baraj"
      cat="V" name="aşmak"
      cat="N" msd="Loc" name="Base"
Examples: Base[ Sınavda ] baraj[ barajı ] aşmak[ aşamadım. ] • HDP'nin gönüllerdeki baraj[ barajı ] aşmak[ aşamadı ].

[NP] başı sıkışmakbaşı sıkışan insanlara yardım etmektir'you should help a people who are in a trouble'

A verbal expression meaning "to have difficulties".
Language: tur • Structure: [NP][VP] • LU: sıkışmak
Types: passive | verb
      cat="N" msd="Acc" name="baş"
      cat="V" name="sıkışmak"
Examples: Onu görevi, baş[ başı ] sıkışmak[ sıkışan ] insanlara yardım etmektir. • baş[ Başı ] sıkışmak[ sıkışınca ] annesine koşar.

[NP] edebiyat yapmakedebiyat yapmaya amma da meraklı bir insan'this man is interested in speaking in purple prose'

A verbal construction which means to speak in a very pompous language.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: synecdoche
      cat="N" name="edebiyat"
      cat="V" name="yapmak"
Examples: edebiyat[ Edebiyat ] yapmak[ yapmaya ] amma da meraklı bir insanmış. • edebiyat[ Edebiyat ] yapmak[ yapmaya ] meyimli bir insanmış.

[NP] üstüne gitmekçoçuğun üstüne gitti'he compels a child to tell the truth'

A verbal construction which means "to compel someone to tell the truth".
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: causation | suffixation
      cat="Adv" name="üstüne"
      cat="V" name="gitmek"
      cat="N" name="Agent"
Examples: Agent[ Polis ] zanlıya ulaşmak için çoçuğun üstüne[ üstüne ] gitmek[ gitti ]. • üstüne[ Üstüne ] gitmek[ gidince ] ağlayıverdi.

[NP] оcağına incir dikmeksenin ocağına incir dikmezsem dedi ama dediğine pişman oldu'he is so sorry to hear that it will ruin your family'

a verbal expression with meaning that agent destroys the family
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
      cat="N" name="incir"
      cat="N" msd="Dat" name="ocak"
      cat="V" name="dikmek"
      cat="N | Pron" name="Agent"
Examples: Bende senin ocak[ ocağına ] incir[ incir ] dikmek[ dikmezsem ] dedi ama dediğine pişman oldu. • Agent[ Mahkum ] olmam ocak[ ocağıma ] incir[ incir ] dikmek[ dikti ]. • Agent[ SSK ] ocak[ ocağımıza ] incir[ incir ] ağacı dikmek[ dikti ].

açık göz | açık gözlü [VP]açık gözlü ol'to pay attention'

An adverbial phrase which describes someone who is clever at getting what he/she wants, especially by tricking people.
Language: tur • Structure: [AdjP][VP] | [AdvP][VP] • LU: gözlü
Types: inclusive
      cat="Adj" name="açık"
      cat="N" name="göz"
      cat="Adj" name="gözlü"
      cat="V" name="VP"
Examples: Kötü imsanlara karşı açık[ açık ] gözlü[ gözlü ] VP[ ol ]. • O aralık açık[ açık ] göz[ gözün ] biri de ayağımdan çıkan potini VP[ almış ] savuşmuş.

adam akıllı [VP]adam akıllı çalışmak- to work properly

An adverbal phrase which describes something suitable or good.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: metonymy
      cat="N" name="adam"
      cat="Adj" name="akıllı"
      cat="V" name="VP"
Examples: Komşunun oğlu adam_akıllı_[VP][ adam[ adam ] akıllı[ akıllı ] VP[ çalışmassa ] bu senede sınavı kazanamayacak. • Dün akşam benden yediği zılgıttan adam_akıllı_[VP][ adam[ adam ] akıllı[ akıllı ] VP[ afallamış ] görünüyordu.

ak yüzle [VP]ak yüzle çıktı'he went out with clear conscience'

An adverbial expression which means that someone has a clear conscience.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: prepositional adverbial
      cat="Adj" name="ak"
      cat="N" msd="Com" name="yüz"
      cat="V" name="VP"
Examples: Soruşturmadan ak_yüzle_[VP][ ak[ ak ] yüz[ yüzle ] çıktı. • ak_yüzle_[ ak[ Ak ] yüz[ yüzlü ] birisine VP[ benziyor ].

avuç açmakavuç açmamak için çalışmalısın — you have to work in order not beg for smth.

A verbal phrase that means to try to get something from someone else without paying for it.
Language: tur • Structure: [NP [VP]] • LU: None
Types: contiguet
      cat="N" name="avuç"
      cat="V" name="açmak"
Examples: Balo ve kokteyl partisine bir davetiye alabilmek için keselerinin ağzını açmak kifayet etmezse, avuç_açmak[ avuç[ avuçlarını ] açmak[ açarlar ]. • Yarın avuç_açmak[ avuç[ avuç ] açmak[ açmamak ] için bugünden çalışmalısın.

başından geçmekbaşından geçtiği — something happened

A verbal expression used to say that something has happened.
Language: tur • Structure: [VP [NP]] • LU: baş
Types: non-prototypical
      cat="N" msd="Abl" name="baş"
      cat="V" name="geçmek"
Examples: Sözlük yazarlarının başından_geçmek[ baş[ başından ] geçmek[ geçen ] olağanüstü olaylar. • başından_geçmek[ baş[ Başından ] geçmek[ geçtiği ] halde yine aynı davranıyordu.

bire bin katmakbire bin katarak anlatmak'to recount something'

an adverbal expession with meaning to exaggerate something
Language: tur • Structure: [VP-Nom][VP-Acc][AdvP][VP][NP-Dat] • LU: bin
      cat="N" msd="Dat" name="bir"
      cat="N" name="bin"
      cat="V" name="katmak"
      cat="N.Acc" name="Theme"
      cat="N.Dat | Pron.Dat" name="Recipient"
Examples: Ali duyduğu Theme[ haberi ] bir[ bire ] bin[ bin ] katmak[ katarak ] anlattı Recipient[ bana ]. • Hiç merak etmeyin, hep bir[ bire ] bin[ bin ] katmak[ katarak ] anlatır.

dağlar dayanmakhazıra dağlar dayanmaz'the saving is not enough'

A verbal expression meaning not to have enough money to buy something.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: idiomatic expression
      cat="N" msd="Pl" name="dağ"
      cat="V" name="dayanmak"
Examples: Benim yaşadıklarıma dağ[ dağlar ] dayanmak[ dayanmaz ] be dostum. • Hazıra dağ[ dağlar ] dayanmak[ dayanmaz ].

devede kulak [VP]devede kulak kalır'there remains a little amount of smth'

A noun phrase that means "a drop in the bucket", which is a very small or unimportant amount of something.
Language: tur • Structure: [[NP] NP] [VP] • LU: kulak
Types: non-compositional | non-prototypical meaning
      cat="N" msd="LOC" name="deve"
      cat="N" name="kulak"
      cat="V" name="verb"
Examples: devede_kulak_VP[ Onun yaptığı iş deve[ devede ] kulak[ kulak ] kalır ] ]. • devede_kulak_VP[ Bu sinav diğerlerinin yanında deve[ devede ] kulak[ kulak ] kalır ].[ VP ]

içini dökmekiçimi dökünce rahatladım'I felt relieved after I confided my secret into him'

A verbal construction which means "to tell confidentially".
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: idiomatic expression | accusative
      cat="verb" name="dökmek"
      cat="adverb" name="içini"
Examples: Şu koca dünyada içini_dökmek[ içini[ içimi ] dökmek[ dökecek ] bir insan bulamadım. • içini_dökmek[ içini[ İçimi ] dökmek[ dökünce ] rahatladım.

kaşla göz arasında [VP]kaşla göz arasında kapıverdi atkıyı'he cept a scarf for a short period of time'

An adverbial expression which means that some event happened fast or in a short time.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: prepositional adverbial
      cat="N" msd="Com" name="kaş"
      cat="N" name="göz"
      cat="Prep" name="arasında"
      cat="V" name="VP"
Examples: kaşla_göz_arasında_[VP][ kaş[ Kaşla ] göz[ göz ] arasında[ arasında ] kapıverdi atkıyı. • kaşla_göz_arasında_[VP][ kaş[ Kaşla ] göz[ göz ] arasında yemeği VP[ bitirdi ].

laf ebesilaf ebeliğinde çok başarılı herkesi ikna edebilir'you can convince everyone who is very sucessfull'

A verbal expression meaning to be chatty.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: verb | typical meaning
      cat="N" name="laf"
      cat="V" name="ebesi"
Examples: laf_ebesi[ laf[ Laf ] ebesi[ ebeliğini ] bırak da ne söyleyeceksen söyle! • laf_ebesi[ laf[ Laf ] ebesi[ ebeliğinde ] çok başarılı herkesi ikna edebilir.

mahalleyi ayağa kaldırmakmahalleyi ayağa kaldıracaksın'you will stir up the neighbourhood'

A verbal construction meaning to stir up the neighborhood.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
      cat="N" name="mahalle"
      cat="Prep" name="ayağa"
      cat="V" name="kaldırmak"
Examples: Bağırıp durma öyle, mahalleyi_ayağa_kaldırmak[ mahalle[ mahalleyi ] ayağa[ ayağa ] kaldırmak[ kaldıracaksın ]. • mahalleyi_ayağa_kaldırmak[ mahalle[ Mahalleyi ] ayağa[ ayağa ] kaldırmak[ kalktı ] taciz olayından sonra.

torbada keklik [VP]bu takım bu oyunla torbada keklik'it is very easy to win the match'

An adverbial expression which means that everything is going fine and easy.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: locative | non-prototypical
      cat="N" msd="Loc" name="torba"
      cat="N" name="keklik"
Examples: Bu takım bu oyunla torbada_keklik_VP[ torba[ torbada ] keklik[ keklik ]. • torbada_keklik_VP[ torba[ torba ] keklik[ keklik ] ] grubuna düştüler.

üzümün çöpüüzümün çöpü, armudun sapı var demek'to take something as it comes'

A verbal construction meaning to stop splitting hairs.
Language: tur • Structure: LU:
Types: possessive
      cat="N" name="üzümün"
      cat="V" name="çöpü"
Examples: üzümün_çöpü[ üzümün[ Üzümün ] çöpü[ çöpü ] ], armudun sapı var derken evlenemedi. • üzümün_çöpü[ üzümün[ Üzümün ] çöpü[ çöpü ] ], armudun sapı var.

Twi Constructicon

Team: Oppong Gyebi, Alhadi Daleel, and Kuaku Amoako

Ne tumtum ye mefe'Her darkness is nice to me.'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: Ne (adj. as nom. Abs (Def. determiner)(Adj. phrase tumtum) ye mefe • LU:
Types: adj. as nom.Abs

Saa ahoɔfɛ nti, kwabena buu akonnwa no.'This beauty made kwabena broke the chair.'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: Saa (adj. as nom. Abs(Def. determiner){Adj. phrase ahoɔfɛ nti, kwabena buu akonnwa no • LU:
Types: adj. as nom.Abs

ɛfi no ama hɔ nyɛ akɔnɔ'The dirt is making the place unpleasant.'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: (adj. as nom. Abs (Def. determiner) (Adj. phrase ɛfi ) no ama hɔ nyɛ akɔnɔ • LU:
Types: adj. as nom.Abs

Saa kɔkɔkɔ yi hyerɛn fɛfɛfɛ te se wiem'This red shines nice like the skies.'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: Saa kɔkɔkɔ(adj. nom. Abs) yi hyerɛn fɛfɛfɛ(adj. phrase) te se wiem • LU:
Types: adjective as nominal people

Nimde ɛ nni baakofo ɔ trim'No one is repository of wisdom'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: {the Adj. as nom.abs [Def.determiner] [Adj. the phrase Nimde ɛ }] nni baakofo ɔ trim • LU:
Types: adj. as nom.Abs

Tenten kɛseɛ no na ɔyɛ madamfo paa'The tall fat is my friend.'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: (adj as nom. Abs(Def. determiner)adj. phrase Tenten kɛseɛ )no na ɔyɛ madamfo paa • LU:
Types: adj. as nom.Abs

ɛsum no ma mmranteɛ no anigye'The darkness makes the young boys happy.'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: (adj. as nom. Abs(Def, determiner)adj. phrase ɛsum) no ma mmranteɛ no anigye • LU:
Types: adj. as nom.Abs

Akokoduro ne Ahoɔ f ɛ anwonsɛm yi din'Bold and Beautiful is the title of the poem.'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: {the Adj. as nom.abs [Def.determiner] [Adj. the phrase Akokoduro }] ne {the Adj. as nom.abs [Def.determiner] [Adj. the phrase Ahoɔ f ɛ }] anwonsɛm yi din • LU:
Types: adj. as nom.Abs

Ayɔnkopa te sɛ agudeɛ, wɔn okora yɛ Ahomeka'Good friends are treasuries, they are precious to keep.'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: Ayɔnkopa te sɛ agudeɛ, wɔn okora yɛ {the Adj. as nom.abs [Def.determiner] [Adj. the phrase Ahomeka} • LU:
Types: adj. as nom.Abs

ɔpɛtɛ de ne kwasea repɛ nyinkyɛ'The vulture behaves foolish because of long life'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: ɔpɛtɛ de ne kwasea repɛ {the Adj. as nom.abs [Def.determiner] [Adj. the phrase nyinkyɛ }] • LU:
Types: adj. as nom.Abs

ɔyarefoɔ nya ayaresa, ɔmum kasa

Language: ak-tw • Structure: {adj. as nom.people[Def. determiner] [Adj. phrase ɔyarefoɔ}] nya ayaresa, {adj. as nom.people [Def.determiner] [Adj. phrase ɔmum}] kasa • LU: ɔyarefoɔ|ɔmum
Types: adjective as nominal people

ohufoɔ wu ansa mmerɛ aduru

Language: ak-tw • Structure: (adj. as nom. people [Def. determiner][Adj. phrase ohufoɔ}]wu ansa mmerɛ aduru • LU:
Types: adjective as nominal people

ɔdefoɔ wuo de awerɛhoɔ ba

Language: ak-tw • Structure: {adj. as nom.people[Def. determiner] [Adj. phrase ɔdefoɔ }] wuo de awerɛhoɔ ba • LU:
Types: adjective as nominal people

nyansa hunu ɔhaw na ɔdwane

Language: ak-tw • Structure: {adj. as nom.people[Def. determiner] [Adj. phrase nyansa}] hunu ɔhaw na ɔdwane • LU:
Types: adjective as nominal people

ɔkwasea ani te a, na agorɔ agu'When the fool realizes his foolishness, he has a second thought.'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: {adj. as nom.people[Def. determiner] [Adj. phrase ɔkwasea }] ani te a,na agorɔ agu • LU:
Types: adjective as nominal people

ɛyɛ sɛ wobɛyɛ ohiani sene sɛ wobɛwu

Language: ak-tw • Structure: ɛyɛ sɛ wobɛyɛ {adj. as nom.people[Def. determiner] [Adj. phrase ohiani }] sene sɛ wobɛwu • LU:
Types: adjective as nominal people

wote ɔdomankommasɛm wɔ mpanimfoɔ nkyɛn berɛ a wobɛtɔ nsa ne wɔn akyɛ'You hear words of wisdom at thetime you buy palm-wine and share with them.'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: wote ɔdomankommasɛm wɔ {adj. as nom.people[Def. determiner] [Adj. phrase mpanimfoɔ }] nkyɛn berɛ a wobɛtɔ nsa ne wɔn akyɛ • LU:
Types: adjective as nominal people

owudini nsa bɛka adeɛ a ɔsuro paa'The wicked will get what is most fearful.'

‘ni’ is an inflectional morpheme added to a noun to show singularity of a person’s profession ,character/nature, nationality and tribe/ethnicity. The plural form is ‘foɔ’.It is expressed or used neutrally for both masculine and feminine, this is where the problem arises. In order to curb this challenge, the addressee has to ask the speaker the specific gender or the speaker has to add another noun in the sentence to portray the gender.
Language: ak-tw • Structure: {adj. as nom.people[Def. determiner] [Adj. phrase owudini }] nsa bɛka adeɛ a ɔsuro paa • LU:
Types: adjective as nominal people

Mmɔkwaabɔ amma yɛahunu onibie'Borrowing saves the needy from exposure.'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: Mmɔkwaabɔ amma yɛahunu {adj. as nom.people[Def. determiner] [Adj. phrase onibie }] • LU:
Types: adjective as nominal people

Nnɛmmafoɔ mpo se wɔnim amanfo na ɛnte sɛ tetefoɔ'Even, modern know deserted settlement, how much more ancient'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: {adj. as nom.people[Def. determiner] [Adj. phrase Nnɛmmafoɔ }] mpo se wɔnim amanfo na ɛnte sɛ {adj. as nom.people[Def. determiner] [Adj. phrase tetefoɔ }] • LU:
Types: adjective as nominal people

NP1 yɛ NP1Barima yɛ barima'A man is a man'

The construction (N+N) is used to show specific characteristics.
Language: ak-tw • Structure: [NP1 [cop NP1]] • LU:
Types: reduplication | tautology | prototypical properties

NP1 yɛ NP1Obaa biara yɛ obaa'Every woman is a woman'

The construction (N is N) is used to show emphasis.
Language: ak-tw • Structure: [NP1 [cop NP1]] • LU:
Types: reduplication | emphasis
Examples: ɛnɛ yɛ ɛnɛ • Today is today

Sima du biara ɔtaw ne ho ɔha'Every ten seconds he rotates hundred times'

The construction denotes speed or frequency.
Language: ak-tw • Structure: LU:

Dɔnhwere du biara no ɔtwa akwansin ahɛnson'Every ten hours, he travels 700 miles'

The construction denotes speed or frequency.
Language: ak-tw • Structure: LU:

Keteke no dwane ntɛmntɛm'The train runs faster.'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: Keteke no dwane ntɛmntɛm (Adv. –it-the gen.) • LU:
Types: comparative | reduplication

ɔkodie dwane kyɛne abubro'Eagle is faster than a sparrow. '

Language: ak-tw • Structure: ɔkodie dwane kyɛne abubro. (adv. It –NP) • LU:
Types: comparative

Ennwene sɛ wo na wonim nyansa paa'Don't think you are the wisest'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: Ennwene sɛ wo na wonim nyansa paa. (adv. It – all) • LU:
Types: superlative

PenPen wɔse no Pen, ɛnyɛ papa'A fact is a fact, is not good'

(PenPen wɔse no Pen) is an expression itself in Twi, this expression has multiple interpretation or meanings, examples are: a fact is a fact, there is no doubt, let me be straight on the issue, is at the right direction, the fact is, and many others. The expression is usually expressed when the sender/conveyor is very serious about his point to be made.
Language: ak-tw • Structure: (N is N) the fact remains • LU:
Types: reduplication

Nipa bɛyɛ sɛ du na abɛduru'About ten people have arrived'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: NP + Num • LU:
Types: quantification | approximation

Ayɛ hu w’adi owudifoɔ no sika'That is pathetic, he has embezzled the wicked man's money'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: NP + what • LU:

ɛnfa me ho se ɔkɔ anaa w'annkɔ'I do not care whether he has gone or not'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: NP + not any • LU:

ɔkyerekyereni no ntumi nkyerɛkyerɛ'The teacher cannot teach. '

Language: ak-tw • Structure: NP + cannot • LU:
Types: reduplication | modality

Krataa no boɔ yɛ sidi du'The paper costs ten cedis'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: NP + cost of • LU:
Types: price

ɛyɛ abarimaa kɔkɔɔ'It is a fair boy'

(ɛyɛ) as highlighted is used for inanimate object, a dead body/ a corpse, An infant who is not up to eight days old. Instead “ɔyɛ” is use for humans as in English pronoun he/she with the verb ‘to be.’ The sentence above in Twi refers/denotes a contextual/situational event which determines the meaning to the addressee.
Language: ak-tw • Structure: Pro. as the NP • LU:
Types: Pro. as the NP

ɔyɛ ɔbaa kamakama'She is a fine girl'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: Pro. as the NP • LU:
Types: Pro. as the NP

Mɛkyerɛ wo paa, sɛ w’abo no'I will teach you a lesson for beating him'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: Pro. + Pro + Det • LU:

Kofi nnwane nkɔɔ babiara'Kofi has nowhere run to. / Kofi has run to nowhere.'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: V + movement +nowhere • LU:
Types: negative quantifier

Sɛ wopɛ anaa wompɛ, wo bɛda ha'Whether you like it or not, you will sleep here'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: V-Pres is not V-Pres, and Clause • LU:
Types: reduplication | disjunction | negation

Me nfaa hwee'I have taken nothing'

Language: ak-tw • Structure: VP + nothing • LU:
Types: negative quantifier

Ukrainian Constructicon

Team: George Moiseev, Alexander Nasedkin, Artur Kenzhaev, Angelina Prisyazhnaya

Clause, наставляй кишеню ширшетак він і принесе, наставляй кишеню ширше!

Construction used as one's unceremoniously put pessimistic or ironical (or both) reaction to someone's hoping for the bes
Language: ukr • Structure: [Clause [[наставляй кишеню] ширше]] • LU: ширше|наставляти|кишеня
Types: hortative | impersonal
      cat="Clause" name="Clause" role="Event"
      cat="V" name="наставляй" role="Action"
      cat="N" name="кишеня" role="Object"
      cat="Adv" name="ширше"
Examples: Шкарбун, почувши, що Clause[ Тетеря хоче здерти з нього чотириста карбованців ], розлютився. — наставляй_кишеню_ширше[ Наставляй кишеню ширше ]! Сам вклепався, сам і відповідай, а на інших не звалюй. Гроші, чи бачите, він дав! А хто тебе просив? • Clause_наставляй_кишеню_ширше[ Clause[ Так я тобі й віддала ]! наставляй_кишеню_ширше[ Наставляй кишеню ] ]! • Clause_наставляй_кишеню_ширше[ Clause[ Так він і принесе ], наставляй_кишеню_ширше[ наставляй кишеню ширше ] ]! — пробурчала Одарка Семенівна. — Слово честі, я принесу, — почав запевняти її Толя.

Clause хоч мак сійтихо надворі, хоч мак сій

This construction is used when it is necessary to describe the extraordinary silence.
Language: ukr • Structure: [CLAUSE, [хоч мак сій]] • LU: сій
Examples: Clause_хоч_мак_сій[ Clause[ Тихо надворі ], хоч_мак_сій[ хоч мак сій ] ].

NP-Nom NP-Ins а ClauseЛихо лихом, а робота роботою.

N-Nom_N-Instr_а_CLAUSE[ The construction ] is used when it is needed to shift the attention from some Object[ object ] to an important Information[ information ].
Language: ukr • Structure: [[N-Nom N-Instr], [а|но|але CLAUSE]] • LU: але
Types: instrumental | focus shift | adversative
      cat="NP" name="NP-Nom" role="Object"
      cat="NP" name="NP-Ins" role="Object"
      cat="CLAUSE" name="Information" role="Information"
Examples: NP-Nom_NP-Ins_а_Clause[ NP-Nom[ Пісня ] NP-Ins[ піснею ], а Information[ жде тебе буденна тривала робота. ] • NP-Nom_NP-Ins_а_Clause[ NP-Nom[ Письмо ] NP-Ins[ письмом ], а Information[ з нас нікотрий не може бути виборцем. ] • NP-Nom_NP-Ins_а_Clause[ NP-Nom[ Втрати ] NP-Ins[ втратами ], але Information[ треба врешті щось десь проковтнути ]. • NP-Nom_NP-Ins_а_Clause[ NP-Nom[ Мрії ] NP-Ins[ мріями ], а Information[ зараз він мусить вирішити дуже відповідальне питання ]. • NP-Nom_NP-Ins_а_Clause[ NP-Nom[ Події ] NP-Ins[ подіями ], а Information[ пообідати треба ].

N-Nom як N-NomЛюди як люди.

N-Nom_як_N-Nom[ The construction ] is used to emphasize that the Comparee[ object ] is not different from Standard[ other similar objects ].
Language: ukr • Structure: [N-Nom как N-Nom] • LU: як
Types: comparative
      cat="NP" name="Comparee" role="Comparee"
      cat="NP" name="Standard" role="Standard"
      name="як" role="Conj"
Examples: Всі N-Nom_як_N-Nom[ Comparee[ туристи ] як[ як ] Standard[ туристи ], бігають по Москві, купують в кустарних магазинах дерев'яні дзбани — піяла. • N-Nom_як_N-Nom[ Comparee[ Люди ] як[ як ] Standard[ люди ], хоча й iншого племенi. • N-Nom_як_N-Nom[ Comparee[ Ланцюг ] як[ як ] Standard[ ланцюг ]! Таких на Січі було вдосталь. • Це N-Nom_як_N-Nom[ Comparee[ люди ] як[ як ] Standard[ люди ], різні, хороші й погані, сміливці й страхополохи, і зовсім не звірі, як я гадав. • Дивишся на неї ― і N-Nom_як_N-Nom[ Comparee[ жінка ] як[ як ] Standard[ жінка ], а чогось нема.

Neg? ловити ґавґав не ловили

This construction means to be careless, to waste time
Language: ukr • Structure: [[Neg? ловити] г'ав]Inv • LU: ловити
Examples: Батько сказав, щоб ми там ловити_ґав[ ґав не ловили ] та готувалися добре його зустрічати.

NP на носiЗима на носi

Construction is used to express a close proximity of Subject[ some event ] to the speech time.
Language: ukr • Structure: [NP на носi] • LU: на носi
Types: time modifier
      cat="PP" name="на_носi"
      cat="NP" name="Subject" role="Subject"
Examples: Перестали літати, кинули співати, осінь проминула, вже й NP_на_носi[ Subject[ зима ] на_носi[ на носі ] ]. • Перве Марта ― це вже зовсім скоро. NP_на_носi[ Subject[ Це ] вже, як-то кажуть, на_носi[ на носі ] ]. • Он NP_на_носi[ Subject[ свято ] на_носi[ на носі ] ] : багата кутя, різдво…

P NP-Gen забагато NPв нього забагато грошей

Construction is used to emphasize that subject possess something in great or excess quantity.
Language: ukr • Structure: [P NP-Gen забагато NP] • LU: забагато
Types: intensification | quantification | evaluation | possession
      cat="P" name="P"
      cat="NP-Gen" name="NP-Gen" role="Possessor"
      cat="NP" name="NP" role="Possessee"
      cat="V" name="забагато" role="State"
Examples: P_NP-Gen_забагато_NP[ P[ В ] NP-Gen[ американській політиці ] забагато NP[ грошей ] ] ”, заявив Барак Обама з трибуни Генеральної Асамблеї ООН у вівторок. • Покладемо до кишень по півсотні. Чи P_NP-Gen_забагато_NP[ NP[ їх ] P[ у ] NP-Gen[ тебе ] забагато є? — Кий чорт!

Pro тримаю Pro в лабетахЯ тримаю його в лабетах

to control someone carefully
Language: ukr • Structure: [Pro-Nom тримаю Pro-Acc в лабетах] • LU: лабетах
Types: intensification | genitive | possession
      cat="V" name="тримаю" role="processed action"
      cat="Pro" name="Pro" role="Agent"
      cat="Pro-Acc" name="Pro-Acc" role="Patient"
      cat="N" name="лабетах" role="Specification"
Examples: Треба хіба, щоб вони повсякчас були перед очима Чичикова і щоб Pro_тримаю_Pro_в_лабетах[ Pro[ він ] тримаю[ держав ] Pro-Acc[ їх ] лабетах[ у міцних руках ], прикручував би їх за всяку дрібницю, та й не-так, щоб покладаючись там на когось, а щоб сам-таки особисто, де слід, дав би й зуботичину й запотиличника" • Сварга смерті, котра обплутала серце, міцно Pro_тримаю_Pro_в_лабетах[ тримаю[ тримала ] Pro-Acc[ його ] лабетах[ у своїх лабетах ] • Чого чекав від плебейської влади, Pro_тримаю_Pro_в_лабетах[ яка тримаю[ тримала ] Pro-Acc[ його ] лабетах[ в лабетах ] ] опали.

Pro-Nom Pro-dat VP-FutЯ тобі прогуляю!

Pro-Nom_Pro-dat_VP[ The construction ] means that a Agent[ person ] forbids Recipient[ another person ] to do Action[ something ], which he/she was going to do or has already done.
Language: ukr • Structure: [Pro-Nom [Pro-Dat VP-Fut]] • LU:
Types: dative | threat
      cat="Pro" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="Pro" name="Recipient" role="Recipient"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Pro-Nom_Pro-dat_VP-Fut[ Agent[ Я ] Recipient[ тобi ] Action[ вiдчиню ]!.. — придушено пригрозив вiн. • Ага! Постій, Pro-Nom_Pro-dat_VP-Fut[ Agent[ я ] Recipient[ тебе ] Action[ поживу ]! Я кров проливаю другий рік, захищаю Батьківщину, а їй жити треба… • Pro-Nom_Pro-dat_VP-Fut[ Agent[ Я ] Recipient[ тобi ] Action[ постираю ]! Страмить мене хочеш? • Pro-Nom_Pro-dat_VP-Fut[ Agent[ Я ] Recipient[ вам ] Action[ розчиню ] і вікна, і двері, гай!..

Pro-Nom Pro-dat датиЯ до тебе доберуся, я тобі дам!

Pro-Nom_Pro-dat_дати[ This construction ] is used to express a threat (there may be a Reason[ reason ] for that). It does not suggest specific actions in the future.
Language: ukr • Structure: [Pro-Nom [Pro-Dat дать-Fut NP-Acc?]] • LU: дати
Types: dative | threat
      cat="NP" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="NP" name="Patient" role="Patient"
      cat="VP" name="дати"
      cat="NP" name="Reason" role="Reason"
Examples: — Стійте! — крикнув король. — Зараз Pro-Nom_Pro-dat_дати[ Agent[ я ] Patient[ йому ] дати[ дам ]! • — Pro-Nom_Pro-dat_дати[ Agent[ Я ] Patient[ тобі ] дати[ дам ], нахабо! — сердито сказала Мері Поппінс. • Pro-Nom_Pro-dat_дати[ Agent[ Я ] Patient[ тобі ] дати[ дам ] Reason[ такий барліг ], що ведмедем зеревеш! • — Руш мені тільки ще хоч разок — Pro-Nom_Pro-dat_дати[ Agent[ я ] Patient[ тобі ] дати[ дам ]!.. • Харитон. Pro-Nom_Pro-dat_дати[ Agent[ Я ] Patient[ тобі ] дати[ дам ] Reason[ нову кухвайку ]! Це прямо розбой, калавур!..

Pro-Nom Pro-Dat показатиЯ тобі покажу, шибенику!

Pro-Nom_Pro-Dat_показати[ This construction ] is used to express a threat to a Recipient[ person ] (there may be a Reason[ reason ] for that). It does not suggest specific actions in the future.
Language: ukr • Structure: [Pro-Nom [Pro-Dat показати-Fut, [як CLAUSE]|[NP-Acc]?]] • LU: показати
Types: dative | threat
      cat="Pro" name="Agent" role="Agent"
      cat="Pro" name="Recipient" role="Recipient"
      cat="VP" name="показати"
      cat="CLAUSE" name="Reason" role="Reason"
      cat="NP" name="Reason" role="Reason"
      cat="Conj" name="як"
Examples: Пожди, Pro-Nom_Pro-Dat_показати[ Agent[ я ] Recipient[ тобі ] показати[ покажу ] Reason[ поліцію ]! • Хам! Pro-Nom_Pro-Dat_показати[ Agent[ Я ] Recipient[ тобі ] показати[ покажу ]! Мерзота! • Що вона має мені дотинати? Pro-Nom_Pro-Dat_показати[ Agent[ я ] Recipient[ їй ] показати[ покажу ]!.. • Pro-Nom_Pro-Dat_показати[ Agent[ Я ] Recipient[ тобі ] показати[ покажу, ] як[ як ] Reason[ такі слова говорить ] … • Pro-Nom_Pro-Dat_показати[ Agent[ Я ] Recipient[ їм ] показати[ покажу, ] як[ як ] Reason[ заманювати чужих хлопців та обпоювати їх зіллям ].

V-ipfv без кінцяВін без кінця розповідав всяку нісенітницю

Construction is used to express the без_кiнця[ continuance ] of Action[ some action ] which can not end for a long period of time.
Language: ukr • Structure: [V-ipfv без кінця] • LU: кiнець
Types: reduplication | imperfective
      cat="Preposition + N" name="без_кiнця"
      cat="V-ipfv" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Ці сусіди тримались трохи осторонь, багатенькі, мали багато чи то родичів, чи друзів, V-ipfv_без_кінця[ без_кiнця[ без кінця ] хтось Action[ наїжджав ] ] у гості. • Його цікавили всі куточки, щілини, він V-ipfv_без_кінця[ без_кiнця[ без кінця ] Action[ розпитував ] ] що та до чого, але, нарешті, втомився і вгамувався • Водогiн не мiнявся, мабуть, з античних часiв, V-ipfv_без_кінця[ без_кiнця[ без кiнця ] його Action[ ремонтують ] ] i вулицi всюди розритi

VP i будь здоровПiде i будь здоров

Construction is used when some situation is mildly disappointing, but not enough to obsess about or when some situation or process ends
Language: ukr • Structure: [[VP] i будь здоров] • LU: здоров
Types: prospective | attitude | telicity
      cat="VP" name="VP" role="Action"
      cat="P" name="i"
      cat="VP" name="будь здоров" role="State"
Examples: VP_i_будь_здоров[ VP[ Приймай свою грамоту i будь здоров ] … • Коли ж домовимось по-людському-три-чотири днi, VP_i_будь_здоров![ VP[ знак якост ] - i будь здоров ] Така iсторiя з епiлогом! • Рушниця це, брат, не жарт. Це зброя. VP_i_будь_здоров[ VP[ Бац ] — i будь здоров ]! — Ти що, думаєш у нього стрiляти? — зi страхом спитав я.

VP P моря погодиждати біля моря погоди

Construction means to squander time or opportunity
Language: ukr • Structure: [VP P моря погоди] • LU: погоди
Types: future
      cat="VP" name="VP" role="State"
      cat="P" name="P"
      cat="N" name="моря" role="Place"
      cat="N" name="погоди" role="Condition"
Examples: А мені здається, що VP_P_моря_погоди[ VP[ чекали ] P[ біля ] моря погоди ] голодні рибалки, які не могли вийти в море з-за шторму! • Чого ж ти сердишся? — звернувся він обережно.— Ти почекай. Я буду інженером. Ми ще не так заживемо.— VP_P_моря_погоди[ VP[ Жди ] P[ з ] моря погоди ], відрізала вона коротко (Г. Коцюба); • VP_P_моря_погоди[ VP[ Тепер чекай ] P[ з моря погоди ], — зауважив Павло, коли підходили до камери.— Дарма радієте.. Вони м’яко стелять, але спати твердо • асос не встигає відкачувати воду, а як від перевантаження зіпсується? Прибуде вода, заллє трансформатор — та й по ньому. Будемо тоді кукурікати, VP_P_моря_погоди[ VP[ виглядаючи ] P[ з моря погоди ] • VP_P_моря_погоди[ VP[ Сиди й сподівайся ] P[ з моря погоди ]! Ти не міг раніше щось придумати?

VP з усіх силБігти з усіх сил

Expression "з усiх сил" intensifies an Action[ action ] in which an agent doing his best to achieve the result.
Language: ukr • Structure: [VP з усіх сил] • LU: сила
Types: intensification | reaching limit
      cat="Prep" name="з"
      cat="Pron" name="усіх"
      cat="N" name="сил"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Він, VP_з_усіх_сил[ Action[ бовтаючи руками й ногами ] з[ з ] усіх[ усієї ] сил[ сили ], проплив кілька метрів. • Боро аж пересмикнуло від удару, і як тільки увімкнулося зелене, він VP_з_усіх_сил[ з[ з ] усіх[ усієї ] сил[ сили ] Action[ рвонув уперед ]. • Тож тримай тепер всiма способами, VP_з_усіх_сил[ Action[ тримай ] з[ з ] усіх[ усiх ] сил[ сил ] !

VP-prs не VP-prs а CLAUSE

VP-prs_не_VP-prs_а_CLAUSE[ The construction ] is used to express the inevitability of an Resulted_Action[ event ]. It means that the subject can perform an Processed_Action[ action ], but it will not bring the desired result.
Language: ukr • Structure: [[VP-Prs не VP-Prs], [а CLAUSE]] • LU: None
Types: verb | necessity | hortative | adversative
      cat="VP" name="Processed_Action" role="Processed_Action"
      cat="Part" name="не"
      cat="Conj" name="а"
      cat="CLAUSE" name="Resulted_Action" role="Resulted_Action"
Examples: Якщо Петра не виявиться вдома, то VP-prs_не_VP-prs_а_CLAUSE[ Processed_Action[ хочеш не[ не ] Processed_Action[ хочеш ], а[ а ] Resulted_Action[ доведеться ] ] по цьому мiстку перебиратися на той бiк i чалапати аж до самої станцiї. • Мусиш вiтати, бо VP-prs_не_VP-prs_а_CLAUSE[ Processed_Action[ хочеш не[ не ] Processed_Action[ хочеш ], а[ а ] Resulted_Action[ виступає ] ] вiн зараз у ролi твого майбутнього зятя. • Човен без весел VP-prs_не_VP-prs_а_CLAUSE[ Processed_Action[ несе не[ не ] Processed_Action[ несе ], а[ а ] к Resulted_Action[ омиші стоять на кордоні зелених луків і прислухаються ] ].

Глека розбитирозбили глека

To quarrel, break off relations
Language: ukr • Structure: [розбити глека] | [глека розбити] • LU: розбити
Examples: Вони Глека_розбити[ розбили глека ] під час першого ж знайомства.

давно пора VPЇй давно пора виспатися

Adverbal construction "давно пора" means that in speaker's opinion Goal[ described action ] should already has happened in the past. It may represent the speaker's hortative or an idea of necessity of Goal[ action to be done ] for a listener.
Language: ukr • Structure: [[NP-dat]? давно пора VP] • LU: пора
Types: tense | necessity | hortative
      cat="Adv" name="давно"
      cat="Adv" name="пора"
      cat="NP-dat" name="Stimulus" role="Stimulus"
      cat="VP" name="Goal" role="Goal"
Examples: давно_пора_VP[ давно[ Давно ] пора[ пора ] Stimulus[ нам ] Goal[ стати твердою ногою на північному березі Чорного моря ]. • давно_пора_VP[ давно[ Давно ] пора[ пора ] Goal[ по чарці да й за стіл ]. • Вже дванадцята година і давно_пора_VP[ давно[ давно ] пора[ пора ] Goal[ додому ].

далеко CMPRДалеко гірше і образливіше.

далеко_CMPR[ The construction ] is a comparative of a certain Property[ property ].
Language: ukr • Structure: [далеко CMPR+] • LU: далеко
Types: comparative | intensification
      cat="Adv" name="далеко"
      cat="CMPR" name="Property" role="Property"
Examples: Ні, насправді це було далеко_CMPR[ далеко[ далеко ] Property[ складніше, ] Property[ заплутаніше ], і не можна було ні розв'язати, ні розрубати. • Ти врятував мені більше, далеко_CMPR[ далеко[ далеко ] Property[ більше ] ], ніж життя, молодий господарю. • Нікому з вас не спало на думку, що невдача отакого експерименту була б далеко_CMPR[ далеко[ далеко ] Property[ гуманніша ] ] за успіх. • Це прохання було б далеко_CMPR[ далеко[ далеко ] Property[ доречнішим ] ] по відношенню до суду, — відповів Сальватор. • Однак загорожа була далеко_CMPR[ далеко[ далеко ] Property[ ширша ], ніж це здалося.

Дати Num рокiвДати 10 рокiв на вигляд

Expression which evaluates object in years
Language: ukr • Structure: [Дати Num рокiв (на вигляд)] • LU: рокiв
Types: evaluation | quantification
      cat="V" name="Дати" role="Action"
      cat="Num" name="Num" role="Quantity"
      cat="N" name="рокiв" role="Quantity"
Examples: Тіму на вигляд можна було Дати_Num_рокiв[ Дати[ дати ] рокiв[ років ] Num[ двадцять п'ять ].

дати гарбузагарбуза давала

This construction means refusing
Language: ukr • Structure: [дати NP-Dat? гарбуза] • LU: гарбуз
Examples: Сватало її багато парубків, так вона всім дати_гарбуза[ гарбуза давала ].

дати-imp V-infДайте мені виспатися нарешті!

The imperative form of verb "дати" stands for an ask or please to let the speaker perform some Aim[ action ]. It usually intensifies the request and notifies about obstacles made by listeners.
Language: ukr • Structure: [дати-imp [NP-dat]? VP-inf] • LU: дати
Types: verb | intensification
      cat="V-imp" name="дати"
      cat="NP-dat" name="Recipient" role="Recipient"
      cat="V-inf" name="Aim" role="Aim"
Examples: Уф, дати-imp_V-inf[ дати[ дайте ] дух Aim[ перевести ]! • Допомоги чекати не було звідки. дати-imp_V-inf[ дати[ Дайте ] хоч Aim[ померти ] ] спокійно! • — Дядечки, — попросив він, — дати-imp_V-inf[ дати[ дайте ] Recipient[ мені ] Aim[ крутонути ] ] цю штуковину, га? • - Ви он гостевi дати-imp_V-inf[ дати[ дайте ] хоч слово Aim[ сказати ].

де N-Dat? NP-Acc вправлятьде козам роги правлять

This construction means the place that is located very far away
Language: ukr • Structure: [де N-Dat? NP-Acc вправлять] • LU: вправлять
Examples: Відправили його туди, де_N-Dat?_NP-Acc_вправлять[ де козам роги правлять ].

держати NP-Gen себедержати його себе

Verb phrase which means keeping Object[ object ] in posession
Language: ukr • Structure: [держати NP-Gen [PP]] • LU: себе
Types: genetive | posessivness
      cat="V" name="держати" role="Action"
      cat="Pron" name="себе" role="Possessor"
      cat="NP-Gen" name="Object" role="Object"
Examples: Вона держати_NP-Gen_себе[ держати[ держатиме ] Object[ умисне ] Саву при себе[ собі ], їм на злість буде Сава її любити, візьме її за жінку, їм на злість… на злість… • Але держати_NP-Gen_себе[ Object[ гроші ] вже держати[ держу ] вднину при себе[ собі ] ], а вночі під подушкою. • Дурень хіба ] держати_NP-Gen_себе[ держати[ держатиме ] Object[ їх ] при себе[ собі ] й платитиме за них податки!

держати ніса за вітромдержати ніса за вітром

to adapt to circumstances
Language: ukr • Structure: [Держать ніса P вітром] • LU: вітром
Types: hortative
      cat="V" name="держати" role="Action"
      cat="N" name="нiс" role="Theme"
      cat="P" name="за"
      cat="N" name="витром"
Examples: А ти, отамане, теж держати_ніса_за_вітром[ держи носа за вітром ], бо народ тепер невірний пішов. Ох, і невірний, — крутив головою Бидюк, аж у шиї тріщало. • І критик, що держати_ніса_за_вітром[ держить по вітру нiс[ свій ніс ] ], що в папці промову (готову!) приніс, схопився і першим до сцени побіг • Забуття від алкоголю І червоно-сизий ніс. Іншим щось комічне грати Й веселитися до сліз, Ситно їсти, міцно спати І держати_ніса_за_вітром[ держать за вітром ніс ].

замалим не NumЧекав її замалим не 10 років

The construction is used in order not to specify the precise quantity and to provide Quantity[ its maximum value ] which is close enough to the real one.
Language: ukr • Structure: [VP? замалим не Num] • LU: не
Types: comparative
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="Adj" name="замалим"
      cat="Ptcl" name="не"
      cat="Num" name="Quantity" role="Quantity"
Examples: Не зараз додому вернувся, як службу відбув? Адже замалим_не_Num[ замалим[ замалим ] не[ не ] Quantity[ год ] Action[ іще прогаявсь ]. • Вже ж Улянка замалим_не_Num[ замалим[ замалим ] не[ не ] Quantity[ шість літ ] ] має тепера – чи ж не догляне? • Як проїздили восени через Диканьку, то прогостювали, пошли вам, Боже, здоров'ячка та многії літа, замалим_не_Num[ замалим[ замалим ] не[ не ] Quantity[ два дні ]. • — Воно ще молода дитина! — завжди вона проказувала, незважаючи на те, що Іванові Федоровичу було замалим_не_Num[ замалим[ замалим ] не[ не ] Quantity[ сорок років ]. — Де йому все знати!

кінець кінцемКінець кінцем махнула рукою.

кінець_кінцем[ The construction ] means "as a result", "in the end".
Language: ukr • Structure: [кінець кінцем] • LU: кінцем
      cat="N" name="кінцем"
      cat="N" name="кінець"
Examples: Надокучили тяганиною так, що кінець_кінцем[ кiнець кiнцем ] i йому, ― мабуть найтерплячiшому на флотi, ― урвався терпець. • кінець_кінцем[ Кінець кінцем ] йому вдалося заволодіти моїм вухом. • Нічого не міг вдіяти з собою і кінець_кінцем[ кінець кінцем ] став страшенним ледарем. • Ми довго морочимося над нею вдвох і кінець_кінцем[ кінець кінцем ] я переможно розв'язую й її. • кінець_кінцем[ Кінець кінцем ] умовив-таки, підхопив, помчав у свій ракетний степ.

куди Adj-CompКуди привабливіша.

куди_CMPR[ The construction ] is a comparative of a certain Property[ property ].
Language: ukr • Structure: [куда CMPR] • LU: куди
Types: comparative | intensification
      cat="Adv" name="куди"
      cat="Adj-Comp" name="Property" role="Property"
Examples: I розмiром як циганська, куди_CMPR[ куди[ куди ] Property[ бiльша ] за ту, що нею мами гудзики вам до штанiв пришивають… • Дзвінок, прибитий до дверей, деренчить куди_CMPR[ куди[ куди ] Property[ гучніше ], ніж я гадав. • Ця проблема виявилася куди_CMPR[ куди[ куди ] Property[ складнішою ], ніж уявляють її богослови. • Воланд може напустити туману й на людину куди_CMPR[ куди[ куди ] Property[ хитрішу ]. • Але, звичайно, куди_CMPR[ куди[ куди ] Property[ спокійніше ] було б вважати вас виплодом галюцинації.

нi за що не V-futНі за що не поїду на дачу

This construction expresses the speaker's complete refusal to do Action[ some action ] in the future. It intensifies the denial providing that speaker will not perform Action[ action ] under any circumstances.
Language: ukr • Structure: [нi за що не V-Fut [PP|AdvP]?] • LU: не
Types: future | intensification
      cat="Ptcl" name="нi"
      cat="Prep" name="за"
      cat="Pron" name="що"
      cat="Ptcl" name="не"
      cat="V-fut" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Я сказав, що не хочу ані трощити хмарочоси, ані топити лайнери і нi_за_що_не_V-fut[ нi[ ні ] за[ за ] що[ що ] не[ не ] Action[ зостанусь ] у підземному кублі • Я вірю, Христе, вірю! нi_за_що_не_V-fut[ нi[ Ні ] за[ за ] що[ що ] не[ не ] Action[ буде ] по-німецьки, нізащо! • Я з цією каблучкою нi_за_що_не_V-fut[ нi[ ні ] за[ за ] що[ що ] не[ не ] Action[ розлучусь ]. • І в тому, і в другому випадкові вони в вашу щирість нi_за_що_не_V-fut[ нi[ ні ] за[ за ] що[ що ] не[ не ] Action[ вірять ].

на те й NPАле ж на те й мистецтво, щоб завищувати усе й усілякі планки.

на_те_й_NP[ This construction ] is used to express the Purpose[ purpose ] of an Object[ object ] (physical object or phenomenon). The Object[ object ] has a particular feature or function which is an important characteristic of it.
Language: ukr • Structure: [[NP-Nom]? на те [Pron-Nom]? й? NP-Nom, [щоб(и) CLAUSE]?] • LU: й
Types: evaluation | purpose
      cat="NP" name="Object" role="Object"
      cat="PronP" name="Object" role="Object"
      cat="CLAUSE" name="Purpose" role="Purpose"
      cat="Prep" name="на"
      cat="Pron" name="те"
      cat="Conl" name="й"
      cat="Conj" name="щоб(и)"
Examples: на_те_й_NP[ на[ На ] те[ те ] Object[ вони ] й[ й ] Object[ стіхи ], щоб(и)[ шоб ] Purpose[ ні чорта не зрозуміти ] ]. • на_те_й_NP[ на[ На ] те[ те ] Oblect[ хліб ] на столі, Purpose[ щоби з нього краяти ]: на[ на ] те[ те ] Object[ касієр, ] щоб(и)[ щоби ] Purpose[ брати гроші з каси ] ]. • на_те_й_NP[ на[ На ] те[ те ] й[ й ] Object[ очі, ] щоб(и)[ щоб ] Purpose[ дивитися ] ]! • на_те_й_NP[ на[ На ] те[ те ] i[ і ] Object[ село, ] щоб(и)[ щоб ] Purpose[ хліб робити ] ], а город буде купувати.

набратися NP-genнабратися сорому

Language: ukr • Structure: [набратися NP-Gen] • LU: набратися
Examples: Це повний аут, - закипiв Васько. - Хто вас просить казати? - йому здавалося, що зiзнатися про танцi - набратися_NP-gen[ набратися сорому ]. • Злодії вирішили здатися, щоб не набратися_NP-gen[ набратися халепи ].

накивати п'ятаминакивали п'ятами

To scoot
Language: ukr • Structure: [AdvP? накивати п'ятами] • LU: п'ятами
Examples: Вартовий стояв біля воріт, і ми швиденько накивали п'ятами

Не Pron-Poss розуму NP-Nom

A phrase used to say that something is private information and should not be asked about
Language: ukr • Structure: [Не Pron-Poss розуму ([VP])] • LU: розум
Types: negation | possession
      cat="Neg" name="Не" role="Negation"
      cat="Pron-Poss" name="Pron-Poss" role="Possessor"
      cat="N" name="розум/голова" role="Object"
      cat="NP" name="Content" role="Content"
      aux="optional" cat="VP" name="VP"
Examples: «Це, — каже, — Не_Prop-Poss_розуму_NP[ Не[ не ] Prop-Poss[ твоєї ] розуму[ голови ] Content[ діло ] ]. За порядком начальство доглядає.

не варто VPНе варто перейматися дарма

The verbal construction expresses the lack of necessity in performing an Action[ action ]. May act as an implicit prohibition.
Language: ukr • Structure: [не варто VP-inf] • LU: варто
Types: negative verb
      cat="Ptcl" name="не"
      cat="V" name="варто"
      cat="VP-inf" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Перша — не_варто_VP[ не[ не ] варто[ варто ] було Action[ відокремлювати ] творчість Карсака від «космічної опери». • А тому, мабуть, не_варто_VP[ не[ не ] варто[ варто ] надто Action[ перейматися такими речами ], як вичерпаність мови, криза нового чи культурний екуменізм. • Туди нині не_варто_VP[ Action[ їхати ] не[ не ] варто[ варто ], хоч там і є готель «Маладьож-ная». • не_варто_VP[ не[ Не ] варто[ варто ] Action[ говорити ], що це зауваження стосується лише дiтей дошкiльного вiку.

не завадило б VPНам не завадило б перевірити

Construction expresses the possible necessity of Action[ action ] performing and acts as an implicit incentive to Action[ this action ].
Language: ukr • Structure: [не завадило б VP] • LU: б
Types: verb | causative
      cat="Ptcl" name="не"
      cat="V" name="завадило"
      cat="Ptcl" name="б"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: Юлії Володимирівні в стані праведного гніву не_завадило_б_VP[ не[ не ] завадило[ завадило ] б[ б ] Action[ згадати ] про міру законності відставки міністра оборони • До речі, не_завадило_б_VP[ не[ не ] завадило[ завадило ] б[ б ] Action[ підвищити Тарасові зарплату ]. • Та й не_завадило_б_VP[ не[ не ] завадило[ завадило ] б[ б ], будьмо вiдвертими, Action[ надолужити кiлометри ] ], згубленi в попереднi днi.

не то що XНе те щоб хоче.

не_то_що_X[ The construction ] is used to express uncertainty in the estimation of a Property[ characteristic ], Event[ event ].
Language: ukr • Structure: [NP? не то|те що(би) CLAUSE | VP | AdvP | CMPR | Adj] • LU: щоби
Types: uncertainty | evaluation
      cat="Part" name="не"
      cat="Pron" name="то"
      cat="Conj" name="що"
      cat="Clause" name="Event" role="Event"
      cat="AdvP" name="Property" role="Property"
      cat="CMPR" name="Property" role="Property"
      cat="Pron" name="те"
      cat="Conj" name="щоб(и)"
      cat="NP" name="Subject" role="Subject of a behavior"
      cat="VP" name="Event" role="Event"
Examples: І не_то_що_X[ не[ не ] те[ те ] щоб(и)[ щоби ] Event[ їм це не подобалось ] ], просто одного разу вона сама запропонувала перевезти до нього речі. • не_то_що_X[ не[ Не ] те[ те ], щоб(и)[ щоби ] Event[ брати хвилювались ] ], але Тамара влаштувала скандал. • не_то_що_X[ Subject[ Жінка ] не[ не ] те[ те ] щоб(и)[ щоб Event[ хоче стати чоловіком-творцем ] ], вона змушена ним стати. • не_то_що_X[ не[ Не ] то[ то ] щоб(и)[ щоб ] Event[ заслухатися можна було ] ], але ж музика, хай тобі грець! • не_то_що_X[ Але не[ не ] те[ те ] що[ що ] Event[ працювати ] ], навіть спати він не міг.

Нехай тобі NPнехай тобі всячина

Phrase wishing ill luck upon someone
Language: ukr • Structure: [Нехай Pro-Dat NP] • LU: Тоби
Types: conjunctive | negative verb
      cat="V" name="Нехай" role="State"
      cat="Pro" name="тобi" role="Experiencer"
      cat="NP" name="NP" role="Event"
Examples: Не чхай мені в ніс, Нехай_тобі_NP![ Нехай[ нехай ] тобi[ тобі ] NP[ біс ] • Оце ж Нехай_тобі_NP[ Нехай[ нехай ] тобi[ тобі ] NP[ всячина ], як ти нас налякав. • Шпонька. Нехай_тобі_NP[ Нехай[ Нехай ] тобi[ тобі ], NP[ іроде Шило ] (п'є і ставить на стіл чарку).

ні в тин ні в ворота

This constructions means " ні_в_тин_ні_в_ворота[ neither here nor there ] "
Language: ukr • Structure: LU:
Examples: Один оце я тільки — ні_в_тин_ні_в_ворота[ ні в тин ні в ворота ].

нічого собі NPНічого собі хмарочос!

Construction is used to express an exceeded expectation, surprise in comparison with prototypical perception of Object[ object ].
Language: ukr • Structure: [нічого собі NP] • LU: собi
Types: prototypical meaning | comparative | reflexive
      cat="Pron + Pron" name="нiчого_собi"
      cat="NP" name="Object" role="Object"
Examples: Для вас вони нешкідливі, навіть життєтворчі якоюсь мірою, а для нас? нічого_собі_NP[ нiчого_собi[ Нiчого собi ] Object[ подаруночок ] ] ! • нічого_собі_NP[ нiчого_собi[ Нічого собі ] Object[ дуб ] ]! Виріс до небес!

ну й NP-Nom

ну_й_NP-Nom[ The construction ] is used to emphasize attitude (may be positive or negative) to an Object[ object ].
Language: ukr • Structure: [ну и NP-Nom [PP]?] • LU: й
Types: attitude | discource particle
      name="ну" role="Ptcl"
      name="й" role="Conj"
      cat="NP" name="Object" role="Object"
      cat="PP" name="Possessor" role="Possessor"
Examples: ну_й_NP-Nom[ ну[ Ну ] й[ й ] Object[ спека ]! — сказав бегемот, віддихавшись. • ну_й_NP-Nom[ ну[ Ну ] й[ й ] Object[ смак ] Possessor[ у тебе ], — сказав Троль. • ну_й_NP-Nom[ ну[ Ну ] й[ й ] Object[ негода ]. Ллє, як із відра. • ну_й_NP-Nom[ ну[ Ну ] й[ й ] Object[ гади ]! Ще й на світ не займалося, а вже гавкають. • ну_й_NP-Nom[ ну[ Ну ] й[ й ] Object[ книжка ]!.. Ще й ще перегортаю: таке рідне усе…

от Pro-Dat й NP

от_Pro-Dat_й_NP[ The construction ] is used to express speaker's surprise. Usually it means that an Object[ object ] or an Event[ event ] does not correspond to its essence/its definition and expectations of the speaker.
Language: ukr • Structure: [от|ось тобi|вам й NP|AdjP|VP] • LU: раз
Types: discource particle | dative | demonstrative | attitude
      cat="Part" name="ось"
      cat="Conj" name="й"
      cat="NP" name="Object" role="Object"
      cat="Pro" name="тобi"
      cat="Part" name="от"
      cat="NP" name="Event" role="Event"
      cat="N" name="раз"
      cat="Prep" name="на"
      cat="Pro" name="вам"
      cat="VP" name="Event" role="Event"
Examples: от_Pro-Dat_й_NP[ ось[ Ось ] тобi[ тобі ] й[ й ] Object[ собака ] … Погано буде нам без Толика. • Ого! от_Pro-Dat_й_NP[ от[ От ] тобi[ тобі ] й[ й ] Event[ ого ]! • — от_Pro-Dat_й_NP[ от[ От ] тобi[ тобі ] й[ й ] раз[ раз ], — скривившись, подумав я. • от_Pro-Dat_й_NP[ от[ От ] тобi[ тобі ] й[ й ] на[ на ]! Та що ви, голубчику! • от_Pro-Dat_й_NP[ от[ От ] тобi[ тобі ] й[ й ] Object[ грім ]! Яке безконечно довге село.

ох уже цей NP!Ох уже цей хуліган!

Construction expresses the speaker's extreme disappointment or resentment towards some Theme[ person ] or Theme[ object ].
Language: ukr • Structure: [ох уже цей NP] • LU: цей
Types: intensification
      cat="Interjection" name="ох"
      cat="Ptcl" name="уже"
      cat="Pron" name="цей"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: ох_уже_цей_NP![ ох[ Ох ] уже[ уже ] цей[ цей ] мені Theme[ чорний імператорський пес ] ! • ох_уже_цей_NP![ ох[ Ох ] уже[ уже ] цей[ цей ] Theme[ Мандрівець ] ! Все це його витівки, шалені гроші вгачені в це, але зате як його тут люблять! • ох_уже_цей_NP![ ох[ Ох ] уже[ уже ] ж цей[ цей ] Theme[ вік ] ! Підлітковий вік - найбільш вразлива і суперечлива пора в житті кожного з нас.

пекти раків

To blush
Language: ukr • Structure: [пекти раків]Inv • LU: раків
Examples: Не вмієш пекти хліба – будеш пекти_раків[ пекти раків ].

[по]кинути VP-InfПокинути нити

The construction means "to give up Action[ doing something ] or just finish Action[ doing something ] ".
Language: ukr • Structure: [(по)кинути VP-Inf] • LU: покинути
Types: infinitive | verb
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
      cat="V" name="(по)кинути"
Examples: Пiсля цього ви змушенi будете по(кинути)_VP-Inf[ (по)кинути[ кинути ] Action[ курити ] ]. • Подейкують, що він цілковито по(кинути)_VP-Inf[ (по)кинути[ кинув ] Action[ пити портвейн ] ] і п'є лише горілку, настояну на смородинових бруньках ]. • Він по(кинути)_VP-Inf[ (по)кинути[ кинув ] Action[ сміятися ] ]. Був серйозний і зосереджений. • Зуріта, по(кинути)_VP-Inf[ (по)кинути[ покинувши ] Action[ вмиватися ], швидко піднявся на палубу. • На який час я зовсім по(кинути)_VP-Inf[ (по)кинути[ покинув ] Action[ писати ] ].

повний NP-abstrповна маячня

Adjectival phrase which means that the extreeme degree of an Theme[ abstract phenomenon ] describing some situation was reached
Language: ukr • Structure: [повний NP-abstr] • LU: повний
Types: adjective | intensification | reaching limit
      cat="Adj" name="повний"
      cat="NP-abstr" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: повний_NP-abstr[ повний[ Повна ] Theme[ маячня ]! Це абсолютне свавілля і такого бути не повинно. • Нововведення політиків по продуктовій блокаді Криму - це повний_NP-abstr[ повний[ повний ] Theme[ ідіотизм ].

приходити до пам'ятіТи прийшов до пам'яті, мій хлопчику!

приходити_до_памяті[ The construction ] means "to regain consciousness".
Language: ukr • Structure: [приходити|прийти [до пам'яті]] • LU: прийти
Types: verb | prepositional
      cat="V" name="приходити"
      cat="Prep" name="до"
      cat="N" name="пам'яті"
Examples: Поранений не приходити_до_пам'яті[ приходить до пам'яті ] від часу удару осколком, з 19 серпня. • Не міг спам'ятатися, забув за себе і аж як гримнув кулаками до сволока, то приходити_до_пам'яті[ приходив до пам'яті ]. • Як Катруся приходити_до_пам'яті[ приходила до пам'яті ], то мама сідала коло неї. • Хай поверне той гяур султанський фірман, — пробелькотав, приходити_до_пам'яті[ приходячи до пам'яті ], Гамід. • Бабуня, яка тим часом вже приходити_до_пам'яті[ прийшла до пам'яті ], спитала стурбовано...

продавати зуби

To laugh for no reason
Language: ukr • Structure: [продавати зуби]Inv • LU: зуби
Examples: Цей хлопчик дуже дивний - те і робить, що продавати_зуби[ продає зуби ].

строїти з себе NP-AccСтроїти з себе героя.

The constructions is used when a person pretends to be someone else.
Language: ukr • Structure: [NP-Nom? строїти [з себе] NP-Acc] • LU: себе
Types: verb | prepositional | reflexive pronoun
      cat="VP" name="строїти"
      cat="Prep" name="з"
      cat="Pron" name="себе"
      cat="NP" name="Object" role="Object"
      cat="NP" name="Subject" role="Subject"
Examples: Що ж це ми, отак і дозволимо Юрчикові строїти_з_себе_NP-Acc[ строїти[ строїти ] з[ з ] себе[ себе ] Object[ лицаря, джентльмена й древньоруського богатиря ]?! • строїти_з_себе_NP-Acc[ Subject[ Польськi легiони ] строїти[ строїли ] з[ з ] себе[ себе ] Object[ французiв ]. • Ïм було вигiдно строїти_з_себе_NP-Acc[ строїти[ строїти ] з[ з ] себе[ себе ] Object[ революцiонерiв ].

Та хай NP-Dat

Construction expresses situation when subject (that is ommited) is disappointed with something and leaves the situation to follow its natural course.
Language: ukr • Structure: [Та хай NP] • LU: хай
Types: conjunctive | discource particle | optative | Dative
      cat="Conj" name="та"
      cat="Ptcl" name="хай"
      cat="NP" name="NP" role="Object"
Examples: Батько й плюнули: та ооййй… та чорти вас бери, Та_хай_NP[ та хай NP[ вам ] ] … та робіть шо хочете… • Та_хай_NP[ Та хай NP[ йому ] ]; одне є безсумнiвним, пройда мав гарненьке дiвчатко. • Та_хай_NP[ Та хай NP[ собі ] ], це Клавдина справа, а не моя! • Дума, десь дурну знайде… Та_хай_NP[ Та хай NP[ йому гаспид ] ]! Ти краще розкажи мені про город. • Попробувала знову Христя — ні, не сікайся! — Та_хай_NP[ Та хай NP[ йому ], тому погребові ]! Ще трохи там зосталося буряків — зваримо борщ; пшоно теж е — буде на кашу, — рішила Пріська. • — А що, — каже Ковинський, — як тобі здається, добре ходити в клас? — Та_хай_NP[ Та хай NP[ йому ] сто чортів ]! — Ото було мене слухати, а не «приліжних».

Та хай VP

The construction has two meanings: 1) wishing ill luck upon someone 2) let matters stand
Language: ukr • Structure: [Та хай VP] • LU: хай
Types: discource particle | conjunctive
      cat="Conj" name="та"
      cat="Ptcl" name="хац"
      cat="VP" name="VP" role="Action"
Examples: — Он хто вийде — показала Мася на Теклю, — бо й мовчить, — каже. — Та_хай_VP[ Та хай VP[ він сказиться ] ]! — озвалась Текля. — Що вам таке сьогодні! • Дай йому коней, Та_хай_VP[ та хай VP[ і забирається він до дідька ] ]. • Та_хай_VP[ Та хай VP[ вони згинуть ] ], мені треба доконче знати, що то за шельма у вивернутому кожусі. • Палажка. Та_хай_VP[ Та хай VP[ їм все завалиться ]! Я зараз… • Певне, люди наплетуть такого, що… Та_хай_VP[ Та — хай VP[ плетуть ] ]. Що ж, коли я люблю Василя!?..

ти в мене V-futТи в мене ще побачиш!

This construction may express a threat or notify that the speaker would prevent addressee taking some Action[ action ] in the future.
Language: ukr • Structure: [ти в мене V-fut] • LU: я
Types: prospective | future
      cat="Pron" name="ти"
      cat="Prep" name="в"
      cat="Pron" name="мене"
      cat="V-fut" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: О ні, ти_в_мене_V-fut[ ти[ ти ] в[ в ] мене[ мене ] Action[ працюватимеш ] як слід! — зарепетував наглядач і кілька разів шмагонув невільника по плечах. • ти_в_мене_V-fut[ ти[ Ти ] в[ в ] мене[ мене ] Action[ матимеш ] конкретну справу, приятелю. • ти_в_мене_V-fut[ — ] ти[ Ти ] в[ в ] мене[ мене ] теж Action[ заревеш ] ! — кричала Катя. • Я тобі покажу, шибенику! ти_в_мене_V-fut[ ти[ Ти ] в[ в ] мене[ мене ] Action[ повоюєш ] ! - І вона попрямувала до сина, щоб затримати його.

тільки NP-Gen [NP-Dat] не вистачалоЦього тільки не вистачало!

тільки_NP-Gen_не_вистачало[ The construction ] expressess anger, indignation, disapproval, etc. about Evaluee[ something undesirable ].
Language: ukr • Structure: [[тiльки/якраз NP-Gen] [NP-Dat] ще|i не вистачало PP] • LU: вистачало
Types: attitude | indignation | opposite meaning
      cat="Adv" name="тiльки"
      cat="NP" name="Evaluee" role="Evaluee"
      cat="Part" name="не"
      cat="V" name="вистачало"
      cat="NP" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="Adv" name="ще"
      cat="Part" name="i"
      cat="PP" name="Goal" role="Goal"
Examples: тільки_NP-Gen_не_вистачало[ Evaluee[ Крокодила ], який вміє розмовляти, Experiencer[ нам ] ще[ ще ] не[ не ] вистачало[ вистачало ] ]! • тільки_NP-Gen_не_вистачало[ Якраз Object[ тебе ] Experiencer[ нам ] i[ i ] не[ не ] вистачало[ вистачало ] Goal[ для повної гармонiї життя ] ]! • тільки_NP-Gen_не_вистачало[ Іще Evaluee[ чого ] не[ не ] вистачало[ вистачало ] ]! • Масаракш, тільки_NP-Gen_не_вистачало[ Object[ цього ] тiльки[ тільки ] не[ не ] вистачало[ вистачало ] ]! Жінка — це зовсім зайве…

то й дивись VP-pfvТо й дивись, вкраде що-не́будь

Construction is used to express a possible Action[ result ] or Action[ consequences ] of some action in amplified way.
Language: ukr • Structure: [то й дивись VP-pfv] • LU: дивись
Types: modality | intensification
      cat="Pron" name="то"
      cat="Conj" name="й"
      cat="V" name="дивись"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: А земляки… в усатого синяк під оком, а в того, з борідкою, очі якісь, як у цуцика, що то_й_дивись_VP-pfv[ то[ то ] й[ й ] дивись[ дивись ] Action[ ухопить за полу тебе ]. • Треба тільки знати їх: одна несе вгору-вниз, інша, то_й_дивись_VP-pfv[ то[ то ] й[ й ] дивись[ дивись ], Action[ перекине через голову ]. • Ти намокнеш, Мері, накрапає дощ, а вітер, то_й_дивись_VP-pfv[ то[ то ] й[ й ] дивись[ дивись ], Action[ принесе зливу ]. • – А відомо, бо мати йому слаба, то_й_дивись_VP-pfv[ то[ то ] й[ й ] дивись[ дивись ] Action[ вмре ], то вже ж тоді не годиться веселля справляти

того й чекайПотиснуть зливи, того й чекай

Construction is used to describe event or action which may happen very soon
Language: ukr • Structure: [[(Clause)] того Conj чекай [(Clause)]] • LU: чекай
Types: future | durative | uncertainty
      cat="Clause" name="Clause" role="Event"
      cat="Pro" name="того"
      cat="V" name="чекай"
Examples: того_й_чекай[ того_й_чекай[ То вже ого i чекай ], Clause[ що старший відлепортує в «місячних відомостях» ] ] : «груб, неслухняний, по улиці ходить і пісні співа, де люди всякого званія, чину й покрою» • того_й_чекай[ Clause[ Від тубілок ] тільки того й чекaй ], - скaзaлa Лорa. - Жодній з них не можнa вірити. Але Сaллі ввaжaлa, що вонa крaще розуміє причину втечі Кaлгурли • того_й_чекай[ Clause[ Яка цибулина першою проросте ], від того_й_чекай[ того й чекай ] Clause[ запрошення вийти заміж ]. • того_й_чекай[ Clause[ Характер цих жінок - не з миролюбних ], того й чекай ] якого-небудь вибуху.

узяти на NP-Accвзяли на кпини

To mock someone
Language: ukr • Structure: [взять на NP-Acc] • LU: глум
Examples: Чому ви мене узяти_на_NP-Acc[ взяли на кпини ]?

хоч VP-ImpХоч тікай у Москву.

хоч_VP-Imp[ The construction ] means "to the extent to perform an Action[ action ] ".
Language: ukr • Structure: [хоч VP-Imp] • LU: хоч
Types: imperative
      cat="VP" name="хоч"
      cat="VP" name="Action" role="Action"
Examples: хоч_VP-Imp[ хоч[ Хоч ] Action[ убийте мене ], не розумію! • Так обрид зі своїм зубом, що хоч_VP-Imp[ хоч[ хоч ] Action[ тікай у Москву ]. • хоч_VP-Imp[ хоч[ Хоч ] Action[ кидай свою хату та тікай до сусід ]. • А як до лиця все вам, хоч_VP-Imp[ хоч[ хоч ] Action[ малюй ]! • хоч_VP-Imp[ хоч[ Хоч ] Action[ йди на музики до корчми ], — думав дід, стоячи на порозі та насторочивши вуха.

час Neg VPЧас не жде

to be under time pressure
Language: ukr • Structure: [час Neg VP] • LU: час
Types: negative verb | durative | telicity
      cat="N" name="час" role="Agent"
      cat="Neg" name="Neg"
      cat="VP" name="VP" role="Action"
Examples: А тим часом треба нам дужче заходитися біля ланцюга. час_Neg_VP[ Час Neg[ не ] VPм[ жде ] ]! Вони ще довго шепотілися в темряві. • — Тепер за роботу, друзі, час_Neg_VP[ час Neg[ не ] VPм[ жде ] ]! — сказав Загорському і Ользі. • Вперьод, вперьод! час_Neg_VP[ час[ Время ] Neg[ не ] VP[ ждьот ] ]. Так, і вздихая, і вздихая, на панелі ізмизганих уліц струітся Первоє мая». • - Ну, але тепер ходім! ― обізвався твердо й різко Івоніка. - час_Neg_VP[ Час Neg[ не ] VP[ стоїть ] ]. Він був глибоко зворушений розмовою знакомих, але не зраджував себе. • Правда, що робити треба регулярно на термін, пам'ятаючи, що час_Neg_VP[ час Neg[ не ] VP[ жде ] ] і навіть що «час – то гроші».

що Pro-Dat NPЩо мені дощ.

The construction is used to show that the Object[ object ] is useless or harmless for Subject[ somebody ].
Language: ukr • Structure: [що Pro-Dat NP-Nom] • LU: що
Types: dative | attitude
      cat="Conj" name="що"
      cat="NP" name="Subject" role="Subject"
      cat="NP" name="Object" role="Object"
Examples: що_Pro-Dat_NP[ що[ Що ] Subject[ мені ] Object[ серце ], коли справа йде про інтереси пролетаріату? • Та що_Pro-Dat_NP[ що[ що ] Subject[ мені ] Object[ люди ], я була з реп'яшок — та й то не зважала на людський поговір! • Та не про раба я піклуюся, батьку. що_Pro-Dat_NP[ що[ Що ] Subject[ мені ] Object[ Гефест ]? Я й не помічав його ніколи. • що_Pro-Dat_NP[ що[ Що ] Subject[ мені ] Object[ пан Шубравський ]? — приповідався комісар. — Нехай би його, про мене, чорти брали. • що_Pro-Dat_NP[ що[ Що ] Subject[ мені ] Object[ чоловік ]?! Я його ненавидю, я тебе люблю!

Як щодо NP?Як щодо кави?

This construction represents a question which is similar to English "What about Subject[ smth ] ?". It aims to clarify some facts about some Subject[ subject ] closely connected to the general theme or to propose listener to perform some action on Subject[ this subject ].
Language: ukr • Structure: [Як щодо NP-gen] • LU: щодо
      cat="Adv" name="Як"
      cat="Prep" name="щодо"
      cat="NP-gen" name="Subject" role="Subject"
Examples: Мiстере Ваткiнс, Як_щодо_NP?[ Як[ як ] щодо[ щодо ] Subject[ зайвого лiжечка ] …?" • Так ось… я хотів запитати, Як_щодо_NP?[ Як[ як ] щодо[ щодо ] Subject[ сьогоднішнього вечора ]?.. • Як_щодо_NP?[ Як[ Як ] щодо[ щодо ] Subject[ єдиних критеріїв ]?

Yiddish Constructicon

Team: Elizaveta Kuzmenko, Ivan Levin, Elmira Mustakimova, Maria Sapozhnikova

a N iber a Na tog iber a tog

Adverbial expression which means 'every other X'
Language: yid • Structure: [[a N] [iber [a N]] • LU: iber
      cat="NP" name="Time"
      cat="P" name="iber"
      cat="NP" name="Time"
Examples: a tog iber a tog (every other day)

a NP a POSS[+agree]a tochter a mayne

describing a possession, denoting Possessee[ an object ] that belongs to Possessor[ smb ]
Language: yid • Structure: a NP a POSS[+agree] • LU:
Types: possessive | reduplication
      cat="ART" lu="a" name="article"
      cat="NP" name="possessee" role="Possessee"
      cat="ART" lu="a" name="article"
      cat="POSS" name="possessor" role="Possessor"
Examples: cee[ a ] Possessee[ tochter ] cee[ a ] Possessor[ mayne ]

A[Comp] fun NP[Dat]shener fun Moyshen

Comparative construction
Language: yid • Structure: [A [fun [NP]] • LU: fun
      cat="NP" name="Standard"
Examples: zi iz ] Property[ frayer ] fun[ fun ] Standard[ der muter ], ober dokh hot zi zikh gehaltn shtreng ortodoksish. (She is freer than her mother, but she still behaved in a very orthodoxal way) • flyen khadoshim un yorn Property[ gringer ] un Property[ gikher ] fun[ fun ] Standard[ shney ]. (Months and years fly easier and quicklier than snow) • afile Property[ veyniker ] fun[ fun ] Standard[ tsvey yor ]. (even less than two years) • di folkstseylung hot antplekt Property[ veyniker ] fun[ fun ] Standard[ 7 toyznt yidn ] (The census has revealed less than 7 thousand Jews) • a poet iz Property[ shtarker ] fun[ fun ] Standard[ ayzn ] (A poet is stronger than iron)

Adj-Comp vi NPshener vi Moyshenicer than Moyshe

Comparative construction
Language: yid • Structure: [A[vi[NP]]] • LU: vi
Types: comparison
      cat="Adj-Comp" name="Property"
      cat="Prep" name="vi"
      cat="NP" name="Standard" role="Standard"
Examples: Property[ mer ] vi[ vi ] Standard[ dray yor ] (more than three years) • a prayz, vos iz geven Property[ nideriker ] vi[ vi ] Standard[ di prayzn oyfn velt-mark ]. (a price that was lower than the prices on the world market)Property[ mer ] vi[ vi ] Standard[ tsvantsik bikher oyf yidish ] (more than twenty books in Yiddish) • yidish hot men shoyn nisht geredt in budapesht Property[ mer ] vi[ vi ] Standard[ hundert yor ] (People did not speak Yiddish in Budapest for more than a hundred years)Property[ mer ] vi[ vi ] Standard[ a milyon pleytim fun khine ] (more than a million refugees from China)

bay NP[Dat] in NP[Dat]bay Moyshen in klas

Prepositional exression that denotes location in a place that belongs to somebody
Language: yid • Structure: [bay [NP]] [in [NP]] • LU: in
Examples: un zayne zin flegn geyn un makhn a moltsayt bay[ bay ] Possesser[ itlekhn ] in[ in ] Place[ hoyz ] (And his sons used to go and cook a meal in everyone's house) • voynen bay[ bay ] Possesser[ ire tate-mame ] in[ in ] Place[ zeyer dushne shtibele ] (to live in her parents' very stuffy room)bay[ bay ] Possesser[ dem rov ] in[ in ] Place[ shtub ] (in the Rabbi's room)bay[ bay ] Possesser[ di daytshn ] in[ in ] Place[ di hent ] bin ikh geven kemat a gants yor (I have spent almost a whole year in the Germans' hands) • ligndik bay[ bay ] Possesser[ der muter ] in[ in ] Place[ boykh ] (being in the mother's belly)

bay NP SBay mir iz es sheyn. • 'In my eyes it's pretty.'

in NP's eyes S
Language: yid • Structure: at NP S • LU:
Examples: by[ Bay ] 3sg.dat[ im ] have[ hobn ] all[ ale ][ feygl ] one[ eyn ] name[ nomen ] — art[ a ] bird[ foygl ]. (In his point of view, all birds have a single name – a bird.)

bay NPbay 15 minut • 'about 15 minutes'

about NP
Language: yid • Structure: at NP • LU: bay
Types: proximity
      cat="PREP" name="bay"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: bay[ bay ] object[ 15 minut ] (about 15 minutes)

bay NP[+anim?, dat] in di hent

At someone's mercy, in the power of someone.
Language: yid • Structure: by NP in the hand • LU:
Examples: by[ Bay ] art[ di ] germans[ daytshn ] in[ in ] art[ di ] hand[ hent ] bin ikh geven kemat a gants yor. • Bloyz a neys ken undz haynt helfn, un azoy vi s׳iz haynt khaneke, a tsayt fun nisim, zaynen mir bay im in di hent.

blaybn INFikh bin geblibn shteyn oyf eyn ort, efsher a sho!

continue to do something, remain or stay doing something, keep on with the action
Language: yid • Structure: remain INF • LU: blaybn
Types: modality
      cat="VP" lu="blaybn" name="continue"
      cat="VP" msd="INF" name="activity"
Examples: di notitsn, velkhe ikh hob dan gemakht, zaynen bay mir continue[ geblibn ] activity[ lign ] in arkhiv. • ikh bin continue[ geblibn ] activity[ shteyn ] oyf eyn ort, efsher a sho! • oyf der vant iz di panne continue[ geblibn ] activity[ hengen ] nokh lang

derlangen NP[+anim?, acc] di hant

To shake hands with someone.
Language: yid • Structure: pass NP a hand • LU:
Examples: Un s hot genumen tsendliker yorn, biz prezident bil klinton aux[ hot ] pron.acc[ im ] pass[ derlangt ] art[ di ] hand[ hant ]. • Der zokn pass[ derlangt ] Pron-Acc[ im ] art[ di ] hand[ hant ] un zogt: "ikh bin der rov".

dos past forn nisht

smth. is not suitable
Language: yid • Structure: it does not suit for riding • LU:

Ei wasEi was, kommen wir zu spät

This is a construction which means that smth is not matter and the situation can go on (is used usually in colloquial speech
Language: yid • Structure: [Ei was] • LU: was
Types: Adverbial
      cat="noun" name="Ei"
      cat="pronoun" name="was"
Examples: Er sagte: " ei_was[ Ei was ], erst will ich bewundern und erst will ich dich richtig betrachten, ob du älter geworden bist, und ob dir das neue Kleid steht, und was es etwa sonst noch Feines gibt • ei_was[ Ei was ], fahren Sie mal zu, sonst fährt uns ja jede Milchkutsch vor. • ei_was[ Ei was ] is denn das für e Gebumms. • ei_was[ Ei was ] gehn uns denn dem sei dreckig Fußzehe an! • ei_was[ Ei was ], sagte Friedrich, eine wahrsagende Zigeunerin hätte soviel Redefreiheit wie ein Narr, es müsse ein jeder sehen, mit ihrem Spruch fertig zu werden.

fregt PRON[acc] bkheyrem

Someone has no idea.
Language: yid • Structure: ask PRON[acc] ban|ostracism • LU:
Examples: Der doziker yid kumt tsu geyn in templ un ask[ fregt ] Pron-Acc[ im ] ban[ bkheyrem ] dem khilek fun a templ biz a shul!... • Vos genoy dos hot gemeynt, ask[ fregt ] Pron-Acc[ mikh ] ban[ bkheyrem ].

fun NP tsu NP VPfun tsayt tsu tsayt

Adverbial construction meaning that an action (VP) repeats several times, the points of repetition are expressed by NP (e.g. from time to time)
Language: yid • Structure: [fun [NP] tsu [NP] VP] • LU: tsu
      cat="PREP" name="fun"
      cat="noun" name="repetition_point" role="Starting point"
      cat="PREP" name="tsu"
      cat="noun" name="repetition_point" role="Destination"
      cat="VP" name="action" role="Action"
Examples: yidishe aktivistn action[ hobn ] fun[ fun ] repetition_point[ tsayt ] tsu[ tsu ] repetition_point[ tsayt ] action[ deklarirt ] epes • dos klapn action[ vert ] fun[ fun ] repetition_point[ mol ] tsu[ tsu ] repetition_point[ mol ] action[ shtarker ] • nor vi a foygl action[ flit ] fun[ fun ] repetition_point[ land ] tsu[ tsu ] repetition_point[ land ] mayn likhtiker gedank • vi a parol action[ zol geyn ] dos leyad fun[ fun ] repetition_point[ dor ] tsu[ tsu ] repetition_point[ dor ] • der interes far yidish action[ shtaygt ] fun[ fun ] repetition_point[ yor ] tsu[ tsu ] repetition_point[ yor ].

gebn zikh a NPgebn zikh a dershrek 'give oneself a fright'

Put yourself into conditions, make something to yourself
Language: yid • Structure: INF SELF a NP • LU:

geyn VP.Prtcpgeyn farloyrn

To become PRTCP (become forgotten, become united)
Language: yid • Structure: [geyn [PRTCP]] • LU: geyn
Types: resultative construction | cue:go
      cat="V" name="geyn"
      cat="V-Prtcp" name="Condition" role="Condition"
Examples: keyn gute tsayt geyn[ geyt ] nit condition[ farloyrn ] • mir haltn, az di religyeze darfn geyn[ geyn ] condition[ fareynikt ] mit veltlekhe

geyn VP.InfIkh gey leyenen a bukh • 'I am going to read a book right now'

To start doing smth. soon
Language: yid • Structure: [go [INF]] • LU:
Types: infinitive construction | cue:go
Examples: Di reyd go[ geyt ] inf[ vegn ] der "emeser demokratye" fun di sovetishe tsaytn

haltn bay VPhaltn bay geyn

Be about to do VP, VP should be in infinitive form
Language: yid • Structure: [haltn bay [VP]] • LU: bay
      cat="V" name="haltn"
      cat="PREP" name="bay"
      cat="VP" name="action"
Examples: es zitsn tsuzamen oyf der sofke dray yunge froyen, redn shnel, baredn, ver s’ haltn[ halt ] bay[ bay ] action[ getn ] zikh un ver iz shvanger. • azoy vi ikh haltn[ halt ] bay[ bay ] action[ avekforn ], vil er kumen mikh intervirn • a mentsh, vos haltn[ halt ] bay[ bay ] action[ shtarbn ].

haltn fun NP

literally, hold from something, which metaphorically means believe in something
Language: yid • Structure: [hold [from [NP]]] • LU: haltn
Types: verb
      cat="VP" lu="haltn" name="haltn"
      cat="PREP" lu="fun" name="PREP"
      cat="NP" name="object" role="Stimulus"
Examples: khotsh der hebreisher dikhter yehude־leyb gordon hot nit haltn[ gehaltn ] PREP[ fun ] object[ yidish ], hot er geshribn a tsol lider oyf yidish. • der amerikaner yidisher oylem hot gor veynik haltn[ gehaltn ] PREP[ fun ] object[ senator liberman ].

haltn in eyn VPhaltn in eyn veynen

Do nothing but VP, verb phrase should be in infinitive form
Language: yid • Structure: [haltn in eyn [VP]] • LU: eyn
      cat="V" name="haltn"
      cat="PREP" name="in"
      cat="Num" name="eyn"
      cat="VP" name="action"
Examples: bemeshekh fun der yisroyldiker operatsye, haltn[ hot ] men in der shvedisher medya haltn[ gehaltn ] in[ in ] eyn[ eyn ] action[ rufn tsu boykotirn yisroyldike produktn ]. • zey haltn[ hobn ] gehaltn in[ in ] eyn[ eyn ] action[ fregn ], ven vet es shoyn geshen?

haltn in zinen az Smen darf haltn in zinen, az der mentsh trakht, un got lakht

Keep in mind that S (complement clause)
Language: yid • Structure: LU:
      cat="V" name="haltn"
      cat="PREP" name="in"
      cat="N" name="zinen"
      cat="Conj" name="az"
      cat="S" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: me muz haltn[ haltn ] in[ in ] zinen[ zinen, ] az[ az ] theme[ nokh a kurtser ] (ober heyser!) libe mit der bolshevistisher revolutsye, iz der "forverts" zint di onheyb 1920 er yorn gevorn dos biterste anti-sovetishe kol oyf der gantser amerikaner yidisher gas. • men darf haltn[ haltn ] in[ in ] zinen[ zinen, ] az[ az ] theme[ der mentsh trakht, un got lakht ] • ober derbay darf men oykh haltn[ haltn ] in[ in ] zinen[ zinen, ] az[ az ] theme[ di batsiung fun der yidisher inteligents tsu der eyropeisher kultur iz geven gants kritish, befrat nokhn khurbn fun der ershter velt-milkhome ]. • ir zolt haltn[ haltn ] in[ in ] zinen[ zinen, ] az[ az ] theme[ zi ken falsh oystaytshn gevise zakhn vos ir dertseylt ir vi soydes ].

haltn NP in zinenhaltn epes in zinen

Keep something in mind
Language: yid • Structure: [haltn [NP] [in zinen]] • LU: zinen
      cat="V" name="haltn"
      cat="NP" name="theme" role="Theme"
      cat="PREP" name="in"
      cat="N" name="zinen"
Examples: ober ikh haltn[ halt ] theme[ es ] in[ in ] zinen[ zinen ] • di gehoybene tragik funem bild vert nokh klorer, ven men haltn[ halt ] in[ in ] zinen[ zinen ] theme[ zayn date — 1952 — der same bren fun der stalinistisher antisemitisher kampanye ] • ven zinger hot geshafn di geshtalt fun zayn held, dem yungn yegor karnovski, hot er mistome haltn[ gehaltn ] in[ in ] zinen[ zinen ] theme[ hans bodenheymer ]

haltn ofn di oygn [far] NPdarf men haltn an oyg oyf azelkhe pyeses, vayl men tor nisht fargesn

literally, keep an eye out for something; to beware, to expect something
Language: yid • Structure: [[[haltn ofn] [di oygn]] [far [NP]]] • LU: oyg
Types: verb | metaphor
      cat="VP" lu="haltn" name="hold"
      cat="PREP" lu="ofn" name="open"
      cat="ART" lu="di/an" name="article"
      cat="NP" lu="oyg(n)" name="eye(s)"
      cat="PREP" lu="far" name="for"
      cat="NP" name="object" role="Condition"
Examples: Darf men hold[ haltn ] article[ an ] eye(s)[ oyg ] oyf object[ azelkhe pyeses ], vayl men tor nisht fargesn. (People need to keep an eye for such drama, because people must not forget)

haltn in [eyn] INFzey hobn es gehaltn in oysgrobn 'they were excavating it'

Durative or iterative construction, to be in the process of INFing or repeating the process of INFing
Language: yid • Structure: hold in INF • LU: eyn
Types: durative | iterative
      cat="VP" lu="haltn" name="hold"
      cat="PREP" lu="in" name="in"
      cat="PronP" lu="eyn" name="one"
      cat="INF" name="Activity" role="Activity"
Examples: Zey hobn es hold[ gehaltn ] in[ in ] activity[ oysgrobn ]. (They were excavating it) • Bemeshekh fun der yisroyldiker operatsye, hot men in der shvedisher medya hold[ gehaltn ] in[ in ] one[ eyn ] activity[ rufn tsu boykotirn yisroyldike produktn ]. (During the Israeli operation, the Swedish media did nothing but call to boycott the Israeli products.) • Zey hold[ haltn ] in[ in ] one[ eyn ] activity[ shraybn ]. (They are writing)

haltn zikh an eytse mit NP[acc]Zey hobn gehaltn an eytse mit eyn hartsn. • 'They have asked the heart for advice.'

Language: yid • Structure: hold REFL an advice with [NP[+anim]] • LU: mit
      cat="VP" lu="haltn" name="hold"
      cat="REFL" lu="zikh" name="refl"
      cat="NP" lu="eytse" name="Advice" role="Goal"
      cat="PREP" name="mit"
      cat="NP" name="theme"
Examples: Zey hold[ hobn ] gehaltn advice[ an eytse ] mit[ mit ] Theme[ eyn hartsn ] (They have asked the heart for advice).

hobn a sakh tsu ton mit NP

Language: yid • Structure: have a lot to do with [NP] • LU: hobn|sakh|ton
Types: verb argument construction | constant argument | cue:have | cue:do | cue:a_lot
Examples: Me trogt putinen oyf di hent un me fargest, az der neys fun zayn derfolg have[ hot ] a_lot[ a sakh ] to[ tsu ] do[ ton ] mit_NP[ mit dem ], vos far di yorn fun zayn memshole zaynen di naft-prayzn gevorn zeks mol hekher.

hobn dikh in NIkh hob dikh in bod 'I have you in hell'

A curse, meaning, similar to 'Go to hell'.
Language: yid • Structure: I have you in N • LU:

hobn/tun an INF NPzi tu an efn di oygn/zi hot an efn geton di oygn • 'She opened her eyes suddenly.'

To suddenly perform an action over smth.
Language: yid • Structure: have/do an INF to NP • LU: hobn/tun
      cat="VP" lu="hobn/tun" name="have/do"
      cat="InfP" name="VP-Inf"
      cat="NP" name="Patient" role="Patient"
Examples: zi have/do[ tu ] an INF[ efn ] patient[ di oygn ] /zi have/do[ hot ] INF[ an efn ] have/do[ geton ] Patient[ di oygn ] (She opened her eyes (suddenly)).

iber PRON[poss] di koykhes

to be beyond one's abilities
Language: yid • Structure: control loss • LU:
Types: None
Examples: Ignatov hot, ober, geshtelt far zikh an oyfgabe, vos iz geven over[ iber ] pron.poss[ zayne ] creative[ sheferishe ] possibilities[ koykhes ].

in NP arum

NP later (some time later)
Language: yid • Structure: [in [[NP] arum]] • LU: arum
Types: time_modifier | preposition
      cat="PREP" name="in"
      cat="NP" name="Time" role="Time"
      cat="PREP" name="arum"
Examples: in[ in ] time[ dray yor ] arum[ arum ] (three years later)

khotsh IMPER

metaphorically it means "there's nothing you can do, it is useless to do anything"
Language: yid • Structure: [you [might IMPER]] / [even IMPER] • LU: khotsh
Types: verb | imperative
      cat="khotsh" name="khotsh"
      cat="VP" lu="IMPER" name="IMPER"
Examples: nor khotsh[ khotsh ] IMPER[ plats ] do oyfn ort, s'hot keyn lebled, varem vort! (You can burn right here, there can be no warm words.)

klingen/shemen mit NP[+anim?, dat] a velt

Someone is famous.
Language: yid • Structure: ring/embarrass with NP a world • LU: velt
      cat="VP" lu="klingen/shemen" name="ring"
      cat="PREP" name="mit"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      cat="DetP" lu="velt" name="world"
Examples: In 1960n yorn es ring[ klingt ] world[ a velt ] mit[ mit ] Theme[ di Bitls ] (In 1960s the world buzzed with the Beatles)

kumen tsu zikhdi konservative partey iz nit geven bkoyekh tsu kumen tsu zikh nokhn avekgeyn fun margaret tetsher

become conscious or recover
Language: yid • Structure: [come [to [REFL]]] • LU: kumen
Types: inchoative
      cat="V" lu="kumen" name="kumen"
      cat="PREP" name="tsu"
      cat="REFL" name="REFL"
Examples: di konservative partey iz nit geven bkoyekh tsu kumen[ kumen ] tsu[ tsu ] REFL[ zikh ] nokhn avekgeyn fun margaret tetsher

lekn fun/mit NP di finger

derive pleasure from something
Language: yid • Structure: lick from/with NP the finger • LU: finger
Types: metaphor | saturative
      cat="VP" name="lekn"
      cat="PREP" name="fun/mit"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      cat="ART" lu="di" name="article"
      cat="NP" name="finger"
Examples: Der hamoyn lekn[ hot gelekt ] article[ di ] finger[ finger ] fun/mit[ fun ] Theme[ aza humor ] (The crowd had a lot of pleasure from such humor)

mit NP tsurikmit tsvey yor tsurik • 'two years ago'

some time ago
Language: yid • Structure: [mit [[NP] tsurik]] • LU: tsurik
      cat="PREP" name="mit"
      cat="NP" name="Time_period" role="Time"
      cat="PREP" name="tsurik"
Examples: mit[ mit ] time_period[ tsvey yor ] tsurik[ tsurik ] (two years ago)

mit NPmit a meser 'with a knife'

To do smth. with an instrument
Language: yid • Structure: with NP • LU:

mit NPmit der ban 'by train'

to travel by some kind of a transport
Language: yid • Structure: with NP • LU: mit
Types: preposition
      cat="PREP" name="mit"
      cat="NP" name="Transport" role="Instrument"
Examples: mit[ mit ] transport[ der ban ] (by train)

nemn INFShmuel hot shoyn genumen tseykhenen in elter fun dray yor.

begin to do something
Language: yid • Structure: take INF • LU: nemn
Types: inchoative | verb
      cat="VP" lu="nemn" name="nemn"
      cat="INF" lu="INF" name="activity"
Examples: Shmuel hot shoyn nemn[ genumen ] activity[ tseykhenen ] in elter fun dray yor. (Shmuel already began to draw in the age of three.)

nemn zikh fun NPnemen zikh fun khasidim

Verbial phrase meaning the source of something: to derive from NP, to have roots in NP
Language: yid • Structure: [nemen zikh [fun [NP]]] • LU: fun
      cat="V" name="nemen"
      cat="REFL" name="zikh"
      cat="PREP" name="fun"
      cat="NP" name="Source" role="Source"
Examples: Ikh veys nit fun[ fun ] Source[ vanen ] es nemen[ nemt ] zikh[ zikh ] tsu im • di redaktsye, di shrayber, di zetser — di ale nemen[ nemen ] zikh[ zikh ] fun[ fun ] source[ tsvishn gevezene khasidim ]. • di arogants, vos nemen[ nemt ] zikh[ zikh ] fun[ fun ] source[ di derfolgn ] un iz goyrem tsu dem, az ver es vert ongeshtekt fun ir, lozt zikh arayn in handlungen, vos hobn a shlekhtn un bitern sof. • a mentsh iz krank derfar, vos er hot in zikh shlekhte blut, un di shlekhte blut nemen[ nemt ] zikh[ zikh ] fun[ fun ] source[ teyvl ].

nimes vernale in lebn ken a mol nimes vern

become tiring, make a subject get fed up with
Language: yid • Structure: become NIMES (hebraism) • LU: vern
Types: state | verb
      cat="AdjP" lu="nimes" name="boring"
      cat="VP" lu="vern" name="become"
Examples: ale in lebn ken a mol boring[ nimes ] become[ vern ] (All in your life can become boring at some moment)

nisht oyfhern tsu VPnisht oyfhern tsu veynen

Keep on doing VP, not stopping doing VP, VP should be in infinitive form
Language: yid • Structure: [nisht oyfhern tsu [VP]] • LU: tsu
      cat="NEG" name="nisht"
      cat="V" name="oyfhern"
      cat="PREP" name="tsu"
      cat="VP" name="action"
Examples: Er hot nisht[ nisht ] oyfhern[ oyfgehert ] tsu[ tsu ] action[ veynen ] • bay nakht, shoyn ligndik ergets in a sod, hobn zey nisht[ nisht ] oyfhern[ oyfgehert ] tsu[ tsu ] action[ esn ] • derbay hot der radyo nisht[ nisht ] oyfhern[ oyfgehert ] tsu[ tsu ] action[ reven ] vayl di mume hot shlekht gehert • der bokher hot ober nisht[ nisht ] oyfhern[ oyfgehert ] tsu[ tsu ] action[ zogn ] tilem un der neys iz geshen

nokh NP nokhnokh dayn briv nokh

according to NP
Language: yid • Structure: [nokh NP nokh] • LU: nokh
Types: discourse_particle
      cat="nokh" name="nokh"
      cat="NP" name="Source" role="Source"
Examples: nokh[ nokh ] source[ dayn briv ] nokh[ nokh ] (according to your letter)

NP iz oysder yontev iz oys

Constructipn which means that something has ended
Language: yid • Structure: [[NP] [iz oys]] • LU: oys
      cat="NP" name="theme"
      cat="V" name="zayn"
      cat="Adv" name="oys"
Examples: Theme[ der yontev ] zayn[ iz ] oys[ oys ] (The holiday is over)

NP nisht keyn NPMoyshe iz nisht keyn shrayber.

negation of the whole statement [V NP]
Language: yid • Structure: [[NP] [not [no [NP]]]] • LU: keyn|nisht
Types: negation | reduplication
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
      name="nisht" role="Ptcl"
      name="keyn" role="Ptcl"
      cat="NP" name="Characteristics" role="Characteristics"
Examples: Theme[ Moyshe ] name iz nisht[ nisht ] keyn[ keyn ] characteristics[ shrayber ].

NP Na flash teyern konyak 'a bottle of expensive cognac'

Language: yid • Structure: NP N • LU:
Types: container
      cat="NP" name="Container" role="Container"
      cat="NP" name="Entity" role="Entity"
Examples: container[ a flash ] entity[ teyern konyak ].

NP-Dat zayn APmir iz kalt

Construction that denotes a person's feelings or state
Language: yid • Structure: [NP[zayn[AP]]] • LU: zayn
Types: adjective copula construction | Dative | cue:be
      cat="NP" name="Experiencer" role="Experiencer"
      cat="Verb" name="zayn"
      cat="AP" name="Stimulus"
Examples: Experiencer[ mir ] zayn[ iz ] Stimulus[ gut ], ikh bin a yosem • Experiencer[ mir ] zayn[ iz ] shtendik zayn[ geven ] Stimulus[ fil laykhter tsu haltn a referat, tsu leyenen a lektsye ], eyder ontsushraybn di zelbe gedanken oyfn papir. • Experiencer[ im ] zayn[ iz ] Stimulus[ voyl ] (He feels good)Experiencer[ im ] zayn[ iz ] Stimulus[ gring tsu zogn ] • Stimulus[ mir ] zayn[ iz ] Stimulus[ klor ]. (It is clear for me)

NP1 iz NP2 mit dem vos SEr iz a nar mit dem vos er...'He is a fool in that he...'

Language: yid • Structure: NP1 is NP2 with that S • LU:
      cat="NP" name="er" role="Agent"
      lu="zayn" name="iz"
      cat="NP" name="characteristics"
      cat="PREP" name="mit"
      cat="clause" name="clause"
Examples: er[ Er ] iz[ iz ] characteristics[ a nar ] mit[ mit ] clause[ dem vos er ]... (He is a fool in that he...)

onnemen zikh PRON[poss] krivde

Stick up for smth.
Language: yid • Structure: take PRON's injustice • LU: zikh
      cat="VP" lu="onnemen" name="take"
      cat="REFL" lu="zikh" name="reflexive"
      cat="PRON" name="PRON"
      cat="NP" lu="krivde" name="injustice"
Examples: Oyb du take[ nemst ] reflexive[ zikh ] nit take[ on ] PRON[ dayn ] injustice[ krivde ], ver z`e den vet es ton?

oyf LANGUAGE.NAMEoyf yidish

Prepositional phrase that means 'in the given language' or 'into the given language' depending on the context
Language: yid • Structure: [oyf[N]] • LU: oyf
      cat="P" name="oyf"
      cat="N" name="Language"
Examples: di pyese hot er geshribn oyf[ oyf ] Language[ yidish ] (He has written the play in Yiddish) • leyenen un shraybn oyf[ oyf ] Language[ rusish ] (to read and write in Russian) • in 1879 hot leyzer zamenhof oykh ongeshribn oyf[ oyf ] Language[ rusish ] a gramatik fun yidish (In 1879 Leyzer Zamenhof wrote also a grammar of Yiddish in Russian) • zogt er mir, az er hot amol geshribn oyf[ oyf ] Language[ yidish ], ober haynt shraybt er shoyn oyf[ oyf ] Language[ english ] (He tells me that once upon a time he wrote in Yiddish but today he is writing already in English) • dos bukh iz dershinen oyf[ oyf ] Language[ daytsh ] (The book was published in German)

oyf tsu VPboyml oyf tsu preglen 'in order to fry eggs'

In order to do smth.
Language: yid • Structure: on to [VP] • LU:
Types: necessity
Examples: Er hot zikh farflikhtet tsu geyn oyf "veytiklekhe pshores" mit di palestiner un hot fartakhlyevet a gants yor on[ oyf ] to[ tsu ] V[ farshtarkn ] di negatsye.

s'iz do NPs'iz do plats dort far 43 mentshn • 'there is place for 43 people there'

existential construction, literally "there is something"
Language: yid • Structure: [[it [is here]] [NP]] • LU: do
Types: copulative
      cat="PRON" lu="es" name="es" role="Copula"
      cat="VP" lu="zayn" name="is"
      lu="do" name="here" role="Place"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: es[ s ] ' ] is[ iz ] here[ do ] Theme[ plats ] dort far 43 mentshn (There is place for 43 people there.)

ton a N.deverbalton a kuk • 'to look once at smth'

To do smth. once
Language: yid • Structure: [do] a N(derived from V) • LU:
Examples: Rokhl do[ tut ] art[ a ] quiet[ shtiln ] sigh[ zifts ]. (Rokhl quietly sighed) • Ikh hob zikh hastik do[ geton ] art[ a ] sit[ zets ]. (I quickly sat down.)

trogn NP[+anim?, acc] oyf di hent

To treat someone with special honour.
Language: yid • Structure: carry NP on the hands • LU:
Examples: Me [trogt]carry putinen[putin] [oyf]on [di]art [hent]hand un me fargest, az der neys fun zayn derfolg hot a sakh tsu ton mit dem, vos far di yorn fun zayn memshole zaynen di naft-prayzn gevorn zeks mol hekher. • Brusi iz gevaksn a zingfoygl, a farvayler; a prekhtiker zinger un komiker, un di yidishe velt aux[ hot ] 3sg.acc[ im ] carry[ getrogn ] on[ oyf ] art[ di ] hand[ hent ].

um tsu VPum tsu rufn

in order to do something
Language: yid • Structure: [around to [VP]] • LU: um
Types: goal | infinitive
      cat="PREP" name="um"
      cat="Ptcl" name="tsu"
      cat="VP" msd="inf" name="Activity" role="Activity"
Examples: um[ um ] tsu[ tsu ] Activity[ rufn ]

V mit di Nuntitledheybn mit di akslen • 'to shrug one's shoulders (lit. to raise one's shoulders)'

To shrug one's shoulders
Language: yid • Structure: V with the N • LU:

V-3Sg zikh [NP-Dat], az Sfarshteyt zikh, az dos alts iz far mir geven fremd.

adding pragmatics – personal perspective on the situation
Language: yid • Structure: [[V zikh] [az [S]]] • LU: az
      cat="VP" name="Perspective_on_the_situation"
      cat="C" name="az"
      cat="S" name="Situation"
      cat="NP" name="Experiencer"
Examples: Perspective_on_the_situation[ farshteyt zikh ], az[ az ] Situation[ yidish iz tsvishn zey ] (Obviously Yiddish is between them)Perspective_on_the_situation[ farshteyt zikh ], az[ az ] Situation[ dos zenen bloyz hashores ] (Obviously it is just hypotheses)Perspective_on_the_situation[ farshteyt zikh ], az[ az ] Perspective_on_the_situation[ keyn nayes hot undz der barimter mekhaber nisht gebrengt ] (Obviusly the famous author has not brought us any news)Perspective_on_the_situation[ dakht zikh ], az[ az ] Situation[ ketselekh makhn andersh, ven zey viln esn ] (It seems that kittens do it in a different way when they want to eat)Perspective_on_the_situation[ dakht zikh ] Experiencer[ mir ], az[ az ] Situation[ yo ]

veys nit fun NPZi veyst nit fun mayn umglik 'She doesn't care that I'm unhappy'.

Not to care about smth.
Language: yid • Structure: not know from NP • LU: fun
      cat="VP" name="know"
      lu="nit" name="not" role="Negation"
      cat="PREP" name="fun"
      cat="NP" name="Theme" role="Theme"
Examples: Zi know[ veyst ] not[ nit ] fun[ fun ] Theme[ mayn umglik ] (She doesn't care that I'm unhappy).

veys nit NP fun NPzi veyst nit mitsve (מיצווה) fun shlekht • 'lit. She doesn't know good from bad'.

Not to be able to differentiate smth. from smth.
Language: yid • Structure: not know NP from NP • LU: veys
Types: negation | verb argument construction | cue:know
Examples: Zi know[ veyst ] neg[ nit ] good[ mitsve ] (מיצווה) from[ fun ] bad[ shlekht ]

vos [iz] [nisht] tsu V-InfVos iz do tsu fargebn? • 'What is there to forgive?'

What is here to lose, what is here to forget, meaning that there is nothing to lose, nothing to forget.
Language: yid • Structure: what is (not) to V-Inf • LU:
Types: wh-question | infinitive construction


A word-play, which shows general disregard for the referent in question.
Language: yid • Structure: WX, shmX (W: onset of a syllable, X: rest of the word) • LU:
Types: morphemic | word_formation | attitude | repetition
      name="sh" role="morpheme"
Examples: esn- ] sh[ sh ] mesn (eat-sheat) • kets- ] sh[ sh ] mets (cats-shmats)

zayn a Adj[+agree]ikh bin a kranker

describe a quality of a subject
Language: yid • Structure: [[be] [a Adj(+agree)]] • LU:
Types: adjective copula construction
      cat="VP" lu="zayn" name="copula"
      cat="ART" name="a"
      cat="AP" name="quality"
Examples: Zi copula[ iz ] a[ a ] quality[ meshugena ] • Zi copula[ iz ] a[ a ] quality[ nalesha ] • Dos copula[ iz ] a[ a ] quality[ comeshe ]

zayn zikh soymekh oyf NPDi untersheydn zaynen zikh soymekh oyf filosofishe traditsyes fun yidishkeyt.'The differences depend on philosophic traditions of Jewishness.'

To depend, rely on someone, smth.
Language: yid • Structure: be REFL authority|support on NP • LU:
Examples: Di untersheydn zaynen tif, tif, un be[ zaynen ] refl[ zikh ] support[ soymekh ] on[ oyf ] ptcp[ lang־doyerndike ] philosophic[ filosofishe ] traditions[ traditsyes ] of[ fun ] jewishness[ yidishkeyt ]. (The differences are deep, deep, and depend on long-lasting philosophic traditions of Jewishness.) • Mirun be[ iz ] support[ soymekh ] on[ oyf ] art[ di ][ arbetn ] of[ fun ] soviet[ sovetishe forsher ] (Mirun depends on works of a Soviet researcher.)